927 resultados para Responsabilidade do Estado, aspectos ambientais, Brasil


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study was accomplished in existing Cerrado's relicts at State Park Guartelá, Tibagi, PR (24°39'10S and 50°15'25W), which represent one of the last extreme-meridional remanescents of this type of formation. Fifty plots with dimensions of 5x5m were allocated for phyto-sociological analysis, including in the sample individuals with height ≥ 1 m, divided into two samples to evaluate the following strata: a) upper-plants with DAS ≥ 3 cm, and b) intermediate - plants with DAS <3cm. Moreover, in each plot, there were established sub-plots with dimensions of 1x1m for sampling the lower stratum, comprised by individuals with height <1m and >10cm. The complete survey found 1340 individuals distributed in 28 families, 66 genera and 115 species. The diversity index was higher for the mean component (H'=3.30), followed by the superior component (H'=3.09) and the inferior (H'=2.91). The frequent occurrence of bushes is a remarkable characteristic of the physiognomy of the areas inside the park and 82 % of the populations studied are distributed in aggregated standard. Because it is a marginal region of occurrence of cerrado vegetation, now under the influence of a subtropical climate, more humid and cold, compared to the core area of this biome, it is noted that these areas are characterized by a decrease in stature, richness and diversity of its flora. Nevertheless, they preserve typical species of the Brazilian Savannah; but, due to their distribution in relicts and been, in part, devastated, some are included in the red list of endangered plants in Parana state, which evidences the importance of conservation and management of these areas.


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O artigo aborda alguns aspectos do desenvolvimento e do papel da Agroecologia, no Brasil e na França, com o objetivo de traçar um panorama comparativo da evolução recente considerando a polissemia do termo. Assim, a trajetória da Agroecologia foi comparada enquanto ciência, prática agrícola, movimento social e ética de vida. A pesquisa teve um caráter descritivo/qualitativo, utilizando documentos bibliográficos e investigação de sites específicos da Internet. Como conclusão podemos considerar que existem muitos pontos comuns entre os dois países, no que diz respeito aos princípios da Agroecologia, os objetivos e as instituições que fazem a mediação com a temática. A Agroecologia como ciência é vista pelos intelectuais dos dois países como um paradigma na direção de um desenvolvimento sustentável para o campo e também para a cidade. Porém, no Brasil a Agroecologia tem muito mais a ver com a questão social enquanto bandeira de luta pela diminuição das desigualdades sócio-econômicas do que como práticas agronômicas de bases ecológicas, significado mais difundido na França por conta da agricultura biologicamente intensiva. Como conclusão geral podemos dizer que as idéias podem ser as mesmas no Brasil e na França, mas as condições objetivas do desenvolvimento são muito diferentes.


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A integração dos aspectos ambientais pode ser potencializada por meio da inserçãoem políticas de outras áreas é a busca de objetivos ambientais em políticas setorias, tais como de habitação, saúde, desenvolvimento urbano, entro outras. Dessa forma, o objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar se a integração dos aspectos ambientais ocorre nas decisões do Conselho Municipal de Política Urbana de Santo André, São Paulo. Para isso, foram feitas a análise da legislação relativa ao Conselho e entrevistas com conselheiros. Foi usada técnica da análise de conteúdo temática para tratamento dos dados. Os resultados mostraram que na legislação ocorre a integração dos aspectos ambientais. Nas entrevistas foram verificados diferentes entendimentos de integração e encontradas dificuldades similares àquelas encontradas na literatura internacional. Concluiu-se que o processo de integração dos aspectos ambientais ainda é incipiente e que o Conselho pode contribuir para seu avanço.


