948 resultados para Regular expressions
We consider 2n masses located at the vertices of two nested regular polyhedra with the same number of vertices. Assuming that the masses in each polyhedron are equal, we prove that for each ratio of the masses of the inner and the outer polyhedron there exists a unique ratio of the length of the edges of the inner and the outer polyhedron such that the configuration is central.
Three regular polyhedra are called nested if they have the same number of vertices n, the same center and the positions of the vertices of the inner polyhedron ri, the ones of the medium polyhedron Ri and the ones of the outer polyhedron Ri satisfy the relation Ri = ri and Ri = Rri for some scale factors R > > 1 and for all i = 1, . . . , n. We consider 3n masses located at the vertices of three nested regular polyhedra. We assume that the masses of the inner polyhedron are equal to m1, the masses of the medium one are equal to m2, and the masses of the outer one are equal to m3. We prove that if the ratios of the masses m2/m1 and m3/m1 and the scale factors and R satisfy two convenient relations, then this configuration is central for the 3n–body problem. Moreover there is some numerical evidence that, first, fixed two values of the ratios m2/m1 and m3/m1, the 3n–body problem has a unique central configuration of this type; and second that the number of nested regular polyhedra with the same number of vertices forming a central configuration for convenient masses and sizes is arbitrary.
We analyze the process of informational exchange through complex networks by measuring network efficiencies. Aiming to study nonclustered systems, we propose a modification of this measure on the local level. We apply this method to an extension of the class of small worlds that includes declustered networks and show that they are locally quite efficient, although their clustering coefficient is practically zero. Unweighted systems with small-world and scale-free topologies are shown to be both globally and locally efficient. Our method is also applied to characterize weighted networks. In particular we examine the properties of underground transportation systems of Madrid and Barcelona and reinterpret the results obtained for the Boston subway network.
A cross-over controlled administration study of smoked cannabis was carried out on occasional and heavy smokers. The participants smoked a joint (11 % Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)) or a matching placebo on two different occasions. Whole blood (WB) and oral fluid (OF) samples were collected before and up to 3.5 h after smoking the joints. Pharmacokinetic analyses were obtained from these data. Questionnaires assessing the subjective effects were administered to the subjects during each session before and after the smoking time period. THC, 11-hydroxy-THC (11-OH-THC) and 11-nor-9-carboxy-THC (THCCOOH) were analyzed in the blood by gas chromatography or liquid chromatography (LC)-tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). The determination of THC, THCCOOH, cannabinol (CBN), and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid A (THC-A) was carried out on OF only using LC-MS/MS. In line with the widely accepted assumption that cannabis smoking results in a strong contamination of the oral cavity, we found that THC, and also THC-A, shows a sharp, high concentration peak just after smoking, with a rapid decrease in these levels within 3 h. No obvious differences were found between both groups concerning THC median maximum concentrations measured either in blood or in OF; these levels were equal to 1,338 and 1,041 μg/L in OF and to 82 and 94 μg/L in WB for occasional and heavy smokers, respectively. The initial WB THCCOOH concentration was much higher in regular smokers than in occasional users. Compared with the occasional smokers, the sensation of confusion felt by the regular smokers was much less while the feeling of intoxication remained almost unchanged.
Process variations are a major bottleneck for digital CMOS integrated circuits manufacturability and yield. That iswhy regular techniques with different degrees of regularity are emerging as possible solutions. Our proposal is a new regular layout design technique called Via-Configurable Transistors Array (VCTA) that pushes to the limit circuit layout regularity for devices and interconnects in order to maximize regularity benefits. VCTA is predicted to perform worse than the Standard Cell approach designs for a certain technology node but it will allow the use of a future technology on an earlier time. Ourobjective is to optimize VCTA for it to be comparable to the Standard Cell design in an older technology. Simulations for the first unoptimized version of our VCTA of delay and energy consumption for a Full Adder circuit in the 90 nm technology node are presented and also the extrapolation for Carry-RippleAdders from 4 bits to 64 bits.
3,537 men enrolling in 2007 for mandatory army recruitment procedures were assessed for the co-occurrence of risky licit substance use among risky cannabis users. Risky cannabis use was defined as at least twice weekly; risky alcohol use as 6+ drinks more than once/monthly, or more than 20 drinks per week; and risky tobacco use as daily smoking. Ninety-five percent of all risky cannabis users reported other risky use. They began using cannabis earlier than did non-risky users, but age of onset was unrelated to other risky substance use. A pressing public health issue among cannabis users stems from risky licit substance use warranting preventive efforts within this age group.
