966 resultados para Resting-State


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Patients with panic disorder (PD) have a bias to respond to normal stimuli in a fearful way. This may be due to the preactivation of fear-associated networks prior to stimulus perception. Based on EEG, we investigated the difference between patients with PD and normal controls in resting state activity using features of transiently stable brain states (microstates). EEGs from 18 drug-naive patients and 18 healthy controls were analyzed. Microstate analysis showed that one class of microstates (with a right-anterior to left-posterior orientation of the mapped field) displayed longer durations and covered more of the total time in the patients than controls. Another microstate class (with a symmetric, anterior-posterior orientation) was observed less frequently in the patients compared to controls. The observation that selected microstate classes differ between patients with PD and controls suggests that specific brain functions are altered already during resting condition. The altered resting state may be the starting point of the observed dysfunctional processing of phobic stimuli.


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Excitatory anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (A-tDCS) over the left dorsal prefrontal cortex (DPFC) has been shown to improve language production. The present study examined neurophysiological underpinnings of this effect. In a single-blinded within-subject design, we traced effects of A-tDCS compared to sham stimulation over the left DPFC using electrophysiological and behavioural correlates during overt picture naming. Online effects were examined during A-tDCS by employing the semantic interference (SI-)Effect – a marker that denotes the functional integrity of the language system. The behavioural SI-Effect was found to be reduced, whereas the electrophysiological SI-Effect was enhanced over left compared to right temporal scalp-electrode sites. This modulation is suggested to reflect a superior tuning of neural responses within language-related generators. After -(offline) effects of A-tDCS were detected in the delta frequency band, a marker of neural inhibition. After A-tDCS there was a reduction in delta activity during picture naming and the resting state, interpreted to indicate neural disinhibition. Together, these findings demonstrate electrophysiological modulations induced by A-tDCS of the left DPFC. They suggest that A-tDCS is capable of enhancing neural processes during and after application. The present functional and oscillatory neural markers could detect positive effects of prefrontal A-tDCS, which could be of use in the neuro-rehabilitation of frontal language functions.


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Psychiatry research lacks an in-depth understanding of mood disorders phenotypes, leading to limited success of genetics studies of major depressive disorder (MDD). The dramatic progress in safe and affordable magnetic resonance-based imaging methods has the potential to identify subtle abnormalities of neural structures, connectivity and function in mood disordered subjects. This review paper presents strategies to improve the phenotypic definition of MDD by proposing imaging endophenotypes derived from magnetic resonance spectroscopy measures, such as cortical gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) and glutamate/glutamine concentrations, and from measures of resting-state activity and functional connectivity. The proposed endophenotypes are discussed regarding specificity, mood state-independence, heritability, familiarity, clinical relevance and possible associations with candidate genes. By improving phenotypic definitions, the discovery of new imaging endophenotypes will increase the power of candidate gene and genome-wide associations studies. It will also help to develop and evaluate novel therapeutic treatments and enable clinicians to apply individually tailored therapeutic approaches. Finally, improvements of the phenotypic definition of MDD based on neuroimaging measures will contribute to a new classification system of mood disorders based on etiology and pathophysiology.


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The default-mode network (DMN) was shown to have aberrant blood oxygenation-level-dependent (BOLD) activity in major depressive disorder (MDD). While BOLD is a relative measure of neural activity, cerebral blood flow (CBF) is an absolute measure. Resting-state CBF alterations have been reported in MDD. However, the association of baseline CBF and CBF fluctuations is unclear in MDD. Therefore, the aim was to investigate the CBF within the DMN in MDD, applying a strictly data-driven approach. In 22 MDD patients and 22 matched healthy controls, CBF was acquired using arterial spin labeling (ASL) at rest. A concatenated independent component analysis was performed to identify the DMN within the ASL data. The perfusion of the DMN and its nodes was quantified and compared between groups. The DMN was identified in both groups with high spatial similarity. Absolute CBF values within the DMN were reduced in MDD patients (p<0.001). However, after controlling for whole-brain gray matter CBF and age, the group difference vanished. In patients, depression severity was correlated with reduced perfusion in the DMN in the posterior cingulate cortex and the right inferior parietal lobe. Hypoperfusion within the DMN in MDD is not specific to the DMN. Still, depression severity was linked to DMN node perfusion, supporting a role of the DMN in depression pathobiology. The finding has implications for the interpretation of BOLD functional magnetic resonance imaging data in MDD.


