981 resultados para Ran off road accidents.


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La mobilità nelle aree urbane di medie e grandi dimensioni risente di molte criticità e spesso è causa di numerose discussioni. L'utilizzo sempre crescente del mezzo di trasporto privato ha prodotto conseguenze negative: l'aumento del traffico e degli incidenti stradali, dell'inquinamento atmosferico e del rumore sono accompagnati da un forte spreco energetico. Dall'altra parte, il trasporto pubblico locale (TPL) non è riuscito a costruirsi canali preferenziali all'interno dell'immaginario cittadino, poiché sottomesso da un modello economico e un mercato fortemente dipendenti dall'automobile. Una via d'uscita dalla mobilità non sostenibile basata sull'utilizzo di combustibili fossili porta a concepire un trasporto pubblico locale gratuito, fruibile dal cittadino in qualsiasi momento della giornata. Attraverso un'analisi dell'azienda del trasporto pubblico bolognese (ATC) e dei dati provenienti dalla sanità regionale, questa tesi intende mostrare che vi sarà un miglioramento della qualità di vita in aree urbane nel momento in cui la teoria della decrescita venga condivisa da tutti i cittadini. Così sarà possibile liberare i centri urbani dai mezzi privati e quindi dagli alti livelli di inquinamento acustico e atmosferico, e dare ai cittadini la vera libertà di movimento. Mobility in medium and large sized urban areas is critical and often a cause for numerous debates. The use of private transport is in constant increase and has generated negative consequences: congestion and road accidents, air and noise pollutio as well as a considerable waste of energy. On the other hand, the local public transport (LPT) has not succeeded in representing the preferred choice by citizens in the urban imaginary. Its potential has been subdued by economic models and markets that are largely dependant on the production of vehicles. An alternative to the current non sustainable mobility based on the combustion of fossil fuels could be the provision of a free local transport network available to the citizen from anywhere at any time. This dissertation's objective is to show how an improvement of the quality of life in urban areas is connected to a collective awareness on the degrowth theory. I intend to achieve this by analysing thoroughly the system of the public transportation agency in Bologna (ATC) and considering data from the local health department. Only then we will be able to limit private vehicles from city centres and as a result of that drastically decrease air and noise pollution whilst providing a true service for a free moving citizen.


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We evaluated 4 men who had benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) that occured several hours after intensive mountain biking but without head trauma. The positional maneuvers in the planes of the posterior and horizontal canals elicited BPPV, as well as transitory nystagmus. This was attributed to both the posterior and horizontal semicircular canals (SCCs) on the left side in 1 patient, in these 2 SCCs on the right side in another patient, and to the right posterior SCC in the other 2 patients. The symptoms disappeared after physiotherapeutic maneuvers in 2 patients and spontaneously in the other 2 patients. Cross-country or downhill mountain biking generates frequent vibratory impacts, which are only partially filtered through the suspension fork and the upper parts of the body. Biomechanically, during a moderate jump, before landing, the head is subjected to an acceleration close to negative 1 g, and during impact it is subjected to an upward acceleration of more than 2g. Repeated acceleration-deceleration events during intensive off-road biking might generate displacement and/or dislocation of otoconia from the otolithic organs, inducing the typical symptoms of BPPV. This new cause of posttraumatic BPPV should be considered as an injury of minor severity attributed to the practice of mountain biking.


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With the introduction of the mid-level ethanol blend gasoline fuel for commercial sale, the compatibility of different off-road engines is needed. This report details the test study of using one mid-level ethanol fuel in a two stroke hand held gasoline engine used to power line trimmers. The study sponsored by E3 is to test the effectiveness of an aftermarket spark plug from E3 Spark Plug when using a mid-level ethanol blend gasoline. A 15% ethanol by volume (E15) is the test mid-level ethanol used and the 10% ethanol by volume (E10) was used as the baseline fuel. The testing comprises running the engine at different load points and throttle positions to evaluate the cylinder head temperature, exhaust temperature and engine speed. Raw gas emissions were also measured to determine the impact of the performance spark plug. The low calorific value of the E15 fuel decreased the speed of the engine along with reduction in the fuel consumption and exhaust gas temperature. The HC emissions for E15 fuel and E3 spark plug increased when compared to the base line in most of the cases and NO formation was dependent on the cylinder head temperature. The E3 spark plug had a tendency to increase the temperature of the cylinder head irrespective of fuel type while reducing engine speed.


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Reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) is an invasive species originally from Europe that has now expanded to a large range within the United States. Reed canary grass possesses a number of traits that allow it to thrive in a wide range of environmental factors, including high rates of sedimentation, bouts of flooding, and high levels of nutrient inputs. Therefore, the goals of our study were to determine if 1) certain types of wetland were more susceptible to Reed canary grass invasion, and 2) disturbances facilitated Reed canary grass invasion. This study was conducted within the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community reservation in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, in Baraga County. We selected 28 wetlands for analysis. At each wetland, we identified and sampled distinct vegetative communities and their corresponding environmental attributes, which included water table depth, pH, conductivity, calcium and magnesium concentrations, and percent organic matter. Disturbances at each site were catalogued and their severity estimated with the aid of aerial photos. A GIS dataset containing information about the location of Reed canary grass within the study wetlands, the surrounding roads and the level of roadside Reed canary grass invasion was also developed. In all, 287 plant species were identified and classified into 16 communities, which were then further grouped into three broad groupings of wetlands: nonforested graminoid, Sphagnum peatlands, and forested wetlands. The two most common disturbances identified were roads and off-road recreation trails, both occurring at 23 of the 28 sites. Logging activity surrounding the wetlands was the next most common disturbance and was found at 18 of the sites. Occurrence of Reed canary grass was most common in the non-forested graminoid communities. Reed canary grass was very infrequent in forested wetlands, and almost never occurred in the Sphagnum peatlands. Disturbance intensity was the most significant environmental factor in explaining Reed canary grass occurrence within wetlands. Statistically significant relationships were identified at distances of 1000 m, 500 m, and 250 m from studied wetlands, between the level of road development and the severity of Reed canary grass invasion along roadsides. Further analysis revealed a significant relationship between roadside Reed canary grass populations and the level of road development (e.g. paved, graded, and ungraded).


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Whole-body vibration exposure of locomotive engineers and the vibration attenuation of seats in 22 U.S. locomotives (built between 1959 and 2000) was studied during normal revenue service and following international measurement guidelines. Triaxial vibration measurements (duration mean 155 min, range 84-383 min) on the seat and on the floor were compared. In addition to the basic vibration evaluation (aw rms), the vector sum (av), the maximum transient vibration value (MTVV/aw), the vibration dose value (VDV/(aw T1/4)), and the vibration seat effective transmissibility factor (SEAT) were calculated. The power spectral densities are also reported. The mean basic vibration level (aw rms) was for the fore-aft axis x = 0.18 m/sec2, the lateral axis y = 0.28 m/sec2, and the vertical axis z = 0.32 m/sec2. The mean vector sum was 0.59 m/sec2 (range 0.27 to 1.44). The crest factors were generally at or above 9 in the horizontal and vertical axis. The mean MTVV/aw was 5.3 (x), 5.1 (y), and 4.8 (z), and the VDV/(aw T1/4) values ranged from 1.32 to 2.3 (x-axis), 1.33 to 1.7 (y-axis), and 1.38 to 1.86 (z-axis), generally indicating high levels of shocks. The mean seat transmissibility factor (SEAT) was 1.4 (x) and 1.2 (y) and 1 (z), demonstrating a general ineffectiveness of any of the seat suspension systems. In conclusion, these data indicate that locomotive rides are characterized by relatively high shock content (acceleration peaks) of the vibration signal in all directions. Locomotive vertical and lateral vibrations are similar, which appears to be characteristic for rail vehicles compared with many road/off-road vehicles. Tested locomotive cab seats currently in use (new or old) appear inadequate to reduce potentially harmful vibration and shocks transmitted to the seated operator, and older seats particularly lack basic ergonomic features regarding adjustability and postural support.


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Trichinellosis is one of the most important foodborne parasitic zoonoses, caused by nematodes of the genus Trichinella. Pigs and other domestic and wild animals, including red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), are sources of Trichinella infection for human beings. Trichinella britovi is the major agent of infection in sylvatic animals and the most important species circulating in the European wildlife. The present study aimed at assessing Trichinella spp. infection in red foxes from the North of Portugal. Forty-seven carcasses of wild red foxes shot during the official hunting season or killed in road accidents were obtained between November 2008 and March 2010. In order to identify the presence of Trichinella spp. larvae in red foxes, an individual artificial digestion was performed using approximately 30g of muscle samples. Larvae of Trichinella spp. were detected in one (2.1%) out of the 47 assessed foxes. After a multiplex polymerase chain reaction analysis, T. britovi was molecularly identified as the infecting species. The recognition of T. britovi in a red fox confirms that a sylvatic cycle is present in the North of Portugal and that the local prevalence of Trichinella infection in wildlife must not be ignored due to its underlying zoonotic risks.


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Emission inventories are databases that aim to describe the polluting activities that occur across a certain geographic domain. According to the spatial scale, the availability of information will vary as well as the applied assumptions, which will strongly influence its quality, accuracy and representativeness. This study compared and contrasted two emission inventories describing the Greater Madrid Region (GMR) under an air quality simulation approach. The chosen inventories were the National Emissions Inventory (NEI) and the Regional Emissions Inventory of the Greater Madrid Region (REI). Both of them were used to feed air quality simulations with the CMAQ modelling system, and the results were compared with observations from the air quality monitoring network in the modelled domain. Through the application of statistical tools, the analysis of emissions at cell level and cell – expansion procedures, it was observed that the National Inventory showed better results for describing on – road traffic activities and agriculture, SNAP07 and SNAP10. The accurate description of activities, the good characterization of the vehicle fleet and the correct use of traffic emission factors were the main causes of such a good correlation. On the other hand, the Regional Inventory showed better descriptions for non – industrial combustion (SNAP02) and industrial activities (SNAP03). It incorporated realistic emission factors, a reasonable fuel mix and it drew upon local information sources to describe these activities, while NEI relied on surrogation and national datasets which leaded to a poorer representation. Offroad transportation (SNAP08) was similarly described by both inventories, while the rest of the SNAP activities showed a marginal contribution to the overall emissions.


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El LPF_TAGRALIA es un grupo de investigación reconocido de la UPM que trabaja en diversos ámbitos de la Ingeniería Agroforestal y de Biosistemas, entre los que se encuentra el análisis de emisiones de vehículos agrícolas, y el análisis de la calidad y la eficiencia energética en el transporte a larga distancia de productos perecederos, colaborando asimismo con una variedad de grupos y centros de investigación nacionales e internacionales. El primero de estos temas: análisis de emisiones de vehículos agrícolas, es objeto de estudio en el LPF_TAGRALIA desde hace aproximadamente diez años, cuando se materializa y cobra relevancia la aplicación del standard TIER de la agencia de protección ambiental americana (EPA) cuyo disparo de salida tuvo lugar en 1996 con la publicación del TIER I. La adopción en USA y Europa de este standard que regula las emisiones de CO, óxidos de Nitrógeno y 2 partículas de materia de diversa naturaleza (PM) se está produciendo de manera paulatina en función de la potencia de matriculación de los tractores (vehículos de fuera de carretera, off-road vehicles). En la actualidad el standard TIER IV ha de ser verificado mayoritariamente por los tractores, para lo cuál existen dos estrategias básicas: la recirculación de gases de escape (EGR), y la reducción catalítica selectiva (SCR). La verificación del funcionamiento en campo de estas estrategias ha sido materia de análisis y discusión por parte del LPF_TAGRALIA que ejerce desde hace 4 años la labor de Responsable de Ensayos de Campo para el suplemento Maq-Vida Rural, una de las publicaciones más reconocidas por los técnicos que desarrollan su labor en el ámbito de la Ingeniería Rural; los diversos documentos relacionados pueden consultarse en el servicio de acceso abierto también denominado Archivo Digital de la UPM (http://oa.upm.es/).


