338 resultados para Rifampicin-quinone


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Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a key reactive oxygen species and a messenger in cellular signal transduction apart from playing a vital role in many biological processes in living organisms. In this article, we present phenyl boronic acid-functionalized quinone-cyanine (QCy-BA) in combination with AT-rich DNA (exogenous or endogenous cellular DNA), i.e., QCy-BA subset of DNA as a stimuli-responsive NIR fluorescence probe for measuring in vitro levels of H2O2. In response to cellular H2O2 stimulus, QCy-BA converts into QCy-DT, a one-donor-two-acceptor (D2A) system that exhibits switch-on NIR fluorescence upon binding to the DNA minor groove. Fluorescence studies on the combination probe QCy-BA subset of DNA showed strong NIR fluorescence selectively in the presence of H2O2. Furthermore, glucose oxidase (GOx) assay confirmed the high efficiency of the combination probe QCy-BA subset of DNA for probing H2O2 generated in situ through GOx-mediated glucose oxidation. Quantitative analysis through fluorescence plate reader, flow cytometry and live imaging approaches showed that QCy-BA is a promising probe to detect the normal as well as elevated levels of H2O2 produced by EGF/Nox pathways and post-genotoxic stress in both primary and senescent cells. Overall, QCy-BA, in combination with exogenous or cellular DNA, is a versatile probe to quantify and image H2O2 in normal and disease-associated cells.


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Progress towards the synthesis of the spermine-conjugated Dynemicin analog 4 is described. The synthetic route starts with the Michael addition of menthyl acetoacetate to trans-ethyl crotonate followed by a Dieckman condensation to form the cyclohexanedione 14 which, through a series of chemical reactions, is transformed into the quinone imine 6. Key features in the route include the Suzuki coupling reaction of the aryl boronic acid 11 and the enol triflate 12, thermal deprotection/internal amidation of the biaryl 19, cis addition of the (Z)-enediyne 33 to the quinoline 25, intramolecular acetylide addition to a carbonyl within the ketone 29, and an addition/elimination of the cyanophthalide to the quinone imine 6 to form the anthraquinone 36 utilizing the Kraus and Sugimoto methodology.


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Metal complexes that utilize the 9,10-phenanthrene quinone diimine (phi) moiety bind to DNA through the major groove. These metallointercalators can recognize DNA sites and perform reactions on DNA as a substrate. The site-specific metallointercalator Λ-1-Rh(MGP)_2phi^(5+) competitively disrupts the major groove binding of a transcription factor, yAP-1, from an oligonucleotide that contains a common binding site. The demonstration that metal complexes can prevent transcription factor binding to DNA site-specifically is an important step in using metallointercalators as therapeutics.

The distinctive photochemistry of metallointercalators can also be applied to promote long range charge transport in DNA. Experiments using duplexes with regions 4 to 10 nucleotides long containing strictly adenine and thymine sequences of varying order showed that radical migration is more dependent on the sequence of bases, and less dependent on the distance between the guanine doublets. This result suggests that mechanistic proposals of long range charge transport must involve all the bases.

RNA/DNA hybrids show charge migration to guanines from a remote site, thus demonstrating that nucleic acid stacking other than B-form can serve as a radical bridge. Double crossover DNA assemblies also provide a medium for charge transport at distances up to 100 Å from the site of radical introduction by a tethered metal complex. This radical migration was found to be robust to mismatches, and limited to individual, electronically distinct base stacks. In single DNA crossover assemblies, which have considerably greater flexibility, charge migration proceeds to both base stacks due to conformational isomers not present in the rigid and tightly annealed double crossovers.

Finally, a rapid, efficient, gel-based technique was developed to investigate thymine dimer repair. Two oligonucleotides, one radioactively labeled, are photoligated via the bases of a thymine-thymine interface; reversal of this ligation is easily visualized by gel electrophoresis. This assay was used to show that the repair of thymine dimers from a distance through DNA charge transport can be accomplished with different photooxidants.

Thus, nucleic acids that support long range charge transport have been shown to include A-track DNA, RNA/DNA hybrids, and single and double crossovers, and a method for thymine dimer repair detection using charge transport was developed. These observations underscore and extend the remarkable finding that DNA can serve a medium for charge transport via the heteroaromatic base stack.


