976 resultados para Remaining Useful Life


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Esta tesis trata sobre la construcción modular ligera, dentro del contexto de la eficiencia energética y de cara a los conceptos de nZEB (near Zero Energy Building) y NZEB (Net Zero Energy Building) que se manejan en el ámbito europeo y específicamente dentro del marco regulador de la Directiva 2010/31 UE. En el contexto de la Unión Europea, el sector de la edificación representa el 40% del total del consumo energético del continente. Asumiendo la necesidad de reducir este consumo se han planteado, desde los organismos de dirección europeos, unos objetivos (objetivos 20-20-20) para hacer más eficiente el parque edificatorio. Estos objetivos, que son vinculantes en términos de legislación, comprometen a todos los estados miembros a conseguir la meta de reducción de consumo y emisiones de GEI (Gases de Efecto Invernadero) antes del año 2020. Estos conceptos de construcción modular ligera (CML) y eficiencia energética no suelen estar asociados por el hecho de que este tipo de construcción no suele estar destinada a un uso intensivo y no cuenta con unos cerramientos con niveles de aislamiento de acuerdo a las normativas locales o códigos de edificación de cada país. El objetivo de nZEB o NZEB, e incluso Energy Plus, según sea el caso, necesariamente (y así queda establecido en las normativas), dependerá no sólo de la mejora de los niveles de aislamiento de los edificios, sino también de la implementación de sistemas de generación renovables, independientemente del tipo de sistema constructivo con el que se trabaje e incluso de la tipología edificatoria. Si bien es cierto que los niveles de industrialización de la sociedad tecnológica actual han alcanzado varias de las fases del proceso constructivo - sobre todo en cuanto a elementos compositivos de los edificios- también lo es el hecho de que las cotas de desarrollo conseguidas en el ámbito de la construcción no llegan al nivel de evolución que se puede apreciar en otros campos de las ingenierías como la aeronáutica o la industria del automóvil. Aunque desde finales del siglo pasado existen modelos y proyectos testimoniales de construcción industrializada ligera (CIL) e incluso ya a principios del siglo XX, ejemplos de construcción modular ligera (CML), como la Casa Voisin, la industrialización de la construcción de edificios no ha sido una constante progresiva con un nivel de comercialización equiparable al de la construcción masiva y pesada. Los términos construcción industrializada, construcción prefabricada, construcción modular y construcción ligera, no siempre hacen referencia a lo mismo y no siempre son sinónimos entre sí. Un edificio puede ser prefabricado y no ser modular ni ligero y tal es el caso, por poner un ejemplo, de la construcción con paneles de hormigón prefabricado. Lo que sí es una constante es que en el caso de la construcción modular ligera, la prefabricación y la industrialización, casi siempre vienen implícitas en muchos ejemplos históricos y actuales. Con relación al concepto de eficiencia energética (nZEB o incluso NZEB), el mismo no suele estar ligado a la construcción modular ligera y/o ligera industrializada; más bien se le ve unido a la idea de cerramientos masivos con gran inercia térmica propios de estándares de diseño como el Passivhaus; y aunque comúnmente a la construcción ligera se le asocian otros conceptos que le restan valor (corta vida útil; función y formas limitadas, fuera de todo orden estético; limitación en los niveles de confort, etc.), los avances que se van alcanzando en materia de tecnologías para el aprovechamiento de la energía y sistemas de generación renovables, pueden conseguir revertir estas ideas y unificar el criterio de eficiencia + construcción modular ligera. Prototipos y proyectos académicos– como el concurso Solar Decathlon que se celebra desde el año 2002 promovido por el DOE (Departamento de Energía de los Estados Unidos), y que cuenta con ediciones europeas como las de los años 2010 y 2012, replantean la idea de la construcción industrializada, modular y ligera dentro del contexto de la eficiencia energética, con prototipos de viviendas de ± 60m2, propuestos por las universidades concursantes, y cuyo objetivo es alcanzar y/o desarrollar el concepto de NZEB (Net Zero Energy Building) o edificio de energía cero. Esta opción constructiva no sólo representa durabilidad, seguridad y estética, sino también, rapidez en la fabricación y montaje, además de altas prestaciones energéticas como se ha podido demostrar en las sucesivas ediciones del Solar Decathlon. Este tipo de iniciativas de desarrollo de tecnologías constructivas, no sólo apuntan a la eficiencia energética sino al concepto global de energía neta, Energía plus o cero emisiones de CO2. El nivel de emisiones por la fabricación y puesta en obra de los materiales de construcción depende, en muchos casos, no solo de la propia naturaleza del material, sino también de la cantidad de recursos utilizados para producir una unidad de medida determinada (kg, m3, m2, ml, etc). En este sentido podría utilizarse, en muchos casos, el argumento válido de que a menos peso, y a menos tamaño, menos emisiones globales de gases de efecto invernadero y menos contaminación. Para el trabajo de investigación de esta tesis se han tomado como referencias válidas para estudio, prototipos tanto de CML (Modular 3D) como de CIL (panelizado y elementos 2D), dado que para los fines de análisis de las prestaciones energéticas de los materiales de cerramiento, ambos sistemas son equiparables. Para poder llegar a la conclusión fundamental de este trabajo de tesis doctoral - que consiste en demostrar la viabilidad tecnológica/ industrial que supone la combinación de la eficiencia energética y la construcción modular ligera - se parte del estudio del estado de la técnica ( desde la selección de los materiales y los posibles procesos de industrialización en fábrica, hasta su puesta en obra, funcionamiento y uso, bajo los conceptos de consumo cero, cero emisiones de carbono y plus energético). Además -y con un estado de la técnica que identifica la situación actual- se llevan a cabo pruebas y ensayos con un prototipo a escala natural y células de ensayo, para comprobar el comportamiento de los elementos compositivos de los mismos, frente a unas condicionantes