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Independent component analysis (ICA) or seed based approaches (SBA) in functional magnetic resonance imaging blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) data became widely applied tools to identify functionally connected, large scale brain networks. Differences between task conditions as well as specific alterations of the networks in patients as compared to healthy controls were reported. However, BOLD lacks the possibility of quantifying absolute network metabolic activity, which is of particular interest in the case of pathological alterations. In contrast, arterial spin labeling (ASL) techniques allow quantifying absolute cerebral blood flow (CBF) in rest and in task-related conditions. In this study, we explored the ability of identifying networks in ASL data using ICA and to quantify network activity in terms of absolute CBF values. Moreover, we compared the results to SBA and performed a test-retest analysis. Twelve healthy young subjects performed a fingertapping block-design experiment. During the task pseudo-continuous ASL was measured. After CBF quantification the individual datasets were concatenated and subjected to the ICA algorithm. ICA proved capable to identify the somato-motor and the default mode network. Moreover, absolute network CBF within the separate networks during either condition could be quantified. We could demonstrate that using ICA and SBA functional connectivity analysis is feasible and robust in ASL-CBF data. CBF functional connectivity is a novel approach that opens a new strategy to evaluate differences of network activity in terms of absolute network CBF and thus allows quantifying inter-individual differences in the resting state and task-related activations and deactivations.


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Human behavior and psychological functioning is motivated and guided by individual goals. Motivational incongruence refers to states of insufficient goal satisfaction and is tightly related to psychological problems and even psychopathology. In the present study, individual levels of motivational incongruence were assessed with the incongruence-questionnaire (INC) in a healthy sample. In addition, multi-channel resting-state EEG was measured. Individual variations of EEG synchronization and spectral power were related to individual levels of motivational incongruence. For significant correlations, the relation to intracerebral sources of electrical brain activity was investigated with sLORETA. The results indicate that, even in a healthy sample with rather low degrees of motivational incongruence, this insufficient goal satisfaction is related to consistent changes in resting state brain activity. Upper Alpha band attenuation seems to be most indicative of increased levels of motivational incongruence. This is reflected not only in significantly reduced functional connectivity, but also in changes regarding the level of brain activation, as indicated by significant effects in the spectral power and LORETA analyses. Results are related to research investigating the upper Alpha band and are discussed in the framework of Grawe's consistency theory.


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Patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) often have alterations of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), even early in their disease course. Previous research has not evaluated whether these changes may have consequences on adaptation mechanisms in DM, e.g. to mental stress. We therefore evaluated whether patients with DM who already had early alterations of the ANS reacted with an abnormal regulatory pattern to mental stress. We used the spectral analysis technique, known to be valuable and reliable in the investigation of disturbances of the ANS. We investigated 34 patients with DM without clinical evidence of ANS dysfunction (e.g. orthostatic hypotension) and 44 normal control subjects (NC group). No patients on medication known to alter ANS responses were accepted. The investigation consisted of a resting state evaluation and a mental stress task (BonnDet). In basal values, only the 21 patients with type 2 DM were different in respect to body mass index and systolic blood pressure. In the study parameters we found significantly lower values in resting and mental stress spectral power of mid-frequency band (known to represent predominantly sympathetic influences) and of high-frequency and respiration bands (known to represent parasympathetic influences) in patients with DM (types 1 and 2) compared with NC group (5.3 +/- 1.2 ms2 vs. 6.1 +/- 1.3 ms2, and 5.5 +/- 1.6 ms2 vs. 6.2 +/- 1.5 ms2, and 4.6 +/- 1.7 ms2 vs. 6.2 +/- 1.5 ms2, for resting values respectively; 4.7 +/- 1.4 ms2 vs. 5.9 +/- 1.2 ms2, and 4.6 +/- 1.9 ms2 vs. 5.6 +/- 1.7 ms2, and 3.7 +/- 2.1 ms2 vs. 5.6 +/- 1.7 ms2, for stress values respectively; M/F ratio 6/26 vs. 30/14). These differences remained significant even when controlled for age, sex, and body weight. However, patients with DM type 2 (and significantly higher body weight) showed only significant values in mental stress modulus values. There were no specific group effects in the patients with DM in adaptation mechanisms to mental stress compared with the NC group. These findings demonstrate that power spectral examinations at rest are sufficiently reliable to diagnose early alterations in ANS in patients with DM. The spectral analysis technique is sensitive and reliable in investigation of ANS in patients with DM without clinically symptomatic autonomic dysfunction.


