957 resultados para Reestruturação do habitus


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We present here the results of a study whose objectives were to identify the social representation of being a professor of early childhood education in Campina Grande - PB, in the public state and municipal levels, and detect structural diagrams of a possible mental habitus of professorial faculty of education child, which would form the basis for the construction of this representation. As a theoretical base, we adopted the model developed by Domingos Sobrinho (1998, 2000, 2003, 2010, 2011), which articulates the Theory of Social Representations, Serge Moscovici, and the foundations and concepts of Pierre Bourdieu praxiology. It is based also on the Central Nucleus Theory, which focuses on the structural approach of social representations. Thus, puts in evidence the relational dynamics and symbolic, through which individuals come into contact, describe, understand and reproduce the outside world in his image and likeness. 199 teachers participated in the study of child care and pre-schools of Campina Grande - PB and 109 of the state. The methods and techniques used were: a) participant observation of everyday life of teachers of kindergartens and preschools, b) semi-structured interview, c) free associations of words with inducing the expression 'being a professor of early childhood education is ...' and d) semi-structured questionnaire. The data were analyzed in the case of interviews through the categorical content analysis, as proposed by Bauer (2010); free-associations, using the software Ensemble L'Analyse des Programmes Permettant evocations (EVOC), developed by Vergès (2002), which combines frequency and average order of recall (or association) and the questionnaire data, the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). It was verified the existence of a unique social representation shared by the population studied, but its content is structured differently. For local teachers, the centrality of the content is given by the elements commitment, dedication, responsibility, and rewarding teachers for this state revolves around the elements of love, patience, and rewarding responsibility. However, it is constructed mainly based on the related produced by a religious habitus and maternal habitus, which are part of the genesis of the establishment of professorial habitus in focus, among other cultural references of secondary influence. We conclude that a teacher of early childhood education actually researched, is materialized in the practices of educating and caring, in a clear fusion of the role of teacher and mother


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El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la implantación del Programa de Apoyo a Planes de Reestructuración y Expansión de las Universidades Federales (REUNI) así como su papel en la reconfiguración de la Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, resaltando sus repercusiones en la gestión y organización de la universidad. Para la realización del trabajo, entre los procedimientos técnicos, utilizamos la revisión de literatura, el análisis de documentos y las entrevistas semiestructuradas. La revisión bibliográfica ha permitido profundizar en conceptos importantes sobre la temática, priorizando los contenidos referentes a los conceptos de globalización y neoliberalismo; La reforma del Estado y sus repercusiones sobre las políticas de educación superior brasileña; directrices de documentos internacionales y nacionales que definieron la organización de este nivel de enseñanza. Los estudios indican, en relación a la expansión de la UFRN, que las metas pactadas del REUNI fueron atendidas casi en su totalidad. Sin embargo, cualitativamente, no se puede afirmar que el REUNI haya tenido un impacto positivo, pues además del incremento de plazas y de la creación de cursos nuevos, que en su mayoría fueron cursos nocturnos, ha habido un aumento sustancial en relación a la cantidad de alumnos por profesor, lo que demuestra que dicho incremento también se da por la racionalización de los recursos humanos y de la estructura físca existentes. Desde esta perspectiva, el REUNI originó varias modificaciones en la forma de gestionar los servicios en la UFRN, mereciendo especial atención la intensificación del proceso de transformaciones en la concepción de una gestión burocrática a una gestión desde la gerencia, resaltando la cultura instituída con el contrato de gestión. En ese sentido, la utilización de las metas y de los indicadores de desempeño pasa a adquirir cada vez más importancia como forma de acompañar y evaluar el cumplimiento de las acciones pactadas, pues de este cumplimiento depende la concesión de recursos financieros. Dentro de este contexto, el Programa se ha caracterizado por dar continuidad a las políticas de privatización para la expansión de la educación superior brasileña, provocando la inserción en las universidades públicas federales, de un modelo de organización fundamentado en el paradigma de la gerencia y la administración, que conlleva así, a la mercantilización de los bienes y servicios académicos


