254 resultados para Restitution


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Adhesive interaction between impacting bodies can cause energy loss, even in an otherwise elastic impact. Adhesion force induces tensile stress in the bodies, which modifies the stress wave profile and influences the restitution behavior. We investigate this effect by developing a finite element framework, which incorporates a Lennard-Jones-type potential for modeling the adhesive interaction between volume elements. With this framework, the classical problems in contact mechanics can be revisited without the restrictive surface-force approximation. In this paper, we study the longitudinal impact of an elastic cylinder on a rigid half-space with adhesion. In the absence of adhesion, this problem reduces to the impact between two identical cylinders in which there is no energy loss. Adhesion causes a fraction of energy in the stress waves to remain in the cylinder as residual stress waves. This apparent loss in kinetic energy is shown to be a unique function of maximum tensile strain energy. We have developed a 1-D model in terms of interaction force parameters, velocity and material properties to estimate the tensile stain energy. We show that this model can be used to predict practically important phenomena like capture wherein the impacting bodies stick together. (C) 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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We study the dynamical behaviors of two types of spiral-and scroll-wave turbulence states, respectively, in two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) mathematical models, of human, ventricular, myocyte cells that are attached to randomly distributed interstitial fibroblasts; these turbulence states are promoted by (a) the steep slope of the action-potential-duration-restitution (APDR) plot or (b) early afterdepolarizations (EADs). Our single-cell study shows that (1) the myocyte-fibroblast (MF) coupling G(j) and (2) the number N-f of fibroblasts in an MF unit lower the steepness of the APDR slope and eliminate the EAD behaviors of myocytes; we explore the pacing dependence of such EAD suppression. In our 2D simulations, we observe that a spiral-turbulence (ST) state evolves into a state with a single, rotating spiral (RS) if either (a) G(j) is large or (b) the maximum possible number of fibroblasts per myocyte N-f(max) is large. We also observe that the minimum value of G(j), for the transition from the ST to the RS state, decreases as N-f(max) increases. We find that, for the steep-APDR-induced ST state, once the MF coupling suppresses ST, the rotation period of a spiral in the RS state increases as (1) G(j) increases, with fixed N-f(max), and (2) N-f(max) increases, with fixed G(j). We obtain the boundary between ST and RS stability regions in the N-f(max)-G(j) plane. In particular, for low values of N-f(max), the value of G(j), at the ST-RS boundary, depends on the realization of the randomly distributed fibroblasts; this dependence decreases as N-f(max) increases. Our 3D studies show a similar transition from scroll-wave turbulence to a single, rotating, scroll-wave state because of the MF coupling. We examine the experimental implications of our study and propose that the suppression (a) of the steep slope of the APDR or (b) EADs can eliminate spiral-and scroll-wave turbulence in heterogeneous cardiac tissue, which has randomly distributed fibroblasts.


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Resumen: En el presente artículo el autor se ocupa de reseñar las circunstancias que rodearon el robo de la corona de la Virgen de Luján, bendecida por el papa León XIII en 1887. Diez años después de la solemne fiesta de la coronación pontificia esta primorosa joya, confeccionada por el acreditado orfebre parisino Poussielgue-Rusand, fue sustraída del camarín donde se veneraba la Sagrada Imagen. La recuperación y restitución motivó la organización de una multitudinaria peregrinación al Santuario de Luján que puso de manifiesto la profunda devoción del pueblo argentino a su Patrona.


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Integran este número de la revista ponencias presentadas en Studia Hispanica Medievalia VIII: Actas de las IX Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval, 2008, y de Homenaje al Quinto Centenario de Amadis de Gaula


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[ES] Junto con formas simples de restitución y compensación, se han detectado variantes de las primeras prácticas de justicia restaurativa en las antiguas civilizaciones de Israel, Sumeria, Babilonia y Roma y entre los pueblos aborígenes de Norteamérica y Oceanía. Por su parte, en el siglo XX, principalmente en respuesta a la ola criminal de los años 60 y 70, y buscando alternativas a los métodos tradicionales de tratamiento de los delitos de esa época, comenzaron a emerger programas experimentales que usaban los principios de justicia restaurativa a comienzos de los 70 en Canadá, Estados Unidos, Inglaterra, Australia y Nueva Zelanda.


