999 resultados para Railroad tunnels


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The main objective of ventilation systems in case of fire is the reduction of the possible consequences by achieving the best possible conditions for the evacuation of the users and the intervention of the emergency services. The required immediate transition, from normal to emergency functioning of the ventilation equipments, is being strengthened by the use of automatic and semi-automatic control systems, what reduces the response times through the help to the operators, and the use of pre-defined strategies. A further step consists on the use of closed-loop algorithms, which takes into account not only the initial conditions but their development (air velocity, traffic situation, etc.), optimizing smoke control capacity.


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In tunnel construction, as in every engineering work, it is usual the decision making, with incomplete data. Nevertheless, consciously or not, the builder weighs the risks (even if this is done subjectively) so that he can offer a cost. The objective of this paper is to recall the existence of a methodology to treat the uncertainties in the data so that it is possible to see their effect on the output of the computational model used and then to estimate the failure probability or the safety margin of a structure. In this scheme it is possible to include the subjective knowledge on the statistical properties of the random variables and, using a numerical model consistent with the degree of complexity appropiate to the problem at hand, to make rationally based decisions. As will be shown with the method it is possible to quantify the relative importance of the random variables and, in addition, it can be used, under certain conditions, to solve the inverse problem. It is then a method very well suited both to the project and to the control phases of tunnel construction.


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RESUMEN: La realización de túneles de gran longitud para ferrocarriles ha adquirido un gran auge en los últimos años. En España se han abordado proyectos de estas características, no existiendo para su ejecución una metodología completa y contrastada de actuación. Las características geométricas, de observación y de trabajo en túneles hace que las metodologías que se aplican en otros proyectos de ingeniería no sean aplicables por las siguientes causas: separación de las redes exteriores e interiores de los túneles debido a la diferente naturaleza de los observables, geometría en el interior siempre desfavorable a los requerimientos de observación clásica, mala visibilidad dentro del túnel, aumento de errores conforme avanza la perforación, y movimientos propios del túnel durante su ejecución por la propia geodinámica activa. Los patrones de observación geodésica usados deben revisarse cuando se ejecutan túneles de gran longitud. Este trabajo establece una metodología para el diseño de redes exteriores. ABSTRACT: The realization of long railway tunnels has acquired a great interest in recent years. In Spain it is necessary to address projects of this nature, but ther is no corresponding methodological framework supporting them. The tunnel observational and working geometrical properties, make that former methodologies used may be unuseful in this case: the observation of the exterior and interior geodetical networks of the tunnel is different in nature. Conditions of visibility in the interior of the tunnels, regardless of the geometry, are not the most advantageous for observation due to the production system and the natural conditions of the tunnels. Errors increase as the drilling of the tunnel progresses, as it becomes problematical to perform continuous verifications along the itinerary itself. Moreover, inherent tunnel movements due to active geodynamics must also be considered. Therefore patterns for geodetic and topographic observations have to be reviewed when very long tunnels are constructed.


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The work presented in this article is focused on the RF measurement campaign carried out in several subway tunnels in Metro Madrid (Spain). Most common segments such as straight lines, curves and passing through station as well as other unique scenarios in metropolitan lines were the selected locations during this campaign. Measurements were conducted in tunnels of diverse cross section shapes and taken at three frequency bands: 900 MHz, 2.4GHz and 5.7 GHz for both horizontal and vertical polarization.


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Diseño conceptual de puentes de alta velocidad ferroviarios. Railroad bridges, in general, and those for high speed railways, in particular, demand very special conditions. The traffic loads are much higher than for road bridges. Loads due to braking and acceleration determine, due to their magnitude, the structural layout. Because of the speed of the vehicles there are specific dynamic effects which need to be considered. In order to ensure passenger comfort, compatible with speeds of up to 350 km/h, it is necessary to meet very demanding conditions with respect to stiffness, displacements and dynamic behavior. In this paper these conditions are briefly described and different typological possibilities to satisfy them are presented as well as the main construction methods applicable to this kind of bridges.


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A genetic algorithm (GA) is employed for the multi-objective shape optimization of the nose of a high-speed train. Aerodynamic problems observed at high speeds become still more relevant when traveling along a tunnel. The objective is to minimize both the aerodynamic drag and the amplitude of the pressure gradient of the compression wave when a train enters a tunnel. The main drawback of GA is the large number of evaluations need in the optimization process. Metamodels-based optimization is considered to overcome such problem. As a result, an explicit relationship between pressure gradient and geometrical parameters is obtained.