climáticas determinadas. Este tipo de resultados se contrastan con los obtenidos mediante simulaciones informáticas basadas en los mismos parámetros y realizadas en su mayoría mediante métodos simplificados de cálculos, validados por los organismos competentes en materia de eficiencia energética en la edificación en España y de acuerdo a la normativa vigente. ABSTRACT This thesis discusses lightweight modular construction within the context of energy efficiency in nZEB (near Zero Energy Building) and NZEB (Net Zero Energy Building) both used in Europe and, specifically, within the limits of the regulatory framework of the EU Directive 2010/31. In the European Union the building sector represents 40% of the total energy consumption of the continent. Due to the need to reduce this consumption, European decision-making institutions have proposed aims (20-20-20 aims) to render building equipment more efficient. These aims are bound by law and oblige all member States to endeavour to reduce consumption and GEI emissions before the year 2020. Lightweight modular construction concepts and energy efficiency are not generally associated because this type of building is not normally meant for intensive use and does not have closures with insulation levels which fit the local regulations or building codes of each country. The objective of nZEB or NZEB and even Energy Plus, depending on each case, will necessarily be associated (as established in the guidelines) not only with the improvement of insulation levels in buildings, but also with the implementation of renewable systems of generation, independent of the type of building system used and of the building typology. Although it is true that the levels of industrialisation in the technological society today have reached several of the building process phases - particularly in the composite elements of buildings - it is also true that the quotas of development achieved in the area of construction have not reached the evolutionary levelfound in other fields of engineering, such as aeronautics or the automobile industry. Although there have been models and testimonial projects of lightweight industrialised building since the end of last century, even going back as far as the beginning of the XX century with examples of lightweight modular construction such as the Voisin House, industrialisation in the building industry has not been constant nor is its comercialisation comparable to massive and heavy construction. The terms industrialised building, prefabricated building, modular building and lightweight building, do not always refer to the same thing and they are not always synonymous. A building can be prefabricated yet not be modular or lightweight. To give an example, this is the case of building with prefabricated concrete panels. What is constant is that, in the case of lightweight modular construction, prefabrication and industrialisation are almost always implicit in many historical and contemporary examples. Energy efficiency (nZEB or even NZEB) is not normally linked to lightweight modular construction and/or industrialised lightweight; rather, it is united to the idea of massive closureswith high thermal inertia typical of design standards such as the Passive House; and although other concepts that subtract value from it are generally associated with lightweight building (short useful life, limited forms and function, inappropriate toany aesthetic pattern; limitation in comfort levels, etc.), the advances being achieved in technology for benefitting from energy and renewable systems of generation may well reverse these ideas and unify the criteria of efficiency + lightweight modular construction. Academic prototypes and projects - such as the Solar Decathlon competition organised by the US Department of Energy and celebrated since 2002, with its corresponding European events such as those held in 2010 and 2012, place a different slant on the idea of industrialised, modular and lightweight building within the context of energy efficiency, with prototypes of homes measuring approximately 60m2, proposed by university competitors, whose aim is to reach and/or develop the NZEB concept, or the zero energy building. This building option does not only signify durability, security and aesthetics, but also fast manufacture and assembly. It also has high energy benefits, as has been demonstrated in successive events of the Solar Decathlon. This type of initiative for the development of building technologies, does not only aim at energy efficiency, but also at the global concept of net energy, Energy Plus and zero CO2 emissions. The level of emissions in the manufacture and introduction of building materials in many cases depends not only on the inherent nature of the material, but also on the quantity of resources used to produce a specific unit of measurement (kg, m3, m2, ml, etc.). Thus in many cases itcould be validly arguedthat with less weight and smaller size, there will be fewer global emissions of greenhouse effect gases and less contamination. For the research carried out in this thesis prototypes such as the CML (3D Module) and CIL (panelled and elements) have been used as valid study references, becauseboth systems are comparablefor the purpose of analysing the energy benefits of closure materials. So as to reach a basic conclusion in this doctoral thesis - that sets out to demonstrate the technological/industrial viability of the combination of energy efficiency and lightweight modular construction - the departure point is the study of the state of the technique (from the selection of materials and the possible processes of industrialisation in manufacture, to their use on site, functioning and use, respecting the concepts of zero consumption, zero emissions of carbon and Energy Plus). Moreover, with the state of the technique identifying the current situation, tests and practices have been carried out with a natural scale prototype and test cells so as to verify the behaviour of the composite elements of these in certain climatic conditions. These types of result are contrasted with those obtained through computer simulation based on the same parameters and done, principally, using simplified methods of calculation, validated by institutions competent in energy efficiency in Spanish building and in line with the rules in force.