Collection : Archives de la linguistique française ; 195
Collection : Archives de la linguistique française ; 327
Collection : Archives de la linguistique française ; 85
Résumé Le trouble somatoforme douloureux persistant et le syndrome de fatigue chronique constituent des entités cliniques qui incarnent la position particulière du corps dans notre société actuelle. Tous les deux se situent dans un carrefour entre le psychique et le somatique, en interaction étroite avec l'entourage socioculturel, soulignant ainsi la nécessité de considérer l'être humain dans son intégralité. La société actuelle, pauvre en repères collectifs, où l'exaltation de l'individualité est un critère primordial et où le corps social réparateur n'existe pas, provoque une grand mal être. Le sentiment de ne pas être reconnu dans son intériorité est incorporé et après s'exprime ensuite sous la forme d'une plainte douloureuse. Le contexte de l'émigration et celui des systèmes de prévoyance sociale dans les pays occidentaux, sont des exemples de conditions qui favorisent le changement dans la dynamique de la maladie. En s'appuyant sur la représentation du corps dans un moment historique précis, l'homme cherche à exprimer une souffrance profonde dans le vécu de soi-même, qui n'a pas accès à d'autres voies d'expression. Le contexte social, culturel, médical, professionnel, lui facilite les moyens d'obtenir la reconnaissance de son affliction sans être exclu du groupe d'appartenance sociale. Les deux symptômes, douleur et fatigue, rassemblent les conditions nécessaires, dans la conception actuelle du corps, sociale et médicale, pour transporter le désir et la demande d'une partie de la société qui ne peut pas exprimer sa souffrance.
Retrouver le sens de la violence est une démarche certes essentielle, mais non suffisante. Il s'agit aussi d'aller au-delà du sens et de revoir sans cesse les réponses aux expressions nouvelles et inattendues des phénomènes violents, individuels ou collectifs. Cherchant à dépasser une dramatisation de la problématique de la violence des jeunes, ce livre offre des perspectives de réflexion et d'action utiles aux professionnels de la santé mentale des enfants et des adolescents, et plus largement à tous les partenaires du réseau social, éducatif et scolaire. 1. Définition et sources de la violence : Infamies d'enfance. - Agressivité, haine et destructivité: les racines de la violence. - L'enfance des patients adultes diagnostiqués de "paraphilie". - La violence, ses sources pulsionnelles et sa genèse psychique. 2. Formes de violence : Réalités et énigmes de la sexualité infantile déviante. - Les parents battus. - Le harcèlement entre jeunes du même âge. L'arrière-plan familial des jeunes impliqués. - Comportements psychopathiques et réactivité traumatique. - La transgression dans les camps d'extermination nazis. Perdre son âme. Sauver la vie. 3. Psychopathologie. 4. Traitements : De la consommation de substances à la dépendance: un modèle intégratif. - Agressivité et transfert dans le quotidien psychothérapeutique. - Expériences d'interventions au niveau des cellules d'urgences médico-psychologiques. - Sens et non-sens de la violence. - Violences et soins à l'adolescence. - Evacuation et représentation de la violence chez l'enfant psychotique. - La violence pulsionnelle et ses répercussions transférentielles. - Dystraitance. Un accompagnement institutionnel.
We have analyzed the relative energy of nonmagnetic and magnetic low-lying electronic states of Ni atoms adsorbed on regular and defective sites of the MgO(001) surface. To this end cluster and periodic surface models are used within density functional theory. For Ni atoms adsorbed on oxygen vacancies at low coverage, the interaction energy between the metal and the support is much larger than on regular sites. Strong bonding results in a diamagnetic adsorbed species and the energy required to reach the high-spin state increases. Moreover, a correlation appears between the low-spin to high-spin energy difference and the interaction energy hypothesizing that it is possible to prepare the surface to tune the high-spin to low-spin energy difference. Magnetic properties of adsorbed thin films obtained upon increasing coverage are more difficult to interpret. This is because the metallic bond is readily formed and dominates over the effect of the atoms directly bound to the vacancy.