826 resultados para ROS, Robotic, Operating, Systems, Robotica, Piattaforma, Sviluppo
In this article the authors describe the application development RExMobile and the importance of remote experimentation via mobile devices, especially smartphones simple, beyond the space provided for this application in education. The article deals the creation, software and hardware that provide an interactive and dynamic way to attract more students to use these experiments remote, serving as support to teachers to science teaching from its initial series. The ease and availability of smartphones, even these students of basic education, permits the reach of new users and in different places. Thus, the practice of remote experimentation in mobile devices enables new spaces for access and interaction. Are used for developing software free or low cost, HTML5 and jQuery Mobile framework, that enable the creation of pages compatible with different mobile operating systems such as iOS, Android, Windows Phone, some Symbian, among others. Also are demonstrated patterns layouts that allow greater accessibility.
A civilização contemporânea, pelas suas características, é muito exigente em tudo o que diz respeito ao conforto dos edifícios, para trabalho ou habitação, e à necessidade de economizar e racionalizar o uso de energia. A térmica dos edifícios assume, por isso, uma importância acrescida na atividade profissional e no ensino. Para se conduzir ao aperfeiçoamento de soluções na envolvente dos edifícios a este nível, o trabalho aqui realizado centrou-se no estudo do funcionamento da termografia de infravermelhos e da importância da sua utilização na inspeção térmica de edifícios. Descoberta no início do século XIX e desenvolvendo os primeiros sistemas operativos desde a 1ª Guerra Mundial, a fim de determinar heterogeneidades de temperatura superficial, esta técnica não destrutiva permite identificar anomalias que não são visualizadas a olho nu. Com a análise dessas variações de temperatura é possível conhecer os problemas e a localização de irregularidades. Este trabalho baseia-se substancialmente no estudo de edifícios. A análise realizada teve como finalidade executar inspeções termográficas – visuais, com duas abordagens. Por um lado, avaliar salas pertencentes a estabelecimentos de ensino secundário, reabilitadas e não reabilitadas, todas construídas entre as décadas de 60 e 90, com o intuito de diagnosticar patologias construtivas, recorrendo à termografia. Por outro, a análise de edifícios de habitação, com a intenção de avaliar a necessidade de um equipamento complementar às inspeções termográficas – o sistema de porta ventiladora. As inspeções foram regidas pelas diretrizes da norma europeia EN 13187. A termografia é uma técnica importante na realização de ensaios in situ que requerem rapidez de execução, aliada à vantagem de disponibilizar resultados em tempo real, permitindo assim uma primeira análise das leituras no local. A inspeção termográfica complementada com o sistema de porta ventiladora permitiu, também, revelar a importância da necessidade de meios auxiliares em certos casos. A conjugação destas diferentes técnicas permite reduzir a subjetividade da análise in situ e aumentar a fiabilidade do diagnóstico.
Esta dissertação descreve o estudo, concepção e desenvolvimento de uma aplicação baseada no sistema operativo Windows 8 que interage com um sistema domótico KNX, permitindo ao utilizador controlar a sua instalação domótica. Esta proposta, que combina a área de integração/instalação de sistemas domóticos e a de desenvolvimento de aplicações para Windows 8 e Windows 8 Phone, constitui um desafio particularmente interessante para quem tem experiência profissional nas duas áreas. A domótica surgiu na década de 70 como uma aplicação da eletrónica e das tecnologias da informação às instalações residenciais, comerciais e industriais. Esta nova área desencadeou uma revolução, não só, ao nível da produção e comercialização, mas, também, do ponto de vista do utilizador, ao promover a comodidade, segurança, personalização e o controlo de pessoas e bens. Os smartphones e tablets vieram permitir que o desenvolvimento de aplicações móveis de interacção com os sistemas domóticos. Ao longo desta dissertação são descritas e analisadas as múltiplas áreas de intervenção da domótica assim como as diferentes tecnologias de aplicação e mercados. Também são analisados os sistemas operativos que existentes, as respetivas cotas de mercado e os tipos de dispositivos disponíveis. Por último, a aplicação foi concebida, implementada e testada para verificar a correcta interacção com o sistema domótico KNX e as funcionalidades de controlo da instalação domótica.