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Los accidentes del tráfico son un fenómeno social muy relevantes y una de las principales causas de mortalidad en los países desarrollados. Para entender este fenómeno complejo se aplican modelos econométricos sofisticados tanto en la literatura académica como por las administraciones públicas. Esta tesis está dedicada al análisis de modelos macroscópicos para los accidentes del tráfico en España. El objetivo de esta tesis se puede dividir en dos bloques: a. Obtener una mejor comprensión del fenómeno de accidentes de trafico mediante la aplicación y comparación de dos modelos macroscópicos utilizados frecuentemente en este área: DRAG y UCM, con la aplicación a los accidentes con implicación de furgonetas en España durante el período 2000-2009. Los análisis se llevaron a cabo con enfoque frecuencista y mediante los programas TRIO, SAS y TRAMO/SEATS. b. La aplicación de modelos y la selección de las variables más relevantes, son temas actuales de investigación y en esta tesis se ha desarrollado y aplicado una metodología que pretende mejorar, mediante herramientas teóricas y prácticas, el entendimiento de selección y comparación de los modelos macroscópicos. Se han desarrollado metodologías tanto para selección como para comparación de modelos. La metodología de selección de modelos se ha aplicado a los accidentes mortales ocurridos en la red viaria en el período 2000-2011, y la propuesta metodológica de comparación de modelos macroscópicos se ha aplicado a la frecuencia y la severidad de los accidentes con implicación de furgonetas en el período 2000-2009. Como resultado de los desarrollos anteriores se resaltan las siguientes contribuciones: a. Profundización de los modelos a través de interpretación de las variables respuesta y poder de predicción de los modelos. El conocimiento sobre el comportamiento de los accidentes con implicación de furgonetas se ha ampliado en este proceso. bl. Desarrollo de una metodología para selección de variables relevantes para la explicación de la ocurrencia de accidentes de tráfico. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados de a) la propuesta metodológica se basa en los modelos DRAG, cuyos parámetros se han estimado con enfoque bayesiano y se han aplicado a los datos de accidentes mortales entre los años 2000-2011 en España. Esta metodología novedosa y original se ha comparado con modelos de regresión dinámica (DR), que son los modelos más comunes para el trabajo con procesos estocásticos. Los resultados son comparables, y con la nueva propuesta se realiza una aportación metodológica que optimiza el proceso de selección de modelos, con escaso coste computacional. b2. En la tesis se ha diseñado una metodología de comparación teórica entre los modelos competidores mediante la aplicación conjunta de simulación Monte Cario, diseño de experimentos y análisis de la varianza ANOVA. Los modelos competidores tienen diferentes estructuras, que afectan a la estimación de efectos de las variables explicativas. Teniendo en cuenta el estudio desarrollado en bl) este desarrollo tiene el propósito de determinar como interpretar la componente de tendencia estocástica que un modelo UCM modela explícitamente, a través de un modelo DRAG, que no tiene un método específico para modelar este elemento. Los resultados de este estudio son importantes para ver si la serie necesita ser diferenciada antes de modelar. b3. Se han desarrollado nuevos algoritmos para realizar los ejercicios metodológicos, implementados en diferentes programas como R, WinBUGS, y MATLAB. El cumplimiento de los objetivos de la tesis a través de los desarrollos antes enunciados se remarcan en las siguientes conclusiones: 1. El fenómeno de accidentes del tráfico se ha analizado mediante dos modelos macroscópicos. Los efectos de los factores de influencia son diferentes dependiendo de la metodología aplicada. Los resultados de predicción son similares aunque con ligera superioridad de la metodología DRAG. 2. La metodología para selección de variables y modelos proporciona resultados prácticos en cuanto a la explicación de los accidentes de tráfico. La predicción y la interpretación también se han mejorado mediante esta nueva metodología. 3. Se ha implementado una metodología para profundizar en el conocimiento de la relación entre las estimaciones de los efectos de dos modelos competidores como DRAG y UCM. Un aspecto muy importante en este tema es la interpretación de la tendencia mediante dos modelos diferentes de la que se ha obtenido información muy útil para los investigadores en el campo del modelado. Los resultados han proporcionado una ampliación satisfactoria del conocimiento en torno al proceso de modelado y comprensión de los accidentes con implicación de furgonetas y accidentes mortales totales en España. ABSTRACT Road accidents are a very relevant social phenomenon and one of the main causes of death in industrialized countries. Sophisticated econometric models are applied in academic work and by the administrations for a better understanding of this very complex phenomenon. This thesis is thus devoted to the analysis of macro models for road accidents with application to the Spanish case. The objectives of the thesis may be divided in two blocks: a. To achieve a better understanding of the road accident phenomenon by means of the application and comparison of two of the most frequently used macro modelings: DRAG (demand for road use, accidents and their gravity) and UCM (unobserved components model); the application was made to van involved accident data in Spain in the period 2000-2009. The analysis has been carried out within the frequentist framework and using available state of the art software, TRIO, SAS and TRAMO/SEATS. b. Concern on the application of the models and on the relevant input variables to be included in the model has driven the research to try to improve, by theoretical and practical means, the understanding on methodological choice and model selection procedures. The theoretical developments have been applied to fatal accidents during the period 2000-2011 and van-involved road accidents in 2000-2009. This has resulted in the following contributions: a. Insight on the models has been gained through interpretation of the effect of the input variables on the response and prediction accuracy of both models. The behavior of van-involved road accidents has been explained during this process. b1. Development of an input variable selection procedure, which is crucial for an efficient choice of the inputs. Following the results of a) the procedure uses the DRAG-like model. The estimation is carried out within the Bayesian framework. The procedure has been applied for the total road accident data in Spain in the period 2000-2011. The results of the model selection procedure are compared and validated through a dynamic regression model given that the original data has a stochastic trend. b2. A methodology for theoretical comparison between the two models through Monte Carlo simulation, computer experiment design and ANOVA. The models have a different structure and this affects the estimation of the effects of the input variables. The comparison is thus carried out in terms of the effect of the input variables on the response, which is in general different, and should be related. Considering the results of the study carried out in b1) this study tries to find out how a stochastic time trend will be captured in DRAG model, since there is no specific trend component in DRAG. Given the results of b1) the findings of this study are crucial in order to see if the estimation of data with stochastic component through DRAG will be valid or whether the data need a certain adjustment (typically differencing) prior to the estimation. The model comparison methodology was applied to the UCM and DRAG models, considering that, as mentioned above, the UCM has a specific trend term while DRAG does not. b3. New algorithms were developed for carrying out the methodological exercises. For this purpose different softwares, R, WinBUGs and MATLAB were used. These objectives and contributions have been resulted in the following findings: 1. The road accident phenomenon has been analyzed by means of two macro models: The effects of the influential input variables may be estimated through the models, but it has been observed that the estimates vary from one model to the other, although prediction accuracy is similar, with a slight superiority of the DRAG methodology. 2. The variable selection methodology provides very practical results, as far as the explanation of road accidents is concerned. Prediction accuracy and interpretability have been improved by means of a more efficient input variable and model selection procedure. 3. Insight has been gained on the relationship between the estimates of the effects using the two models. A very relevant issue here is the role of trend in both models, relevant recommendations for the analyst have resulted from here. The results have provided a very satisfactory insight into both modeling aspects and the understanding of both van-involved and total fatal accidents behavior in Spain.