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The aim of the present paper is to reorganize a discipline on technological physics so that the construction site of civil engineering becomes a natural environment of learning, providing the learner with the association between theory and practice as well as allowing the subject to process, in real time, information generated from his cognitive constructions and his contextualizations. Thus, a sequence of actions was taken into account: firstly, the programme was developed in the classroom, sharing with its contextualized information through experiments done under supervision by the learners in laboratories; secondly, the data which associate physics with construction were collected and, to do so, technical visits to construction sites were realized, providing the learner the association between the theory and the practice in a suitable site to the constructivist approach. As a result, the first discipline on physics of the Curso de Tecnólogos em Gerência de Obras de Edificações do CEFET/PB was re-structured in terms of syllabus, methodology, application and evaluation. In fact, this work deals with a dynamic process that gathers and gives emphasis to teaching, learning, technology, information, creativity, competence and abilities in a constructivist learning process and, as a consequence, having allowed institutional engagement


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In recent decades higher education in Brazil has gone through several changes. The Programa de Reestruturação e Expansão das Universidades Federais REUNI has been the greatest overhaul performed by the government in public universities in the last years. REUNI is presented as the biggest reform in tertiary education in contemporary times, having as the main goal a gradual increase in the average rate of conclusion in live learning graduation courses up to 90%, as well as a rate expansion of graduating students in face to face classes per professor. This research aims at studying the perception of professors from UFRN concerning the REUNI program in execution from 2008 until 2012. The study seeks to understand how professors evaluate the program and what the dimensions that most influence in this evaluation are. The study made use of a research tool (survey) which was sent through the internal system of the university, SIGAdmin, to all professors of superior teaching from UFRN. The answers generated by the survey were processed using SPSS statistical software (Statistical Package for Social Science). Factorial Analysis and Multiple Linear Regression were used as an analysis technique. 180 answers were obtained, reaching all UFRN Centers and some academic units, as well as some campuses in the countryside of the state. Through the research was possible to analyze how professors from UFRN perceive the REUNI program implemented in the institution. The results point to the program approval by the professors. Statistical tests showed that the average values obtained in the Centers and academic units are basically the same. It was demonstrated that the extent that most influenced in the answers is linked to practical outcomes of the program, whereas the knowledge of REUNI goals was the least that impacted on the marks given to the program. Another dimension which influenced the perception of professors relates to the influence of REUNI in their activities. It was observed that professors from UFRN don t see REUNI as an impediment to them


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This master s dissertation deals with motivation and the meaning of work amongst bank employees. This is done considering a cognitive perception. Work is understood here under a social and subjective comprehension, once it deals with significance attribution. Motivation is the process that rules choice of the different possibilities of individual behavior, all of which according to the Expectation Theory. This study aims to analyze the implications of the productive restructure, since it is related to technological innovation, organizational changes and management, in motivation and work significance. Thus, the objective of the research is to verify motivational differences and the meaning of work amongst bank employees. This is done in two distinct moments of the productive restructure of bank employees in Natal-RN. The research is divided in two parts. In the first one, changes that occurred in banks between 1999 until 2005 were identified by the means of interviews with 7 bank managers. The analyzed perspective was training intensifying, quality emphasis of customer attendance, the use of automation/technology, staff stabilization, change in staff profile, work intensification, etc. In the second study the Inventory of Motivation and Work Meaning was applied. Thus, questions related to work focus, social demographic data, in 187 bank employees were dealt with. The collected data was compared to data from previous work. It was observed that productive restructure has a reflection in the meaning of work increasing self-expression, economical reward, and responsibility in work conditions. All of the item mention beforehand maintain the level of inhumanness and consummation and respond as being the characteristics of the real work environment. On the other hand, bank employees value less justice, self-expression and more the survival perspective, implying instrumental values to work. As for motivation, it is increased among bank employees. These employees have greater expectations that their work produce results since they believe in their interference in work results