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In this thesis, dry chemical modification methods involving UV/ozone, oxygen plasma, and vacuum annealing treatments are explored to precisely control the wettability of CNT arrays. By varying the exposure time of these treatments the surface concentration of oxygenated groups adsorbed on the CNT arrays can be controlled. CNT arrays with very low amount of oxygenated groups exhibit a superhydrophobic behavior. In addition to their extremely high static contact angle, they cannot be dispersed in DI water and their impedance in aqueous electrolytes is extremely high. These arrays have an extreme water repellency capability such that a water droplet will bounce off of their surface upon impact and a thin film of air is formed on their surface as they are immersed in a deep pool of water. In contrast, CNT arrays with very high surface concentration of oxygenated functional groups exhibit an extreme hydrophilic behavior. In addition to their extremely low static contact angle, they can be dispersed easily in DI water and their impedance in aqueous electrolytes is tremendously low. Since the bulk structure of the CNT arrays are preserved during the UV/ozone, oxygen plasma, and vacuum annealing treatments, all CNT arrays can be repeatedly switched between superhydrophilic and superhydrophobic, as long as their O/C ratio is kept below 18%.

The effect of oxidation using UV/ozone and oxygen plasma treatments is highly reversible as long as the O/C ratio of the CNT arrays is kept below 18%. At O/C ratios higher than 18%, the effect of oxidation is no longer reversible. This irreversible oxidation is caused by irreversible changes to the CNT atomic structure during the oxidation process. During the oxidation process, CNT arrays undergo three different processes. For CNT arrays with O/C ratios lower than 40%, the oxidation process results in the functionalization of CNT outer walls by oxygenated groups. Although this functionalization process introduces defects, vacancies and micropores opening, the graphitic structure of the CNT is still largely intact. For CNT arrays with O/C ratios between 40% and 45%, the oxidation process results in the etching of CNT outer walls. This etching process introduces large scale defects and holes that can be obviously seen under TEM at high magnification. Most of these holes are found to be several layers deep and, in some cases, a large portion of the CNT side walls are cut open. For CNT arrays with O/C ratios higher than 45%, the oxidation process results in the exfoliation of the CNT walls and amorphization of the remaining CNT structure. This amorphization process can be implied from the disappearance of C-C sp2 peak in the XPS spectra associated with the pi-bond network.

The impact behavior of water droplet impinging on superhydrophobic CNT arrays in a low viscosity regime is investigated for the first time. Here, the experimental data are presented in the form of several important impact behavior characteristics including critical Weber number, volume ratio, restitution coefficient, and maximum spreading diameter. As observed experimentally, three different impact regimes are identified while another impact regime is proposed. These regimes are partitioned by three critical Weber numbers, two of which are experimentally observed. The volume ratio between the primary and the secondary droplets is found to decrease with the increase of Weber number in all impact regimes other than the first one. In the first impact regime, this is found to be independent of Weber number since the droplet remains intact during and subsequent to the impingement. Experimental data show that the coefficient of restitution decreases with the increase of Weber number in all impact regimes. The rate of decrease of the coefficient of restitution in the high Weber number regime is found to be higher than that in the low and moderate Weber number. Experimental data also show that the maximum spreading factor increases with the increase of Weber number in all impact regimes. The rate of increase of the maximum spreading factor in the high Weber number regime is found to be higher than that in the low and moderate Weber number. Phenomenological approximations and interpretations of the experimental data, as well as brief comparisons to the previously proposed scaling laws, are shown here.

