993 resultados para Renal allograft survival


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Hypertension is highly prevalent in transplantation and affects all type of organs. With the introduction of calcineurin inhibitors as immunosuppressive drugs, acute allograft rejection episodes have been significantly reduced and hence patient and allograft survival rates have dramatically improved. However, cardiovascular complications have become an important cause of morbidity and mortality. Treating cardiovascular risk factors such as diabetes, dyslipidemia and hypertension seems obvious, however in this population, there is little evidence for specific blood pressure targets, or for the best strategy to achieve blood pressure control. The aim of this article is to review the epidemiology and physiopathology of hypertension in transplant recipients as well as its clinical management.


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The major challenge in transplantation medicine remains long-term allograft acceptance, with preserved allograft function under minimal chronic immunosuppression. To safely achieve the goal of sustained donor-specific T and B cell non-responsiveness, research efforts are now focusing on therapies based on cell subsets with regulatory properties. In particular the transfusion of human regulatory T cells (Treg) is currently being evaluated in phase I/II clinical trials for the treatment of graft versus host disease following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, and is also under consideration for solid organ transplantation. The purpose of this review is to recapitulate current knowledge on naturally occurring as well as induced human Treg, with emphasis on their specific phenotype, suppressive function and how these cells can be manipulated in vitro and/or in vivo for therapeutic purposes in transplantation medicine. We highlight the potential but also possible limitations of Treg-based strategies to promote long-term allograft survival. It is evident that the bench-to-beside translation of these protocols still requires further understanding of Treg biology. Nevertheless, current data already suggest that Treg therapy alone will not be sufficient and needs to be combined with other immunomodulatory approaches in order to induce allograft tolerance.


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The research on T cell immunosuppression therapies has attracted most of the attention in clinical transplantation. However, B cells and humoral immune responses are increasingly acknowledged as crucial mediators of chronic allograft rejection. Indeed, humoral immune responses can lead to renal allograft rejection even in patients whose cell-mediated immune responses are well controlled. On the other hand, newly studied B cell subsets with regulatory effects have been linked to tolerance achievement in transplantation. Better understanding of the regulatory and effector B cell responses may therefore lead to new therapeutic approaches. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are arising as a potent therapeutic tool in transplantation due to their regenerative and immunomodulatory properties.The research on MSCs has mainly focused on their effects onT cells and although data regarding the modulatory effects of MSCs on alloantigen-specific humoral response in humans is scarce, it has been demonstrated that MSCs significantly affect B cell functioning. In the present review we will analyze and discuss the results in this field.


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Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)/TNF receptor (TNFR) superfamily members play essential roles in the development of the different phases of the immune response. Mouse LIGHT (TNFSF14) is a type II transmembrane protein with a C-terminus extracellular TNF homology domain (THD) that assembles in homotrimers and regulates the course of the immune responses by signaling through 2 receptors, the herpes virus entry mediator (HVEM, TNFSFR14) and the lymphotoxin β receptor (LTβR, TNFSFR3). LIGHT is a membrane-bound protein transiently expressed on activated T cells, natural killer (NK) cells and immature dendritic cells that can be proteolytically cleaved by a metalloprotease and released to the extracellular milieu. The immunotherapeutic potential of LIGHT blockade was evaluated in vivo. Administration of an antagonist of LIGHT interaction with its receptors attenuated the course of graft-versus-host reaction and recapitulated the reduced cytotoxic activity of LIGHT-deficient T cells adoptively transferred into non-irradiated semiallogeneic recipients. The lack of LIGHT expression on donor T cells or blockade of LIGHT interaction with its receptors slowed down the rate of T cell proliferation and decreased the frequency of precursor alloreactive T cells, retarding T cell differentiation toward effector T cells. The blockade of LIGHT/LTβR/HVEM pathway was associated with delayed downregulation of interleukin-7Rα and delayed upregulation of inducible costimulatory molecule expression on donor alloreactive CD8 T cells that are typical features of impaired T cell differentiation. These results expose the relevance of LIGHT/LTβR/HVEM interaction for the potential therapeutic control of the allogeneic immune responses mediated by alloreactive CD8 T cells that can contribute to prolong allograft survival.