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El planteamiento tradicional de análisis de la accidentalidad en carretera pasa por la consideración de herramientas paliativas, como son la identificación y gestión de los puntos negros o tramos de concentración de accidentes, o preventivas, como las auditorías e inspecciones de seguridad vial. En esta tesis doctoral se presenta un planteamiento complementario a estas herramientas, desde una perspectiva novedosa: la consideración de los tramos donde no se producen accidentes; son los denominados Tramos Blancos. La tesis persigue demostrar que existen determinados parámetros del diseño de las carreteras y del tráfico que, bajo características generales similares de las vías, tienen influencia en el hecho de que se produzcan o no accidentes, adicionalmente a la exposición al riesgo, como factor principal, y a otros factores. La propia definición de los Tramos Blancos, entendidos como tramos de carreteras de longitud representativa donde no se han producido accidentes con víctimas mortales o heridos graves durante un periodo largo de tiempo, garantiza que esta situación no se produzca como consecuencia de la aleatoriedad de los accidentes, sino que pudiera deberse a una confluencia específica de determinados parámetros de la geometría de la vía y del tráfico total y de vehículos pesados. Para el desarrollo de esta investigación se han considerado la red de autopistas de peaje y las carreteras convencionales de la Red del Estado de España, que supone un total de 17.000 kilómetros, y los datos de accidentes con víctimas mortales y heridos graves en el periodo 2006-2010, ambos incluidos, en estas redes (un total de 10.000 accidentes). La red viaria objeto de análisis supone el 65% de la longitud de la Red de Carreteras del Estado, por la que circula el 33% de su tráfico; en ella se produjeron en el año 2013 el 47% de los accidentes con víctimas y el 60% de las víctimas mortales de la Red de Carreteras del Estado. Durante la investigación se ha desarrollado una base de datos de 250.130 registros y más de 3.5 millones de datos en el caso de las autopistas de peaje de la Red de Carreteras del Estado y de 935.402 registros y más de 14 millones de datos en el caso de la red convencional del Estado analizada. Tanto las autopistas de peaje como las carreteras convencionales han sido clasificadas según sus características de tráfico, de manera que se valoren vías con nivel de exposición al riesgo similar. Para cada tipología de vía, se ha definido como longitud de referencia para que un tramo se considere Tramo Blanco la longitud igual al percentil 95 de las longitudes de tramos sin accidentes con heridos graves o víctimas mortales durante el periodo 2006-2010. En el caso de las autopistas de peaje, en la tipología que ha sido considerada para la definición del modelo, esta longitud de referencia se estableció en 14.5 kilómetros, mientras que en el caso de las carreteras convencionales, se estableció en 7.75 kilómetros. Para cada uno de los tipos de vía considerados se han construido una base de datos en la que se han incluido las variables de existencia o no de Tramo Blanco, así como las variables de tráfico (intensidad media diaria total, intensidad de vehículos pesados y porcentaje de vehículos pesados ), la velocidad media y las variables de geometría (número de carriles, ancho de carril, ancho de arcén derecho e izquierdo, ancho de calzada y plataforma, radio, peralte, pendiente y visibilidad directa e inversa en los casos disponibles); como variables adicionales, se han incluido el número de accidentes con víctimas, los fallecidos y heridos graves, índices de peligrosidad, índices de mortalidad y exposición al riesgo. Los trabajos desarrollados para explicar la presencia de Tramos Blancos en la red de autopistas de peaje han permitido establecer las diferencias entre los valores medios de las variables de tráfico y diseño geométrico en Tramos Blancos respecto a tramos no blancos y comprobar que estas diferencias son significativas. Así mismo, se ha podido calibrar un modelo de regresión logística que explica parcialmente la existencia de Tramos Blancos, para rangos de tráfico inferiores a 10.000 vehículos diarios y para tráficos entre 10.000 y 15.000 vehículos diarios. Para el primer grupo (menos de 10.000 vehículos al día), las variables que han demostrado tener una mayor influencia en la existencia de Tramo Blanco son la velocidad media de circulación, el ancho de carril, el ancho de arcén izquierdo y el porcentaje de vehículos pesados. Para el segundo grupo (entre 10.000 y 15.000 vehículos al día), las variables independientes más influyentes en la existencia de Tramo Blanco han sido la velocidad de circulación, el ancho de calzada y el porcentaje de vehículos pesados. En el caso de las carreteras convencionales, los diferentes análisis realizados no han permitido identificar un modelo que consiga una buena clasificación de los Tramos Blancos. Aun así, se puede afirmar que los valores medios de las variables de intensidad de tráfico, radio, visibilidad, peralte y pendiente presentan diferencias significativas en los Tramos Blancos respecto a los no blancos, que varían en función de la intensidad de tráfico. Los resultados obtenidos deben considerarse como la conclusión de un análisis preliminar, dado que existen otros parámetros, tanto de diseño de la vía como de la circulación, el entorno, el factor humano o el vehículo que podrían tener una influencia en el hecho que se analiza, y no se han considerado por no disponer de esta información. En esta misma línea, el análisis de las circunstancias que rodean al viaje que el usuario de la vía realiza, su tipología y motivación es una fuente de información de interés de la que no se tienen datos y que permitiría mejorar el análisis de accidentalidad en general, y en particular el de esta investigación. Adicionalmente, se reconocen limitaciones en el desarrollo de esta investigación, en las que sería preciso profundizar en el futuro, reconociendo así nuevas líneas de investigación de interés. The traditional approach to road accidents analysis has been based in the use of palliative tools, such as black spot (or road sections) identification and management, or preventive tools, such as road safety audits and inspections. This thesis shows a complementary approach to the existing tools, from a new perspective: the consideration of road sections where no accidents have occurred; these are the so-called White Road Sections. The aim of this thesis is to show that there are certain design parameters and traffic characteristics which, under similar circumstances for roads, have influence in the fact that accidents occur, in addition to the main factor, which is the risk exposure, and others. White Road Sections, defined as road sections of a representative length, where no fatal accidents or accidents involving serious injured have happened during a long period of time, should not be a product of randomness of accidents; on the contrary, they might be the consequence of a confluence of specific parameters of road geometry, traffic volumes and heavy vehicles traffic volumes. For this research, the toll motorway network and single-carriageway network of the Spanish National Road Network have been considered, which is a total of 17.000 kilometers; fatal accidents and those involving serious injured from the period 2006-2010 have been considered (a total number of 10.000 accidents). The road network covered means 65% of the total length of the National Road Network, which allocates 33% of traffic volume; 47% of accidents with victims and 60% of fatalities happened in these road networks during 2013. During the research, a database of 250.130 registers and more than 3.5 million data for toll motorways and 935.042 registers and more than 14 million data for single carriageways of the National Road Network was developed. Both toll motorways and single-carriageways have been classified according to their traffic characteristics, so that the analysis is performed over roads with similar risk exposure. For each road type, a reference length for White Road Section has been defined, as the 95 percentile of all road sections lengths without accidents (with fatalities or serious injured) for 2006-2010. For toll motorways, this reference length concluded to be 14.5 kilometers, while for single-carriageways, it was defined as 7.75 kilometers. A detailed database was developed for each type of road, including the variable “existence of White Road Section”, as well as variables of traffic (average daily traffic volume, heavy vehicles average daily traffic and percentage of heavy vehicles from the total traffic volume), average speed and geometry variables (number of lanes, width of lane, width of shoulders, carriageway width, platform width, radius, superelevation, slope and visibility); additional variables, such as number of accidents with victims, number of fatalities or serious injured, risk and fatality rates and risk exposure, have also been included. Research conducted for the explanation of the presence of White Road Sections in the toll motorway network have shown statistically significant differences in the average values of variables of traffic and geometric design in White Road Sections compared with other road sections. In addition, a binary logistic model for the partial explanation of the presence of White Road Sections was developed, for traffic volumes lower than 10.000 daily vehicles and for those running from 10.000 to 15.000 daily vehicles. For the first group, the most influent variables for the presence of White Road Sections were the average speed, width of lane, width of left shoulder and percentage of heavy vehicles. For the second group, the most influent variables were found to be average speed, carriageway width and percentage of heavy vehicles. For single-carriageways, the different analysis developed did not reach a proper model for the explanation of White Road Sections. However, it can be assumed that the average values of the variables of traffic volume, radius, visibility, superelevation and slope show significant differences in White Road Sections if compared with others, which also vary with traffic volumes. Results obtained should be considered as a conclusion of a preliminary analysis, as there are other parameters, not only design-related, but also regarding traffic, environment, human factor and vehicle which could have an influence in the fact under research, but this information has not been considered in the analysis, as it was not available. In parallel, the analysis of the circumstances around the trip, including its typology and motivation is an interesting source of information, from which data are not available; the availability of this information would be useful for the improvement of accident analysis, in general, and for this research work, in particular. In addition, there are some limitations in the development of the research work; it would be necessary to develop an in-depth analysis in the future, thus assuming new research lines of interest.


