129 resultados para Resiliency


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Child development is the result of the interaction of biological, psychological and social factors. Hostile environment, income, offered stimuli, as well as the presence of a chronic illness are issues that may interfere significantly. Considering the chronic diseases, we can identify congenital heart disease (CHD) is characterized by anatomical heart defects and functional and currently has presented an incidence of up to 1% of the population of live births. This research aimed to evaluate child development and verify an association with the commitment by biopsychosocial factors of children with and without CHD. Study participants were children from zero to six years, divided into three groups: Group1- 29 children pre-surgical congenital heart disease, Group2- 43 children post-surgical cardiac patients and Group3- 56 healthy children. The instruments used were a biopsychosocial questionnaire and the Screening Test Denver II. Of the total of 128 children evaluated, 66 (51.56%) are girls, and ages ranged from two months to six years (median 24.5 months). In G1 and G2 predominated acyanotic heart disease (55.2% and 58.1%). Regarding the Denver II reviews, children with heart disease had more development ratings "suspicious" and "suspect/abnormal", and 41.9% of children who have gone through surgery had characterized its development as "suspect/abnormal" . In the group of healthy children 53.6% were classified as developmental profile "normal" (p = ˂0,0001). On the areas of Denver II, among children with heart disease was greatest change in motor areas (p = 0.016, p = ˂0,001). The biopsychosocial variables that were related to a possible developmental delay were gender (p = 0.042), child's age (p = 0.0001) and income per capita (p = 0.019). There were no associations between the variables related to the treatment of disease, information, understanding of the disease and the way parents treat their children. In the group of healthy children showed that children who underwent hospitalization rates were more changes in development (p = 0.025) and the higher the number of admissions over these changes have intensified (p = 0.023). The results suggest that children with congenital heart disease have likely delayed development. It was also observed that there is a significant difference between the children who have gone through surgery, those who are still waiting for surgery only doing clinical follow-up. Changes in the development are more connected motor areas can be explained by the characteristic features of the disease and treatment, such as dyspnea, fatigue, care and limitations in daily activities. The gender and age appear to be decisive in the development as well as healthy children go through hospitalization experience. Already in children with heart disease, it was realized that social variables involved in the disease and the treatment did not affect the development. This question can be understood by means of protective factors and resiliency, as this population receives family and social support.


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Visto que indicadores de prognóstico são uma ferramenta importante para a seleção de pacientes a serem tratados com prótese total, este estudo investigou a influência da forma e da resiliência do rebordo alveolar mandibular sobre a retenção e estabilidade de próteses totais convencionais. Noventa e três pacientes desdentados portadores de próteses totais superior e inferior compuseram a amostra. Os dados foram coletados quanto a forma e resiliência do rebordo mandibular. As próteses foram avaliadas para a retenção e estabilidade utilizando-se uma ferramenta objetiva e reproduzível. As associações entre as características clínicas do rebordo alveolar mandibular e retenção e estabilidade das próteses foram analisados por meio dos testes qui-quadrado e exato de Fisher (α = 0.05). Observou-se associação significativa entre a forma do rebordo e a estabilidade da prótese (p <0,05), enquanto que a resiliência foi associada significativamente com a retenção (p <0,001). Baseando-se nos resultados, a resiliência e forma do rebordo mandibular influenciaram, respectivamente, a retenção e estabilidade de próteses totais convencionais.


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Prior finance literature lacks a comprehensive analysis of microstructure characteristics of U.S. futures markets due to the lack of data availability. Utilizing a unique data set for five different futures contract this dissertation fills this gap in the finance literature. In three essays price discovery, resiliency and the components of bid-ask spreads in electronic futures markets are examined. In order to provide comprehensive and robust analysis, both moderately volatile pre-crisis and volatile crisis periods are included in the analysis. The first essay entitled “Price Discovery and Liquidity Characteristics for U.S. Electronic Futures and ETF Markets” explores the price discovery process in U.S. futures and ETF markets. Hasbrouck’s information share method is applied to futures and ETF instruments. The information share results show that futures markets dominate the price discovery process. The results on the factors that affect the price discovery process show that when volatility increases, the price leadership of futures markets declines. Furthermore, when the relative size of bid-ask spread in one market increases, its information share decreases. The second essay, entitled “The Resiliency of Large Trades for U.S. Electronic Futures Markets,“ examines the effects of large trades in futures markets. How quickly prices and liquidity recovers after large trades is an important characteristic of financial markets. The price effects of large trades are greater during the crisis period compared to the pre-crisis period. Furthermore, relative to the pre-crisis period, during the crisis period it takes more trades until liquidity returns to the pre-block trade levels. The third essay, entitled “Components of Quoted Bid-Ask Spreads in U.S. Electronic Futures Markets,” investigates the bid-ask spread components in futures market. The components of bid-ask spreads is one of the most important subjects of microstructure studies. Utilizing Huang and Stoll’s (1997) method the third essay of this dissertation provides the first analysis of the components of quoted bid-ask spreads in U.S. electronic futures markets. The results show that order processing cost is the largest component of bid-ask spreads, followed by inventory holding costs. During the crisis period market makers increase bid-ask spreads due to increasing inventory holding and adverse selection risks.