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A publication entitled “A default mode of brain function” initiated a new way of looking at functional imaging data. In this PET study the authors discussed the often-observed consistent decrease of brain activation in a variety of tasks as compared with the baseline. They suggested that this deactivation is due to a task-induced suspension of a default mode of brain function that is active during rest, i.e. that there exists intrinsic well-organized brain activity during rest in several distinct brain regions. This suggestion led to a large number of imaging studies on the resting state of the brain and to the conclusion that the study of this intrinsic activity is crucial for understanding how the brain works. The fact that the brain is active during rest has been well known from a variety of EEG recordings for a very long time. Different states of the brain in the sleep–wake continuum are characterized by typical patterns of spontaneous oscillations in different frequency ranges and in different brain regions. Best studied are the evolving states during the different sleep stages, but characteristic EEG oscillation patterns have also been well described during awake periods (see Chapter 1 for details). A highly recommended comprehensive review on the brain's default state defined by oscillatory electrical brain activities is provided in the recent book by György Buzsaki, showing how these states can be measured by electrophysiological procedures at the global brain level as well as at the local cellular level.


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Phase locking or synchronization of brain areas is a key concept of information processing in the brain. Synchronous oscillations have been observed and investigated extensively in EEG during the past decades. EEG oscillations occur over a wide frequency range. In EEG, a prominent type of oscillations is alpha-band activity, present typically when a subject is awake, but at rest with closed eyes. The spectral power of alpha rhythms has recently been investigated in simultaneous EEG/fMRI recordings, establishing a wide-range cortico-thalamic network. However, spectral power and synchronization are different measures and little is known about the correlations between BOLD effects and EEG synchronization. Interestingly, the fMRI BOLD signal also displays synchronous oscillations across different brain regions. These oscillations delineate so-called resting state networks (RSNs) that resemble the correlation patterns of simultaneous EEG/fMRI recordings. However, the nature of these BOLD oscillations and their relations to EEG activity is still poorly understood. One hypothesis is that the subunits constituting a specific RSN may be coordinated by different EEG rhythms. In this study we report on evidence for this hypothesis. The BOLD correlates of global EEG synchronization (GFS) in the alpha frequency band are located in brain areas involved in specific RSNs, e.g. the 'default mode network'. Furthermore, our results confirm the hypothesis that specific RSNs are organized by long-range synchronization at least in the alpha frequency band. Finally, we could localize specific areas where the GFS BOLD correlates and the associated RSN overlap. Thus, we claim that not only the spectral dynamics of EEG are important, but also their spatio-temporal organization.


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Recent brain imaging work has expanded our understanding of the mechanisms of perceptual, cognitive, and motor functions in human subjects, but research into the cerebral control of emotional and motivational function is at a much earlier stage. Important concepts and theories of emotion are briefly introduced, as are research designs and multimodal approaches to answering the central questions in the field. We provide a detailed inspection of the methodological and technical challenges in assessing the cerebral correlates of emotional activation, perception, learning, memory, and emotional regulation behavior in healthy humans. fMRI is particularly challenging in structures such as the amygdala as it is affected by susceptibility-related signal loss, image distortion, physiological and motion artifacts and colocalized Resting State Networks (RSNs). We review how these problems can be mitigated by using optimized echo-planar imaging (EPI) parameters, alternative MR sequences, and correction schemes. High-quality data can be acquired rapidly in these problematic regions with gradient compensated multiecho EPI or high resolution EPI with parallel imaging and optimum gradient directions, combined with distortion correction. Although neuroimaging studies of emotion encounter many difficulties regarding the limitations of measurement precision, research design, and strategies of validating neuropsychological emotion constructs, considerable improvement in data quality and sensitivity to subtle effects can be achieved. The methods outlined offer the prospect for fMRI studies of emotion to provide more sensitive, reliable, and representative models of measurement that systematically relate the dynamics of emotional regulation behavior with topographically distinct patterns of activity in the brain. This will provide additional information as an aid to assessment, categorization, and treatment of patients with emotional and personality disorders.


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OBJECTIVE: There are relevant links between resting-state fMRI networks, EEG microstate classes and psychopathological alterations in mental disorders associated with frontal lobe dysfunction. We hypothesized that a certain microstate class, labeled C and correlated with the salience network, was impaired early in frontotemporal dementia (FTD), and that microstate class D, correlated with the frontoparietal network, was impaired in schizophrenia. METHODS: We measured resting EEG microstate parameters in patients with mild FTD (n = 18), schizophrenia (n = 20), mild Alzheimer's disease (AD; n = 19) and age-matched controls (old n = 19, young n = 18) to investigate neuronal dynamics at the whole-brain level. RESULTS: The duration of class C was significantly shorter in FTD than in controls and AD, and the duration of class D was significantly shorter in schizophrenia than in controls, FTD and AD. Transition analysis showed a reversed sequence of activation of classes C and D in FTD and schizophrenia patients compared with that in controls, with controls preferring transitions from C to D, and patients preferring D to C. CONCLUSION: The duration and sequence of EEG microstates reflect specific aberrations of frontal lobe functions in FTD and schizophrenia. SIGNIFICANCE: This study highlights the importance of subsecond brain dynamics for understanding of psychiatric disorders.