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O uso do solo nem sempre dá lugar a um novo sistema ecológico sustentável, seja de lavouras, seja de pastagens. Com isso, solos utilizados intensamente e de forma inadequada são levados à degradação. Nesse sentido, este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a influência do lodo de esgoto na recuperação de propriedades físicas de um Latossolo Vermelho degradado, cultivado há 2,5 anos com eucalipto (Eucalyptus citriodora Hook) e braquiária (Brachiaria decumbens) no município de Selvíria, MS. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados com seis tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram: 1-vegetação de Cerrado; 2-solo exposto sem tratamento para recuperação; 3-solo cultivado com eucalipto e braquiária sem uso do lodo de esgoto e adubação mineral; 4-solo cultivado com eucalipto e braquiária com adubação mineral; 5-solo cultivado com eucalipto e braquiária com uso de 30 Mg ha-1 de lodo de esgoto; e 6-solo cultivado com eucalipto e braquiária com uso de 60 Mg ha-1 de lodo de esgoto. Nas camadas do solo de 0,00-0,05; 0,05-0,10; 0,10-0,20; e 0,20-0,30 m, foram estudadas as propriedades físicas do solo: macroporosidade, microporosidade; porosidade; e densidade do solo. Na braquiária foram avaliadas as matérias verde e seca e, no eucalipto, a altura média de planta e o DAP (diâmetro à altura do peito). Concluiu-se que o solo estudado está sendo recuperado por meio dos tratamentos estabelecidos. Dentre eles, destacam-se os tratamentos com a utilização do lodo, que influenciaram as propriedades físicas do solo, proporcionaram mais rendimentos de matérias verde e seca da braquiária e promoveram maior crescimento das plantas de eucalipto. O crescimento vegetal, a densidade do solo, a porosidade total e a macroporosidade foram os melhores indicadores da recuperação do solo.


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Here, we report on a newly recognized syndrome in a Brazilian family with three affected women, who had a Marfanoid habitus; long face; hypotelorism; long, thin nose; long, thin hands and feet; and language and learning disabilities. The disorder is compatible with autosomal dominant inheritance. (C) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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O objetivo do artigo é tratar das mutações sociais que ocorrem no mundo do trabalho a partir da era neoliberal no Brasil. Examina-se a precarização do trabalho como sendo elemento compositivo do novo metabolismo social que emerge com a reestruturação produtiva do capital e a constituição do Estado neoliberal. Apresenta-se como bases objetivas da precarização do trabalho, a intensificação (e ampliação) da exploração (e espoliação) da força de trabalho, o desmonte de coletivos de trabalho e de resistência sindical-corporativa; assim como a fragmentação social nas cidades em virtude do crescimento exacerbado do desemprego em massa.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Study addresses the question of elements that constitute the habitus of professional teacher, and the construction of teacher identity the starting point. As a result it was concluded that the professional habitus consists of a grammar-generating practices, routines and schemes involving didactic actions, hexis body and posture.


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A proposição é a seguinte: há que se ter dois espaços distintos de formação docente, um é a sala de aula da universidade e o outro, a sala de aula da escola para a qual o formando está se preparando. Trata-se de mostrar por que os saberes, teoria e prática, pertencentes a essas duas instâncias de formação são inexoravelmente distintos e, por essa razão, exigem lugares e formas diferentes para serem ensinados e aprendidos. Contudo, a natureza diferente de um e de outro não interfere na genética indissociável de ambos. Ao se apresentar um lugar específico para se aprender a teoria e outro, para se aprender a prática, mostra-se à constituição do habitus professoral e a do habitus estudantil, que constituem as categorias operacionais da proposição. É exatamente nesse quesito que reside a particularidade deste estudo. A base empírica foi constituída com reflexões realizadas no Brasil, a partir dos anos de 1990, sobre o tema: Como se aprende para ensinar na sala de aula. A fundamentação utilizada nesta formulação são noções extraídas das ideias de Bourdieu (1983a; 1983b; 1983c; 1989; 1992; 1996).


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC