999 resultados para Relações de gênero Aspectos sociais
Na reunio de Cpula do Milnio, realizada no ano 2000, lderes mximos de pases do mundo inteiro comprometeram-se a envidar todo tipo de esforos para atingir oito metas de desenvolvimento at 2015. O Secretrio-Geral da ONU, tratando de mobilizar a vontade poltica necessria para implementar os compromissos assumidos com as metas, criou o Projeto Milnio para dar embasamento tcnico s formas mais eficientes de alcanar cada uma delas. Esse projeto possui vrios grupos de trabalho, um dos quais est encarregado da meta 2 (acesso universal educao primria at o ano de 2015) e da meta 3 (promoo da igualdade entre os gêneros e empoderamento das mulheres). Este artigo analisa alguns aspectos da interseo desses dois temas porque, tradicionalmente, de um lado, as questes de gênero tm recebido pouca ateno nos debates educacionais e, de outro, a educao tem tido pouco destaque na agenda da igualdade de gêneros.
Appreciation of humor includes several cognitive and social processes. None can say that two communities will laugh at the same jokes and find funny the same humorous content. This study worked differences in humor appreciation of university students and comparisons were made between sex and age of participants. To assess the appreciation of humor was built an instrument with 15 written jokes. This instrument was presented to a total sample of 81 students, divided into 3 groups of different age. Participants had to evaluate two aspects: the playfulness and the difficulty of each stimulus or humorous vignette. The jokes that showed significant differences in jocularity have a particular structure marked for a disqualifying content to men, indicating, as noted the literature, that men have more fun with sexual humor and prefers this kind of jokes as well as content related to aggressive or hostile, while women have more fun with humorous vignettes when the man is the victim and reject more when the victim is a woman. In terms of age and the appreciation of humor, there are differences in the type of situations and social contexts valued in the jokes, involving relationship between situational and social aspects of humor.
Proponho, com este trabalho, uma anlise da variao da manuteno da marca de concordncia verbal de segunda pessoa do singular em Pelotas (RS). Considero, para tanto, os aspectos lingsticos e, sobretudo, os aspectos sociais dessa variao. Almejo, assim, auxiliar na descrio de fenmenos de concordncia verbal. Apio esta anlise na Teoria da Variao Laboviana e em vises de classes sociais que levam em conta princpios socioeconomicistas, marxistas, econolingsticos, ocupacionais e das condies estruturais de manuteno das desigualdades sociais. Analisei dados de concordncia de segunda pessoa do singular em noventa entrevistas do Banco de Dados Sociolingsticos Variveis por Classe Social VarX que foram realizadas em Pelotas (RS) em 2000 e 2001. O VarX possui uma diviso equilibrada de informantes por gênero, faixa etria e classe social. Das entrevistas realizadas na casa do informante, afloram falas espontneas sobre histrias familiares, peripcias do passado. Utilizei, para a anlise dos dados, metodologia quantitativa com base na interface Windows para o Varbrul e em formulrio de codificao de dados. Alm dos dados de fala do VarX, utilizei como fonte de pesquisa o Questionrio do VarX e os resultados do Censo 2000 do IBGE. Os resultados, com relao concordncia de segunda pessoa do singular em Pelotas, apontam na direo de que: ocorra apagamento varivel da desinncia nmero-pessoal em virtude de uma regularizao do paradigma verbal em que so privilegiadas formas neutras; o apagamento da marca de segunda pessoa do singular sofra influncia de condicionadores lingsticos (salincia fnica, interlocuo entrevistado/entrevistador, ausncia do pronome-sujeito e tipo de frase) e sociais (h indcios de que: a utilizao de marca tenha prestgio, mas sua no-utilizao no sofra estigma; o fenmeno esteja em fase de consolidao e se configure como uma mudana lingstica quase completada; as mulheres resistam ao processo de apagamento da marca de concordncia mais do que homens).
o tema desta pesquisa so concepes e prticas de iniciao sexual-afetiva de jovens moradores de Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro e Salvador (Brasil). O meu objeto de anlise so representaes sociais destes jovens entrevistados acerca de suas experincias afetivas, amorosas e/ou sexuais, a partir de suas narrativas sobre sua primeira experincia amorosa. Entendendo que os significados que estruturam e so atualizados nas relações afetivas e nas prticas sexuais dos jovens so fornecidos pela cultura, investiguei em que medida as relações de gênero e os diferenciais dados pelo pertencimento a diferentes segmentos sociais (popular ou mdio/alto) determinam diferenas nas representaes destes jovens acerca da sexualidade. As principais concluses apontam para a existncia de sistemas de significados sexuais diferenciados, em primeiro lugar, pelas relações de gênero e, em segundo, pelo segmento social. Mulheres e homens falam de suas relações amorosas e de sexo de maneiras distintas: os discursos femininos centram-se na contextualizao afetivo-romntica de suas relações, enquanto os discursos masculinos enfocam a capacidade tcnica-corporal para o desempenho do ato sexual. O material aqui analisado constitui uma parte dos dados oriundos de uma etapa qualitativa de um projeto de pesquisa intitulado "Gravidez na Adolescncia: Estudo Multicntrico sobre Jovens, Sexualidade e Reproduo no Brasil" (G,RAVAD) desenvolvido pelo IMS-UERJ, MUSA-UFBA e NUPACS-UFRGS.