Dry oxidation methods are used for the first time to characterize the influence of oxidation on the capacitive behavior of CNT array EDLCs. The capacitive behavior of CNT array EDLCs can be tailored by varying their oxygen content, represented by their O/C ratio. The specific capacitance of these CNT arrays increases with the increase of their oxygen content in both KOH and Et4NBF4/PC electrolytes. As a result, their gravimetric energy density increases with the increase of their oxygen content. However, their gravimetric power density decreases with the increase of their oxygen content. The optimally oxidized CNT arrays are able to withstand more than 35,000 charge/discharge cycles in Et4NBF4/PC at a current density of 5 A/g while only losing 10% of their original capacitance.


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O presente estudo tem por objetivo demonstrar que, nas hipóteses em que alguém intervém na esfera jurídica alheia e obtém benefícios econômicos sem causar danos ao titular do direito ou, causando danos, o lucro obtido pelo ofensor é superior aos danos causados, as regras da responsabilidade civil, isoladamente, não são suficientes, à luz do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, enquanto sanção eficaz pela violação de um interesse merecedor de tutela. Isto porque, como a principal função da responsabilidade civil é remover o dano, naquelas hipóteses, não fosse a utilização de um remédio alternativo, o interventor faria seu o lucro da intervenção, no primeiro caso integralmente e, no segundo, no valor equivalente ao saldo entre o lucro obtido e a indenização que tiver que pagar à vítima. A tese pretende demonstrar que o problema do lucro da intervenção não deve ser solucionado por intermédio das regras da responsabilidade civil, devendo, portanto, ser rejeitadas as propostas de solução neste campo, como a interpretação extensiva do parágrafo único, do artigo 944, do Código Civil, as indenizações punitivas e o chamado terceiro método de cálculo da indenização. Como alternativa, propõe-se o enquadramento dogmático do lucro da intervenção no enriquecimento sem causa, outorgando ao titular do direito uma pretensão de restituição do lucro obtido pelo ofensor em razão da indevida ingerência em seus bens ou direitos. Defende-se que a transferência do lucro da intervenção para o titular do direito tem por fundamento a ponderação dos interesses em jogo à luz da Constituição Federal, com especial atenção ao princípio da solidariedade, e da teoria da destinação jurídica dos bens. A tese procura demonstrar, ainda, que o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro não exige um efetivo empobrecimento do titular do direito para a configuração do enriquecimento sem causa e que a regra da subsidiariedade não impede a cumulação de ações, de responsabilidade civil para eliminar o dano (e no limite do dano), e de enriquecimento sem causa, para forçar a restituição do saldo positivo que permanecer no patrimônio do ofensor após o pagamento da indenização, se houver. Finalmente, a tese pretende provocar a discussão acerca da quantificação do objeto da restituição, propondo alguns critérios que deverão orientar o aplicador do direito.


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No mês de outubro de 2007 a Comissão Nacional de Cartografia (CONCAR) lançou uma norma cartográfica composta de especificações técnicas para Estruturação de Dados Geoespaciais Digitais Vetoriais (EDGV) para a realização do mapeamento topográfico sistemático no Brasil. No mês de novembro de 2008 foi publicado o Decreto n 6666, que institui a Infra-Estrutura Nacional de Dados Espaciais e ratifica o uso das normas homologadas pela CONCAR, pelas instituições Federais. Este trabalho realiza dois requisitos, a saber: (a) fornece um esquema relacional alinhado as especificações da EDGV e (b) implementa um protótipo, com vistas a sua utilização no processo de restituição fotogramétrica nas instituições públicas responsáveis pelo mapeamento topográfico no Brasil. A implementação é realizada em ambiente de software livre. Também é importante salientar o caráter educacional da plataforma de software a ser implementada, para que o seu uso seja também direcionado para o ensino teórico e prático da fotogrametria digital nas instituições de ensino e pesquisa.


