112 resultados para RHODOCOCCUS-OPACUS 1CP


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Acylamidohydrolases from higher plants have not been characterized or cloned so far. AtAMI1 is the first member of this enzyme family from a higher plant and was identified in the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana based on sequence homology with the catalytic-domain sequence of bacterial acylamidohydrolases, particularly those that exhibit indole-3-acetamide amidohydrolase activity. AtAMI1 polypeptide and mRNA are present in leaf tissues, as shown by immunoblotting and RT-PCR, respectively. AtAMI1 was expressed from its cDNA in enzymatically active form and exhibits substrate specificity for indole-3-acetamide, but also some activity against l-asparagine. The recombinant enzyme was characterized further. The results show that higher plants have acylamidohydrolases with properties similar to the enzymes of certain plant-associated bacteria such as Agrobacterium-, Pseudomonas- and Rhodococcus-species, in which these enzymes serve to synthesize the plant growth hormone, indole-3-acetic acid, utilized by the bacteria to colonize their host plants. As indole-3-acetamide is a native metabolite in Arabidopsis thaliana, it can no longer be ruled out that one pathway for the biosynthesis of indole-3-acetic acid involves indole-3-acetamide-hydrolysis by AtAMI1.


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Mainly based on various inhibitor studies previously performed, amidases came to be regarded as sulfhydryl enzymes. Not completely satisfied with this generally accepted interpretation, we performed a series of site-directed mutagenesis studies on one particular amidase of Rhodococcus rhodochrous J1 that was involved in its nitrile metabolism. For these experiments, the recombinant amidase was produced as the inclusion body in Escherichia coli to greatly facilitate its recovery and subsequent purification. With regard to the presumptive active site residue Cys203, a Cys203 → Ala mutant enzyme still retained 11.5% of the original specific activity. In sharp contrast, substitutions in certain other positions in the neighborhood of Cys203 had a far more dramatic effect on the amidase. Glutamic acid substitution of Asp191 reduced the specific activity of the mutant enzyme to 1.33% of the wild-type activity. Furthermore, Asp191 → Asn substitution as well as Ser195 → Ala substitution completely abolished the specific activity. It would thus appear that, among various conserved residues residing within the so-called signature sequence common to all amidases, the real active site residues are Asp191 and Ser195 rather than Cys203. Inasmuch as an amide bond (CO-NH2) in the amide substrate is not too far structurally removed from a peptide bond (CO-NH-), the signature sequences of various amidases were compared with the active site sequences of various types of proteases. It was found that aspartic acid and serine residues corresponding to Asp191 and Ser195 of the Rhodococcus amidase are present within the active site sequences of aspartic proteinases, thus suggesting the evolutionary relationship between the two.


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A soil suspension was used as a source to initiate the development of microbial communities in flow cells irrigated with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) (25 mu g ml(-1)). Culturable bacterial members of the community were identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and found to be members of the genera Pseudomonas, Burkholderia, Collimonas and Rhodococcus. A 2,4-D degrading donor strain, Pseudomonas putida SM 1443 (pJP4::gfp), was inoculated into flow cell chambers containing 2-day old biofilm communities. Transfer of pJP4::gfp from the donor to the bacterial community was detectable as GFP fluorescing cells and images were captured using confocal scanning laser microscopy (GFP fluorescence was repressed in the donor due to the presence of a chromosomally located lacl(q) repressor gene). Approximately 5-10 transconjugant microcolonies, 20-40 mu m in diameter, could be seen to develop in each chamber. A 2,4-D degrading transconjugant strain was isolated from the flow cell system belonging to the genus Burkholderia.