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A series of meso-phenyloctamethylporphyrins covalently bonded at the 4'phenyl position to quinones via rigid bicyclo[2.2.2]octane spacers were synthesized for the study of the dependence of electron transfer reaction rate on solvent, distance, temperature, and energy gap. A general and convergent synthesis was developed based on the condensation of ac-biladienes with masked quinonespacer-benzaldehydes. From picosecond fluorescence spectroscopy emission lifetimes were measured in seven solvents of varying polarity. Rate constants were determined to vary from 5.0x109sec-1 in N,N-dimethylformamide to 1.15x1010 Sec-1 in benzene, and were observed to rise at most by about a factor of three with decreasing solvent polarity. Experiments at low temperature in 2-MTHF glass (77K) revealed fast, nearly temperature-independent electron transfer characterized by non-exponential fluorescence decays, in contrast to monophasic behavior in fluid solution at 298K. This example evidently represents the first photosynthetic model system not based on proteins to display nearly temperature-independent electron transfer at high temperatures (nuclear tunneling). Low temperatures appear to freeze out the rotational motion of the chromophores, and the observed nonexponential fluorescence decays may be explained as a result of electron transfer from an ensemble of rotational conformations. The nonexponentiality demonstrates the sensitivity of the electron transfer rate to the precise magnitude of the electronic matrix element, which supports the expectation that electron transfer is nonadiabatic in this system. The addition of a second bicyclooctane moiety (15 Å vs. 18 Å edge-to-edge between porphyrin and quinone) reduces the transfer rate by at least a factor of 500-1500. Porphyrinquinones with variously substituted quinones allowed an examination of the dependence of the electron transfer rate constant κET on reaction driving force. The classical trend of increasing rate versus increasing exothermicity occurs from 0.7 eV≤ |ΔG0'(R)| ≤ 1.0 eV until a maximum is reached (κET = 3 x 108 sec-1 rising to 1.15 x 1010 sec-1 in acetonitrile). The rate remains insensitive to ΔG0 for ~ 300 mV from 1.0 eV≤ |ΔG0’(R)| ≤ 1.3 eV, and then slightly decreases in the most exothermic case studied (cyanoquinone, κET = 5 x 109 sec-1).


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This dissertation focuses on the incorporation of non-innocent or multifunctional moieties into different ligand scaffolds to support one or multiple metal centers in close proximity. Chapter 2 focuses on the initial efforts to synthesize hetero- or homometallic tri- or dinuclear metal carbonyl complexes supported by para-terphenyl diphosphine ligands. A series of [M2M’(CO)4]-type clusters (M = Ni, Pd; M’ = Fe, Co) could be accessed and used to relate the metal composition to the properties of the complexes. During these studies it was also found that non-innocent behavior was observed in dinuclear Fe complexes that result from changes in oxidation state of the cluster. These studies led to efforts to rationally incorporate central arene moieties capable managing both protons and electrons during small molecule activation.

Chapter 3 discusses the synthesis of metal complexes supported by a novel para-terphenyl diphosphine ligand containing a non-innocent 1,4-hydroquinone moiety as the central arene. A Pd0-hydroquinone complex was found to mediate the activation of a variety of small molecules to form the corresponding Pd0-quinone complexes in a formal two proton ⁄ two electron transformation. Mechanistic investigations of dioxygen activation revealed a metal-first activation process followed by subsequent proton and electron transfer from the ligand. These studies revealed the capacity of the central arene substituent to serve as a reservoir for a formal equivalent of dihydrogen, although the stability of the M-quinone compounds prevented access to the PdII-quinone oxidation state, thus hindering of small molecule transformations requiring more than two electrons per equivalent of metal complex.

Chapter 4 discusses the synthesis of metal complexes supported by a ligand containing a 3,5-substituted pyridine moiety as the linker separating the phenylene phosphine donors. Nickel and palladium complexes supported by this ligand were found to tolerate a wide variety of pyridine nitrogen-coordinated electrophiles which were found to alter central pyridine electronics, and therefore metal-pyridine π-system interactions, substantially. Furthermore, nickel complexes supported by this ligand were found to activate H-B and H-Si bonds and formally hydroborate and hydrosilylate the central pyridine ring. These systems highlight the potential use of pyridine π-system-coordinated metal complexes to reversibly store reducing equivalents within the ligand framework in a manner akin to the previously discussed 1,4-hydroquinone diphosphine ligand scaffold.