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Los desahucios en España se han convertido en los últimos años en un fenómeno social emergente, de interés tanto para la investigación como para la intervención de los profesionales de la acción social. Aun así, no existen estudios suficientes relacionados con esta situación adversa, y menos aún centrados en las respuestas resilientes que las personas son capaces de ofrecer ante ella. Con el objetivo de identificar los factores internos y externos que se presentan en la experiencia de las familias que viven procesos de desahucios y que les están permitiendo desarrollar estrategias resilientes ante dicha adversidad, se lleva a cabo la presente investigación en la que participan 20 sujetos, pertenecientes a familias que acuden a la Plataforma de Afectados por las Hipotecas (PAH) de Málaga. A los participantes se les realiza una entrevista semi-estructurada y a través de ellas se han podido definir las características socio-familiares de las personas afectadas, las diferentes estrategias de afrontamiento desarrolladas, las principales fuentes de apoyo con las que han contado, así como las preocupaciones que les han acompañado. Los resultados muestran los principales factores internos y externos que están presenten en las estrategias resilientes que han desarrollado las familias afectadas por los desahucios durante el proceso vivido y destacan como fuente de apoyo informacional a la PAH. Se concluye con la necesidad de continuar con esta línea de investigación para tratar de diseñar intervenciones que refuercen y fomenten las estrategias de afrontamiento ante la situación adversa del desahucio.


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Objective: Relapse fear is a common psychological scar in cancer survivors. The aim of this study is to assess the effects of an abridged version of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in breast cancer patients.Method: An open trial was developed with 12 non-metastatic breast cancer patients assigned to 2 conditions, ACT and waiting list. Interventions were applied in just one session and focused on the acceptance of relapse fears through a ‘defusion’ exercise. Interference and intensity of fear measured through subjective scales were collected after each intervention and again 3 months later. Distress, hypochondria and ‘anxious preocupation’ were also evaluated through standardized questionnaires.Results: The analysis revealed that ‘defusion’ contributed to decrease the interference of the fear of recurrence, and these changes were maintained three months after intervention in most subjects. 87% of participants showed clinically significant decreases in interference at follow-up sessions whereas no patient in the waiting list showed such changes. Statistical analysis revealed that the changes in interference were significant when comparing pre, post and follow-up treatment, and also when comparing ACT and waiting list groups. Changes in intensity of fear, distress, anxious preoccupation and hypochondria were also observed.Conclusions: Exposure through ‘defusion’ techniques might be considered a useful option for treatment of persistent fears in cancer patients. This study provides evidence for therapies focusing on psychological acceptance in cancer patients through short, simple and feasible therapeutic methods.


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Diazotrophs in the mangrove rhizosphere play a major role in providing new nitrogen to the mangrove ecosystem and their composition and activity are strongly influenced by anthropogenic activity and ecological conditions. In this study, the diversity of the diazotroph communities in the rhizosphere sediment of five tropical mangrove sites with different levels of pollution along the north and south coastline of Singapore were studied by pyrosequencing of the nifH gene. Bioinformatics analysis revealed that in all the studied locations, the diazotroph communities comprised mainly of members of the diazotrophic cluster I and cluster III. The detected cluster III diazotrophs, which were composed entirely of sulfate-reducing bacteria, were more abundant in the less polluted locations. The metabolic capacities of these diazotrophs indicate the potential for bioremediation and resiliency of the ecosystem to anthropogenic impact. In heavily polluted locations, the diazotrophic community structures were markedly different and the diversity of species was significantly reduced when compared with those in a pristine location. This, together with the increased abundance of Marinobacterium, which is a bioindicator of pollution, suggests that anthropogenic activity has a negative impact on the genetic diversity of diazotrophs in the mangrove rhizosphere.