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El objetivo seguido en este proyecto fin de carrera, ha sido el análisis de la evolución general de la tecnología, tanto electrónica, como en Telecomunicaciones e Informática, desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad, realizando un estudio sobre cómo esos avances han mejorado, incluso cambiado nuestra vida cotidiana y cómo a consecuencia de la conversión de muchos de estos productos tecnológicos en objeto de consumo masivo, la propia dinámica económico-comercial ha llevado a las empresas a la programación del fin del su vida útil con el objeto de incrementar su demanda y, consiguientemente, la producción. Se trata de lo que se conoce desde hace décadas como Obsolescencia Programada. Para realizar este documento se ha realizado un breve repaso por los acontecimientos históricos que promovieron el inicio de esta práctica, así como también nos ha llevado a realizar mención de todos esos aparatos tecnológicos que han sufrido una mayor evolución y por tanto son los más propensos a que se instauren en ellos, debido a cómo influyen dichos cambios en los consumidores. Otro de los aspectos más importantes que rodean a la Obsolescencia Programada, es cómo influye en el comportamiento de la sociedad, creando en ella actitudes consumistas, que precisamente son las que alimentan que el ciclo económico siga basándose en incluir esta práctica desde el diseño del producto, puesto que a mayor consumo, mayor producción, y por tanto, supone un aumento de beneficios para el fabricante. Aunque, lo que para algunos supone un amplio margen de rentabilidad, existen otros componentes de la ecuación que no salen tan bien parados, como pueden ser los países del tercer mundo que están siendo poblados de basura electrónica, y en general el medio ambiente y los recursos de los que hoy disponemos, que no son ilimitados, y que están viéndose gravemente afectados por la inserción de esta práctica. Como cierre de este análisis, se repasarán algunas de las técnicas empleadas en algunos de los productos más utilizados hoy en día y las conclusiones a las que se han llevado después de analizar todos estos puntos del tema. ABSTRACT. The main goal followed in this final project has been analyzing the overall evolution of technology, both electronics and telecommunications. Also, computer science; from beginning to present it has been realized some studies about these advances have improved our daily life, even changing our routine, and turn us massive consumers of all technological products on the market. This dynamic economic and commercial has led companies to programming the end of its useful life in order to increase demand, and consequently, the production. This is known as Obsolescence. To make this document has been made a brief review through historical events that promoted the opening of this practice, and also led us to make mention all these technological devices have undergone further evolution and therefore more likely to establish them, because these changes affect consumers. Another important aspect around planned obsolescence is how to influence in society’s behavior, creating consumerist attitudes, which are precisely those feed the economic cycle continues to be based on including this practice from product design, because increased consumption and production. Therefore, this fact increases profits for the manufacturer. Although, for some people suppose a wide margin of profitability, there are other components do not have such luck; for example, third World countries have been filled with e-waste and the environment, in general, and resources available today which are not unlimited, and who are seriously affected by the inclusion of this practice. To close this analysis, we will review a few techniques used in some products most widely used today, and the conclusions that have been made after analyzing all these points of the topic.


