929 resultados para Ray Harryhausen


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J Biol Inorg Chem (2007) 12:353–366 DOI 10.1007/s00775-006-0191-9


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J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2004, 126 (28), pp 8614–8615 DOI: 10.1021/ja0490222


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Bioquímica, Especialidade Bioquímica Estrutural


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Bioquímica – Ramo Bioquímica Estrutural


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A thesis submitted for the degree of Ph. D. in Physics


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Scanning electron microscopy applied to the mycelial phase of Sporothrix schenckii shows a matted mycelium with conidia of a regular pattern. X-Ray microanalysis applied in energy dispersive spectroscopy and also in wavelength dispersive spectroscopy reveals the presence of several elements of Mendeleef's classification.


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A radiological study of the small intestine of 17 untreated patients in the acute phase ofschistosomiasis was performed. Twelve patients (70% of total) had alterations: nine had clear-cut thickening of the duodenal and jejunal folds, one flocculation, one fragmentation and one thickening of mucosae, flocculation and fragmentation of the barium column. There was no correlation of the gastrointestinal symptomatology (vomiting, diarrhoea, dysentery, hepatomegaly) neither with the parasitological load nor with the x-ray alterations.


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O racionalismo surge como uma corrente filosófica, cuja operação mental e lógica é evidenciada. Sendo a principal característica do pensamento moderno o método, a bauhaus representa para o design a forma como a indústria se despiu dos ornamentos, buscando o ideal de forma e função. Numa corrente contemporânea, o design emocional retoma, além das funções que um objeto pode ter, estéticas, práticas e simbólicas, também as emocionais de identificação, fazendo rever os métodos. Este artigo faz uma relação deste contexto com a forma brilhante com que o casal Charles e Ray Eames, criou um método absolutamente emocional para a criação do design, iniciando, com a invenção do contraplacado, e depois com acesso a diversas tecnologias advindas do pós-guerra, um processo muito interessante de construção de design, aliando arte e técnica, produzindo assentos atemporais, encontrados facilmente no mundo contemporâneo.


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Polymer based scintillator composites have been fabricated by combining poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) and Gd2O3:Eu nanoparticles (50nm). PVDF has been used since it is a flexible and stable binder matrix and highly resistance to thermal and light deterioration. Gd2O3:Eu has been selected as scintillator material due to its wide band gap, high density and suitable visible light yield. The structural, mechanical, thermal and electrical characteristics of the composites were studied as a function of filler content, together with their performance as scintillator material. The introduction of Gd2O3:Eu nanoparticles into the PVDF matrix does not influence the morphology of the polymer or the degree of crystallinity. On the other hand, an increase of the Young´s modulus with respect to PVDF matrix is observed for filler contents of 0.1-0.75 wt.%. The introduction of Gd2O3:Eu into the PVDF matrix increases dielectric constant and DC electrical conductivity as well as the visible light yield in the nanocomposite, being this increase dependent upon Gd2O3:Eu content and X-ray input power. In this way, Gd2O3:Eu/PVDF composites shows suitable characteristics to be used as X-ray radiation transducers, in particular for large area applications.


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La idea principal del proyecto abarca el estudio de parámetros y fenómenos físicos. Los avances logrados se aplicarán al desarrollo de software y metodologías para cuantificación de materiales mediante microanálisis con sonda de electrones y microscopía electrónica de barrido. El microanálisis no es una técnica absoluta, sino que requiere de estándares de referencia, para obviar el uso de ciertos parámetros geométricos y atómicos difíciles de conocer con una precisión adecuada. Para contar con un método sin estándares debe abordarse la determinación de parámetros atómicos e instrumentales, que es uno de los aspectos que se desea encarar en este proyecto. Por otro lado, también se pretende incluir los parámetros estudiados en un software de cuantificación desarrollado por integrantes del proyecto. Otro de los propósitos del plan de trabajo es estudiar la potencialidad de la resolución espacial de una microsonda de electrones con el fin de desarrollar una metodología para caracterizar interfases, bordes de granos e inclusiones, con resolución submicrométrica, ya que los métodos tradicionales de cuantificación se restringen al caso de muestras planas y homogéneas dentro del volumen de interacción, pero la caracterización de inhomogeneidades a nivel micrométrico no ha sido desarrollada todavía, salvo algunas excepciones. The main idea of this project involves the study of physical parameters and phenomena. The concretion of the different goals will permit the elaboration of softeare and methodologies for materials characterization by means of electron probe microanalysis and scanning microscopy. Electron probe microanalysis is not an absolute technique, but requires reference standards in order not to involve certain geometrical and atomic parameters for which high uncertainties cannot be avoided. In order to have standardless method, the determination of atomic and instrumental parameters must be accomplished, as will be faced through this project. Complementary, the parameters studied will be included in a quantification software developed in our research group of FaMAF. Another objective of this activity plan is to study the spatial resolution potentiality of a focalized electron beam, with the aim of characterizing interphases, grain boundaries and inclusions with submicron sensitivity, since the traditional quantification procedures are restricted to flat homogeneous samples, whereas the characterization of inhomogeneities has not been developed yet.


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Transmission of Cherenkov light through the atmosphere is strongly influenced by the optical clarity of the atmosphere and the prevailing weather conditions. The performance of telescopes measuring this light is therefore dependent on atmospheric effects. This thesis presents software and hardware developed to implement a prototype sky monitoring system for use on the proposed next-generation gamma-ray telescope array, VERITAS. The system, consisting of a CCD camera and a far-infrared pyrometer, was successfully installed and tested on the ten metre atmospheric Cherenkov imaging telescope operated by the VERITAS Collaboration at the F.L. Whipple Observatory in Arizona. The thesis also presents the results of observations of the BL Lacertae object, 1ES1959+650, made with the Whipple ten metre telescope. The observations provide evidence for TeV gamma-ray emission from the BL Lacertae object, 1ES1959+650, at a level of more than 15 standard deviations above background. This represents the first unequivocal detection of this object at TeV energies, making it only the third extragalactic source seen at such levels of significance in this energy range. The flux variability of the source on a number of timescales is also investigated.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2011