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Vascular complications after liver transplantation include oclusion or stenosis at the sites of anastomosis in the hepatic artery, portal vein, and vena cava. Balloon angioplasty of these stenosis carries little risk and is a useful procedure for the treatment of these problems. The purpose of this paper was to assess whether percutaneous transluminal angioplasty can help to prolong allograft survival and impruve allograft function in patient with hepatic artery stenosis after liver transplantation. We report a 43-year-old mate with stenosis of hepatic artery anastomosis after liver transplantation. An abrupt elevation of liver enzymes and serum bilirrubin levels was noted on the fifth postoperative month. The patient underwent percutaneous liver biopsy, which revealed important ductal depletion due to hypoperfusion, even though Doppler ultrasound examination demonstrated arterial flow. An angiogram confirmed severe stenosis of the arterial anastomosis with poor intraparenchymal arterial perfusion pattern. In an attempt to preserve the graft, a percutaneous transluminal angioplasty was performed using microballoons mounted on a hydrophylic micro guidewire. Intervention proceeded without complications. Liver enzimes and bilirrubin levels decreased within twenty-four hours of angioplasty. Normal levels were achieved after one week. Seven month after angioplasty, the patient is in a optimal clinical condition with no signs of graft impairment. We conclude that percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of hepatic artery stenosis after liver transplantation is relatively safe and may help decrease allograft loss.


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The use of sirolimus (SRL) in combination with full doses of cyclosporin A (CsA) results in reduced one-year kidney allograft function, which is associated with shorter long-term allograft survival. We determined the effect of reduced CsA exposure on graft function in patients receiving SRL and prednisone. Ninety recipients of living kidney transplants receiving SRL (2 mg/day, po) were compared to 35 recipients receiving azathioprine (AZA, 2 mg kg-1 day-1, po). All patients also received CsA (8-10 mg kg-1 day-1, po) and prednisone (0.5 mg kg-1 day-1). Efficacy end-point was a composite of biopsy-confirmed acute rejection, graft loss, or death at one year. Graft function was measured by creatinine, creatinine clearance, and graft function deterioration between 3 and 12 months (delta1/Cr). CsA concentrations in patients receiving SRL were 26% lower. No differences in one-year composite efficacy end-point were observed comparing SRL and AZA groups (18 vs 20%) or in the incidence of biopsy-proven acute rejection (14.4 and 14.3%). There were no differences in mean ± SD creatinine (1.65 ± 0.46 vs 1.60 ± 0.43 mg/dl, P = 0.48) or calculated creatinine clearances (61 ± 15 vs 62 ± 13 ml/min, P = 0.58) at one year. Mean ± SD delta1/Cr (-11 ± 17 vs -14 ± 15%, P = 0.7) or the percentage of patients with >20% (26 vs 31%, P = 0.6) or >30% delta1/Cr (19 vs 17%, P = 1) did not differ between the two groups. The use of 2-mg fixed oral doses of SRL and reduced CsA exposure was effective in preventing acute rejection and preserving allograft function.