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É muito importante para a indústria fornecer produtos competitivos e que exerçam corretamente as suas funções perante o cliente. Uma das ferramentas existentes para atingir estes objetivos é a realização de testes de fadiga e durabilidade cada vez mais refinados e em espaço mais curto de tempo. Uma das maneiras de se executar testes de fadiga mais precisos é utilizando parâmetros que sejam fiéis à solicitação que o produto sofre durante o seu uso. Com esse intuito surgiram os testes de fadiga sob amplitude variável. Juntamente com eles surgem as particularidades deste tipo de solicitação, que é de natureza complexa. Algumas particularidades são a dependência do resultado na história de carregamento (também chamada de \"interação de cargas\") e a variação abrupta do nível de carga durante o tempo de aplicação. Fenômenos estes chamados de sobrecarga ou subcarga (overload e underload), que aqui serão agrupados, muitas vezes de forma simplista, de perturbações no espectro de fadiga. A finalidade principal deste trabalho é descrever a influência das perturbações ocorridas nas solicitações nos testes de fadiga em regime de amplitude variável, mais precisamente em testes de bancada, em que se busca a reprodução de situações de trabalho reais de um componente. Apesar de esse assunto ser alvo de diversas investigações recentes, nenhum trabalho tem como foco a influência das paradas (completa remoção de carga) realizadas durante um teste de fadiga acelerado. Essas paradas são extremamente comuns na prática laboratorial, seja por manutenção do equipamento, inspeção da amostra ou necessidade de operação. O objeto alvo de estudo nesta pesquisa é um suporte metálico de buzina, utilizado em automóveis de passeio. Apesar de sua concepção simples, tal componente é responsável por exercer funções importantes e é sujeito a uma interessante gama de solicitações. Como resultado observou-se que a aplicação das paradas durante os testes de fadiga simulados no componente automotivo, provoca variações em sua vida útil total. E o tempo de parada também exerce influência nesta variação observada. Essas paradas não se encaixam perfeitamente nas classificações de perturbações no espectro registradas na literatura. Por esse motivo o trabalho se propõe ainda a sintetizar e uniformizar a terminologia para as variações abruptas de tensão aplicadas no tempo (as sobrecargas e as subcargas), tendo em vista que ocorre a falta de consenso entre os termos utilizados atualmente na literatura e seus respectivos conceitos.