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Enquadramento: A segurança é um direito da criança, que deve ser assegurado pelos pais e sociedade em geral, pois devido à sua vulnerabilidade estão sujeitas a um maior risco de lesões e morte. O transporte seguro de recém-nascidos/crianças em automóveis é uma preocupação, pois os acidentes de viação são a principal causa de mortalidade e morbilidade nesta faixa etária. Nos acidentes rodoviários, o uso correto de um sistema de retenção para crianças (SRC), desde o nascimento, constitui uma forma eficaz de proteção. Objetivos: Caracterizar os conhecimentos e atitudes dos pais no uso do SRC; analisar a influência do processo de aquisição e de informação dos pais sobre o uso do SRC; identificar a relação entre as variáveis sociodemográficas dos pais e o uso de SRC; determinar se os conhecimentos são mediadores das atitudes dos pais na utilização do SRC. Métodos: Estudo quantitativo, transversal, descritivo e correlacional, realizado numa amostra não probabilística, por conveniência de 112 pais de recém-nascidos, mães com média de idade de 30,37 anos (Dp=5,63) e pai 33,91 (Dp=6,09). Para recolha de informação utilizou-se um questionário, construído para o efeito, que os pais preencheram 24-48h após o parto durante os meses de março a maio de um centro hospitalar da região norte de Portugal. Resultados: Maioritariamente tinham como escolaridade o ensino secundário e entre 1 a 4 filhos. O SRC fazia parte do ―enxoval‖ do bebé em 54,5% dos participantes, destes, 72,3% já o tinha experimentado no automóvel e pretendiam usá-lo na alta desde a maternidade 97,3%. Contudo, apurou-se que apenas 47,3% o faria de forma adequada, apesar de 83% referir conhecer a legislação e todos reconhecerem que previne lesões em caso de acidente e 67% admitir ter conhecimentos adequados sobre SRC. Concluiu-se haver relação entre os conhecimentos e a idade e a escolaridade das mães, e pelos resultados obtidos, inferimos que melhores conhecimentos conduzem a melhores atitudes na utilização do SRC. Conclusões: Os resultados indicam que os conhecimentos dos pais sobre o uso adequado de SRC continuam insuficientes. Este facto justifica o investimento no ensino, treino e preparação dos pais para a alta segura desde a maternidade, momento particularmente sensível, e que será determinante nas atitudes de promoção da segurança rodoviária das crianças e adolescentes. Palavras-chave: Segurança; Recém-nascido; Sistema de retenção; Conhecimentos; Atitudes.