Chapter 5 departs from the phosphine-based chemistry and instead focuses on the incorporation of hydrogen bonding networks into the secondary coordination sphere of [Fe44-O)]-type clusters supported by various pyrazolate ligands. The aim of this project is to stabilize reactive oxygenic species, such as oxos, to study their spectroscopy and reactivity in the context of complicated multimetallic clusters. Herein is reported this synthesis and electrochemical and Mössbauer characterization of a series of chloride clusters have been synthesized using parent pyrazolate and a 3-aminophenyl substituted pyrazolate ligand. Efforts to rationally access hydroxo and oxo clusters from these chloride precursors represents ongoing work that will continue in the group.

Appendix A discusses attempts to access [Fe3Ni]-type clusters as models of the enzymatic active site of [NiFe] carbon monoxide dehydrogenase. Efforts to construct tetranuclear clusters with an interstitial sulfide proved unsuccessful, although a (μ3-S) ligand could be installed through non-oxidative routes into triiron clusters. While [Fe3Ni(μ4-O)]-type clusters could be assembled, accessing an open heterobimetallic edge site proved challenging, thus prohibiting efforts to study chemical transformations, such as hydroxide attack onto carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide coordination, relevant to the native enzyme. Appendix B discusses the attempts to synthesize models of the full H-cluster of [FeFe]-hydrogenase using a bioinorganic approach. A synthetic peptide containing three cysteine donors was successfully synthesized and found to chelate a preformed synthetic [Fe4S4] cluster. However, efforts to incorporate the diiron subsite model complex proved challenging as the planned thioester exchange reaction was found to non-selectively acetylate the peptide backbone, thus preventing the construction of the full six-iron cluster.


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Didaticamente, podemos dividir o espectro da radiação ultravioleta (UV) em três faixas: UVA (400 a 320 nm), UVB (320 a 290 nm) e UVC (290 a 100 nm). Apesar do UVC ou UV-curto ser eficientemente filtrado pela camada de ozônio da Terra e sua atmosfera, este é uma das faixas do espectro de UV mais usadas para explorar as consequências de danos causados ao DNA, já que a letalidade induzida por este agente está relacionada aos danos diretos no genoma celular, como as lesões dímero de pirimidina, que são letais se não reparadas. Contudo, demonstrou-se que a radiação UVC pode gerar espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO), como o oxigênio singleto (1O2). Embora, o radical hidroxil (OH) cause modificações oxidativas nas bases de DNA, alguns trabalhos indicam que o 1O2 também está envolvido nos danos oxidativos no DNA. Esta ERO é produzida por vários sistemas biológicos e reações fotossensibilização, quando cromóforos são expostos à luz visível ou são excitados pela luz UV, permitindo que essa energia possa ser transferida para o oxigênio sendo convertido em 1O2, que é conhecido por modificar resíduos de guanina, gerando 8-oxoG, que caso não seja reparada pode gerar uma transversão GC-TA. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de elucidar a participação de ERO nos efeitos genotóxicos e mutagênicos gerados pela radiação UVC, assim como as enzimas envolvidas no processo de reparação destas lesões em células de Escherichia coli. Nos ensaios as culturas foram irradiadas com o UVC (254 nm; 15W General Electric G15T8 germicidal lamp, USA). Nossos resultados mostram que o uso de quelantes de ferro não alterou a letalidade induzida pelo UVC. A azida sódica, um captador de 1O2, protegeu as cepas contra os danos genotóxicos gerados pelo UVC e também diminuiu a frequência de mutações induzidas no teste com rifampicina. A reversão específica GC-TA foi induzida mais de 2,5 vezes no ensaio de mutagênese. A cepa deficiente na proteína de reparo Fpg, enzima que corrige a lesão 8-oxoG, apresentou menos quebras no DNA do que a cepa selvagem no ensaio de eletroforese alcalina. A letalidade induzida pelo UVC foi aumentada nos mutantes transformados com o plasmídeo pFPG, ao mesmo tempo que representou uma redução na indução mutagênica. Houve dimuição na eficiência de transformação com plasmídeo pUC 9.1 na cepa fpg quando comparado a cepa selvagem. Assim como, um aumento da sensibilidade ao UVC na associação entre mutantes fpg e uvrA. Estes resultados mostram que o 1O2 participa dos danos induzidos pelo UVC, através da geração da lesão 8-oxoG, uma lesão mutagênica, que é reparada pela proteína Fpg