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This work is the result of a case study that analyzes the trajectories of migrants to rural settlements located in the municipality of Padre Bernardo, the region surrounding the Federal District, Goiás State in this region several settlements created in the late 90's, were consisting of workers of rural origin who migrated from various regions of Brazil to work, especially in services and construction in Brasilia before reaching settlements. Thus, the text aims to give some reflections on understanding the dynamics of migration to rural settlements in Brazil trajectories with rural-city-settlements. As consideration, it was noticed that after many years or even decades living in the city, these migrants decide to join the struggle for land and depart for land occupation in the region. In the settlement, the settlers are facing a new challenge that will be built collectively and individually


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The occupation of Rondônia, from the 1970s, occurred in a disorganized way, since it attracted an amount of migrants which was much bigger than the settling projects could sustain. The aim of this research was to analyze the circumstances in which the district of Nova Londrina was settled, utilizing for this reason a bibliographic survey, as well as the Oral History method. The arrival in Nova Londrina, Ji-Paraná, was highlighted by conflicts between the settlers and the settling company Calama S/A. In spite of the company's violence, the colonists resisted until there was an intervention from INCRA, through a land regularization program. In this context, the Urban Center for Rural Support (NUAR) was implanted, intending to support the agricultural workers


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The occupation of Rondônia, from the 1970s, occurred in a disorganized way, since it attracted an amount of migrants which was much bigger than the settling projects could sustain. The aim of this research was to analyze the circumstances in which the district of Nova Londrina was settled, utilizing for this reason a bibliographic survey, as well as the Oral History method. The arrival in Nova Londrina, Ji-Paraná, was highlighted by conflicts between the settlers and the settling company Calama S/A. In spite of the company's violence, the colonists resisted until there was an intervention from INCRA, through a land regularization program. In this context, the Urban Center for Rural Support (NUAR) was implanted, intending to support the agricultural workers


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This work is the result of a case study that analyzes the trajectories of migrants to rural settlements located in the municipality of Padre Bernardo, the region surrounding the Federal District, Goiás State in this region several settlements created in the late 90's, were consisting of workers of rural origin who migrated from various regions of Brazil to work, especially in services and construction in Brasilia before reaching settlements. Thus, the text aims to give some reflections on understanding the dynamics of migration to rural settlements in Brazil trajectories with rural-city-settlements. As consideration, it was noticed that after many years or even decades living in the city, these migrants decide to join the struggle for land and depart for land occupation in the region. In the settlement, the settlers are facing a new challenge that will be built collectively and individually


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The occupation of Rondônia, from the 1970s, occurred in a disorganized way, since it attracted an amount of migrants which was much bigger than the settling projects could sustain. The aim of this research was to analyze the circumstances in which the district of Nova Londrina was settled, utilizing for this reason a bibliographic survey, as well as the Oral History method. The arrival in Nova Londrina, Ji-Paraná, was highlighted by conflicts between the settlers and the settling company Calama S/A. In spite of the company's violence, the colonists resisted until there was an intervention from INCRA, through a land regularization program. In this context, the Urban Center for Rural Support (NUAR) was implanted, intending to support the agricultural workers


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This work is the result of a case study that analyzes the trajectories of migrants to rural settlements located in the municipality of Padre Bernardo, the region surrounding the Federal District, Goiás State in this region several settlements created in the late 90's, were consisting of workers of rural origin who migrated from various regions of Brazil to work, especially in services and construction in Brasilia before reaching settlements. Thus, the text aims to give some reflections on understanding the dynamics of migration to rural settlements in Brazil trajectories with rural-city-settlements. As consideration, it was noticed that after many years or even decades living in the city, these migrants decide to join the struggle for land and depart for land occupation in the region. In the settlement, the settlers are facing a new challenge that will be built collectively and individually


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The occupation of Rondônia, from the 1970s, occurred in a disorganized way, since it attracted an amount of migrants which was much bigger than the settling projects could sustain. The aim of this research was to analyze the circumstances in which the district of Nova Londrina was settled, utilizing for this reason a bibliographic survey, as well as the Oral History method. The arrival in Nova Londrina, Ji-Paraná, was highlighted by conflicts between the settlers and the settling company Calama S/A. In spite of the company's violence, the colonists resisted until there was an intervention from INCRA, through a land regularization program. In this context, the Urban Center for Rural Support (NUAR) was implanted, intending to support the agricultural workers


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Estudo comparado sobre responsabilidade do estado-juiz no direito dos Estados Unidos, Inglaterra, Espanha, Italia, Belgica e França


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Inclui notas bibliográficas e bibliografia.