923 resultados para Read Illinois Initiative.
An objective analysis of image quality parameters was performed for a computed radiography (CR) system using both standard single-side and prototype dual-side read plates. The pre-sampled modulation transfer function (MTF), noise power spectrum (NPS), and detective quantum efficiency (DQE) for the systems were determined at three different beam qualities representative of pediatric chest radiography, at an entrance detector air kerma of 5 microGy. The NPS and DQE measurements were realized under clinically relevant x-ray spectra for pediatric radiology, including x-ray scatter radiations. Compared to the standard single-side read system, the MTF for the dual-side read system is reduced, but this is offset by a significant decrease in image noise, resulting in a marked increase in DQE (+40%) in the low spatial frequency range. Thus, for the same image quality, the new technology permits the CR system to be used at a reduced dose level.
The goal of this study was to evaluate changes in plasma human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) RNA concentration [viral load (VL)] and CD4+ percentage (CD4%) during 6-12 weeks postpartum (PP) among HIV-infected women and to assess differences according to the reason for receipt of antiretrovirals (ARVs) during pregnancy [prophylaxis (PR) vs. treatment (TR)]. Data from a prospective cohort of HIV-infected pregnant women (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development International Site Development Initiative Perinatal Study) were analyzed. Women experiencing their first pregnancy who received ARVs for PR (started during pregnancy, stopped PP) or for TR (initiated prior to pregnancy and/or continued PP) were included and were followed PP. Increases in plasma VL (> 0.5 log10) and decreases in CD4% (> 20% relative decrease in CD4%) between hospital discharge (HD) and PP were assessed. Of the 1,229 women enrolled, 1,119 met the inclusion criteria (PR: 601; TR: 518). At enrollment, 87% were asymptomatic. The median CD4% values were: HD [34% (PR); 25% (TR)] and PP [29% (PR); 24% (TR)]. The VL increases were 60% (PR) and 19% (TR) (p < 0.0001). The CD4% decreases were 36% (PR) and 18% (TR) (p < 0.0001). Women receiving PR were more likely to exhibit an increase in VL [adjusted odds ratio (AOR) 7.7 (95% CI: 5.5-10.9) and a CD4% decrease (AOR 2.3; 95% CI: 1.6-3.2). Women receiving PR are more likely to have VL increases and CD4% decreases compared to those receiving TR. The clinical implications of these VL and CD4% changes remain to be explored.
BACKGROUND The number of copies of the HLA-DRB1 shared epitope, and the minor alleles of the STAT4 rs7574865 and the PTPN22 rs2476601 polymorphisms have all been linked with an increased risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. In the present study, we investigated the effects of these genetic variants on disease activity and disability in patients with early arthritis. METHODOLOGY AND RESULTS We studied 640 patients with early arthritis (76% women; median age, 52 years), recording disease-related variables every 6 months during a 2-year follow-up. HLA-DRB1 alleles were determined by PCR-SSO, while rs7574865 and rs2476601 were genotyped with the Taqman 5' allelic discrimination assay. Multivariate analysis was performed using generalized estimating equations for repeated measures. After adjusting for confounding variables such as gender, age and ACPA, the TT genotype of rs7574865 in STAT4 was associated with increased disease activity (DAS28) as compared with the GG genotype (β coefficient [95% confidence interval] = 0.42 [0.01-0.83], p = 0.044). Conversely, the presence of the T allele of rs2476601 in PTPN22 was associated with diminished disease activity during follow-up in a dose-dependent manner (CT genotype = -0.27 [-0.56- -0.01], p = 0.042; TT genotype = -0.68 [-1.64- -0.27], p = 0.162). After adjustment for gender, age and disease activity, homozygosity for the T allele of rs7574865 in STAT4 was associated with greater disability as compared with the GG genotype. CONCLUSIONS Our data suggest that patients with early arthritis who are homozygous for the T allele of rs7574865 in STAT4 may develop a more severe form of the disease with increased disease activity and disability.
El novembre de 2010, la Comissió Europea ha finalment donat a conèixer la seva "Energia 2020 Comunicació", un document estratègic en el marc més ampli del programa "Europa 2020". Una estratègia per al desenvolupament sostenible intel · ligent, i creixement inclusiu posa les bases d'un nou enfocament a la polÃtica d'energia a la UE. En el marc d'Europa 2020, la Iniciativa d'Energia recopila els resultats que ja s'han obtingut a través de la Estratègia de Lisboa 2000-2010, s'identifiquen les deficiències del passat i i introdueix nous objectius ambiciosos per a la UE en matèria de polÃtica energètica.
Peut-on débattre sur cet arrière-plan topique universel que sont les Droits de l'Homme ? Si tout le monde est d'accord avec ces principes, est-il encore possible d'assister à d'irrémédiables coupures argumentatives entre deux camps pratiquant le dialogue de sourds (Angenot 2008) ? L'analyse d'un corpus tout à fait particulier qui représente toute une production textuelle servant aux citoyens suisses pour se forger une opinion avant un référendum tend à montrer que oui. Ce corpus journalistique et politique se fonde sur un cas assez aigu de débat autour de la liberté d'expression. Ces textes commentent un projet émanant de citoyens suisses qui visait à interdire à l'exécutif fédéral de se prononcer sur un sujet de vote pendant la campagne précédant la votation, le but étant de ne pas influencer par leur autorité le choix des citoyens. Restreindre ainsi la liberté d'expression au profit supposé d'une liberté de choix et de discernement conduit à une bataille entre deux camps. La rhétorique éristique qui en résulte confirme l'hypothèse du dialogue de sourds en se fondant sur une stigmatisation du camp adverse, un combat autour de définitions clés et un désaccord sur le relevé des problèmes. Moins que des arguments, les adversaires se renvoient des questions de frontières, de lexique et de légitimité.
Rail passenger report for Iowa Department of Transportation
Status report of Midwest Regional Rail Initiative
Status report of Midwest Regional Rail Initiative
Newsletter updating the corridor study of the Mississippi Bridge project for the states of Iowa and Illinois.
Newsletter updating the corridor study of the Mississippi Bridge project for the states of Iowa and Illinois.
Newsletter updating the corridor study of the Mississippi Bridge project for the states of Iowa and Illinois.