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Cap. 1. La Nueva Museología, el patrimonio cultural y la participación ciudadana a debate. Iñaki Arrieta Urtizberea Cap. 2. Museos: del público al ciudadano. Rafael Azuar Ruiz Cap. 3. Los públicos y lo público. De mutismos, sorderas, y de diálogos sociales en museos y espacios patrimoniales. Luz Maceira Ochoa Cap. 4. La restitution du patrimoine: un rôle pour le musée? Études de cas dans les communautés innues du Québec et du Labrador (Canada). Élise Dubuc Cap. 5. El museo de territorio y sociedad, ¿una utopía? el caso del Museo Industrial del Ter. Carles García Hermosilla Cap. 6. El ecomuseo del río Caicena (Almedinilla-Córdoba): un proyecto de desarrollo rural desde el patrimonio histórico-natural, ¿y la participación ciudadana? Ignacio Muñiz Jaén Cap. 7. Mé-tisser les mémoires. Musées indiens du nordeste brésilien. Martin Soares Cap. 8. El patrimonio como proceso social. Intervención, desarrollo y consumo del patrimonio minero en Andalucía. Macarena Hernández Ramírez y Esteban Ruiz Ballesteros Cap. 9. Legislación patrimonial, intervención pública y participación ciudadana en la declaración de un conjunto histórico. Iñaki Arrieta Urtizberea Cap. 10. El castillo de Montsoriu. La participación de la sociedad civil. Joaquim Mateu Gasquet Cap. 11. El patrimonio cultural; espacio de encuentro. Daniel Arnesio Lara Montero


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No presente trabalho foram analisadas a natureza jurídica das contribuições especiais, suas hipóteses de validação constitucional como seu critério de distinção perante as demais espécies tributárias, bem como a correta determinação do prazo decadencial a elas estabelecido pelo art 146 do Código Tributário Nacional (CTN), especialmente em face da inconstitucionalidade do art 45 da Lei n 8.212/91 declarada através da Súmula Vinculante n 08/2008. Também foram abordadas as correntes doutrinárias favoráveis e contrárias à possibilidade da restrição dos efeitos das decisões de inconstitucionalidade das normas tributárias, bem como realizada a crítica à modulação dos efeitos da SV n 08/2008, que culminou por limitar a repetição do indébito das contribuições irregularmente constituídas apenas àqueles contribuintes que haviam se insurgido contra seu pagamento, administrativa ou judicialmente, até a data de 11/06/2008.


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Discrete particle simulations of column of an aggregate of identical particles impacting a rigid, fixed target and a rigid, movable target are presented with the aim to understand the interaction of an aggregate of particles upon a structure. In most cases the column of particles is constrained against lateral expansion. The pressure exerted by the particles upon the fixed target (and the momentum transferred) is independent of the co-efficient of restitution and friction co-efficient between the particles but are strongly dependent upon the relative density of the particles in the column. There is a mild dependence on the contact stiffness between the particles which controls the elastic deformation of the densified aggregate of particles. In contrast, the momentum transfer to a movable target is strongly sensitive to the mass ratio of column to target. The impact event can be viewed as an inelastic collision between the sand column and the target with an effective co-efficient of restitution between 0 and 0.35 depending upon the relative density of the column. We present a foam analogy where impact of the aggregate of particles can be modelled by the impact of an equivalent foam projectile. The calculations on the equivalent projectile are significantly less intensive computationally and yet give predictions to within 5% of the full discrete particle calculations. They also suggest that "model" materials can be used to simulate the loading by an aggregate of particles within a laboratory setting. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We study the the design of a tracking controller for the popular bouncing ball model: the continuous-time actuation of a table is used to control the impacts of the table with a bouncing ball. The proposed control law uses the impact times as the sole feedback information. We show that the acceleration of the table at impact plays no role in the stability analysis but is an important parameter for the robustness of the feedback system to model uncertainty, in particular to the uncertainty on the coefficient of restitution. © 2006 IEEE.