Nowadays, many real-time operating systems discretize the time relying on a system time unit. To take this behavior into account, real-time scheduling algorithms must adopt a discrete-time model in which both timing requirements of tasks and their time allocations have to be integer multiples of the system time unit. That is, tasks cannot be executed for less than one time unit, which implies that they always have to achieve a minimum amount of work before they can be preempted. Assuming such a discrete-time model, the authors of Zhu et al. (Proceedings of the 24th IEEE international real-time systems symposium (RTSS 2003), 2003, J Parallel Distrib Comput 71(10):1411–1425, 2011) proposed an efficient “boundary fair” algorithm (named BF) and proved its optimality for the scheduling of periodic tasks while achieving full system utilization. However, BF cannot handle sporadic tasks due to their inherent irregular and unpredictable job release patterns. In this paper, we propose an optimal boundary-fair scheduling algorithm for sporadic tasks (named BF TeX ), which follows the same principle as BF by making scheduling decisions only at the job arrival times and (expected) task deadlines. This new algorithm was implemented in Linux and we show through experiments conducted upon a multicore machine that BF TeX outperforms the state-of-the-art discrete-time optimal scheduler (PD TeX ), benefiting from much less scheduling overheads. Furthermore, it appears from these experimental results that BF TeX is barely dependent on the length of the system time unit while PD TeX —the only other existing solution for the scheduling of sporadic tasks in discrete-time systems—sees its number of preemptions, migrations and the time spent to take scheduling decisions increasing linearly when improving the time resolution of the system.
As aplicações de Gestão ou Faturação são uma presença indispensável hoje em dia. Tendo o seu início nas aplicações “MS-DOS” em modo de texto, estas aplicações acompanharam a evolução dos sistemas operativos adotando um ambiente gráfico de forma natural. Se há poucos anos apenas as empresas com volumes de negócio significativo possuíam software de faturação, este foi sendo adotado por cada vez mais empresas e pequenos negócios. As alterações legislativas introduzidas desde 2011 conduziram a uma adoção generalizada por parte de pequenas e microempresas. O mercado de aplicações de gestão está saturado pelos grandes produtores de software nacionais: Primavera, Sage, etc. Estas aplicações, tendo sido construídas para PMEs (Pequenas e Médias Empresas) e mesmo grandes empresas, são excessivamente complexas e onerosas para muito pequenas e microempresas. O Modelo de negócio destes produtores de software é primordialmente a venda de Licenças e contratos de Manutenção, nalguns casos através de redes de Agentes. Este projeto teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma Aplicação de Faturação, de baixo custo, simples e cross-platform para ser comercializada em regime de aluguer em Pequenas e Micro Empresas.
13th International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems (Robotica), 2013
Atualmente existe uma grande variedade de programas de cálculo automático de estruturas de betão armado disponíveis no mercado, pois estes, cada vez mais, são inerentes ao desenvolvimento de cada projeto de estruturas. O PAC-Pórticos foi um dos primeiros a chegar ao mercado nacional surgindo no início da década de noventa. Foi totalmente desenvolvido em Portugal, tendo tido bastante sucesso nas suas vendas a nível nacional. O PAC-Pórticos não está preparado para operar diretamente nos mais recentes sistemas operativos nem foi programado para dimensionar os diversos elementos de betão armado seguindo os termos das normas mais recentes (Eurocódigos). O tema do presente trabalho vai de encontro aos atuais problemas do programa, assim sendo, definiu-se como primeiro objetivo a adaptação do PAC-Pórticos à regulamentação europeia para o betão armado. Numa 1ª fase, para a adaptação do PAC-Pórticos aos novos códigos, foi necessário estudar o programa em si, perceber o seu funcionamento e posteriormente realizar uma comparação entre a legislação para qual o software está programado, o Regulamento de Estruturas de Betão Armado e Pré-Esforçado (ainda em vigor) e a Norma Europeia correspondente a EN 1992-1-1 (Eurocódigo 2). Seguidamente, procedeu-se ao estudo e adaptação de todas as sub-rotinas de cálculo do PAC-Pórticos para o dimensionamento de vigas e pilares, tendo finalmente sido testado o novo código e comprovados os resultados obtidos com o mesmo. Na realização do presente trabalho, não foi ignorada a importância crescente da metodologia BIM que, nos dias de hoje, tende a ser implementada nos programas de cálculo de engenharia civil. Neste âmbito, o segundo objetivo é o de conseguir visualizar uma solução obtida do PAC-Pórticos numa qualquer ferramenta tridimensional BIM. Para tal, foram ponderadas várias hipóteses, mas optou-se por criar dois plug-in para o programa AutoCAD da Autodesk. O primeiro destes plug-in contempla o desenho das vigas e o segundo para os pilares, ambos em 3D e elaborados de forma automática.
