989 resultados para Rayos gamma


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A set of radiation measurements were carried out in several public and private institutions. These were selected with basis on the people affluence and passage to these sites. These measurements were registration formed either indoor, outdoor or underground and were compiled in three Case Studies. Radiation doses measurements were also made, surface and underground locations, and compiled in other two Case Studies. There were sampled, at the same time, humidity, temperature, atmospheric pressure and relevant construction materials at sampling locations. They were collected and registration formed to analyse if there is any relation or contribution for the measured value in each specific place. Geostatistical models were used to elaborate maps of the results both for radiation values and for doses. Preliminary relations were established among the measured parameters.


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Systemic disease by Cryptococcus neoformans (C. neoformans) is a common opportunistic infection in immunodeficient patients. Cellular immunity seems to be the most important determinant of resistance. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of recombinant rat interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) in murine cryptococcosis (Balb/c mice infected by IP route with the Rivas strain of C. neoformans), evaluating survival time, macroscopic and microscopic examination of the organs, and massive seeding of brain homogenate. IFN-gamma treatment, at a daily dose of 10,000 IU, did not modify significantly these variables when mice were challenged with a high inoculum (10(7) yeasts) and treatment was delayed to 5 days after infection (median survival 21 days in control mice vs. 23 days in IFN-treated). Another set of experiments suggested that IFN-gamma treatment, at a dose of 10,000 IU/day, begun at the moment of infection could be useful (it prolonged survival from 20 to 28 days, although the difference did not achieve statistical signification). When used simultaneously with infection by 3.5 x 10(5) yeasts, IFN-gamma at 10,000 IU/day for 15 days significantly prolonged survival of mice (p = 0.004). These results suggest that, depending on the experimental conditions, IFN-gamma can improve survival of mice infected with a lethal dose of C. neoformans.


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The variation of resistance to 60Co gamma-rays of Biomphalaria glabrata was studied. A population of 480 mollusks was observed during 30 days - distributed in 8 groups of snails isolated and 8 groups of snails in colonies - after exposure (30 snails per group per dose) to increasing doses of gamma radiation. Doses of 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 160, 320 and 640 Gy from a Gamma-cell 60Co irradiator, were applied to the test groups and two groups control (non-irradiated) of snails - isolated and colony - were kept apart. After have been exposed, the snails were drew back to the aquaria where they were maintained before. The survival was estimated on a daily score of the alive animals in each group-dose, starting after the irradiation exposure day. As a result, the survival self-fertilization forms (DL50/30 = 218.2 Gy) was found greater than in cross-fecundation forms. These data point to a low radio-resistance on the cross-fertilization forms - the sexual reproductive form - which is most found in nature. The lower radio-resistance of the cross-fertilization forms suggests the presence of some sex-linked hormonal factor related to this phenomenon.


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Iron is an essential growth element of virtually all microorganisms and its restriction is one of the mechanisms used by macrophages to control microbial multiplication. Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, the agent of paracoccidioidomycosis, an important systemic mycosis in Latin America, is inhibited in its conidia-to-yeast conversion in the absence of iron. We studied the participation of iron in the nitric oxide (NO)-mediated fungicidal mechanism against conidia. Peritoneal murine macrophages activated with 50U/mL of IFN-gamma or treated with 35 µM Deferoxamine (DEX) and infected with P. brasiliensis conidia, were co-cultured and incubated for 96 h in the presence of different concentrations of holotransferrin (HOLO) and FeS0(4). The supernatants were withdrawn in order to assess NO2 production by the Griess method. The monolayers were fixed, stained and observed microscopically. The percentage of the conidia-to-yeast transition was estimated by counting 200 intracellular propagules. IFN-gamma-activated or DEX-treated Mthetas presented marked inhibition of the conidia-to-yeast conversion (19 and 56%, respectively) in comparison with non-activated or untreated Mthetas (80%). IFN-gamma-activated macrophages produced high NO levels in comparison with the controls. Additionally, when the activated or treated-macrophages were supplemented with iron donors (HOLO or FeSO4), the inhibitory action was reversed, although NO production remained intact. These results suggest that the NO-mediated fungicidal mechanism exerted by IFN-gamma-activated macrophages against P. brasiliensis conidia, is dependent of an iron interaction.


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Isolation of Leishmania parasite and species identification are important for confirmation and to help define the epidemiology of the leishmaniasis. Mice are often used to isolate pathogens, but the most common mouse strains are resistant to infection with parasites from the Leishmania (Viannia) subgenus. In this study we tested the inoculation of interferon gamma knockout (IFNγ KO) mice with biopsy macerates from Leishmania-infected patients to increase the possibility of isolating parasites. Biopsies from twenty five patients with clinical signs of leishmaniasis were taken and tested for the presence of parasites. Immunohistochemical assay (IHC) and conventional histopathology detected the parasite in 88% and 83% of the patients, respectively. Leishmania sp. were isolated in biopsy macerates from 52% of the patients by culture in Grace's insect medium, but 13% of isolates were lost due to contamination. Inoculation of macerates in IFNγ KO mice provides isolation of parasites in 31.8% of the biopsies. Most isolates belong to L. (Viannia) subgenus, as confirmed by PCR, except one that belongs to L. (Leishmania) subgenus. Our preliminary results support the use of IFNγ KO mice to improve the possibility to isolate New World Leishmania species.


