914 resultados para Recycled steel fibre reinforced concrete


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Within the civil engineering field, the use of the Finite Element Method has acquired a significant importance, since numerical simulations have been employed in a broad field, which encloses the design, analysis and prediction of the structural behaviour of constructions and infrastructures. Nevertheless, these mathematical simulations can only be useful if all the mechanical properties of the materials, boundary conditions and damages are properly modelled. Therefore, it is required not only experimental data (static and/or dynamic tests) to provide references parameters, but also robust calibration methods able to model damage or other special structural conditions. The present paper addresses the model calibration of a footbridge bridge tested with static loads and ambient vibrations. Damage assessment was also carried out based on a hybrid numerical procedure, which combines discrete damage functions with sets of piecewise linear damage functions. Results from the model calibration shows that the model reproduces with good accuracy the experimental behaviour of the bridge.


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By taking advantage of the appropriate use of cement and polymer based materials and advanced computational tools, a pre-fabricated affordable house was built in a modular system. Modular system refers to the complete structure that is built-up by assembling pre-fabricated sandwich panels composed of steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete (SFRSCC) outer layers that are connected by innovative glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) connectors, resulting in a panel with adequate structural, acoustic, and thermal insulation properties. The modular house was prepared for a typical family of six members, but its living area can be easily increased by assembling other pre-fabricated elements. The speed of construction and the cost of the constructive elements make these houses competitive when compared to traditional solutions. In this paper the relevant research subjacent to this project (LEGOUSE) is briefly described, as well as the construction process of the built real scale prototype.


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The present work focuses on the use of the life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle costing (LCC)methodologies to evaluate environmental and economic impacts of polymers and polymer composites materials and products. Initially a literature review is performed in order to assess the scope and limitations of existing LCA and LCC studies on these topics. Then, a case study, based on the production of a water storage glass-fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) composite storage tank, is presented. The storage tank was evaluated via a LCA/LCC integrated model, a novel way of analysing the life cycle (LC) environmental and economic performances of structural products. The overarching conclusion of the review is that the environmental and economic performances of polymers composites in non-mobile applications are seldom assessed and never in a combined integrated way.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Civil


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Fibre reinforced thermoplastic pre impregnated materials produced continuously by diverse methods and processing conditions were used to produce composites using pultrusion. The processing windows used to produce these materials and composites profiles were optimized by using the Taguchi / DOE (Design of Experiments) methods. Composites were manufactured by pultrusion and compression moulding and subsequently submitted to mechanical testing and microscopy analysis. The obtained results were compared with the expected theoretical ones predicted from the Rule of Mixtures (ROM) and with those of similar engineering conventional available materials. The results obtained shown that produced composites have adequate properties for applications in common and structural engineering markets.


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A novel framework for probabilistic-based structural assessment of existing structures, which combines model identification and reliability assessment procedures, considering in an objective way different sources of uncertainty, is presented in this paper. A short description of structural assessment applications, provided in literature, is initially given. Then, the developed model identification procedure, supported in a robust optimization algorithm, is presented. Special attention is given to both experimental and numerical errors, to be considered in this algorithm convergence criterion. An updated numerical model is obtained from this process. The reliability assessment procedure, which considers a probabilistic model for the structure in analysis, is then introduced, incorporating the results of the model identification procedure. The developed model is then updated, as new data is acquired, through a Bayesian inference algorithm, explicitly addressing statistical uncertainty. Finally, the developed framework is validated with a set of reinforced concrete beams, which were loaded up to failure in laboratory.


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There is an increased interest in constructing Pre-Cast (PC) Twin and Triple Reinforced Concrete Box (RCB) culverts in Iowa due to the efficiency associated with their production in controlled environment and decrease of the construction time at the culvert sites. The design of the multi-barrel PC culverts is, however, based on guidelines for single-barrel cast-inplace (CIP) culverts despite that the PC and CIP culverts have different geometry. There is scarce information for multiplebarrel RCB culverts in general and even fewer on culverts with straight wingwalls as those designed by Iowa DOT. Overall, the transition from CIP to PC culverts requires additional information for improving the design specifications currently in use. Motivated by the need to fill these gaps, an experimental study was undertaken by IIHR-Hydroscience & Engineering. The goals of the study are to document flow performance curves and head losses at the culvert entrance for a various culvert geometry, flow conditions, and settings. The tests included single-, double- and triple-barrel PC and CIP culverts with two span-to-rise ratios set on mild and steep slopes. The tests also included optimization of the culvert geometry entrance by considering various configurations for the top bevel. The overall conclusion of the study is that by and large the current Iowa DOT design specifications for CIP culverts can be used for multi-barrel PC culvert design. For unsubmerged flow conditions the difference in the hydraulic performance curves and headloss coefficients for PC and CIP culverts are within the experimental uncertainty. Larger differences (specified by the study) are found for submerged conditions when the flow is increasingly constricted at the entrance in the culvert. The observed differentiation is less important for multi-barrel culverts as the influence of the wingwalls decreases with the increase of the number of barrels.