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Customer satisfaction with a purchased product depends on its performance under warranty and during the remainder of its useful life. Dissatisfaction with an item is important to a manufacturer since it can lead to the loss of potential customers through the negative word-of-mouth effect as well as existing customers switching to a competitor. In this paper, we define satisfaction in terms of the likelihood of a customer not switching to a different manufacturer when a new item needs to be purchased. Manufacturers can use specific servicing strategies to reduce warranty costs and this topic has already been addressed in the literature without considering the effect of customer dissatisfaction. In this paper, we propose particular strategies that will increase customer satisfaction and we discuss methods for obtaining the optimal parameters of these strategies.


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The thermal degradation of 2,6,2',6'-tetrabromo-4,4-pm-isoproylidene-di phenol (tetrabromobisphenol A) (TBBPA) has been investigated and a mechanism for its thermal degradation is suggested. TBBPA is a comonomer widely used in epoxy and in unsaturated polyester resins to impart fire retardance. These resins find a common use in electric and electronic equipment. The presence of bromine atoms is the key factor in fire retardant activity, while on the other hand it represents an ecological problem when pyrolytic recycling is programmed at the end of the useful life of such items. However, pyrolysis is the more advantageous recycling system for thermosetting resins and thus efforts should be made to control the pyrolysis in order to avoid or minimize the development of toxics. Homolytic scission of the aromatic bromine and condensation of aromatic bromine with phenolic hydroxyl are the main processes occuring in the range 270-340°C. A large amount of charred residue is left as a consequence of condensation reactions. HBr and brominated phenols and bisphenols are the main volatile products formed. Brominated dibenzodioxins structures are included in the charred residue and not evolved in the volatile phases.


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Cutting tools less than 2mm diameter can be considered as micro-tool. Microtools are used in variety of applications where precision and accuracy are indispensable. In micro-machining operations, a small amount of material is removed and very small cutting forces are created. The small cross sectional area of the micro-tools drastically reduces their strength and makes their useful life short and unpredictable; so cutting parameters should be selected carefully to avoid premature tool breakage. The main objective of this study is to develop new techniques to select the optimal cutting conditions with minimum number of experiments and to evaluate the tool wear in machining operations. Several experimental setups were prepared and used to investigate the characteristics of cutting force and AE signals during the micro-end-milling of different materials including steel, aluminum and graphite electrodes. The proposed optimal cutting condition selection method required fewer experiments than conventional approaches and avoided premature tool breakage. The developed tool wear monitoring technique estimated the used tool life with ±10% accuracy from the machining data collected during the end-milling of non-metal materials.


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Research Project HR-124, "Development of a Laboratory Durability Test for Asphalts," was initiated in 1966 as a long range comprehensive program. Its ultimate objective was to develop a simple, rapid laboratory test that could be used by highway engineers to select paving asphalt according to quality, to identify inferior asphalts, and to reasonably predict the useful life of asphalts once they were incorporated in the pavements. This report, designated Progress Report No. 3, summarizes the work accomplished during the second year of the HR-124 extension (1967 - 1969), i. e., the period from 1 October 1968 to 31 October 1969.


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A presente investigação identifica o caminho seguido no estudo que se centrou na durabilidade dos produtos como estratégia para a prevenção/redução dos impactes ambientais provocados pela excessiva produção e consumo das sociedades ocidentais. O trabalho baseou-se primeiramente na reunião de argumentos que justificassem a necessidade da investigação. A partir dos conhecimentos obtidos sobre as consequências do descarte prematuro de produtos, incluindo a produção de resíduos e utilização de recursos naturais, a investigação foi direcionada para as estratégias que motivam a redução do consumo pelo aumento da vida útil do produto. A durabilidade de alguns produtos designados de Clássicos do Design motivou o desenvolvimento da investigação. Depois de definido o universo que se enquadra nesta categoria, foi selecionada uma amostra que se considerou representativa e criou-se uma base de dados onde se sistematizou os conteúdos relevantes a conhecer. Através da análise qualitativa e quantitativa da amostra desses produtos, obteve-se uma matriz operativa composta por 10 princípios que pode ser introduzida no processo de design de novos produtos para aquisição de um tempo de vida útil inicial potencialmente maior. Os resultados da aplicação prática da estratégia desenvolvida, a tese, determinarão no futuro a conceção e produção de artefactos que se pretende apresentar à indústria nacional.