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The Iowa Statewide Recreational Trails Plan was developed in response to the State Legislature's recognition of the increased public demand for quality outdoor recreational facilities and the numerous benefits associated with the development and usage of trail systems. The plan presents a statewide trails system that will serve as a basis for trail planning efforts throughout the state. Included are design guidelines for each of the major trail modes contained within the plan including bike, hiking, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, off-road vehicles, and equestrian, as well as for locating trails within the highway right-of-way. Also included are estimates of implementation costs and financing alternatives. This report contains the complete plan. Separately bound documents include the Executive Summary and two additional appendices: (1) Trails Plan Resource Inventory and (2) Summary of Public Comments and Summary of Technical Advisory Committee Comments.


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Anualmente, realizam-se no país inúmeras iniciativas de Todo-Terreno Turístico (TTT) onde são automaticamente registadas as coordenadas de Global Positioning System (GPS) por aplicações de dispositivos móveis. Este tipo de informação pode ser utilizada, quer para fins de divulgação turística, quer por outro tipo de entidades que necessitem de circular nesses caminhos rurais, tipicamente no meio da montanha. Entre outras, são registadas a posição, velocidade e altitude do veículo, o que permite obter informações relevantes, tais como, se o percurso se encontra transitável ou qual a velocidade recomendada. Por exemplo, durante os combates a incêndios, os bombeiros e proteção civil poderão saber se estes percursos são utilizáveis no planeamento dos combates a incêndios com reduzida probabilidade de complicações relativa ao acesso dos veículos, melhorando assim o tempo de resposta. O presente documento discute como poderá ser concebida uma aplicação web mapping, de código aberto, que permita a partilha, utilização e valorização de dados relativos aos percursos todo-terreno dos praticantes de TTT. O presente documento descreve como a aplicação desenvolvida no âmbito da dissertação de mestrado permite selecionar e ordenar possíveis trajetos que incluem os trajetos de TTT, apresentando as caraterísticas do terreno de modo a auxiliar a tomada de decisão por membros das corporações de Bombeiros. Será igualmente apresentada a interface atual da aplicação que inclui um mapa dinâmico e um gestor de pontos de referência.