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Problématique : La pénurie d’organes qui sévit actuellement en transplantation rénale incite les chercheurs et les équipes de transplantation à trouver de nouveaux moyens afin d’en améliorer l’efficacité. Le Groupe de recherche transdisciplinaire sur les prédicteurs du risque immunologique du FRSQ travaille actuellement à mettre en place de nouveaux outils facilitant la quantification du risque immunologique global (RIG) de rejet de chaque receveur en attente d’une transplantation rénale. Le calcul du RIG s’effectuerait en fonction de facteurs scientifiques et quantifiables, soit le biologique, l’immunologique, le clinique et le psychosocial. La détermination précise du RIG pourrait faciliter la personnalisation du traitement immunosuppresseur, mais risquerait aussi d’entraîner des changements à l’actuelle méthode de sélection des patients en vue d’une transplantation. Cette sélection se baserait alors sur des critères quantifiables et scientifiques. L’utilisation de cette méthode de sélection possède plusieurs avantages, dont celui d’améliorer l’efficacité de la transplantation et de personnaliser la thérapie immunosuppressive. Malgré tout, cette approche soulève plusieurs questionnements éthiques à explorer chez les différents intervenants œuvrant en transplantation rénale quant à sa bonne utilisation. Buts de l’étude : Cette recherche vise à étudier les perceptions de néphrologues transplanteurs et référents de la province de Québec face à l’utilisation d’une méthode de sélection des patients basée sur des critères scientifiques et quantifiables issus de la médecine personnalisée. Les résultats pourront contribuer à déterminer la bonne utilisation de cette méthode et à étudier le lien de plus en plus fort entre science et médecine. Méthodes : Des entretiens semi-dirigés combinant l’emploi de courtes vignettes cliniques ont été effectués auprès de 22 néphrologues québécois (transplanteurs et référents) entre juin 2007 à juillet 2008. Le contenu des entretiens fut analysé qualitativement selon la méthode d’analyse de Miles et Huberman. Résultats : Les résultats démontrent une acceptation généralisée de cette approche. La connaissance du RIG pour chaque patient peut améliorer le traitement et la prise en charge post-greffe. Son efficacité serait supérieure à la méthode actuelle. Par contre, la possible exclusion de patients pose un important problème éthique. Cette nouvelle approche doit toutefois être validée scientifiquement et accorder une place au jugement clinique. Conclusions : La médecine personnalisée en transplantation devrait viser le meilleur intérêt du patient. Malgré l’utilisation de données scientifiques et quantifiables dans le calcul du RIG, le jugement clinique doit demeurer en place afin d’aider le médecin à prendre une décision fondée sur les données médicales, son expertise et sa connaissance du patient. Une réflexion éthique approfondie s’avère nécessaire quant à l’exclusion possible de patients et à la résolution de la tension entre l’équité et l’efficacité en transplantation rénale.


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Em estudo recente demonstramos que a infusão de células da medula óssea do doador após o transplante intestinal não aumentou a sobrevida do enxerto quando se utilizou series curtas de drogas imunossupressoras. OBJETIVO: Neste estudo avaliamos se a utilização de diferentes regimes de irradiação em associação com a infusão de medula óssea altera a sobrevida do enxerto e a morbidade sobre receptor. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se o transplante heterotópico de intestino delgado, utilizando-se ratos Lewis como receptores e da como doadores, imunossuprimidos com FK 506 na dose de 1mg/kg/dia por 5 dias e distribuídos em 4 grupos: G1 (n= 4), não irradiado e sem infusão de medula óssea; G2 (n= 6), G3 (n= 9) e G4 (n= 6) foram infundidos com 100 x 10(6) células de medula após o transplante. Grupos 3 e 4 foram irradiados com 250 e 400 rd respectivamente. Os animais foram examinados diariamente para a detecção de rejeição e reação do enxerto versus hospedeiro, tendo sido colhidas amostras semanais de sangue para estudos de quimerismose biopsias quinzenais da estomia. RESULTADOS: Animais nos G1 e G2 apresentaram rejeição mínima no 15º pós-operatório, enquanto a reação do enxerto versus hospedeiro foi caracterizada nos G3 e G4. Os níveis de quimerismo total e de células T foram maiores nos grupos irradiados em comparação aos não irradiados. A causa mortis nos G1 e G2 foi a rejeição enquanto que nos G3 e G4 foi a reação do enxerto versus hospedeiro. CONCLUSÃO: Concluímos que a utilização de baixas doses de irradiações retardam o aparecimento da rejeição, mas não previne a ocorrência da reação do enxerto versus hospedeiro.