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The physicochemical and droplet impact dynamics of superhydrophobic carbon nanotube arrays are investigated. These superhydrophobic arrays are fabricated simply by exposing the as-grown carbon nanotube arrays to a vacuum annealing treatment at a moderate temperature. This treatment, which allows a significant removal of oxygen adsorbates, leads to a dramatic change in wettability of the arrays, from mildly hydrophobic to superhydrophobic. Such change in wettability is also accompanied by a substantial change in surface charge and electrochemical properties. Here, the droplet impact dynamics are characterized in terms of critical Weber number, coefficient of restitution, spreading factor, and contact time. Based on these characteristics, it is found that superhydrophobic carbon nanotube arrays are among the best water-repellent surfaces ever reported. The results presented herein may pave a way for the utilization of superhydrophobic carbon nanotube arrays in numerous industrial and practical applications, including inkjet printing, direct injection engines, steam turbines, and microelectronic fabrication.


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A superhydrophobic surface has many advantages in micro/nanomechanical applications, such as low adhesion, low friction and high restitution coefficient, etc. In this paper, we introduce a novel and simple route to fabricate superhydrophobic surfaces using ZnO nanocrystals. First, tetrapod-like ZnO nanocrystals were prepared via a one-step, direct chemical vapor deposition (CVD) approach. The nanostructured ZnO material was characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) and the surface functionalized by aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APS) was found to be hydrophobic. Then the superhydrophobic surface was constructed by depositing uniformly ZnO hydrophobic nanoparticles (HNPs) on the Poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) film substrate. Water wettability study revealed a contact angle of 155.4 +/- 2 degrees for the superhydrophobic surface while about 110 degrees for pure smooth PDMS films. The hysteresis was quite low, only 3.1 +/- 0.3 degrees. Microscopic observations showed that the surface was covered by micro- and nano-scale ZnO particles. Compared to other approaches, this method is rather convenient and can be used to obtain a large area superhydrophobic surface. The high contact angle and low hysteresis could be attributed to the micro/nano structures of ZnO material; besides, the superhydrophobic property of the as-constructed ZnO-PDMS surface could be maintained for at least 6 months. (C) Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2010


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Rockfall is a geological evolution process involving detachment of blocks or boulders from a slope face, then their free falls, bouncing, rolling or sliding, and finally deposition near the toe of the slope. Many facts indicate that the rockfall can cause hazards to peoples, and it can be regarded as a geological hazard. A rockfall event may only involve a boulder or rock, and also several ones. When there are peoples, buildings, or other man-made establishments within the scope of rockfall trajectory, losses will be possibly induced in tenns of human lives or damages to these facilities. Researches into mechanism, kinematics, dynamics, hazard assessment, risk analysis, and mitigation measures of rockfalls are extremely necessary and important. Occurrence of rockfall is controlled by a lot of conditions, mainly including topographical, geomorphic, geological ones and triggering factors. The rockfall especially in mountainous areas, has different origins, and occurs to be frequent, unexpected, uncertain, in groups, periodic and sectional. The characterization and classification of the rockfalls not only increase knowledge about rockfall mechanism, but also can instruct mitigation of the hazards. In addition, stability of potential rockfalls have various sensitivity to different triggering factors and changes of geometrical conditions. Through theoretical analyses, laboratory experiments and field tests, the author presents some back-analysis methods for friction coefficients of sliding and rolling, and restitution coefficients. The used input data can be obtained economically and accurately in the field. Through deep studies on hazard assessment methods and analysis of factors influencing rockfall hazard, this paper presents a new assessment methodology consisting of preliminary assessment and detailed one. From the application in a 430 km long stretch of the Highway, which is located between Paksho and Nyingtri in Tibet, the methodology can be applicable for the rockfall hazard assessment in complex and difficult terrains. In addition, risk analyses along the stretch are conducted by computing the probability of encountering rockfalls and life losses resulting from rockfall impacts. Rockfall hazards may be mitigated by avoiding hazardous areas, clearness of dangerous rocks, reinforcement, obstructing the rockfalls, leading the rockfalls, warning and monitoring for rockfalls, etc. Seen from present remedial level of rockfall hazards, different mitigation measures, economical and effective buffering units, monitoring tecliniques and consciousness of environmental protection for rockfall mitigations should be further developed.