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The Phase I research, Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT) Project HR-214, "Feasibility Study of Strengthening Existing Single Span Steel Beam Concrete Deck Bridges," verified that post-tensioning can be used to provide strengthening of the composite bridges under investigation. Phase II research, reported here, involved the strengthening of two full-scale prototype bridges - one a prototype of the model bridge tested during Phase I and the other larger and skewed. In addition to the field work, Phase II also involved a considerable amount of laboratory work. A literature search revealed that only minimal data existed on the angle-plus-bar shear connectors. Thus, several specimens utilizing angle-plus-bar, as well as channels, studs and high strength bolts as shear connectors were fabricated and tested. To obtain additional shear connector information, the bridge model of Phase I was sawed into four composite concrete slab and steel beam specimens. Two of the resulting specimens were tested with the original shear connection, while the other two specimens had additional shear connectors added before testing. Although orthotropic plate theory was shown in Phase I to predict vertical load distribution in bridge decks and to predict approximate distribution of post-tensioning for right-angle bridges, it was questioned whether the theory could also be used on skewed bridges. Thus, a small plexiglas model was constructed and used in vertical load distribution tests and post-tensioning force distribution tests for verification of the theory. Conclusions of this research are as follows: (1) The capacity of existing shear connectors must be checked as part of a bridge strengthening program. Determination of the concrete deck strength in advance of bridge strengthening is also recommended. (2) The ultimate capacity of angle-plus-bar shear connectors can be computed on the basis of a modified AASHTO channel connector formula and an angle-to-beam weld capacity check. (3) Existing shear connector capacity can be augmented by means of double-nut high strength bolt connectors. (4) Post-tensioning did not significantly affect truck load distribution for right angle or skewed bridges. (5) Approximate post-tensioning and truck load distribution for actual bridges can be predicted by orthotropic plate theory for vertical load; however, the agreement between actual distribution and theoretical distribution is not as close as that measured for the laboratory model in Phase I. (6) The right angle bridge exhibited considerable end restraint at what would be assumed to be simple support. The construction details at bridge abutments seem to be the reason for the restraint. (7) The skewed bridge exhibited more end restraint than the right angle bridge. Both skew effects and construction details at the abutments accounted for the restraint. (8) End restraint in the right angle and skewed bridges reduced tension strains in the steel bridge beams due to truck loading, but also reduced the compression strains caused by post-tensioning.


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The unifying objective of Phases I and II of this study was to determine the feasibility of the post-tensioning strengthening method and to implement the technique on two composite bridges in Iowa. Following completion of these two phases, Phase III was undertaken and is documented in this report. The basic objectives of Phase III were further monitoring bridge behavior (both during and after post-tensioning) and developing a practical design methodology for designing the strengthening system under investigation. Specific objectives were: to develop strain and force transducers to facilitate the collection of field data; to investigate further the existence and effects of the end restraint on the post-tensioning process; to determine the amount of post-tensioning force loss that occurred during the time between the initial testing and the retesting of the existing bridges; to determine the significance of any temporary temperature-induced post-tensioning force change; and to develop a simplified design methodology that would incorporate various variables such as span length, angle-of-skew, beam spacing, and concrete strength. Experimental field results obtained during Phases II and III were compared to the theoretical results and to each other. Conclusions from this research are as follows: (1) Strengthening single-span composite bridges by post-tensioning is a viable, economical strengthening technique. (2) Behavior of both bridges was similar to the behavior observed from the bridges during field tests conducted under Phase II. (3) The strain transducers were very accurate at measuring mid-span strain. (4) The force transducers gave excellent results under laboratory conditions, but were found to be less effective when used in actual bridge tests. (5) Loss of post-tensioning force due to temperature effects in any particular steel beam post-tensioning tendon system were found to be small. (6) Loss of post-tensioning force over a two-year period was minimal. (7) Significant end restraint was measured in both bridges, caused primarily by reinforcing steel being continuous from the deck into the abutments. This end restraint reduced the effectiveness of the post-tensioning but also reduced midspan strains due to truck loadings. (8) The SAP IV finite element model is capable of accurately modeling the behavior of a post-tensioned bridge, if guardrails and end restraints are included in the model. (9) Post-tensioning distribution should be separated into distributions for the axial force and moment components of an eccentric post-tensioning force. (10) Skews of 45 deg or less have a minor influence on post-tensioning distribution. (11) For typical Iowa three-beam and four-beam composite bridges, simple regression-derived formulas for force and moment fractions can be used to estimate post-tensioning distribution at midspan. At other locations, a simple linear interpolation gives approximately correct results. (12) A simple analytical model can accurately estimate the flexural strength of an isolated post-tensioned composite beam.