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Introdução: Na literatura internacional e nacional verifica-se a inexistência de estudos sobre os correlatos psicológicos de cuidadores formais, como a resiliência e o coping. Apesar de se reconhecer a importância de uma prestação de cuidados mais compassivos e humanizados, mais uma vez, não existem estudos nesta área. Este facto estende-se aos cuidadores formais que trabalham com pessoas em situação de dependência, na Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados Integrados. Assim, foram nossos objetivos: caraterizar os cuidadores formais de algumas Unidades de Cuidados Continuados (UCC) da RNCCI em variáveis sociodemográficas e profissionais; analisar os seus níveis de resiliência, coping e autocompaixão; verificar se existem associações significativas entre estas variáveis e com as variáveis sociodemográficas e profissionais. Metodologia: 78 cuidadores formais (sexo feminino, n = 76; 97,4%), com uma média de idades de 35,45 anos (DP = 9,0) forneceram o seu consentimento informado para preencherem um questionário sociodemográfico e profissional, a Escala de Avaliação Global da Resiliência, o Brief COPE e a Self Compassion Scale (SELFCS). Resultados: Os cuidadores revelaram um nível médio de resiliência (total). A dimensão de coping com média mais elevada foi o Coping ativo e a com média mais baixa foi o Uso de substâncias. Na SELFCS a dimensão com média mais elevada foi o Calor/compreensão e a com média mais baixa foi o Isolamento. No geral, a pontuação total de resiliência correlacionou-se de forma positiva com as dimensões positivas da autocompaixão (SELFCS) e de forma negativa com as dimensões negativas desta escala. As dimensões mais positivas de coping correlacionaram-se de forma positiva com as dimensões positivas de autocompaixão e as mais negativas de coping com as dimensões negativas de autocompaixão. Quanto maior a idade dos cuidadores menor o nível de Suporte Emocional e maior o nível de Religião e Mindfulness. Mais horas de trabalho associaram-se a menor resiliência e a maior nível de Suporte Emocional Discussão: Este estudo revelou, ainda que numa amostra reduzida, que os cuidadores formais das UCC parecem revelar níveis equilibrados em correlatos psicológicos importantes quando se “cuida” de outra pessoa. Porém, as UCC devem preocupar-se em fomentar, junto dos cuidadores, níveis mais elevados de resiliência, estratégias mais positivas de coping e a compaixão auto e hétero dirigida, para assegurar um “cuidar” mais pleno quer para os profissionais, quer para aqueles que são cuidados. / Introduction: In the international and national literature, we verified the inexistence of studies about psychological correlates of formal caregivers, such as resilience and coping. Although the importance of more humanized and compassive care is recognized, again, there are no studies in this area. This is also verified regarding formal caregivers that work with people in a dependence situation, as in the National Network of Continuous Care. Our aims were to characterize the formal caregivers from some units of the National Network of Continuous Care in sociodemographic and professional variables; analyze these professionals levels of resilience, coping and self-compassion; verify if there are significant associations between these variables and with the sociodemographic and professional variables. Methodology: 78 formal caregivers (female, n = 76; 97,4%), with an mean age of 35,45 years (SD = 9,0) provided their informed consent to fill in a professional and sociodemographic questionnaire, the Global Resiliency Evaluation Scale, the Brief COPE and the Self Compassion Scale (SELFCS). Results: The caregivers showed a medium level of resilience. The coping dimension with the highest mean was Active coping and the dimension with the lowest mean was Substance Use. Regarding SELFCS the dimension with the highest mean was Warmth, contrasting with Isolation, the dimension with the lowest mean. Overall, the total score of resilience was positively correlated with self-compassion positive dimensions (SELFCS) and negatively correlated with the negative dimensions of this scale. The most positive dimensions of coping were positively correlated with the positive dimensions of self-compassion and the most negative dimensions of coping were correlated with the negative dimensions of self-compassion. Older caregivers showed lower use of Emotional support and higher level of Religion and Mindfulness use. More daily hours of work were associated with less resilience and higher Emotional Support. Discussion: This study revealed, although in a small sample, that Continuous Care Units (CCU) formal caregivers seem to have balanced levels of psychological correlates that are important while caring for others. However, the CCU should promote, in the caregivers higher levels of resilience, coping and self-compassion, to ensure a better care, simultaneously the professionals and patients.


