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Les liquides ioniques connaissent depuis quelques décennies un essor particulier en raison de leurs nombreuses propriétés physico-chimiques intéressantes, telles qu’une faible pression de vapeur saturante, une viscosité limitée, une faible miscibilité avec la plupart des solvants communs, ou encore des propriétés d’agencement supramoléculaire, qui en font des outils puissants dans de nombreux domaines de la chimie. Les sels d’imidazolium représentent la plus grande famille de liquides ioniques à ce jour. Leur modulabilité leur permet d’être dérivés pour de nombreuses applications spécifiques, notamment en synthèse organique, où ils sont utilisés majoritairement comme solvants, et plus récemment comme catalyseurs. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse se concentrent sur leur utilisation en synthèse organique, à la fois comme solvants et principalement comme catalyseurs chiraux, catalyseurs pour lesquels l’anion du sel est l’espèce catalytique, permettant d’ajouter de la flexibilité et de la mobilité au système. En tirant parti de la tolérance des liquides ioniques envers la majorité des macromolécules naturelles, l’objectif principal des travaux présentés dans cette thèse est le développement d’un nouveau type de catalyseur bio-hybride reposant sur l’encapsulation d’un sel d’imidazolium dans une protéine. Par le biais de la technologie biotine-avidine, l’inclusion supramoléculaire de sels d’imidazolium biotinylés portant des contre-anions catalytiques dans l’avidine a été réalisée et exploitée en catalyse. Dans un premier temps, le développement et l’étude de deux sels de 1-butyl-3-méthylimidazolium possédant des anions chiraux dérivés de la trans-4-hydroxy-L-proline sont rapportés, ainsi que leur comportement dans des réactions énantiosélectives d’aldol et d’addition de Michael. Ces types de composés se sont révélés actifs et performants en milieu liquide ionique. Dans un second temps, la préparation de sels d’imidazolium dont le cation est biotinylé et portant un contre-anion achiral, a été réalisée. Le comportement de l’avidine en milieu liquide ionique et son apport en termes de chiralité sur le système bio-hybride ont été étudiés. Les résultats montrent le rôle crucial des liquides ioniques sur la conformation de la protéine et l’efficacité du catalyseur pour des réactions d’aldol. Dans un dernier temps, l’influence de la structure du cation et de l’anion sur le système a été étudiée. Différents espaceurs ont été introduits successivement dans les squelettes cationiques et anioniques des sels d’imidazolium biotinylés. Dans le cas du cation, les résultats ne révèlent aucune influence majeure sur l’efficacité du catalyseur. La structure de l’anion se montre cependant beaucoup plus importante : la préparation de différents catalyseurs bio-hybrides possédant des anions aux propriétés physico-chimiques différentes a permis d’obtenir de plus amples informations sur le mode de fonctionnement du système bio-hybride et de la coopérativité entre l’avidine et l’anion du sel d’imidazolium.La nature ionique de la liaison cation-anion offrant une liberté de mouvement accrue à l’anion dans la protéine, la tolérance à différents substrats a également été abordée après optimisation du système.


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This paper describes the first use of polystyrene-supported poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimers as heterogeneous basic organocatalysts for carbon–carbon bond formation. Polystyrene-supported PAMAM dendrimers of first, second and third generations have been used as reusable base catalysts in Knoevenagel condensations of carbonyl compounds with active methylene compounds. The reactions proceed in short periods of time and with 100% selectivity. This novel catalyst eliminates the use of aromatic and halogenated solvents, as well as complex purification processes. The catalysts can be recycled ten times.


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Dept.of Applied Chemistry,Cochin University of Science and Technolgy


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El trabajo de investigación presenta la gestión que están realizando las empresas colombianas del sector empaque y embalaje en términos de su responsabilidad social empresarial, especialmente en el manejo ambiental de sus productos y procesos. Los objetivos de las empresas se enfocan en ser perdurables y rentables; para lograrlo deben encontrar una ventaja competitiva sostenible e ir acorde a los cambios sociales, económicos, políticos y ambientales entre otros. El mercado tanto nacional como internacional es cada vez más competitivo; la globalización, la facilidad de información y la tecnología hacen que las políticas gubernamentales y las necesidades del mercado sean más exigentes respecto al compromiso ambiental de las organizaciones. El presente proyecto identifica las actividades que realizan éstas empresas al respecto y presenta recomendaciones para lograr esa ventaja competitiva.