In today's complicated computing environment, managing data has become the primary concern of all industries. Information security is the greatest challenge and it has become essential to secure the enterprise system resources like the databases and the operating systems from the attacks of the unknown outsiders. Our approach plays a major role in detecting and managing vulnerabilities in complex computing systems. It allows enterprises to assess two primary tiers through a single interface as a vulnerability scanner tool which provides a secure system which is also compatible with the security compliance of the industry. It provides an overall view of the vulnerabilities in the database, by automatically scanning them with minimum overhead. It gives a detailed view of the risks involved and their corresponding ratings. Based on these priorities, an appropriate mitigation process can be implemented to ensure a secured system. The results show that our approach could effectively optimize the time and cost involved when compared to the existing systems
Traditionally, we've focussed on the question of how to make a system easy to code the first time, or perhaps on how to ease the system's continued evolution. But if we look at life cycle costs, then we must conclude that the important question is how to make a system easy to operate. To do this we need to make it easy for the operators to see what's going on and to then manipulate the system so that it does what it is supposed to. This is a radically different criterion for success. What makes a computer system visible and controllable? This is a difficult question, but it's clear that today's modern operating systems with nearly 50 million source lines of code are neither. Strikingly, the MIT Lisp Machine and its commercial successors provided almost the same functionality as today's mainstream sytsems, but with only 1 Million lines of code. This paper is a retrospective examination of the features of the Lisp Machine hardware and software system. Our key claim is that by building the Object Abstraction into the lowest tiers of the system, great synergy and clarity were obtained. It is our hope that this is a lesson that can impact tomorrow's designs. We also speculate on how the spirit of the Lisp Machine could be extended to include a comprehensive access control model and how new layers of abstraction could further enrich this model.
A summary of white papers on Android, IOS, Symbian and Series 40 Mobile Operating Systems
These are the slides where I summarised what I thought are the important parts of the operating systems course. They are mostly slides borrowed from the original course slides, so thank you to Thanassis for those. For full details about the topics, please refer to the full lecture slides and the course textbook.
A full assessment of para-virtualization is important, because without knowledge about the various overheads, users can not understand whether using virtualization is a good idea or not. In this paper we are very interested in assessing the overheads of running various benchmarks on bare-‐metal, as well as on para-‐virtualization. The idea is to see what the overheads of para-‐ virtualization are, as well as looking at the overheads of turning on monitoring and logging. The knowledge from assessing various benchmarks on these different systems will help a range of users understand the use of virtualization systems. In this paper we assess the overheads of using Xen, VMware, KVM and Citrix, see Table 1. These different virtualization systems are used extensively by cloud-‐users. We are using various Netlib1 benchmarks, which have been developed by the University of Tennessee at Knoxville (UTK), and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). In order to assess these virtualization systems, we run the benchmarks on bare-‐metal, then on the para-‐virtualization, and finally we turn on monitoring and logging. The later is important as users are interested in Service Level Agreements (SLAs) used by the Cloud providers, and the use of logging is a means of assessing the services bought and used from commercial providers. In this paper we assess the virtualization systems on three different systems. We use the Thamesblue supercomputer, the Hactar cluster and IBM JS20 blade server (see Table 2), which are all servers available at the University of Reading. A functional virtualization system is multi-‐layered and is driven by the privileged components. Virtualization systems can host multiple guest operating systems, which run on its own domain, and the system schedules virtual CPUs and memory within each Virtual Machines (VM) to make the best use of the available resources. The guest-‐operating system schedules each application accordingly. You can deploy virtualization as full virtualization or para-‐virtualization. Full virtualization provides a total abstraction of the underlying physical system and creates a new virtual system, where the guest operating