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A tuberculose (Tb) é a principal causa de morte no mundo, por um agente infeccioso. O tratamento padrão é a quimioterapia: rifampicina (RMP), isoniazida (INH) e pirazinamida (PZA). O maior problema global da Tb é o aumento de cepas multirresistentes (resistência pelo menos à INH e à RMP) do Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTb). A resistência à INH e RMP ocorre geralmente por mutação genética nos genes KatG e rpoB, respectivamente. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: 1. Analisar os tipos e freqüências de mutações em duas regiões iniciais do gene katG do MTb. 2. Determinar os tipos e freqüências das mutações no gene rpoB. Duas regiões do gene katG e uma do gene rpoB foram amplificadas por PCR e seqüenciadas para o diagnóstico das mutações. Para a análise do gene katG foram utilizadas 101 cepas. Dentre estas, 4 eram sensíveis e não apresentaram mutação (controle). Das 97 cepas restantes, na primeira região seqüenciada do KatG, não ocorreram mutações em 67. Nas outras 30 cepas houve 33 deleções de nucleotídeos, sendo que 24 ocorreram no último nucleotídeo do códon 4 (24,7%), o que caracterizou um novo alelo. Na região 2, dentre as 97 cepas não houve mutação em 16 - sete estavam associadas a ausência de mutação na região 1. Ocorreram 83 mutações pontuais, sendo 75,3% no códon 315. Sete cepas resistentes a INH não apresentaram mutações em nenhuma das duas regiões analisadas. As mutações na região 2 permitiram o diagnóstico de resistência à INH em 79 cepas ou 81,4%. Nove cepas que não mostraram mutações na região 2 tiveram mutações na região 1. Logo, esta região permitiu o acréscimo do diagnóstico de resistência à INH para 88 cepas, aumentando a positividade em 9,3%. Em sete casos resistentes não houve mutação em ambas as regiões. Na análise do gene rpoB usamos 120 cepas de MTb. Nenhuma mutação foi encontrada em 13 isolados resistentes à RMP. O códon que apresentou maior freqüência de mutação foi o 531 (45.6%), seguido pelo 526 (26%) e 516 (12.5%). Em outros onze códons, foi encontrado um total de 18 mutações (15.2%), principalmente nos códons 511 (3.4%) e 513 (3.4%). Nenhum dos isolados sensíveis à RMP apresentou mutações. No Estado do Rio de Janeiro, as mutações mais freqüentes foram: 516 (5%), 526 (2.5 %) e 531 (21.2%). Dentre os outros estados, as mutações mais freqüentes foram: 516 (2.5 %), 526 (11%) e 531 (19.4%). A freqüência de mutações dos isolados do Rio de Janeiro foi comparada com a encontrada nos outros estados, mas quando o removemos da análise, a freqüência de mutações nos códons 531 e 526 para os outros 15 estados é semelhante. A análise estatística mostra que este dado é significativo (p=0.002). No entanto, quando todos os estados são analisados simultaneamente, o códon 531 é novamente o mais freqüentemente mutado. A análise do gene rpoB diagnosticou a resistência à rifampicina em 89,17% das cepas. Nossos resultados confirmam que, no Brasil, mutações na região RRDR do gene rpoB podem predizer resistência a RMP.