Herdeiros do tetra: os projetos sociais desenvolvidos por jogadores de futebol tetracampees mundiais
Este estudo analisa o futebol no somente como uma modalidade esportiva, mas como um fenmeno cultural na sociedade brasileira. A possibilidade de aproveitar este esporte como um instrumento de transformao social utilizando os jogadores e ex-atletas profissionais como gestores de projetos. Considera-se essencial caracterizao deste processo a articulao entre cultura, cidadania, educao, relações sociais para a contribuio no desenvolvimento de famlias e comunidades, eixo a partir do qual se abordam as complexas questes relacionadas. Com base nos projetos sociais pesquisados neste estudo e que foram institudos por atletas de futebol profissional, destaca-se a correlao entre a concepo do futebol como um esporte competitivo e as relações possveis que essa atividade pode exercer com a sociedade e com o pblico usurio dos projetos.
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a criao de redes sociais eletrnicas e o papel estruturante do Software Livre e de Cdigo Aberto (SL/CA), a partir da experincia do Projeto Rede de Ateno Criana e ao Adolescente do Programa Pr-Menino, da Fundao Telefnica. Para tanto, foi necessrio caminhar por diferentes reas do conhecimento, para compreender os vrios aspectos das redes sociais eletrnicas e, com isso, construir uma viso multifacetada do problema. Esse percurso foi construdo ao longo de dez meses de trabalhos, com oito municpios do Estado de So Paulo e com a Fundao Telefnica, at a criao de um software, a partir da seguinte pergunta: o que faz um software de rede eletrnica ter sucesso por longo perodo?. O trabalho possibilitou o entendimento de como o SL/CA pode servir a redes sociais e das aprendizagens que ele pode propiciar-lhes, mostrando que a gratuidade apenas um de suas caractersticas. O SL/CA possui uma srie de aspectos que podem constituir elementos estruturantes da rede, seja no que diz respeito aos modelos de produo de software propriamente, seja no que tange ao gerenciamento de equipes de projetos com grande complexidade tcnica em comunidades geograficamente dispersas e sem controle hierrquico e, enfim, no que tange aos aspectos de produo e distribuio de conhecimentos como bens pblicos.
Este estudo partiu da prtica psicolgica no atendimento de adolescentes em um servio de sade mental coletiva na cidade de Porto Alegre. O tema investigado o processo da adolescncia em sua multiplicidade e abrangncia, considerando as experincias de engravidar, a construo da sexualidade e os contextos sociais populares. Alm disso, o campo da Sade Pblica, as polticas pblicas e o lugar ocupado pela sade mental, constituem os eixos de abordagem. Destacou-se a importncia das relações de gênero sob o vis da teoria psicanaltica, redefinindo o lugar e a posio subjetiva do(a) adolescente, onde a recapitulao da diferena sexual anatmica produz novos efeitos imaginrios para o masculino e o feminino. H um conjunto de situaes e acontecimentos que so prprios tanto da maturao pubertria e das transformaes biolgicas, quanto dos novos modos de viver essas transformaes, estabelecer parmetros de gênero e habitar um corpo sexualmente maduro com relao aptido reprodutiva. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se a descrio de carter etnogrfico como forma de circunscrever os domnios para a observao de campo e, partindo da tcnica do estudo de caso, onde o servio de atendimento psicolgico para adolescentes em uma equipe de sade mental foi o foco, estabeleceu-se uma triangulao entre diferentes fontes de evidncia, tais como: as narrativas individuais, a atividade nos grupos e a anlise documental. A anlise de contedo tornou-se a estratgia para identificar as categorias emergentes e interpret-las luz da psicanlise. Enfatiza-se os aspectos subjetivos e inconscientes que envolvem a procriao humana, sugerindo o neologismo "engravidamento" como um processo psquico na adolescncia. Como resultado, prope-se a constituio de intervalos temporais (ato, dvida, cogitao e certeza) para o processo de engravidamento e problematiza-se o tratamento do problema como epidemia, principalmente quando o foco volta-se para os bairros populares do meio urbano e para a Sade Pblica. Discute-se o paradoxo da condio adolescente, quando a adolescente "antecipa-se" a concluir, sem a "verificao" e "precipita-se" na experincia sem "se previnir", revelando-se duas inadequaes nas prticas de sade: o ideal higienista com a vigilncia do corpo feminino, por um lado e a fragmentao das polticas de sade, por outro.