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Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating neurological disorder that affects thousands of people each year. Although in recent decades significant progress has been made in relation to understanding the molecular and cellular events underlying the nervous damage, spinal cord injury is still a highly disabling condition for which there is no curative therapy. People affected by spinal cord injuries manifested dysfunction or loss, temporary or permanent, of motor, sensory and / or autonomic functions depending on the spinal lesion damaged. Currently, the incidence rate of this type of injury is approximately 15-40 cases per million people worldwide. At the origin of these lesions are: road accidents, falls, interpersonal violence and the practice of sports. In this work we placed the hypothesis that HA is one of the component of the scar tissue formed after a compressive SCI, that it is likely synthetised by the perilesional glial cells and that it might support the permeation of the glial scar during the late phase of SCI. Nowadays, much focus is drawn on the recovery of CNS function, made impossible after SCI due to the high content of sulfated proteoglycans in the extracellular matrix. Counterbalancing the ratio between these proteoglycans and hyaluronic acid could be one of the experimental therapy to re-permeate the glial scar tissue formed after SCI, making possible axonal regrowth and functional recovery. Therefore, we established a model of spinal cord compression in mice and studied the glial scar tissue, particularly through the characterization of the expression of enzymes related to the metabolism of HA and the subsequent concentration thereof at different distances of the lesion epicenter. Our results show that the lesion induced in mice shows results similar to those produced in human lesions, in terms of histologic similarities and behavioral results. but these animals demonstrate an impressive spontaneous reorganization mechanism of the spinal cord tissue that occurs after injury and allows for partial recovery of the functions of the CNS. As regards the study of the glial scar, changes were recorded at the level of mRNA expression of enzymes metabolizing HA i.e., after injury there was a decreased expression of HA synthases 1-2 (HAS 1-2) and an increase of the expression HAS3 synthase mRNA, as well as the enzymes responsible for the HA catabolism, HYAL 1-2. But the amount of HA measured through the ELISA test was found unchanged after injury, it is not possible to explain this fact only with the change of expression of enzymes. At two weeks and in response to SCI, we found synthesized HA by reactive astrocytes and probably by others like microglial cells as it was advanced by the HA/GFAP+ and HA/IBA1+ cells co-location.


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O automóvel tem sido nas últimas décadas o principal meio de transporte para a realização de deslocações diárias. Este é um panorama tanto a nível Nacional como Europeu e deve-se ao crescimento económico e aos investimentos centrados em infraestruturas rodoviárias. A organização das atividades e o planeamento nos meios urbanos está, muitas vezes, projetada em função do automóvel e pouco preparado para outras formas de mobilidade, nomeadamente para peões e ciclistas. Existe uma necessidade de mudança deste panorama e a necessidade de uma sociedade que privilegie os modos de transporte suave. No entanto, surge a necessidade de garantir a segurança dos utentes mais vulneráveis da via pública. Esta dissertação de Mestrado tem como principal objetivo analisar de que forma a sinistralidade viária para peões e ciclistas tem evoluído nas freguesias abrangidas pela atividade da Polícia de Segurança Pública (PSP) de Aveiro e quais as principais dificuldades que estes enfrentam nas suas deslocações diárias. Para alcançar este objetivo foram analisados dados de sinistralidade viária fornecidos pela PSP do comando distrital de Aveiro que envolviam a interação de veículos motorizados e utentes vulneráveis da via pública (peões ou ciclistas). Numa segunda fase foi elaborado um inquérito, com o objetivo de perceber as principais dificuldades encontradas pelos utentes da Universidade que privilegiam os modos de deslocação suave nas suas viagens diárias. Este estudo revelou que para a área em estudo, no concelho de Aveiro, o número de acidentes que envolvem a interação de veículos motorizados com utentes vulneráveis da via pública aumentou 5% de 2012 a 2013 e 4% de 2013 a 2014. Os utentes com idades superiores a 55 anos revelaram-se os mais vulneráveis, não só em termos de número de ocorrências mas também na gravidade de lesões, representando 50% de mortes e feridos graves, Em termos de atropelamento de peões existe uma forte tendência para peões do sexo feminino (73%), em oposição ao perfil do condutor atropelante onde 69% são do sexo masculino Em relação a acidentes envolvendo ciclistas, 68% dos lesados são do sexo masculino. Uma possível explicação poderá consistir numa maior utilização de bicicletas por parte dos mesmos, como foi comprovado na amostra recolhida no inquérito, mas não existem mais estatísticas em Aveiro sobre a distribuição por género dos utilizadores de bicicleta. Do inquérito efetuado conclui-se que os principais problemas encontrados pelos utentes inquiridos são, à semelhança de peões e ciclistas, a falta de sensibilização dos automobilistas e as condições meteorológicas. Em terceiro lugar encontra-se, para os peões, o aumento do risco de atos de vandalismo e assaltos e, para os ciclistas, a falta de vias dedicadas. Por outro lado, as principais motivações são, tanto para peões como para ciclistas, o custo reduzido ou nulo e a facilidade de locomoção.