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A presente dissertação apresenta uma investigação teórica e prática na área de Engenharia e Design de Produto com o objetivo principal de desenvolver um Flotador Industrial para a Adventech, procurando indicadores inovadores, competitivos e focando a necessidade de encontrar uma solução que reflita numa relação entre necessidade, utilizador, performance e design. Desta forma, no presente trabalho cruzam-se temas como a Engenharia e o Design de Produto, Tratamentos de Efluentes Líquidos e Flotação de modo a introduzir e compreender o desenvolvimento deste equipamento. Foi efetuada uma pesquisa sobre o tema para compreender, as suas características e limitações, bem como as formas e mecanismos utilizados para dar resposta aos requisitos e produzir um produto eficiente e eficaz. Paralelamente realizou-se uma abordagem teórica sobre Design de Produto e Processo de Flotação, de modo a conhecer o seu desenvolvimento e as suas restrições, preocupações e objetivos. Complementou-se o trabalho desenvolvido com pesquisa e analisaram-se os produtos existentes na concorrência com o objetivo de conhecer características técnicas, funcionais e físicas. Desta forma, o estudo desenvolvido nesta dissertação serviu e auxiliou o projeto no resultado final, incluindo a materialização do conceito para proporcionar uma boa relação entre utilizador, performance e design. Obtendo assim, um resultado final com características adequadas nas diversas aplicações deste produto nas Estações de Águas Residuais, reduzindo custos de operação e manutenção, eficiência do processo de flotação e vida útil do produto. Paralelamente o design proporciona uma apresentação estética do produto que transmite fiabilidade e profissionalismo.


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The present work is to study the characteristics and technological properties of soil-cement bricks made from binary and ternary mixtures of Portland cement, sand, water, with or without addition of gravel from the drilling of oil wells, which could be used by industry, aiming to improve its performance and reduce cost by using the residue and, consequently, increasing its useful life. The soil-cement bricks are one of the alternatives to masonry construction. These elements, after a short curing period, provide compressive strength similar to that of solid bricks and ceramic blocks, and the higher the resistance the higher the amount of cement used. We used the soil from the city of São José do Mipibu / RN, the banks of the River Baldun, cement CPIIZ-32 and residue of drill cuttings from oil wells drilling onshore wells in the town of Mossley, RN, provided Petrobras. To determine the optimum mix, we studied the inclusion of different residues (100%, 80%, 70%, 60% and 50%) where 15 bodies were made of the test piece. The assessment was made of bricks made from simple compression tests, mass loss by immersion and water absorption. The experimental results proved the efficiency and high utilization of the waste from the drilling of oil wells, making the brick-cement-soil residue with a higher strength and lower water absorption. The best result in terms of mechanical strength and water absorption for the ternary mixture was 10% soil, 14% cement and 80% residue. In terms of binary mixtures, we obtained the best result for the mix-cement residue, which was 14% cement incorporated in the residue