This body of work discusses the gender meanings associated with cowboys while endorsing contemporary rodeos in Rio Grande do Norte as a recreational sport and a form of ludic expression. As a result, this research has focused on rodeo practices, aiming to understand the different aspects emphasizing masculinity: these associations being constructed through relationships, contexts and the competitiveness between participants. These gender meanings hinge on the desire for a wining performance and on the behaviour exhibited among cowboys outside the competitive ring in specific social settings such as parties and recreational time. The latter were the focus of the ethnographic research; direct observation and semistructured interviews with cowboys in rodeo stadiums were also used. Through qualitative analysis of the collected data, it was revealed that historically and socially different trajectories do not immediately cause a gender crisis in cowboys, but the assignment of new significance by the social acts in each historical context. However, the presence of cowboys leads to other models of masculinity configured by expressions and the insertion of new personas, not coming directly from field activities, but imbued by the symbolic elements of the cowboy persona, constructed throughout history
The paper presents a discussion about gender and body in the drag queens experience at Natal city (RN). From the different concepts that characterizes the identity processes on subjects who perform gender transformation (transvestites, transsexuals and female impersonators), the justification for studying the drag character is observed as a means to understand matters that are important when you take such a position. Therefore, there is a need for a linkage between the various concepts responsible for this definition, in addition to considering the historical and cultural process responsible for the creation of such categories, identities and stereotypes among these individuals. In this sense it will be possible to carry out a critical analysis on the different social loads present in each representation, and understand what is at stake in the attribution of classifications and terminologies that are applied to different expressions of metamorphosis. This ethnography considers the debate from a field research conducted at LGBT social establishments and other performance spaces of these people, verifying their dynamics in these places and investigating relationships between performers, personas and characters and also backstage scene in which they participate
In this research, we propose a discussion from that observed in our field of work that women are prostitutes and who self-define understood. We check these women have sex with men by means of work and with women from the relationship of affection. We analyzed the practice of sexual activity as another possible expression of sexuality. There are many studies that deal with issues around the theme of prostitution and homosexuality in regard to various aspects and disciplines. Our proposal for study with these women is a topic that is on the agenda, as today, the theme of prostitution and homosexuality is well discussed within the Humanities in general. These new studies indicate about sexuality in a privileged place discussing values associated with the intimacy of the modern person, but also suggest that permeate discussions elements underlying the identity of women who have sex with women and men, the latter being, sexual activity mediated through the employment relationship by the financial interest, because according to our informants, prostitution is a job. From the reports of our participants / informants your answers fit the various brands that define the social field of possibilities of the sexual practices of individuals, raising questions about the origin and social class, family history, stage of life they are set of gender relations in the universe in which they live. All these elements provide the beacons to the process of shaping of subjectivity, understood as the social and biographical circumstances that define the direction I face this new constitution of the subject, it is defined by many theorists of the humanities, such as post-modern or modernity, and the insurgency that we have with the liberation movements that gays and lesbians were in question and make the politicization of sexuality
This paper presents some reflections on the social world of young female transgression. The context corresponds to those ones that obey social and educational measures in The Padre Joo Maria Education Centre (CEDUC), in Natal- RN. This behavior, according to the Statute of Children and Young (ECA, 1990), is defined as "conduct described as crime or misdemeanor." Our goal is to discuss aspects of the contexts in which young women are interacting with the universe of total institutional control mechanisms. Through the socio-anthropological analysis of the ethnographic practice in field research, it was necessary to question the concept of misuse engaged in the practice of penalties awarded to young women in the context of private freedom. So was built a frame relating the representations of the relations of gender, generation, the practice of violence and crime from the look on CEDUC/ Padre Joo Maria Education Centre
The work aims to analyze high school students utterances, in reading diary discursive genre, starting from the language concept proposed by the Bakhtin Circle. The genre in question has peculiar characteristics which justify its choice for this work, especially with regard to subjectivity marks, that reveal, through the ideological clash, positions on various issues. From the utterances selected for the corpus, categories were created, during the research, according to the guidelines of Guba and Lincoln (2006), Mazzotti and Gewandsznajder (1998) and Amorim (2002), for whom the research in human sciences cannot be based on pre-established categories. We consider diary as a discursive genre (BAKHTIN, 2010a), which carries the characteristics of composition, style and content. Other concepts of the Circle, concerning to utterance, dialogical relations, social voices, responsiveness and exotopy also formed the basis for the study. Moreover, during the analysis of the utterances that compose the corpus of research, we used the concepts of discursive polemics (BAKHTIN, 2010b) and Framework (2010a). At the end of the research, we realized that the assessment situation of students, the fact that they are in an institution whose policy follows national documents, based on diversity and plurality, and live together in a classroom space where there are differences of social class, age, and finally, different realities, were not sufficient factors for this diversity be well accepted in their positions. Thus, their utterances bring voices that demonstrated a difficulty in accepting others that are different from themselves. In view of this, we conclude that teachers need to be prepared to handle these discourses, creating strategies for mediating these dissonant voices, with which must make contact every day at school
Oral health measures directed to children are characterized by the lack of policies that consider the individual and his biopsychosocial aspects. As a consequence, it can be observed that a childs dental experience has normally been prejudged as unpleasant and threatening. Thus, this study is aimed at investigating dental treatment from the childs viewpoint using the theory of social representations for theoretical/methodological support. This theory was selected for being able to build practical knowledge surrounding the interrelations between social actors, the phenomenon and the world around them. The investigation was performed at the Professor Jos Fernandes Machado State School, located in the Ponta Negra district of Natal-RN-Brazil. The participants consisted of 30 children from the public elementary school system in the 6-10 year age group, who had undergone dental treatment within the previous year or were being treated at the time of data collection. An in-depth interview and story drawing within a theme were used as collection instruments. Thematic Content Analysis (Bardin, 2002) was used to analyze the material collected in the interviews, whereas for story drawing within a theme, in addition to content analysis, the data were also analyzed by the Coutinho model (2001). The two instruments demonstrated similarity of content as well as complementarity and contained categories associated to the model for dental treatment in children, the description of the dental office environment., the perception of the image of the dentist, as well as psychological and behavioral manifestations. The results enable us to understand determinate reactions of the children in relation to dental treatment, which has been characterized by its technical-curative approach, where the motive for seeking treatment, the manner in which it is performed and the relation of the dentist with the child are all in evidence. Thus, this study intends not only to reveal the viewpoint of children faced with dental treatment, but also to contribute to a dental practice directed towards them, in this way instilling in the professionals who attend them a more concrete awareness of the needs, anxieties and feelings of these young patients
This master thesis aimed to investigate how the power relations operating in the tourism social processes, have shaped the urbanization of Ponta Negra district, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte - RN. The study assumes that the production of space is the result of global phenomena individualized by local forces a process of glocalization. The method used was the case study. It used primary and secondary data and information were treated using the technique of content analysis. The urbanization of Ponta Negra is inserted in the context of global process triggered in the 1970s. The Park of Dunas and Costeira Highway (PD/VC) urbanization project marks the beginning of the Tourisms since 1979. The period in focus was 1979 to 2009. The tourism was dived into four major sections time: tourism in Natal before the Coastal Highway (1939-1979); Project Parque das Dunas / Coastal Highway to the first boom in domestic tourism (1979 - 1990); the internationalization of tourism (1991-2000) and, of first "boom" to "decline" of international tourism (2001-2009). Based on the historical evolution of the tourism were elected three different social processes, able to demonstrate how relations of social forces brought in space act on them and help shape the process of urbanization of the neighborhood in question: The removal of beach hut , the soccer field Botafogo Football Club and the skyscrapers . Finally, it should summarize the research identified interests and conflicts among the actors that form the thrust of spatial transformations: cultural conflicts resulting from the imposition of social practices that differ from the taste of native; clashes between different groups that reflect the duality between use value and exchange value; and interests in land values. In addition, demonstrated that the social relations that involve the production of the area are stimulated by deep-seated societal processes historically and camouflaged by market relations and a modern facade that the city has acquired in recent times; revealed that the actors are linked in networks to increase their influence and that this influence varies mainly according to economic and political power that they or their associates hold
In managing water resources, indexes are used to simplify and quantify available information as well as report the characteristics of a region under study. These indexes may be extremely demanding concerning information required, or very simple, and the water poverty index and Falkenmark index are examples of both extreme situations, respectively. Searching for an index that considers regional and local complexities and information available in developing countries, a new index was developed to evaluate the population accessibility to water resources. This new index combines the Human Development Index and Falkenmark Index and geographic information systems. The results are presented in figures which show the situation at national level, highlighting that the Northeast and Southeast regions are the most vulnerable in Brazil.