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There is no consensus in the literature on the best renal replacement therapy (RRT) in acute kidney injury (AKI), with both hemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD) being used as AKI therapy. However, there are concerns about the inadequacy of PD as well as about the intermittency of HD complicated by hemodynamic instability. Recently, continuous replacement renal therapy (CRRT) have become the most commonly used dialysis method for AKI around the world. A prospective randomized controlled trial was performed to compare the effect of high volume peritoneal dialysis (HVPD) with daily hemodialysis (DHD) on AKI patient survival. A total of 120 patients with acute tubular necrosis (ATN) were assigned to HVPD or DHD in a tertiary-care university hospital. The primary end points were hospital survival rate and renal function recovery, with metabolic control as the secondary end point. Sixty patients were treated with HVPD and 60 with DHD. The HVPD and DHD groups were similar for age ( 64.2 +/- 19.8 and 62.5 +/- 21.2 years), gender ( male: 72 and 66%), sepsis ( 42 and 47%), hemodynamic instability ( 61 and 63%), severity of AKI ( Acute Tubular Necrosis-Index Specific Score (ATN-ISS): 0.68 +/- 0.2 and 0.66 +/- 0.2), Acute Physiology, Age, and Chronic Health Evaluation Score (APACHE II) (26.9 +/- 8.9 and 24.1 +/- 8.2), pre-dialysis BUN (116.4 +/- 33.6 and 112.6 +/- 36.8mg per 100 ml), and creatinine ( 5.8 +/- 1.9 and 5.9 +/- 1.4 mg per 100 ml). Weekly delivered Kt/V was 3.6 +/- 0.6 in HVPD and 4.7 +/- 0.6 in DHD ( P<0.01). Metabolic control, mortality rate ( 58 and 53%), and renal function recovery ( 28 and 26%) were similar in both groups, whereas HVPD was associated with a significantly shorter time to the recovery of renal function. In conclusion, HVPD and DHD can be considered as alternative forms of RRT in AKI.


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HLA-G is a non-classic Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA-G) Class I of low polymorphism and restricted tissue distribution that displays tolerogenic functions. In heart transplantation and in combined liver/renal allograft transplantation, the expression of HLA-G has been associated with a lower incidence of acute graft rejection episodes and absence of chronic dysfunction. Since the expression of HLA-G in renal biopsies has been investigated only in few patients who received a combined kidney and liver transplant, in this study we performed a cross-sectional study, systematically comparing the expression of HLA-G in post-transplanted renal grafts, stratifying patients according to the presence or absence of rejection.Patients and Methods: Seventy-three renal specimens (10 with acute rejection and 13 with chronic allograft nephropathy, and 50 with no signs of rejection) were immunohistochemically evaluated for HLA-G expression.Results: In the group as a whole, HLA-G molecules were detected in 40 cases (54.8%). Among specimens that presented HLA-G expression, 2 out of 40 (5%) exhibited acute rejection, 2 (5%) exhibited chronic allograft nephropathy, and the remaining 36 (90%) exhibited no signs of rejection. The comparison between patients with rejection and those without rejection showed that the expression of HLA-G was significantly increased in specimens exhibiting no signs of rejection (p<0.0001). Considering only patients with acute rejection, 8 out of 10 patients showed no HLA-G expression in their kidney biopsies when compared to patients exhibiting no signs of rejection and absence of HLA-G was observed in 14 out of 50 (p=0.0032). Similarly, considering only patients with chronic allograft nephropathy, absence of HLA-G expression was observed in I I out of 13 specimens, whereas in patients without rejection absence of HLA-G was observed in 14 out of 50 (p=0.003). Therapy with tacrolimus was significantly associated with the expression of HLA-G and a better graft prognosis. Conclusions: Our results suggest that HLA-G expression in the kidney allograft and the use of tacrolimus are associated with a lower frequency of acute renal rejection and chronic allograft nephropathy. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study is to evaluate if hemodialysis (HD) patients with similar blood pressure (BP) in the whole inter-HD period could have different target organ lesions and survival if the behavior of BP differs from the first to the second day of the inter-HD period. The present study compares 44-hour ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM) patterns in 45 HD patients. Three BP patterns emerged: group A (n = 15) had similar BPs throughout (138 ± 11/88 ± 12 in the first 22 h vs. 140 ± 11/87 ± 12 mm Hg in the second 22-hour period); group B (n = 15) had a significant systolic BP rise from the first to the second period (132 ± 15/80 ± 12 vs. 147 ± 12/86 ± 13 mm Hg, p < 0.05); group C (n = 15) had significantly higher BPs (p < 0.05) than the other 2 groups throughout the whole inter-HD period, with no significant change between the 2 halves (172 ± 14/108 ± 12 vs. 173 ± 18/109 ± 14 mm Hg). Ventricular mass and survival during the 30-month follow-up period were statistically significantly better in group A, intermediate in group B and worse in group C. The data suggest that a 44-hour ABPM is more accurate than a 24-hour one in evaluating organ lesion and prognosis in HD patients. Copyright © 2006 S. Karger AG.