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Oil wells subjected to cyclic steam injection present important challenges for the development of well cementing systems, mainly due to tensile stresses caused by thermal gradients during its useful life. Cement sheath failures in wells using conventional high compressive strength systems lead to the use of cement systems that are more flexible and/or ductile, with emphasis on Portland cement systems with latex addition. Recent research efforts have presented geopolymeric systems as alternatives. These cementing systems are based on alkaline activation of amorphous aluminosilicates such as metakaolin or fly ash and display advantageous properties such as high compressive strength, fast setting and thermal stability. Basic geopolymeric formulations can be found in the literature, which meet basic oil industry specifications such as rheology, compressive strength and thickening time. In this work, new geopolymeric formulations were developed, based on metakaolin, potassium silicate, potassium hydroxide, silica fume and mineral fiber, using the state of the art in chemical composition, mixture modeling and additivation to optimize the most relevant properties for oil well cementing. Starting from molar ratios considered ideal in the literature (SiO2/Al2O3 = 3.8 e K2O/Al2O3 = 1.0), a study of dry mixtures was performed,based on the compressive packing model, resulting in an optimal volume of 6% for the added solid material. This material (silica fume and mineral fiber) works both as an additional silica source (in the case of silica fume) and as mechanical reinforcement, especially in the case of mineral fiber, which incremented the tensile strength. The first triaxial mechanical study of this class of materials was performed. For comparison, a mechanical study of conventional latex-based cementing systems was also carried out. Regardless of differences in the failure mode (brittle for geopolymers, ductile for latex-based systems), the superior uniaxial compressive strength (37 MPa for the geopolymeric slurry P5 versus 18 MPa for the conventional slurry P2), similar triaxial behavior (friction angle 21° for P5 and P2) and lower stifness (in the elastic region 5.1 GPa for P5 versus 6.8 GPa for P2) of the geopolymeric systems allowed them to withstand a similar amount of mechanical energy (155 kJ/m3 for P5 versus 208 kJ/m3 for P2), noting that geopolymers work in the elastic regime, without the microcracking present in the case of latex-based systems. Therefore, the geopolymers studied on this work must be designed for application in the elastic region to avoid brittle failure. Finally, the tensile strength of geopolymers is originally poor (1.3 MPa for the geopolymeric slurry P3) due to its brittle structure. However, after additivation with mineral fiber, the tensile strength became equivalent to that of latex-based systems (2.3 MPa for P5 and 2.1 MPa for P2). The technical viability of conventional and proposed formulations was evaluated for the whole well life, including stresses due to cyclic steam injection. This analysis was performed using finite element-based simulation software. It was verified that conventional slurries are viable up to 204ºF (400ºC) and geopolymeric slurries are viable above 500ºF (260ºC)


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Nowadays, in the plastic industry are used mills that accomplish the recycling of residues generated in the production of its components. These mills contain cut sheets that suffer accelerated wear, once they are submitted constantly to the tribologic efforts, decreasing its useful life. To reduce this problem, it s used noble steels or takes place superficial treatments. The ionic nitriding process presents some limitations related to the uniformity of the layer in pieces with complex geometry, committing its application in pieces as knives, head offices, engagements, etc. However, the new technique of nitriding in cathodic cage eliminates some problems, as the restrictions rings, inherent to the conventional ionic nitriding. In present work, was studied the use viabilization of steels less noble, as SAE 1020, SAE 4320 and SAE 4340, nitreded by two different techniques, to substitute the AISI 01 steels, usually used in the cut knifes fabrication, seeking to reduce the costs and at the sane time to increase the useful life of these knifes. The steel most viable was the SAE 4340, nitrided in cathodic cage, because it presented uniformity in thickness and in the hardness of the layer, besides of increased 58% in the average its useful life


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The Electrical Submersible Pumping is an artificial lift method for oil wells employed in onshore and offshore areas. The economic revenue of the petroleum production in a well depends on the oil flow and the availability of lifting equipment. The fewer the failures, the lower the revenue shortfall and costs to repair it. The frequency with which failures occur depends on the operating conditions to which the pumps are submitted. In high-productivity offshore wells monitoring is done by operators with engineering support 24h/day, which is not economically viable for the land areas. In this context, the automation of onshore wells has clear economic advantages. This work proposes a system capable of automatically control the operation of electrical submersible pumps, installed in oil wells, by an adjustment at the electric motor rotation based on signals provided by sensors installed on the surface and subsurface, keeping the pump operating within the recommended range, closest to the well s potential. Techniques are developed to estimate unmeasured variables, enabling the automation of wells that do not have all the required sensors. The automatic adjustment, according to an algorithm that runs on a programmable logic controller maintains the flow and submergence within acceptable parameters avoiding undesirable operating conditions, as the gas interference and high engine temperature, without need to resort to stopping the engine, which would reduce the its useful life. The control strategy described, based on modeling of physical phenomena and operational experience reported in literature, is materialized in terms of a fuzzy controller based on rules, and all generated information can be accompanied by a supervisory system


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In questo elaborato di tesi si affronta uno studio inerente alla Manutenzione su Condizione (CBM), applicata ad una macchina automatica adibita alla produzione di capsule in plastica, in collaborazione con il gruppo SACMI S.C. di Imola. Nel Capitolo 1 viene fornita una introduzione sul tema della manutenzione e sulla sua evoluzione dalla prima rivoluzione industriale ad oggi. Nel Capitolo 2 vengono descritti i principi teorici della manutenzione predittiva e se ne analizza lo stato dell’arte. Nel Capitolo 3 viene fornita una introduzione sull’azienda SACMI S.C. e in seguito vengono descritte nel dettaglio le macchine sulle quali si sono concentrate le successive analisi. Nel Capitolo 4 viene approfondito l’estrusore, uno dei componenti principali delle macchine analizzate. Nel Capitolo 5 viene presentato un esempio di valutazione dell’efficienza di alcune macchine collegate in serie attraverso il calcolo di un indicatore chiamato Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). Il Capitolo 6 rappresenta il cuore della tesi e contiene tutte le analisi di CBM effettuate durante il periodo di tirocinio. Vengono analizzati i principali gruppi funzionali della macchina a partire da quelli più critici per tempi o costi di manutenzione. Le analisi sono state condotte ricercando all’interno di tutto il parco macchine quelle che presentavano delle condizioni di funzionamento sospette. Nel Capitolo 7 vengono presentate alcune analisi relative ai tempi di fermo macchina dovuti alle manutenzioni preventive e ai costi dei ricambi previsti dal manuale di manutenzione. Queste analisi vengono poi declinate su un caso reale nel quale si calcola il costo dei ricambi negli ultimi cinque anni distinguendo tra costi dovuti ad azioni preventive o correttive. Nel Capitolo 8 vengono presentate le conclusioni, mentre nel Capitolo 9 sono presentati gli sviluppi futuri di questo lavoro.


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In the last decade, manufacturing companies have been facing two significant challenges. First, digitalization imposes adopting Industry 4.0 technologies and allows creating smart, connected, self-aware, and self-predictive factories. Second, the attention on sustainability imposes to evaluate and reduce the impact of the implemented solutions from economic and social points of view. In manufacturing companies, the maintenance of physical assets assumes a critical role. Increasing the reliability and the availability of production systems leads to the minimization of systems’ downtimes; In addition, the proper system functioning avoids production wastes and potentially catastrophic accidents. Digitalization and new ICT technologies have assumed a relevant role in maintenance strategies. They allow assessing the health condition of machinery at any point in time. Moreover, they allow predicting the future behavior of machinery so that maintenance interventions can be planned, and the useful life of components can be exploited until the time instant before their fault. This dissertation provides insights on Predictive Maintenance goals and tools in Industry 4.0 and proposes a novel data acquisition, processing, sharing, and storage framework that addresses typical issues machine producers and users encounter. The research elaborates on two research questions that narrow down the potential approaches to data acquisition, processing, and analysis for fault diagnostics in evolving environments. The research activity is developed according to a research framework, where the research questions are addressed by research levers that are explored according to research topics. Each topic requires a specific set of methods and approaches; however, the overarching methodological approach presented in this dissertation includes three fundamental aspects: the maximization of the quality level of input data, the use of Machine Learning methods for data analysis, and the use of case studies deriving from both controlled environments (laboratory) and real-world instances.