systems can run. No modifications are needed in the guest OS or application, e.g. the guest OS or application is not aware of the virtualized environment and runs normally. Para-‐virualization requires user modification of the guest operating systems, which runs on the virtual machines, e.g. these guest operating systems are aware that they are running on a virtual machine, and provide near-‐native performance. You can deploy both para-‐virtualization and full virtualization across various virtualized systems. Para-‐virtualization is an OS-‐assisted virtualization; where some modifications are made in the guest operating system to enable better performance. In this kind of virtualization, the guest operating system is aware of the fact that it is running on the virtualized hardware and not on the bare hardware. In para-‐virtualization, the device drivers in the guest operating system coordinate the device drivers of host operating system and reduce the performance overheads. The use of para-‐virtualization [0] is intended to avoid the bottleneck associated with slow hardware interrupts that exist when full virtualization is employed. It has revealed [0] that para-‐ virtualization does not impose significant performance overhead in high performance computing, and this in turn this has implications for the use of cloud computing for hosting HPC applications. The “apparent” improvement in virtualization has led us to formulate the hypothesis that certain classes of HPC applications should be able to execute in a cloud environment, with minimal performance degradation. In order to support this hypothesis, first it is necessary to define exactly what is meant by a “class” of application, and secondly it will be necessary to observe application performance, both within a virtual machine and when executing on bare hardware. A further potential complication is associated with the need for Cloud service providers to support Service Level Agreements (SLA), so that system utilisation can be audited.
User interaction within a virtual environment may take various forms: a teleconferencing application will require users to speak to each other (Geak, 1993), with computer supported co-operative working; an Engineer may wish to pass an object to another user for examination; in a battle field simulation (McDonough, 1992), users might exchange fire. In all cases it is necessary for the actions of one user to be presented to the others sufficiently quickly to allow realistic interaction. In this paper we take a fresh look at the approach of virtual reality operating systems by tackling the underlying issues of creating real-time multi-user environments.
Mobile devices can enhance undergraduate research projects and students’ research capabilities. The use of mobile devices such as tablet computers will not automatically make undergraduates better researchers, but their use should make investigations, writing, and publishing more effective and may even save students time. We have explored some of the possibilities of using “tablets” and “smartphones” to aid the research and inquiry process in geography and bioscience fieldwork. We provide two case studies as illustration of how students working in small research groups use mobile devices to gather and analyze primary data in field-based inquiry. Since April 2010, Apple’s iPad has changed the way people behave in the digital world and how they access their music, watch videos, or read their email much as the entrepreneurs Steve Jobs and Jonathan Ive intended. Now with “apps” and “the cloud” and the ubiquitous references to them appearing in the press and on TV, academics’ use of tablets is also having an impact on education and research. In our discussion we will refer to use of smartphones such as the iPhone, iPod, and Android devices under the term “tablet”. Android and Microsoft devices may not offer the same facilities as the iPad/iphone, but many app producers now provide versions for several operating systems. Smartphones are becoming more affordable and ubiquitous (Melhuish and Falloon 2010), but a recent study of undergraduate students (Woodcock et al. 2012, 1) found that many students who own smartphones are “largely unaware of their potential to support learning”. Importantly, however, students were found to be “interested in and open to the potential as they become familiar with the possibilities” (Woodcock et al. 2012). Smartphones and iPads could be better utilized than laptops when conducting research in the field because of their portability (Welsh and France 2012). It is imperative for faculty to provide their students with opportunities to discover and employ the potential uses of mobile devices in their learning. However, it is not only the convenience of the iPad or tablet devices or smartphones we wish to promote, but also a way of thinking and behaving digitally. We essentially suggest that making a tablet the center of research increases the connections between related research activities.