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In the context of the present conference paper culverts are defined as an opening or conduit passing through an embankment usually for the purpose of conveying water or providing safe pedestrian and animal crossings under rail infrastructure. The clear opening of culverts may reach values of up to 12m however, values around 3m are encountered much more frequently. Depending on the topography, the number of culverts is about 10 times that of bridges. In spite of this, their dynamic behavior has received far less attention than that of bridges. The fundamental frequency of culverts is considerably higher than that of bridges even in the case of short span bridges. As the operational speed of modern high-speed passenger rail systems rises, higher frequencies are excited and thus more energy is encountered in frequency bands where the fundamental frequency of box culverts is located. Many research efforts have been spent on the subject of ballast instability due to bridge resonance, since it was first observed when high-speed trains were introduced to the Paris/Lyon rail line. To prevent this phenomenon from occurring, design codes establish a limit value for the vertical deck acceleration. Obviously one needs some sort of numerical model in order to estimate this acceleration level and at that point things get quite complicated. Not only acceleration but also displacement values are of interest e.g. to estimate the impact factor. According to design manuals the structural design should consider the depth of cover, trench width and condition, bedding type, backfill material, and compaction. The same applies to the numerical model however, the question is: What type of model is appropriate for this job? A 3D model including the embankment and an important part of the soil underneath the culvert is computationally very expensive and hard to justify taking into account the associated costs. Consequently, there is a clear need for simplified models and design rules in order to achieve reasonable costs. This paper will describe the results obtained from a 2D finite element model which has been calibrated by means of a 3D model and experimental data obtained at culverts that belong to the high-speed railway line that links the two towns of Segovia and Valladolid in Spain


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Between 2003 and 2007 an urban network or road tunnels with a total constructed tubes length of 45 km was built in the city of Madrid. This amazing engineering work, known as "Calle 30 Project" counted with different kinds of tunnel typologies and ventilation systems. Due to the length of the tunnels and the impact of the work itself, the tunnels were endowed with a great variety of installations to provide the maximum levels of safety both for users and the infrastructure includieng, in some parts of the tunnel, fixed fire fighting system based on water mist. Whithin this framework a large-scale programme of fire tests was planned to study different aspects related to fire safety in the tunnels including the phenomena of the interaction between ventilation and extinguishing system. In addition, these large scale fire tests allowed fire brigades of the city of Madrid an opportunity to define operational procedures for specific fire fighting in tunnels and evaluate the possibilities of fixed fire fighting systems. The tests were carried out in the Center of Experimentation "San pedro of Anes" which includes a 600 m tunnel with a removable false ceiling for reproducing different ceiling heights and ventilation conditions (transverse and longitudinal ones). Interesting conclusions on the interaction of ventilation and water mist systems were obtained but also on other aspects including performance of water mist system in terms of reduction of gas temperatures or visibility conditions. This paper presents a description of the test's programme carried out and some previous results obtained.


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In this paper an analytical static approach to analyse buried tunnels under seismic surface waves (Rayleigh and Love waves), propagating parallel to the tunnels axis, is provided. In the proposed method, the tunnel is considered as a beam on elastic foundation by using a Winkler model to represent the subgrade reaction and the soil-structure interaction. The seismic load is imposed by giving at the base of the soil springs a determined configuration corresponding to the free-field motion. From the solution of the differential governing equations of the problem, results are obtained in form of relative displacements between points of tunnel, and therefore the seismic bending moments and shearing forces, acting on the tunnel cross section, can be computed.


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At present, engineering problems required quite a sophisticated calculation means. However, analytical models still can prove to be a useful tool for engineers and scientists when dealing with complex physical phenomena. The mathematical models developed to analyze three different engineering problems: photovoltaic devices analysis; cup anemometer performance; and high-speed train pressure wave effects in tunnels are described. In all cases, the results are quite accurate when compared to testing measurements.


