973 resultados para Resonance Raman Spectrum


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To separately investigate the impact of simulated age-related lens yellowing, transparency loss and refractive error on measurements of macular pigment (MP) using resonance Raman spectroscopy.


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To investigate whether two methods of measuring macular pigment-namely, heterochromatic flicker photometry (HFP) and resonance Raman spectroscopy (RRS)--yield comparable data.


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We present a systematic study of ground state and spectroscopic properties of many-electron nanoscopic quantum rings. Addition energies at zero magnetic field (B) and electrochemical potentials as a function of B are given for a ring hosting up to 24 electrons. We find discontinuities in the excitation energies of multipole spin and charge density modes, and a coupling between the charge and spin density responses that allow to identify the formation of ferromagnetic ground states in narrow magnetic field regions. These effects can be observed in Raman experiments, and are related to the fractional Aharonov-Bohm oscillations of the energy and of the persistent current in the ring


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The pH-structure correlation of the products of aniline peroxydisulfate reaction was mainly investigated by resonance Raman spectroscopy. The reactions of aniline and ammonium peroxydisulfate were carried out in aqueous solutions of initial pH ranging from 4.9 to 13.2 and monomer/oxidant molar ratio of 4/1. For an initial pH of 4.9, the spectroscopic techniques showed that the emeraldine salt form of polyaniline (PANI-ES) is the main product, corroborating that the usual head-to-tail coupling mechanism is taking place. The resonance Raman spectra at 1064 nm exciting wavelength were useful to detect the emeraldine salt as a minor product for reactions at an initial pH of 5.3-11.5. The Raman spectra of the main product of the reaction at initial pH of 13.2 excited at 1064 and 413.1 nm showed new spectral features consistent with 1,4-Michael-type adducts of aniline monomers and 1,4-benzoquinone-monoimine unit. These compounds and their products of hydrolysis/oxidation are the predominant species for the reaction media of initial pH from 5.3 to 13.2. In order to get PANI with different nanoscale morphologies, a pH value of more than 0 or 1 was used in the aniline polymerization. The spectroscopic data obtained in this work reveal that head-to-tail coupling does not occur when aniline reacts at media pH higher than about 5. It is suggested that chemical structures of the products of aniline oxidation by an unusual mechanism are the driving force for the development of assorted morphologies. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The effects of near-IR (NIR) laser power over the Raman spectra of poly(aniline) emeraldine salt (PANIES) and base (PANI-EB) were investigated. The reasons for the existence of several bands from 1324 to 1500 cm-1 in the Raman spectra of poly(aniline) obtained at NIR region were also studied. The bands from 1324 to 1375 cm-` were associated to vC-N of polarons with different conjugation lengths and the bands from 1450 to 1500 cm-1 in Raman spectra of PANI emeraldine and pernigraniline base forms were correlated to vC=N modes associated with quinoid units having different conjugation lengths. The increase of laser power at 1064.0 run causes the deprotonation of PANI-ES and the formation of cross-linking segments having phenazine and/or oxazine rings. For PANI-EB only a small spectral change is observed when the laser power is increased, owing to the low absorption of this form in the NIR region. Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The protonation effect on the vibrational and electronic spectra of 4-aminoazobenzene and 4-(dimethylamino)azobenzene was investigated by resonance Raman spectroscopy, and the results were discussed on the basis of quantum-chemical calculations. Although this class of molecular systems has been investigated in the past concerning the azo-hydrazone tautomerism, the present work is the first to use CASSCF/CASPT2 calculations to unveil the structure of both tautomers as well the nature of the molecular orbitals involved in chromophoric moieties responsible for the resonance Raman enhancement patterns. More specifically both the resonance Raman and theoretical results show clearly that in the neutral species, the charge transfer transition involves mainly the azo moiety, whereas in the protonated forms there is a great difference, depending on the tautomer. In fact, for the azo tautomer the transition is similar to that observed in the corresponding neutral species, whereas in the hydrazone tautomer such a transition is much more delocalized due to the contribution of the quinoid structure. The characterization of protonated species and the understanding of the tautomerization mechanism are crucial for controlling molecular properties depending on the polarity and pH of the medium.


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Highly delocalized molecular frameworks with intense charge transfer transitions, known as push-pull systems, are of central interest in many areas of chemistry, as is the case of nitrophenyl-triazene derivatives. The 1,3-bis(2-nitrophenyl)triazene and 1,3-bis(4-nitrophenyl)triazene were investigated by electronic (UV-Vis) and resonance Raman (RR) spectroscopies. The bichromophoric behavior of 1,3-bis(4-nitrophenyl)triazene anion opens the possibility of tuning with visible radiation, two distinct electronic states. The RR profiles of nitrophenyl-triazene derivatives clearly show that the first allowed electronic state can be assigned to a charge transfer from the ring pi system to the NO2 moiety (ca 520 nm), while the second, as a charge transfer from N-3(-) to the aromatic ring (ca 390 nm). In the para-substituted derivative, a more efficient electron transfer and a greater energy separation between the two excited states are observed. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The electronic (UV-vis) and resonance Raman (RR) spectra of a series of para-substituted trans-beta-nitrostyrenes were investigated to determine the influence of the electron donating properties of the substituent (X = H, NO2, COOH, Cl, OCH3, OH, N(CH3)(2), and O-) on the extent of the charge transfer to the electron-withdrawing NO2 group directly linked to the ethylenic (C=C) unit. The Raman spectra and quantum chemical calculations show clearly the correlation of the electron donating power of the X group with the wavenumbers of the nu(s)(NO2) and nu (C=C)(sty) normal modes. In conditions of resonance with the lowest excited electronic state, one observes for X = OH and N(CH3)2 that the symmetric stretching of the NO2. nu(s)(NO2), is the most substantially enhanced mode, whereas for X = O-, the chromophore is extended over the whole molecule, with substantial enhancement of several carbon backbone modes. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Benzene adsorbed on highly acidic sulfated TiO2 (S-TiO2) shows an intriguing resonance Raman (RR) effect, with excitation in the blue-violet region. There are very interesting spectral features: the preferential enhancement of the e(2g) mode (1595 cm(-1)) in relation to the a(1g) mode (ring-breathing mode at 995 cm(-1)) and the appearance of bands at 1565 and 1514 cm(-1). The band at 1565 cm(-1) is probably one of the components of the e(2g) split band, originally a doubly degenerate mode (8a, 8b) in neat benzene, and the band at 1514 cm(-1) is assigned to the 19a mode, an inactive mode in neat benzene. These facts indicate a lowering of symmetry in adsorbed benzene, which may be caused by a strong interaction between S-TiO2 and the benzene molecule with formation of a benzene to Ti (IV) charge transfer (CT) complex or by the formation of a benzene radical cation species. However, the RR spectra of the adsorbed benzene cannot be assigned to the benzene radical cation because the observed wavenumber of the ring-breathing mode does not have the value expected for this species. Moreover, it was found by ESR measurements that the amount of radicals was very low, and so it was concluded that a CT complex is the species that originates the RR spectra. The most favorable intensification of the band at 1595 cm(-1) in the RR spectra of benzene/S-TiO2 at higher excitation energy corroborates this hypothesis, as an absorption band in this energy range, assigned to a CT transition, is observed. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Stokes and anti-Stokes SERRS intensity fluctuations were observed from a roughened silver electrode immersed in diluted solutions of Brilliant Green (BG), a behaviour linked to single-molecule events. The distributions of the anti-Stokes to Stokes ratios were obtained and their shape showed a strong dependence on the applied potential.


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Highly dispersed nanocomposites of polyaniline(PANI) and oxidized single wall carbon nanotubes(SWNTs) have been prepared using dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid as dispersant. The materials were characterized via resonance Raman and electronic absorption spectroscopies. The behavior of the composites as a function of the applied potential was also investigated using in situ Raman electrochemical measurements. The results obtained at E(laser) = 1.17 eV suggest that a charge-transfer process occur between PANI and semiconducting nanotubes for samples where the metallic tubes are previously oxidized. The spectroelectrochemical data show that the presence of SWNTs prevents the oxidation of PANI rings. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.