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Indigenous Arctic and Subarctic communities currently are facing a myriad of social and environmental changes. In response to these changes, studies concerning indigenous knowledge (IK) and climate change vulnerability, resiliency, and adaptation have increased dramatically in recent years. Risks to lives and livelihoods are often the focus of adaptation research; however, the cultural dimensions of climate change are equally important because cultural dimensions inform perceptions of risk. Furthermore, many Arctic and Subarctic IK climate change studies document observations of change and knowledge of the elders and older generations in a community, but few include the perspectives of the younger population. These observations by elders and older generations form a historical baseline record of weather and climate observations in these regions. However, many indigenous Arctic and Subarctic communities are composed of primarily younger residents. We focused on the differences in the cultural dimensions of climate change found between young adults and elders. We outlined the findings from interviews conducted in four indigenous communities in Subarctic Alaska. The findings revealed that (1) intergenerational observations of change were common among interview participants in all four communities, (2) older generations observed more overall change than younger generations interviewed by us, and (3) how change was perceived varied between generations. We defined “observations” as the specific examples of environmental and weather change that were described, whereas “perceptions” referred to the manner in which these observations of change were understood and contextualized by the interview participants. Understanding the differences in generational observations and perceptions of change are key issues in the development of climate change adaptation strategies.


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Urgency to embed awareness of sustainability principles and practice across society, and need for digital literacy and advocacy for sustainability are reshaping ESD. These, together with developments in learning and teaching, demand new tools to support implementation of project-based learning and more interactive approaches. This investigation explores the evolution of susthingsout.com, an online magazine for students, academics and expert practitioners, developed by the University of Worcester. This comprises two parts; the first, a private site specifically for students involved in sustainability learning on-campus; the second, an open-access site developed to deliver sustainability information and good practice across campus, community and not-for-profit and commercial organisations. This paper involves only the private site i.e. the equivalent of an in-house VLE specifically designed to support the teaching of sustainability to multi-disciplinary first and second year undergraduate students. It reports on the progress of the VLE, following three years of use and initial improvements, in terms of the student support and engagement, as well as considering the practical issues affecting these. The results fall into four categories of pedagogical, operational, cultural and external factors, which are synthesised to capture and share emerging knowledge of good practice offering insights to other developers of online sustainability materials.


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Since the end of the Cold War, recurring civil conflicts have been the dominant form of violent armed conflict in the world, accounting for 70% of conflicts active between 2000-2013. Duration and intensity of episodes within recurring conflicts in Africa exhibit four behaviors characteristic of archetypal dynamic system structures. The overarching questions asked in this study are whether these patterns are robustly correlated with fundamental concepts of resiliency in dynamic systems that scale from micro-to macro levels; are they consistent with theoretical risk factors and causal mechanisms; and what are the policy implications. Econometric analysis and dynamic systems modeling of 36 conflicts in Africa between 1989 -2014 are combined with process tracing in a case study of Somalia to evaluate correlations between state characteristics, peace operations and foreign aid on the likelihood of observed conflict patterns, test hypothesized causal mechanisms across scales, and develop policy recommendations for increasing human security while decreasing resiliency of belligerents. Findings are that observed conflict patterns scale from micro to macro levels; are strongly correlated with state characteristics that proxy a mix of cooperative (e.g., gender equality) and coercive (e.g., security forces) conflict-balancing mechanisms; and are weakly correlated with UN and regional peace operations and humanitarian aid. Interactions between peace operations and aid interventions that effect conflict persistence at micro levels are not seen in macro level analysis, due to interdependent, micro-level feedback mechanisms, sequencing, and lagged effects. This study finds that the dynamic system structures associated with observed conflict patterns contain tipping points between balancing mechanisms at the interface of micro-macro level interactions that are determined as much by factors related to how intervention policies are designed and implemented, as what they are. Policy implications are that reducing risk of conflict persistence requires that peace operations and aid interventions (1) simultaneously increase transparency, promote inclusivity (with emphasis on gender equality), and empower local civilian involvement in accountability measures at the local levels; (2) build bridges to horizontally and vertically integrate across levels; and (3) pave pathways towards conflict transformation mechanisms and justice that scale from the individual, to community, regional, and national levels.


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Two cheese formulations made from raw milk and endogenous yeasts with 30, 60 and 180 days of maturation in two dairy Paraná Southwest were studied to evaluate their quality through physical, physical-chemical, microbiological and sensorial characteristics, as one of the stages of development of a typical regional cheese. The production was accompanied from designing the flowchart processing, where the samples were collected to perform the analysis of proteins, lipids, moisture, ash, carbohydrates, total solids, fat in dry matter, calories; water activity, instrumental texture (hardness, adhesiveness, springiness, cohesiveness, resiliency and chewiness), instrumental color (CIE Lab); microbiological quality was assessed searching for total and thermotolerant coliforms, coagulase positive staphylococci and Salmonella spp.; the acceptance related to sensory characteristics of color, appearance, flavor, texture, taste and purchase intent was evaluated through the structured hedonic scale. This research contributed information relevant to the production process, such as the realization of the viability in freeze-drying lactic acid bacteria yeast isolated from milk in the Southwestern Mesoregion of Parana and the results of the analysis of the cheese showed similarity between formulations, regarding the physical, physical-chemical characterization, moreover good microbiological quality, where the differences between samples of dairy products were not perceived by sensory panelists. Adjustments in standardization related to technological quality control is an extremely important factor for the success of dairy companies and small producers involved in the project and that they have the option of producing the Santo Giorno, a fine cheese, with the great advantage of adding features of region, with high standard of sanitary conditions and with great consumer acceptance of indicative.


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O Capital psicológico positivo (CPP) são capacidades psicológicas que definem um estado de desenvolvimento psicológico positivo em que a pessoa se caracteriza por: a) apresentar uma elevada confiança para despender o esforço necessário para ser bem sucedida em tarefas desafiantes; b) fazer atribuições positivas acerca dos acontecimentos que vão suceder no presente e no futuro; c) manifestar perseverança em relação aos objectivos definidos, e, quando necessário mostrar-se capaz de redireccionar os meios para atingir os fins; d) revelar capacidade para recuperar de adversidades. As capacidades psicológicas positivas que melhor definem os critérios anteriormente definidos são: auto-confiança, optimismo, esperança e resiliência. Neste estudo foram recolhidos dados do nível Psycap de 100 vendedores e avaliações de CCO em cinco facetas (harmonia interpessoal, espírito de iniciativa, conscienciosidade, identificação com a organização e orientação para os clientes) e o Output individual numa dada tarefa, tendo-se obtido 100 díades. Explorou-se neste estudo a relação existente entre o PsyCap e dois tipos de desempenho (intra e extra papel) e a relação entre o desempenho contextual e de tarefa. Os resultados indicam que o PsyCap se relaciona com os dois tipos de desempenho, bem como a existência de uma relação entre desempenho contextual e tarefa. Considerações e implicações dos resultados são discutidas ao longo do trabalho.


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Estudio cualitativo exploratorio con enfoque fenomenológico que estudió en 10 Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes Sordos / HipoAcústicos (NNA-S/HA) las relaciones de convivencia con la familia, los profesionales de salud, los maestros, los amigos, la comunidad sorda; las cualidades de resiliencia de los NNA-S/HA encontró que las madres aunque tienen altos niveles de estrés son las que afrontan las dificultades y apoyan la intervención, los NNA-S/HA se refugian en sus madres; y los padres se retraen en sus sentimientos y evaden los problemas, y por eso abandonan el hogar al enterarse de que su hijo es sordo. Los profesionales carecen de estrategias para la atención y la comunicación, son distantes del NNA-S/HA, las familias relatan mala calidad en los servicios de salud. Los maestros y los amigos de los NNA-S/HA que van escuelas regulares les excluyen causando convivencias desagradables para los NNA-S/HA. Aquellos que se encuentran en la escuela para sordos se sienten más adaptados, con mejor autoestima y son más resiliente. La mitad de los NNA-S/HA usan dispositivos auditivos pero todos usan o lengua de señas formal o señas familiares para comunicarse con sus amigos y familias. Los NNA-S/HA que usan los dispositivos auditivos no tienen contacto con la comunidad sorda de su región no así los otros que no lo usan y cuya lengua principal es la de señas. Los NNA-S/HA desarrollan como todos los demás sueños, proyectos de vida y luchan por conseguirlo. El estudio permite plantear hipótesis para futuras investigaciones en torno a las estrategias de afrontamiento de las familias, la resiliencia de los NNA-S/HA y la asociación con las relaciones de convivencia.


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As alterações climáticas impuseram modificações significativas na estrutura e dinâmica natural dos ecossistemas costeiros comprometendo as suas capacidades de resiliência cujos limites têm sido ultrapassados. A falta de políticas integradas de gestão territorial e adaptação às alterações climáticas intensificaram os riscos e vulnerabilidades sócio- ambientais em muitos espaços costeiros. Este trabalho foi realizado no município de Luanda onde a erosão, as inundações e os movimentos de massa são uma realidade cada vez mais preocupante. A metodologia de investigação para este trabalho contou com as consultas aos decisores políticos, população e ONGs presididas por inquéritos por questionário e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com primado para os aspectos qualitativos. As principais fontes de consulta foram as institucionais e os repositórios científicos de diversas universidades assim como a recolha bibliográfica. Os resultados obtidos apontam claramente para a falta de participação activa dos munícipes em processos de formação e tomada de iniciativas em sede de políticas ambientais, a gestão insustentável da zona costeira, o baixo grau de percepção ambiental e a falta de articulação integrada das instituições quanto ao ambiente.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.