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The objective of this research project was to service load test a representative sample of old reinforced concrete bridges (some of them historic and some of them scheduled for demolition) with the results being used to create a database so the performance of similar bridges could be predicted. The types of bridges tested included two reinforced concrete open spandrel arches, two reinforced concrete filled spandrel arches, one reinforced concrete slab bridge, and one two span reinforced concrete stringer bridge. The testing of each bridge consisted of applying a static load at various locations on the bridges and monitoring strains and deflections in critical members. The load was applied by means of a tandem axle dump truck with varying magnitudes of load. At each load increment, the truck was stopped at predetermined transverse and longitudinal locations and strain and deflection data were obtained. The strain data obtained were then evaluated in relation to the strain values predicted by traditional analytical procedures and a carrying capacity of the bridges was determined based on the experimental data. The response of a majority of the bridges tested was considerably lower than that predicted by analysis. Thus, the safe load carrying capacities of the bridges were greater than those predicted by the analytical models, and in a few cases, the load carrying capacities were found to be three or four times greater than calculated values. However, the test results of one bridge were lower than those predicted by analysis and thus resulted in the analytical rating being reduced. The results of the testing verified that traditional analytical methods, in most instances, are conservative and that the safe load carrying capacities of a majority of the reinforced concrete bridges are considerably greater than what one would determine on the basis of analytical analysis alone. In extrapolating the results obtained from diagnostic load tests to levels greater than those placed on the bridge during the load test, care must be taken to ensure safe bridge performance at the higher load levels. To extrapolate the load test results from the bridges tested in this investigation, the method developed by Lichtenstein in NCHRP Project 12-28(13)A was used.


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The purpose of this research was to evaluate the performance and the use of asphalt rubber binders and recycled rubber granules in asphalt pavement in the state of Iowa. This five year research project was initiated in June 1991 and it was incorporated into Muscatine County Construction Project US 61 from Muscatine to Blue Grass over an existing 10 in. (25.4 cm) by 24 ft (7.3 m) jointed rigid concrete pavement constructed in 1957. The research site consisted of four experimental sections (one section containing rubber chip, one section containing reacted asphalt rubber in both binder and surface, and two sections containing reacted asphalt rubber in surface) and four control sections. This report contains findings of the University of Northern Iowa research team covering selected responsibilities of the research project "Determination of the aging and changing of the conventional asphalt binder and asphalt-rubber binder". Based on the laboratory test, the inclusion of recycled crumb rubber into asphalt affects the ductility of modified binder at various temperatures.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation is evaluating the use of ground recycled crumb rubber from discarded tires in asphalt rubber cement. There were four projects completed during 1991 and another one constructed in 1992. This project is located on IA 140 north of Kingsley in Plymouth County. The project contains one section with reacted asphalt rubber cement (ARC) used in both binder and surface courses, one with reacted ARC used in the surface course and a conventional binder course, and a conventional mix control section. The reacted rubber binder course was placed on October 17, 1991 and the reacted rubber surface course was placed on October 17, 18, and 19. Inclement weather caused a slight delay in placing or constructing the surface. There was a minor problem with shoving and cracking of the binder course. The construction went well otherwise. Information included in this report consists of test results, construction reports, and cost comparisons.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation is evaluating the use of discarded tires in asphalt rubber cement. There have been five projects completed in Iowa. This project is located on US 151 north of Cascade to US 61 in Dubuque. One section consists of an asphalt rubber cement surface and a conventional binder and two sections contain both asphalt rubber cement surface and binder. The control section of conventional asphalt was completed this spring. Information included in this report consists of test results, construction reports, and cost comparisons.


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The disposal of discarded tires has become a major problem. Different methods of recycling have been researched. Currently, Iowa is researching the use of ground recycled crumb rubber from discarded tires in asphalt rubber cement. Six projects have been completed in Iowa using asphalt rubber cement. This project is located on IA 947 (University Avenue) in Cedar Falls/Waterloo. The project contains one section with asphalt rubber cement used in both the binder and surface courses and one section using asphalt rubber cement in the surface course with a conventional binder. There are two control sections where conventional asphalt pavement was placed.


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Discarded tires present major disposal and environmental problems. The recycling of those tires in asphalt cement concrete is what this research deals with. The Iowa DOT and the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) are evaluating the use of discarded tires in asphalt rubber cement and rubber chip mixes. The project is located on US 61 between Blue Grass and Muscatine in Muscatine County. It contains four rubberized asphalt sections and control sections. One section consists of reacted rubber asphalt cement used in both the binder and surface courses, and one section, both lanes, contains a rubber chip mix. The reacted rubber asphalt and the rubber chip mixes were laid in July 1991. The project construction went well with a few problems of shoving and cracking of the mat. This report contains information about procedures and tests that were run and those that will be run. It also has a cost comparison since this is a major concern with the use of asphalt rubber. Evaluation of this project will continue for five years. Three more research projects containing rubberized asphalt were constructed in 1991 and another is to be constructed in 1992.