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Dissertação para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica


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To evaluate if IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha levels could be used as markers of therapeutic response in cutaneous leishmaniasis, 54 patients with history of one ulcerated cutaneous lesion, with up to 30 days onset, were enrolled in the study. IFN-gammaand TNF-alpha were measured by ELISA in lymphocyte cultures supernatant before and 60 days after initiating therapy. Cure was considered to be a complete healing of lesion 60 days after treatment. IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha levels were similar in both groups of patients before therapy. There was a tendency to increase IFN-gamma levels in patients that were cured in 60 days, however the values did not reach statistical significance. In both groups of patients, TNF-alpha levels were similar before therapy and fell significantly after treatment, irrespective of cure or maintenance of active lesion.


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We analyzed the kinetics of cytokine production by mononuclear cells from 17 patients who had been treated for paracoccidioidomycosis, using the stimulus of gp43 peptide groups (43kDa glycoprotein of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis) at 0.1 and 1µM, gp43 (1µg/ml) and crude Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antigen (PbAg; 75µg/ml). IFN-gamma production was a maximum at 144 hours in relation to the G2 and G8 peptide groups at 1µM and was greatest at 144 hours when stimulated by gp43 and by PbAg. The maximum TNF-alpha production was at 144 hours for the G2 group (0.1µM) and for gp43. IL-10 production was highest after 48 and 72 hours for G7 and G6 at 1µM, respectively. We also suggest the best time for analysis of IL4 production. These results may contribute towards future studies with gp43 peptides and encourage further investigations with the aim of understanding the influence of these peptides on the production of inflammatory and regulatory cytokines.


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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: The treatment of individuals with active tuberculosis (TB) and the identification and treatment of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) contacts are the two most important strategies for the control of TB. The objective of this study was compare the performance of tuberculin skin testing (TST) with QuantiFERON-TB Gold In TUBE(r) in the diagnosis of LTBI in contacts of patients with active TB. METHODS: Cross-sectional analytical study with 60 contacts of patients with active pulmonary TB. A blood sample of each contact was taken for interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) and subsequently performed the TST. A receiver operating characteristic curve was generated to assess the cutoff points and the sensitivity, predictive values, and accuracy were calculated. The agreement between IGRA and TST results was evaluated by Kappa coefficient. RESULTS: Here, 67.9% sensitivity, 84.4% specificity, 79.1% PPV, 75% NPV, and 76.7% accuracy were observed for the 5mm cutoff point. The prevalence of LTBI determined by TST and IGRA was 40% and 46.7%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Both QuantiFERON-TB Gold In TUBE(r) and TST showed good performance in LTBI diagnosis. The creation of specific diagnostic methods is necessary for the diagnosis of LTBI with higher sensitivity and specificity, preferably with low cost and not require a return visit for reading because with early treatment of latent forms can prevent active TB.


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The free volume holes of a shape memory polymer have been analysed considering that the empty space between molecules is necessary for the molecular motion, and the shape memory response is based on polymer segments acting as molecular switches through variable flexibility with temperature or other stimuli. Therefore, thermomechanical analysis (TMA) and positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS) have been applied to analyse shape recovery and free volume hole sizes in gamma irradiated polycyclooctene (PCO) samples, as a non-cytotoxic alternative to more conventional PCO crosslinked via peroxide for future applications in medicine. Thus, a first approach relating structure, free volume holes and shape memory properties in gamma irradiated PCO is presented. The results suggest that free volume holes caused by gamma irradiation in PCO samples facilitate the recovery process by improving movement of polymer chains and open t possibilities for the design and control of the macroscopic response.


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[Excerpt] Mycotoxins are secondary toxic metabolites of filamentous fungi. Aflatoxins (AFs) are produced to Aspergillus species such as A. flavus and A. parasiticus. These fungi are ubiquitous in nature and usually found on agricultural commodities. Therefore, AFs are encountered in many important foodstuff, including wheat, rice, maize, peanuts, sorghum, pearl millet, spices, oilseeds, tree nuts and milk. Due to the high toxicity of AFs, many methods have been studied to reduce or eliminate these mycotoxins from food and feed. Gamma irradiation is one technology that has been investigated with promising results. The aims of this study were (I) to study the effect of gamma radiation on aflatoxin B1, aflatoxin B2, aflatoxin G1 and aflatoxin G2 (II) to evaluate the effect of the presence of water on AFs degradation during the irradiation process; and (IV) to evaluate the cytotoxicity of radiolytic products formed. (...)