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A total of 188 carbohydrate polymer-producing bacterial strains were isolated from recycled sludge of five seafood processing plants. Among three selected isolates, identified as Enterobacter cloacae WD7, Enterobacter agglomerans WD50 and Pseudomonas alcaligenes WD22. E. cloacae WD7 generated a viscous culture broth exhibiting the highest flocculating activity and a crude polymer yield of 2.27 g/L after 3 days cultivation. Partial purification of this polymer was performed by precipitation with 95% ethanol, dialysis and freeze-drying. It was characterized as an acidic heteropolysaccharide, composed of neutral sugars (29.4%), uronic acids (14.2%) and amino sugars (0.93%). The functional group analysis by FT-IR spectroscopy showed the presence of hydroxyl, carboxyl, carbonyl and methoxyl groups. Thermal analysis by DSC showed the crystalline transition and the crystalline melting point (T-m) at 300 degrees C. This polysaccharide was soluble in water and insoluble in any organic solvents tested; gelation occurred under alkaline conditions in the presence of divalent cations in which copper as CuSO4 gave the best result. Studies on the flocculation property revealed that this polysaccharide was stable at 4-60 degrees C and pH 5-7. The optimal concentrations for the flocculating activity were 2 mg/L polysaccharide and 40 mM CaCl2 which played the synergistic effect on kaolin flocculation. Moreover, this polysaccharide could flocculate the kaolin suspension over a wide range of pH (pH 2-8) and temperature (4-50 degrees C) tested in the presence of CaCl2. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Introducción: A mediados de los años 70’s del siglo pasado el descubrimiento de la tecnología del ADN recombinante marca el inicio de la era de la biotecnología moderna. La implementación de estas tecnologías permitió la utilización de organismos como sistemas de expresión que a lo largo de los años ha generado la producción de una gran variedad de productos biológicos. Dentro de estos sistemas Pichia pastoris es un sistema de expresión ampliamente utilizado debido a sus características tales como la producción de proteínas en grandes cantidades, la liberación de los productos al medio de cultivo, la obtención de productos complejos que requieren modificaciones postraduccionales típicas de los eucariotas o que contienen puentes disulfuro, entre otras. Nocardia brasiliensis es una bacteria parcialmente ácido-alcohol resistente la cual forma colonias granulares, con hifas aéreas escasas, sus colonias exhiben un color anaranjado pardo con bordes en blanco. N. brasiliensis es patógena para el ser humano y es el agente causal del actinomicetoma. El actinomicetoma es una enfermedad crónica generalmente localizada en las extremidades. Se caracteriza por ser un proceso lento de tumefacción con nódulos, abscesos y fístulas.La Superóxido Dismutasa (SOD) es una enzima reductora polimérica que cataliza la conversión del ión superóxido a peróxido de hidrógeno y oxígeno molecular. La SOD ha sido propuesta como un factor de virulencia de microorganismos patógenos, cuya acción consiste en bloquear los efectores oxidativos del estallido respiratorio iniciado por los fagocítos en el fagolisosoma. Este mecanismo ha sido descrito para bacterias de los géneros Mycobacterium, Rhodococcus y Nocardia. Objetivo: producir y caracterizar la Superóxido Dismutasa A (SODA) de Nocardia brasiliensis en Pichia pastoris. Metodología: se realizó el diseño de primers adicionando secuencias de sitios de corte para las enzimas XhoI y AvrII, así como una cola de histidinas en el extremo 5’ para la amplificación del gen sodA de N. brasiliensis a partir del ADN genómico de Nocardia brasiliensis. El amplicón se clonó en el vector de expresión pPIC9. Se llevó a cabo la transformación por electroporación de levaduras Pichia pastoris GS115. La producción de SOD se llevó a cabo en inducciones de 96 h con metanol como agente inductor. Los sobrenadantes se dializaron con membranas de celulosa. Los dializados se observaron por SDS-PAGE y western blot. Se analizó la actividad funcional de la enzima con el SOD Assay kit de Sigma Aldrich. Resultados: Por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa se obtuvo una secuencia de 625 pb correspondiente al gen sodA. El fragmento se ligó al vector de expresión pPIC9 y fue caracterizado con las enzimas de restricción XhoI y AvrII. Las cepas trasformadas de P. pastoris GS115 se caracterizaron con el gen aox1 obteniendo cepas Mut+ y Muts. Los análisis por SDSPAGE mostraron bandas no observadas en el control negativo de expresión mientras en los western blot solo una de las clonas mostró señal. Los análisis de actividad funcional sugieren inhibición de la reacción enzimática infiriendo presencia de la proteína SOD en el medio dializado. Conclusiones: Se logró la construcción del sistema de expresión Pichia pastoris con el casete de expresión de la SOD de N. brasiliensis. Así como la generación de cepas Mut+y Muts. En los ensayos de actividad funcional se observó inhibición de la reacción enzimática.


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Crude oil has between 0.04 up to 5% of sulphur, the higher the oil the higher the sulphur levels. Sulphur usually gives problems such as corrosion in refinery, and once burnt produces SO2 that goes to atmosphere. This work aim to investigate the capacity of Rhodococcus rhodochrous (NRRL B-2149) to metabolize the model compound 4-methyldibenzotiophene (4-MDBT), to remove the sulphur and transform it in 2-hydroxybiphenyl (2-HBF) and sulphite using the 4S pathway. Kynetic runs were carried out in shaker at 120 rpm and 32°C. Samples were taken every 12h to assay substrate consume as well as cells production using HPLC. Results showed that R. rhodochrous NRRL B-2149 can use the 4S pathway in order to remove sulphur without change the carbon chain of the molecule as well as that cells and 4-MDBT affects the product formation. The production of 2-hydroxybiphenyl has interest for industry once it is a potent biocide. However, evaluation is necessary in order to obtain better results compatible with industry needs


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Phenol is a toxic organic pollutant to living cells and its biodegradation is considered the best method due to its environment friendly nature and cost effectiveness. In this study, eight bacterial strains were isolated through enrichment on mineral salt media supplemented with 300 mgL -1 phenol. The isolated strains were identified by 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis and belonged to genera: Rhodococcus, Stenotrophomonas, Lysinibacillus, Comamonas, Microbacterium, Pseudomonas and Halomonas. The results of phenol biodegradation experiments (conducted at pH 7 and 30°C temperature) showed that the strains could degrade 750 mg L -1 phenol within 40 to 96 hours. The average phenol degradation rate by the strains was 12.5 to 34.8 mgL -1 h-1. The most rapid phenol degradation was observed for Rhodococcus sp. NCCP-309 and Rhodococcus sp. NCCP-312, whereas, Stenotrophomonas sp. NCCP-311, Lysinibacillus sp. NCCP-313, Comamonas sp. NCCP-314 and Microbacterium sp. NCCP-351 took longer time in phenol degradation. The results of our study suggested that these strains are efficient in phenol biodegradation and can be used for the bioremediation of waste water containing phenol.