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While analysis and interpretation of structural epileptogenic lesion is an essential task for the neuroradiologist in clinical practice, a substantial body of epilepsy research has shown that focal lesions influence brain areas beyond the epileptogenic lesion, across ensembles of functionally and anatomically connected brain areas. In this review article, we aim to provide an overview about altered network compositions in epilepsy, as measured with current advanced neuroimaging techniques to characterize the initiation and spread of epileptic activity in the brain with multimodal noninvasive imaging techniques. We focus on resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and simultaneous electroencephalography/fMRI, and oppose the findings in idiopathic generalized versus focal epilepsies. These data indicate that circumscribed epileptogenic lesions can have extended effects on many brain systems. Although epileptic seizures may involve various brain areas, seizure activity does not spread diffusely throughout the brain but propagates along specific anatomic pathways that characterize the underlying epilepsy syndrome. Such a functionally oriented approach may help to better understand a range of clinical phenomena such as the type of cognitive impairment, the development of pharmacoresistance, the propagation pathways of seizures, or the success of epilepsy surgery.


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Objective: The attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) shows an increased prevalence in arrested offenders compared to the normal population. ADHD and delinquency seem to share some neurophysiological abnormalities. In recent studies, a subgroup of subjects with ADHD as well as delinquents displayed excessive EEG activity in the beta band compared to controls, which has been associated with antisocial behavior and aggression in ADHD children. The goal of the present study was to investigate whether delinquent behavior in ADHD is related to excessive beta activity. Methods: We compared the resting state EEGs (eyes closed and eyes open) of 13 non-delinquent and 13 delinquent subjects with ADHD and 13 controls regarding power spectra and topography of the EEG activity. Results: Offenders with ADHD showed more beta power mainly at frontal, central and parietal brain regions than non-delinquent subjects with ADHD. Conclusions: Excessive beta power may represent a risk-factor for delinquent behavior in adults with ADHD. Significance: The awareness of such risk-factors may be helpful in the assessment of the risk for delinquent behavior in a psychiatric context and may provide a neurobiological background for therapeutic interventions.


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The neuronal causes of individual differences in mental abilities such as intelligence are complex and profoundly important. Understanding these abilities has the potential to facilitate their enhancement. The purpose of this study was to identify the functional brain network characteristics and their relation to psychometric intelligence. In particular, we examined whether the functional network exhibits efficient small-world network attributes (high clustering and short path length) and whether these small-world network parameters are associated with intellectual performance. High-density resting state electroencephalography (EEG) was recorded in 74 healthy subjects to analyze graph-theoretical functional network characteristics at an intracortical level. Ravens advanced progressive matrices were used to assess intelligence. We found that the clustering coefficient and path length of the functional network are strongly related to intelligence. Thus, the more intelligent the subjects are the more the functional brain network resembles a small-world network. We further identified the parietal cortex as a main hub of this resting state network as indicated by increased degree centrality that is associated with higher intelligence. Taken together, this is the first study that substantiates the neural efficiency hypothesis as well as the Parieto-Frontal Integration Theory (P-FIT) of intelligence in the context of functional brain network characteristics. These theories are currently the most established intelligence theories in neuroscience. Our findings revealed robust evidence of an efficiently organized resting state functional brain network for highly productive cognitions.


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Human risk taking is characterized by a large amount of individual heterogeneity. In this study, we applied resting-state electroencephalography, which captures stable individual differences in neural activity, before subjects performed a risk-taking task. Using a source-localization technique, we found that the baseline cortical activity in the right prefrontal cortex predicts individual risk-taking behavior. Individuals with higher baseline cortical activity in this brain area display more risk aversion than do other individuals. This finding demonstrates that neural characteristics that are stable over time can predict a highly complex behavior such as risk-taking behavior and furthermore suggests that hypoactivity in the right prefrontal cortex might serve as a dispositional indicator of lower regulatory abilities, which is expressed in greater risk-taking behavior.