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[El presente proyecto] aborda el tema de espectroscopía por fluorescencia de Rayos X (FRX) no convencional, en particular el estudio de superficies por reflexión total y el análisis con resolución espacial (mapping) mediante capilares para Rayos X. Objetivos generales y específicos Este proyecto consta de objetivos teóricos y experimentales. Se planea construir y caracterizar sistemas de condensación de haces de fotones por medio de capilares de Rayos X. (...) Se concluirá con el desarrollo e implementación del sistema para análisis superficial por perfiles de profundidad. Este sistema, cuyo estado de avance se encuentra ya muy adelantado, comenzará a utilizarse para realizar estudios de capas superficiales, perfiles superficiales de densidad y concentración, etc. El citado dispositivo es un sistema mixto mecánico-elástico que permite efectuar variaciones angulares con precisión de centésimas de milirradián. Con el objeto de llevar a cabo estudios de perfiles de profundidad cuantitativos se desarrollarán métodos y algoritmos para análisis de datos basados en las estructuras teóricas del análisis por EXAFS (Extended X Ray Analysis Fine Structure). Este enfoque surge de la similitud entre los espectros obtenidos en una experiencia de EXAFS y los correspondientes a una medición de "Depth Profiling" y tiene su fundamentación sobre la base de las ecuaciones elementales para intensidad fluorescente en condiciones de onda estacionaria. Ya que las técnicas por FRX no convencionales están invariablemente asociadas a fuentes de irradiación no convencionales, otro de los objetivos importantes de este proyecto es llevar a cabo experiencias en laboratorios sincrotrón. (...)


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La idea principal del proyecto abarca el estudio de parámetros y fenómenos físicos. Los avances logrados se aplicarán al desarrollo de software y metodologías para cuantificación de materiales mediante microanálisis con sonda de electrones y microscopía electrónica de barrido. El microanálisis no es una técnica absoluta, sino que requiere de estándares de referencia, para obviar el uso de ciertos parámetros geométricos y atómicos difíciles de conocer con una precisión adecuada. Para contar con un método sin estándares debe abordarse la determinación de parámetros atómicos e instrumentales, que es uno de los aspectos que se desea encarar en este proyecto. Por otro lado, también se pretende incluir los parámetros estudiados en un software de cuantificación desarrollado por integrantes del proyecto. Otro de los propósitos del plan de trabajo es estudiar la potencialidad de la resolución espacial de una microsonda de electrones con el fin de desarrollar una metodología para caracterizar interfases, bordes de granos e inclusiones, con resolución submicrométrica, ya que los métodos tradicionales de cuantificación se restringen al caso de muestras planas y homogéneas dentro del volumen de interacción, pero la caracterización de inhomogeneidades a nivel micrométrico no ha sido desarrollada todavía, salvo algunas excepciones. The main idea of this project involves the study of physical parameters and phenomena. The concretion of the different goals will permit the elaboration of softeare and methodologies for materials characterization by means of electron probe microanalysis and scanning microscopy. Electron probe microanalysis is not an absolute technique, but requires reference standards in order not to involve certain geometrical and atomic parameters for which high uncertainties cannot be avoided. In order to have standardless method, the determination of atomic and instrumental parameters must be accomplished, as will be faced through this project. Complementary, the parameters studied will be included in a quantification software developed in our research group of FaMAF. Another objective of this activity plan is to study the spatial resolution potentiality of a focalized electron beam, with the aim of characterizing interphases, grain boundaries and inclusions with submicron sensitivity, since the traditional quantification procedures are restricted to flat homogeneous samples, whereas the characterization of inhomogeneities has not been developed yet.


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Transmission of Cherenkov light through the atmosphere is strongly influenced by the optical clarity of the atmosphere and the prevailing weather conditions. The performance of telescopes measuring this light is therefore dependent on atmospheric effects. This thesis presents software and hardware developed to implement a prototype sky monitoring system for use on the proposed next-generation gamma-ray telescope array, VERITAS. The system, consisting of a CCD camera and a far-infrared pyrometer, was successfully installed and tested on the ten metre atmospheric Cherenkov imaging telescope operated by the VERITAS Collaboration at the F.L. Whipple Observatory in Arizona. The thesis also presents the results of observations of the BL Lacertae object, 1ES1959+650, made with the Whipple ten metre telescope. The observations provide evidence for TeV gamma-ray emission from the BL Lacertae object, 1ES1959+650, at a level of more than 15 standard deviations above background. This represents the first unequivocal detection of this object at TeV energies, making it only the third extragalactic source seen at such levels of significance in this energy range. The flux variability of the source on a number of timescales is also investigated.