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We performed a comparative study and evaluated cellular infiltrates and anti-inflammatory cytokine production at different time-points after syngeneic or allogeneic skin transplantation. We observed an early IL-10 production in syngeneic grafts compared with allografts. This observation prompted us to investigate the role of IL-10 in isograft acceptance. For this, we used IL-10 KO and WT mice to perform syngeneic transplantation, where IL-10 was absent in the graft or in the recipient. The majority of syngeneic grafts derived from IL-10 KO donors did not engraft or was only partially accepted, whereas IL-10 KO mice transplanted with skin from WT donors accepted the graft. We evaluated IL-10 producers in the transplanted skin and observed that epithelial cells were the major source. Taken together, our data show that production of IL-10 by donor cells, but not by the recipient, is determinant for graft acceptance and strongly suggest that production of this cytokine by keratinocytes immediately upon transplantation is necessary for isograft survival. J. Leukoc. Biol. 92: 259-264; 2012.


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Recent studies have recognised the importance of pulmonary hypertension (PH) in sickle cell disease (SCD). The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and prognostic impact of PH and its features in patients with SCD. 80 patients with SCD underwent baseline clinical evaluation, laboratory testing, 6-min walk tests (6MWTs) and echocardiography. Patients with a peak tricuspid regurgitant jet velocity (TRV) of >= 2.5 m.s(-1) were further evaluated through right heart catheterisation (RHC) to assure the diagnosis of PH. Our study evidenced a 40% prevalence of patients with elevated TRV at echocardiography. RHC (performed in 25 out of 32 patients) confirmed PH in 10% (95% CI 3.4-16.5%) of all patients, with a prevalence of post-capillary PH of 6.25% (95% CI 0.95-11.55%) and pre-capillary PH of 3.75% (95% CI -0.4-7.9%). Patients with PH were older, had worse performance in 6MWTs, and more pronounced anaemia, haemolysis and renal dysfunction. Survival was shorter in patients with PH. Our study reinforced the use of echocardiography as a screening tool for PH in SCD and the mandatory role of RHC for proper diagnosis. Our findings confirmed the prognostic significance of PH in SCD as its association to pronounced haemolytic profile.


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Lung transplantation is a widely accepted therapeutic option for end stage lung disease. Clinical outcome is yet challenged by primary graft failure responsible for the majority of the early mortality, by chronic allograft dysfunction and chronic rejection accounting for more than 30% of deaths after the third postoperative year. Pulmonary surfactant proteins (SP) A, B, C and D are one of the first host defense mechanisms the lung can mount. SP-A in particular, produced by the type II pneumocytes, is active in the innate and adaptive immune system being an opsonin, but also regulating the macrophage and lymphocyte response. The main hypothesis for this project is that pulmonary surfactant protein A polymorphism may determine the early and long term lung allograft survival. Of note SP-A biologic activity seems to be genetically determined and SP-A polymorphisms have been associated to various lung disease. The two SP-A genes SP-A1 and SP-A2 have several polymorphisms within the coding region, SP-A1 (6A, 6A2-20), and SP-A2(1A, 1A0-13). The SP-A gene expression is regulated by cAMP, TTF-1 and glucocorticoids. In vitro studies have indicated that SP-A1 and SP-A2 gene variants may have a variable response to glucocorticoids. We proposed to determine if SP-A gene polymorphism predicts primary graft dysfunction and/or chronic lung allograft dysfunction and if SP-A may serve as a biomarker of lung allograft dysfunction. We also proposed to study the interaction between immunosuppressive drugs and SP-A expression and determine whether this is dependent on SP-A polymorphisms. This study will generate novel information improving our understanding of lung allograft dysfunction. It is conceivable that the information will stimulate the interest for a multi centre study to investigate if SP-A polymorphism may be integrated in the donor lung selection criteria and/or to implement post transplant tailored immunosuppression.


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To prospectively determine the 3-year stability and potential changes of functional parameters in renal allograft recipients obtained from diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) MRI.