984 resultados para Read


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"We have learnt to see Joyce as Lacan's own symptom," writes Jean-Michel Rabate, "and as the sinthome par excellence" (2006, 26). This duality of Joyce as an unreadable text permeated with enjoyment and at the same time as an enigma that Lacan wants to decipher supplies the key to an understanding of Seminar XXIII. Lacan's addition to the triad of the Real, the Symbolic and the Imaginary of a fourth term, the Sigma (or sinthome) firms up his late shift from the speakingbeing (parletre, the Lacanian neologism that indicates the insertion of the human being into the signifying chain) to MAN (LOM, a Lacanian play on l'homme). Instead of the human being as inserted into the Symbolic Order, Seminar XXIII presents Joyce as inserting himself into language, tying the signifier to the body in a special, unique way. For Lacan, the sinthome is eccentric to the registers of the Real, Symbolic and Imaginary, yet it paradoxically links them when the Name-of- the-Father fails. The implication is carried in the concept of "nomination" that the Name-of-the-Father (or its structural equivalents, such as "Woman," "God" and "Joyce") makes language possible for the individual.


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A number of international students, predominately from Asian countries, are present in universities in the UK, United States, and Australia. There is little research exploring their experiences as they negotiate the disciplinary requirements of their courses. This paper investigates students' agency as they write their first assignment for their Master's of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages course and the academics who teach them. Talk around texts and the positioning theory are used to analyse the data. It is argued that the students demonstrate strategic agency, which allows them to better understand the academic requirements of their disciplines. The analysis reveals the complexities involved in international students' adaptation to disciplinary discourse and the implications for teaching and learning in higher education.


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The Monthly Packet of Evening Readings for Younger Members of the English Church (1851–99) reveals the interest that Charlotte Yonge had in promoting and supporting girls as readers and writers. As the editor and as a major contributor, Yonge provided a variety of material for the magazine as part of a strategy for the development of girls' reading and writing habits in ways that were consistent with their High Anglican beliefs and that would never cause them to question their faith.


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Current computational methods used to analyze changes in DNA methylation and chromatin modification rely on sequenced genomes. Here we describe a pipeline for the detection of these changes from short-read sequence data that does not require a reference genome. Open source software packages were used for sequence assembly, alignment, and measurement of differential enrichment. The method was evaluated by comparing results with reference-based results showing a strong correlation between chromatin modification and gene expression. We then used our de novo sequence assembly to build the DNA methylation profile for the non-referenced Psammomys obesus genome. The pipeline described uses open source software for fast annotation and visualization of unreferenced genomic regions from short-read data.


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Despite waves of interest in the work of Christina Stead, one aspect of her writing life has been largely neglected. From September 1943, she taught three series of extended writing workshops in New York and in the process left more than three hundred pages documenting her teaching. The question motivating this paper is: Why should we, as writers and teachers of writing, read her writing workshop notebooks nowadays? This paper will place Stead’s workshop in the context of the development of institutional teaching of novel writing and her emergence as a major writer. It will briefly examine how the notebooks have previously been understood and offer a closer analysis than has been made to date of the notebooks and their content and of the key issues raised by them. In particular, we shall explore her pedagogic focus upon workshop participants developing a rigorous, analytical approach to crafting novels and her extensive use of Georges Polti’s Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations to achieve this. That, in turn, will enable us to assess what the notebooks independently reveal about her beliefs regarding the novel and its purpose.


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This paper is the result of discussions held during the initial research on ways of reading and reading activities, to obtain the title of the Ph.D. graduate program in Education at UNESP - Marilia. The paper seeks to rethink the practice followed the reality historically constructed as reference, creating a dialectic movement, and a constant construction, and the overcoming of it. In this perspective, we approach possible practices that can enhance the student's prior knowledge, and from it, to propose ways of action that lead to the development of the subject through the processes of teaching and learning of reading in school. From the study of actions that are agreed as reading practices, the study proposes to work with the Reading Strategies to promote the development of the individual. Among the different results that have been announced in the research, we highlight the need for conscious mediation of the teacher in the act of teaching reading and conscious participation of the student in the process. Partial results give evidence to confirm the hypothesis that: intentional actions are driving the learning of children in activity in the classroom, considering their experiences and choices of the teacher as mediator in the process. Students in third grade of elementary school are the subjects of research, theory and practice. The researcher is the mediator and proposer of the actions based on microgenetic research.


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The transcript of John J. Janovy Jr.'s speech upon acceptance of the American Society of Parasitologists' Clark P. Read Mentor Award, 2003.


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In this action research study of my classroom of 8th and 9th grade Algebra I students, I investigated if there are any benefits for the students in my class to learn how to read, translate, use, and understand the mathematical language found daily in their math lessons. I discovered that daily use and practice of the mathematical language in both written and verbal form, by not only me but by my students as well, improved their understanding of the textbook instructions, increased their vocabulary and also increased their understanding of their math lessons. I also found that my students remembered the mathematical material better with constant use of mathematical language and terms. As a result of this research, I plan to continue stressing the use of mathematical language and vocabulary in my classroom and will try to develop new ways to help students to read, understand, and remember mathematical language they find daily in their textbooks.


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Lo scopo di questa tesi è lo studio, mediante misure sperimentali con un telescopio per raggi cosmici, della risposta temporale di rivelatori a scintillazione accoppiati a diversi tipi di fotorivelatori. In particolare sono stati studiati due tipi di fotorivelatori: i fotomoltiplicatori al silicio (SiPM) ed i rivelatori MicroChannel Plate (MCP); entrambi i sensori presentano ottime caratteristiche per ciò che concerne la risposta temporale. Per una migliore caratterizzazione dei fotorivelatori e per una maggiore completezza dello studio sono stati analizzati anche diversi modelli di accoppiamento tra gli scintillatori ed i sensori, sia a diretto contatto che tramite fibre ottiche. Per cercare di sfruttare al meglio le eccellenti proprietà temporali, sono state utilizzate anche diverse schede di front end veloce e diversa elettronica di read out. In particolare in questa tesi, per la prima volta, è stata usata, per lo studio di questi nuovi fotorivelatori, l’elettronica di front end e read out realizzata per il rivelatore TOF dell’esperimento ALICE a LHC. I risultati di questa tesi rappresentano un punto di partenza per la realizzazione di rivelatori con ottima risoluzione temporale in esperimenti di fisica nucleare ed subnucleare (definizione del trigger, misure di tempo di volo, calorimetria). Altre interessanti applicazioni sono possibili in ambito medico, in particolare strumenti di diagnostica avanzata quali ad esempio la PET.