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本文由两部分组成,一部分是关于一组新型除草剂(K-15,K-23)的抑制特性及作用位点的研究;另一部分是关于碳酸氢盐对细胞色素b-559高电势的保护作用的研究。 在第一部分,我们首先研究了抑制剂K-23对Psn放氧活性、DCIP光还原和可变荧光等光合特性的影响。研究发现,K-23在低浓度时刺激放氧活性,而在相对高浓度时抑制放氧活性。但是,K-23在低浓度时却有效地抑制了可变荧光。这些数据表明了新型抑制剂的抑制反应是基于氧化还原作用而不是猝灭作用。此外,通过采用胰蛋白酶消化类囊体膜的方式初步检测了新型抑制剂的作用部位,其结果表明:虽然新型抑制剂抑制受体侧电子传递,但它的抑制部位与DCMU不同。 其次,研究了新型抑制剂对光系统II色素蛋白复合体与多肽组分的影响及抑制剂的键合蛋白。应用SDS-PAGE技术,发现新型抑制剂主要作用于光系统II的反应中心蛋白。用温和的Deriphat-PAGE分析也证实了新型抑制剂作用于核心复合物,导致核心复合物二聚体消失。 进一步用SDS-PAGE分析新型抑制剂对Psn多肽组分的影响,发现新型抑制剂主要影响D.、D2、CP43和CP47。用荧光发射的方法确定了K-15键合在D2蛋白上。 最后,结合荧光动力学和HPLC方法,分别从定性和定量的角度,以核心复合物以及抑制剂存在下从BBY中分离的核心复合物为研究对象,详细研究了抑制剂对QA的取代作用。研究发现,在无去垢剂或低浓度去垢剂存在情况下,由于不能创造出适合于QA存在的疏水环境,我们没有得到QA被K-15取代的实验证据。而在抑制剂K-15存在下,用2.2% HTG从BBY分离的核心复合物的实验中,检测不到正的可变荧光Fv,而是得到了降低的FM,这个结果表明QA已被抑制剂在它的作用位点处所取代。 在第二部分,研究了pH5.0—7.0范围内碳酸氢盐对Cyt b-559氧化还原状态转变的影响。首先研究了pH5.0~7.0条件下碳酸氢盐对PSII Cyt b-559还原减氧化差异吸收光谱的影响,发现铁氰化钾还原的PSII Cyt b-559 HP的含量随介质pH值的降低而减少。然而,碳酸氢盐的加入阻止了由于介质pH降低而引起的Cyt b-559由高电势向低电势的转化。比如,当样品温育在pH5.0的介质中,铁氰化钾还原的Cyt b-559 HP含量占总量的25%-30%,当介质中加入2mmol/L碳酸氢盐后Cyt b-559 HP的含量上升,占总量的50%-56%。碳酸氢盐效应对氢醌还原的Cyt b-559HP含量的影响尤为显著。pH6.5时碳酸氢盐对Cyt b-559的还原氧化状态的影响不显著。其次,分别研究了PSII经Tris处理去除锰簇和三个外周蛋白及NH20H处理去除锰簇和17 kDa和23 kDa后,碳酸氢盐对Cytb一559 HP影响的pH依赖值,发现不论在pH5.0还是pH6.5的介质中碳酸氢盐效应都不存在。 综合以上实验结果,我们认为碳酸氢盐对酸化引起的Cyt b-559氧化还原状态的影响与它和锰的作用有关,但也不能排除钙离子与碳酸氢盐之间的协同作用。


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A novel strain, D3(T), isolated from a field-soil sample obtained from Anhui Province, PR China, was characterized taxonomically by using a polyphasic approach. The cells were Gram-negative, yellow-pigmented rods devoid of flagella, but showing gliding motility. The organism was able to grow at 5-37 degrees C and at pH 4.0-10.0. A comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis indicated that strain D3(T) is a member of the genus Flavobacterium, sharing highest sequence similarity with the type strain of Flavobacterium defluvii (96.7 %). The major isoprenoid quinone was MK-6 and the predominant fatty acids were iso-C-15:0, summed feature 3 (C-16:1 omega 7c and/or iso-C-15:0 2-OH) and C-16:0. The DNA G + C content was 31.4 mol%. On the basis of phylogenetic and phenotypic data, strain D3(T) represents a novel species within the genus Flavobacterium, for which the name Flavobacterium anhuiense sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is D3(T) (=KCTC 22128(T)= CGIVICC 1.6859(T)).


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本文以苯并(a)芘为目标污染物,探讨了母体化合物BaP及其次生代谢产物的连续降解的方法、降解过程和微生物的酶蛋白应答,并运用种子(小麦、白菜和萝卜)根伸长生长实验,考查了BaP的不同降解时期次生代谢产物造成的复合污染整体效应,旨在探讨BaP及其次生代谢产物的降解影响因素,减少其环境累积,为BaP污染环境的全面修复提供实验依据和理论基础。 在实验条件下,运用HPLC鉴定出真菌FZSY-1降解BaP的同时生成了三个次生代谢产物BP1,6-quinone, BP7,8-diol 和 3-OHBP;同时鉴定出真菌FZSY-2降解BaP的同时生成了两个代谢产物BP1,6-quinone 和 3-OHBP。 驯化微生物与氧化剂(KMnO4)的耦合降解系统对BaP及其代谢产物的连续降解效果好于单纯微生物降解。三个次生代谢产物中,BP1,6-quinone在环境中最易累积。同时提出了微生物与氧化剂协同的作用可以有效促进环境中持久有机污染物(尤其是高浓度,小面积污染)的连续降解。对于FZSY-1与氧化剂(KMnO4)耦合降解BaP,在TW80存在下,与对照(未加TW80)相比,在降解的前期(3天取样),BaP及其代谢产物的降解相对滞后;而在降解的后期(12天取样),BaP及其代谢产物的降解高于对照。 在不同BaP浓度下,检测了四种酶,C120、C230、CAT和PPO。三株细菌的CAT酶活与BaP的浓度无关;三株细菌的C230酶活都比较高;三株细菌的PPO酶活均较低。加入共代谢底物(琥珀酸钠)后,与对照(未加入共代谢底物)相比,C120、C230酶活明显提高。 以BaP以及FZSY-1(BZSY-2)降解BaP不同时期的复合降解产物(BaP,M6,M12,CK)为目标污染物,它们对小麦种子根伸长的抑制作用顺序为:M6﹥BaP﹥M12﹥CK。BaP,M6,M12,CK对白菜和萝卜种子根伸长的抑制作用顺序和小麦相同;同一目标污染物(M6)对这几种供试种子(小麦、白菜和萝卜)根伸长的抑制作用顺序为小麦﹥白菜﹥萝卜;三种植物种子根伸长抑制作用均表现为:真菌的M6﹥细菌的M6,真菌的M12﹥细菌的M12。


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随着化工行业的发展,大量有毒有害难降解有机物随工业废水的排放进入环境,这些物质能够在环境中长期存在、积累和扩散,通过食物链对动植物的生存及人类的健康造成不良影响。本文以苯酚、对氯硝基苯、氯苯和十六烷为模拟污染物,以前期研制的功能菌剂为对象,经过紫外线线诱变筛选出优于出发菌株的功能菌,对诱变后功能菌的理化性能进行了研究,对菌种进行了鉴定,在此基础上,就其相互之间的微生态关系进行研究,为混合发酵提供理论基础,并就其最佳发酵条件及发酵参数进行了研究,最后对发酵产品的性能进行了检测。目前,国内外有关功能菌剂的研究还存在多方面的不足,主要包括:①由于多菌种混合发酵过程较为复杂,各菌之间存在复杂的相互作用,影响因素较多,关于菌种之间的相互关系研究得很少,环境功能菌剂的发酵方法大多采用单独发酵后混合的方式。单独发酵对原材料、设备和能源的利用率较低,对于多菌种制剂发酵,在设备、能源和原材料的方面造成的浪费更大,将会大幅增加菌剂的生产成本,影响多菌种功能菌剂的发展;②功能菌剂生产过程的质量控制方面研究得较少;③功能菌剂产品的稳定性、抗冲击性能研究得较少,对环境微生物制剂的研究主要集中在菌种选育和培养条件优化方面。 通过本论文研究,得到以下主要结论。 (1)在紫外线诱变处理中,用紫外线对发生一定程度退化的出发菌株进行诱变处理后,六株具有高效降解性能的菌株被筛选出来,诱变筛选出的菌株形态和ERIC-PCR指纹图谱与出发菌株相比发生了明显改变;而且诱变后的菌株对目标难降解底物的降解能力均得到改善,其中,FPN、FCB、F14、FEm对目标底物的降解率提高了20%以上;诱变后菌株经过7次连续传代接种后,对目标难降解底物的降解率无显著变化,具有一定的遗传稳定性。并对诱变后的功能菌进行了初步的鉴定,这6株菌都分别是芽孢杆菌。 (2)对诱变后的功能菌相互之间的微生态关系进行了研究,通过抑菌实验、生长量以及基质消耗量的比较,确定它们之间的生长关系是无害共栖关系,可以进行混合发酵。 (3)对该功能菌剂进行发酵培养条件研究,结果表明发酵培养基的最佳成分(g/L):葡萄糖 31.0g/L、玉米粉10.0g/L、磷酸氢二钾1.0g/L、硫酸铵1.1g/L、硫酸镁0.55g/L。通过研究不同的培养条件对菌体生长和降解性能的影响,确定了最佳培养条件:培养基初始pH7.5;最适温度32℃;培养基装液量125mL(250 mL三角瓶),以及培养时间对降解性能的影响,培养20 h的产物对降解最为有利。通过研究添加不同目标污染物对菌体生长和降解性能的影响,确定了添加目标污染物的最佳量以及最佳时间:苯酚投加量:1.125 g/L,对氯硝基苯投加量:0.1 g/L;最佳投加时间为发酵培养开始后4 h。 (4)以摇瓶分批发酵最优条件为基础,对FPN、F10、FCB、FNa、F14 和 FEm进行了摇瓶分批发酵试验。以摇瓶分批发酵试验数据为依据,对功能菌剂分批发酵动力学进行了研究,建立了菌体生长和基质消耗的动力学模型,拟合模型能较好的反映功能菌剂分批发酵过程。 (5)功能菌剂和活性污泥协同作用,可以提高系统的生物降解能力,功能菌剂投加量为2%,新鲜活性污泥3500 mg/L,降解24 h条件下,功能菌剂和活性污泥的协同作用对COD的去除率和对照组相比,最多的提高了36.8%。功能菌剂和活性污泥协同作用以及活性污泥的单独作用,其生物降解过程均符合一级反应动力学过程,功能菌剂和活性污泥协同作用的生物降解动力学方程为:,相关系数97%。采用SBR运行方式,引入功能菌剂的SBR系统明显能够改善和提高生物降解的效率。与仅有活性污泥的系统相比,系统对COD的平均去除率可以提高27.1%,同时,系统的耐负荷冲击以及耐毒害冲击的性能比仅有活性污泥的SBR系统强,特别是负荷冲击对引入功能菌剂的SBR系统影响很小。仅有活性污泥的SBR系统经过负荷冲击和毒害冲击之后,不能恢复到冲击之前的水平,而且系统有效作用时间的周期比引入功能菌剂的SBR系统相比大大缩短,而引入功能菌剂的SBR系统处理效果较为稳定,恢复能力很强。 Along with the development of industries, many recalcitrant organic chemicals have been discharged into natural environments together with wastewaters and can exist in waters, soil and sediments for a long time without degradation. These haz-ardous substances, their byporducts and metabolizabilities can be highly toxic, mu-tagenic and carcinogenic, thereby threatening animals, plants and human health through food chain. Consequently the removal of these compounds is of significant interest in the area of wastewater treatment. In this dissertation, the phenol, hydro-quinone, chlorobenzene and hexadecane treated as the model pollutants, the func-tional microorganism agent was used as the starting strains, they treated with ultra-violet light, and then the mutant strains with high degradation ability were screened out and identified primarily, the relationship between these stains were studied, the medium composition and fermentation conditions were optimized, the degradation ability of the fermented production was tested. The literature survey indicates that the study of the microorganism agent is far from complete and more information is re-quired on following problems. 1, Because of the complexity of relationship in mixed fermentation and the complicated factors, the study is hardly to process.2, There is a lack of information on the quality control of the producing process .3, And there is a lack of information on the stability about the microorganism agent. In this dissertation, the main results of the present study could be summarized as follows: (1)The degenerate starting strains were treated with the ultraviolet light, and six mutant strains with high biodegradation ability were screened out by using the me-dium with selective pressure of model pollutants. The mutant strains had great changes in colonialmorphology and ERIC-PCR fingerprinting. And the mutant strains got obvious advantages over the starting strains in degradation ability and over 20% improvement of removal rates was achieved for FPN、FCB、F14 and FEm. The de-gradation ability of the mutant strains was stable after seven generations. After that, the mutant strains were primarily identified as bacillus respectively. (2) The relationship between these mutant strains was studied. By the compari-son of antibiosis effect, biomass and consumption of substrate, the relationships were neutralism and they could be mixed fermented. (3) The optimized cultivation conditions were as follows: glucose 31.0 g/L, corn power 10 g/L, K2HPO4 1.0 g/L, (NH4)2SO4 1.1 g/L, MgSO4 0.55 g/L, initial pH7.5, temperature 32℃, working volume 125 mL/250 mL, and cultivation time 20h (con-sidering the time effect on degradation ability), adding pollutants phenol (1.125 g/L) and hydroquinone (0.1 g/L) into the broth at 4 h after cultivation. (4) Based on the above optimum condition, the batch fermentation was per-formed with strains FPN, F10, FCB, FNa, F14 and FEm in shake flask. The batch fermentation kinetics was studied based on the experimental data. Two kinetic models were constructed which could reflect the regularity of growth and substrate consump-tion in the process of batch fermentation. (5) The co-operation of functional microorganism agent and activated sludge could raise biodegradation of system by adding some microorganism agent and 3500 mg/L fresh activated sludge. Bioaugumentation by the addition of high effective deg-radation culture enhanced the treatment effect of SBR system and the COD removal rate was increased by 20%-36.8%. Its biodegradation matched first-order dynamical reaction equation, and the reaction equation was ln0.2327.391ct=−+. The micro-organism agent had the effect of optimization to activated sludge micro-ecosystem. The SBR system adding 2% microorganism agent, the average COD removal rate of that was increased by 27.1% and stronger anti-shock ability to load and toxicant were achieved (compared with SBR system just adding activated sludge). Especially the load-shock has barely effect to the SBR system adding microorganism agent. After the load and toxicant shock, the SBR system just adding activated sludge couldn’t come back to original level and the activated sludge micro-ecosystem was frustrated. The applying of microorganism agent increased biological activity and system’s re-sistance ability to load shock and toxicant shock.


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In this paper, we attempt to construct a simple and sensitive detection method for both phenolic compounds and hydrogen peroxide, with the successful combination of the unique property of quantum dots and the specificity of enzymatic reactions. In the presence Of H2O2 and horseradish peroxidase, phenolic compounds can quench quantum dots' photoluminescence efficiently, and the extent of quenching is severalfold to more than 100-fold increase. Quinone intermediates produced from the enzymatic catalyzed oxidation of phenolic compounds were believed to play the main role in the photoluminescence quenching.


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An original amperometric biosensor based on the simultaneous entrapment of acid phosphatase (AcP) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) into anionic clays (layered double hydroxides) was developed for the specific detection of As(V). The functioning principle of the bienzyme electrode consisted of the successive hydrolysis of phenyl phosphate into phenol by AcP, followed by the oxidation of phenol into o-quinone by PPO. The phenyl phosphate concentration was, thus, monitored by potentiostating the biosensor at -0.2 V vs Ag/AgCl to detect amperometrically the generated quinone. The detection of As(V) was based on its inhibitory effect on AcP activity toward the hydrolysis of phenyl phosphate into phenol. The As(V) can be specifically determined in pH 6.0 acetate buffer without any interferences of As(III) or phosphate, the detection limit being 2 nM or 0.15 ppb after an incubation step for 20 min.


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The difference in the electrochemical behavior of hydroquinone and pyrocatechol. at platinum and gold surfaces was analyzed using voltammetry and attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The results show that the hydroquinone derivatives are adsorbed on a gold surface with vertical orientation, which makes the electron transfer between the bulk species and the electrode surface easier than that in the case of flat adsorption of hydroquinone derivatives that occurs at a platinum electrode. The formation of the vertical conformation and the rapid process of electron transfer were also confirmed by quantum chemistry calculations. In addition, the pre-adsorbed iodine on the electrodes played a key role on the adsorbed configuration and. electron transfer of redox species.


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A novel amperometric biosensor for quantification of the electrochemically inert polar organic solvents based on tyrosinase electrode was preliminarily reported. The biosensor was fabricated by simply syringing an aqueous solution of tyrosinase/PVAVP (PVAVP: copolymer of poly(vinyl alcohol) grafting with 4-vinylpyridine) onto glassy carbon electrode surface followed by drying the modified electrode at +4 degrees C in a refrigerator. The current generated from electrochemical reduction of quinone is a probe signal. The biosensor can be used for quantification of polar organic solvents, and its mechanism was characterized with in situ steady-state amperometry-quartz crystal microbalance experiments. The detection limit, sensitivity, and dynamic range for certain organic solvents are dependent on the kind and concentration of the substrate probe and the hydrophobicity of the immobilization matrix. The response time for all the tested organic solvents is less than 2 min.