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RESUMEN La realización de túneles de gran longitud para ferrocarriles ha adquirido un gran auge en los últimos años. En España se han abordado proyectos de estas características, no existiendo para su ejecución una metodología completa y contrastada de actuación. Las características geométricas, de observación y de trabajo en túneles hace que las metodologías que se aplican en otros proyectos de ingeniería no sean aplicables por las siguientes causas: separación de las redes exteriores e interiores de los túneles debido a la diferente naturaleza de los observables, geometría en el interior siempre desfavorable a los requerimientos de observación clásica, mala visibilidad dentro del túnel, aumento de errores conforme avanza la perforación, y movimientos propios del túnel durante su ejecución por la propia geodinámica activa. Los patrones de observación geodésica usados deben revisarse cuando se ejecutan túneles de gran longitud. Este trabajo establece una metodología para el diseño de redes exteriores. ABSTRACT: The realization of long railway tunnels has acquired a great interest in recent years. In Spain it is necessary to address projects of this nature, but ther is no corresponding methodological framework supporting them. The tunnel observational and working geometrical properties, make that former methodologies used may be unuseful in this case: the observation of the exterior and interior geodetical networks of the tunnel is different in nature. Conditions of visibility in the interior of the tunnels, regardless of the geometry, are not the most advantageous for observation due to the production system and the natural conditions of the tunnels. Errors increase as the drilling of the tunnel progresses, as it becomes problematical to perform continuous verifications along the itinerary itself. Moreover, inherent tunnel movements due to active geodynamics must also be considered. Therefore patterns for geodetic and topographic observations have to be reviewed when very long tunnels are constructed.


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We report here a hitherto undescribed form of cell migration. When a suspension of human keratinocytes is plated on a fibrin matrix, single cells invade the matrix and progress through it as rounded cells by dissolving the fibrin and thereby creating tunnels. These tunnels are cylindrical or helical, the latter being the result of constant change in the path of cellular advance around the helical axis. Helical tunnel formation is strongly promoted by epidermal growth factor. The rate of migration of the cell through the track of a helical tunnel (up to 2.1 mm per day) is about 7-fold greater than through a cylindrical tunnel. Pericellular fibrinolysis leading to tunnel formation depends on the presence of plasminogen in the medium and its conversion to plasmin by a cellular activator. Formation of tunnels requires that plasminogen activator be localized on the advancing surface of the keratinocyte; we propose that the tunnel is cylindrical when the site of release of plasmin is located at a fixed point on the cell surface and helical when the site of release precesses.


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No país existem inúmeras estruturas e obras civis que estão em operação a dezenas de anos e necessitam de monitoramento periódico devido a sua importância. Por este motivo, a dissertação apresenta um caso de um túnel antigo com problema de queda de bloco e visa instigar novas pesquisas e aumentar o conhecimento sobre o tema. Foram realizadas inspeções em campo em alguns túneis não revestidos da Estrada de Ferro Vitória-Minas (EFVM), bem como os ensaios em laboratório e in situ realizados nas amostras e no maciço rochoso para caracterizar o problema. Para o estudo foi escolhido o túnel Monte Seco Linha 1 e Linha 2 nos quais foram realizadas sondagens rotativas inclinadas e orientadas próximas ao eixo para investigação dos planos de descontinuidade. Os conceitos da Teoria dos Blocos-Chave foram aplicados às famílias de descontinuidades encontradas nos Túneis Monte Seco L1 e L2 para identificar os possíveis blocos instáveis formados pelas escavações. Para obtenção dos parâmetros geotécnicos de resistência e deformabilidade foram realizados ensaios de compressão uniaxial instrumentados com strain gages. A resistência a tração foi obtida através de Ensaio de Compressão Diametral (ECD). No ensaio de campo foi utilizado o Martelo de Schmidt para avaliação da rocha in situ. Através da análise dos dados foi possível distinguir setores cuja ocorrência de queda de blocos são maiores e a classe do maciço rochoso de acordo com a proposta de Bieniawski.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Map of the Boston & Maine Railroad : published by order of the Legislature of Massachusetts, showing its relative position & connection with other railroads, prepared by order of the Committee of Investigation ; Wm. P. Parrott, engineer ; George B. Parrott, del. It was published in July 1849 by W.C. Sharp's Lith. Scale [ca. 1:162,925]. Covers area from Portland, Me. to Boston, Mass. and west to Concord, N.H.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic projection (Meters). All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, railroads, drainage, state, county and selected town boundaries, and more.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps of New England from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Map of the Troy & Greenfield Rail Road and its connections, [by] A.F. Edwards, chief engineer. It was published ca. 1855 by B.W. Thayer & Co.'s Lith. Scale not given. Covers Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and portions of Maine and New York.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic projection (Meters). All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as railroads completed, chartered and under construction, drainage, selected cities, towns, and villages, state and county boundaries, and more. Relief shown by hachures.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps of New England from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.