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La present tesi doctoral s'ha basat en la caracterització estructural i en l'estudi de les propietats catalítiques de nous complexos de pal·ladi(0) amb lligands olefínics contenint unitats de ferrocè. En una primera fase s'ha desenvolupat la síntesi d'estructures de tipus (E, E, E)-1,6,11-trisarilsulfonil-1,6,11-triazaciclopentadeca-3,8,13-triè contenint des d'una fins a tres unitats de ferrocè i s'ha estudiat la seva complexació amb pal·ladi(0). Mitjançant estudis electroquímics s'ha avaluat la seva possible aplicació en el reconeixement molecular electroquímic. Encara que aquest tipus d'estructures no han resultat vàlides per aquest tipus de processos de reconeixement, l'estudi electroquímic ha permès determinar que la presència del grup ferrocenil influeix en les propietats redox del metall complexat. S'ha descrit també l'obtenció de macrocicles pentaolefínics anàlegs de 25 membres contenint unitats de ferrocè i s'ha estudiat paral·lelament la seva complexació amb pal·ladi(0).En una segona part del treball s'han avaluat les propietats catalítiques del complex (E, E, E)-6,11-bis[(p-metilfenil)sulfonil]-1-ferrocenilsulfonil-1,6,11-triazaciclopentadeca-3,8,13-trièpal·ladi(0), en reaccions clàssicament catalitzades per pal·ladi tals com l'acoblament creuat de Suzuki o la reacció de Heck, i s'ha pogut determinar que és un catalitzador actiu en aquest tipus de reaccions, essent a més possible, la seva recuperació i reutilització. En el cas concret de la reacció de Heck s'han emprat sals de diazoni com a agents arilants i cal destacar que s'ha descrit el primer sistema catalític recuperable i reutilitzable per aquest tipus de reaccions. Mitjançant espectrometria de masses amb ionització per electrospray ha estat possible determinar el rol mecanístic del nostre complex de pal·ladi en la reacció de Heck amb sals de diazoni.Finalment, en una tercera part estructural del treball s'ha estudiat el comportament espectroscòpic dels complexos de pal·ladi(0) anteriorment mencionats, contenint des de tres unitats aríliques iguals fins a tres unitats aríliques diferents. Mitjançant RMN i difracció de raigs-X s'ha determinat que la complexitat estereoquímica dels complexos deriva dels isòmers que es poden formar mitjançant complexació del metall amb cada una de les cares dels tres dobles enllaços continguts a l'estructura.


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Aquesta Tesi Doctoral està dividida en diferents capítols tots ells basats en aplicacions de macrocicles nitrogenats triolefínics de 15 membres i dels seus complexos amb metalls de transició. En primer lloc es descriu l'aplicació d'un complex macrocíclic ferrocenílic de Pd0 com a catalitzador en reaccions de Mizoroki-Heck i Suzuki emprant sals de diazoni com a agents arilants. Aquest catalitzador va proporcionar bons rendiments de productes i va poder ser recuperat i reutilitzat, essent el primer sistema catalític reciclable descrit en la reacció de Mizoroki-Heck amb sals de diazoni. La metodologia es va estendre de forma efectiva a alcohols al·lílics, però en no ser possible recuperar el catalitzador macrocíclic, es va emprar Pd(dba)2. Posteriorment es van preparar estructures macromoleculars mitjançant la introducció de diferents unitats macrocícliques sobre un espaiador. La complexació d'aquestes estructures va permetre preparar complexos tant homo (Pd0) com heterometàl·lics (Pd0, Pt0) amb bons rendiments. Els complexos homometàl·lics van resultar ser bons catalitzadors en reaccions de Suzuki i fàcilment recuperables per simple filtració. En una última part, es van preparar nous macrocicles triolefínics contenint d'un a tres grups amino lliures en l'estructura mitjançant la utilització del grup protector (2-trimetilsilil)etansulfonil (SES). Aquesta modificació estructural va permetre ampliar la capacitat coordinant dels macrocicles a altres metalls de transició, com el PdII, possibilitant noves aplicacions. Concretament es va aplicar el lligand contenint un sol grup amino lliure al reconeixement, transport i preconcentració de PdII i PtIV continguts en dissolucions aquoses.


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There is a recent interest to use inorganic-based magnetic nanoparticles as a vehicle to carry biomolecules for various biophysical applications, but direct attachment of the molecules is known to alter their conformation leading to attenuation in activity. In addition, surface immobilization has been limited to monolayer coverage. It is shown that alternate depositions of negatively charged protein molecules, typically bovine serum albumin (BSA) with a positively charged aminocarbohydrate template such as glycol chitosan (GC) on magnetic iron oxide nanoparticle surface as a colloid, are carried out under pH 7.4. Circular dichroism (CD) clearly reveals that the secondary structure of the entrapped BSA sequential depositions in this manner remains totally unaltered which is in sharp contrast to previous attempts. Probing the binding properties of the entrapped BSA using small molecules (Site I and Site II drug compounds) confirms for the first time the full retention of its biological activity as compared with native BSA, which also implies the ready accessibility of the entrapped protein molecules through the porous overlayers. This work clearly suggests a new method to immobilize and store protein molecules beyond monolayer adsorption on a magnetic nanoparticle surface without much structural alteration. This may find applications in magnetic recoverable enzymes or protein delivery.


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Coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) infection can result in myocarditis, which in turn may lead to a protracted immune response and subsequent dilated cardiomyopathy. Human decay-accelerating factor (DAF), a binding receptor for CVB3, was synthesized as a soluble IgG1-Fc fusion protein (DAF-Fc). In vitro, DAF-Fc was able to inhibit complement activity and block infection by CVB3, although blockade of infection varied widely among strains of CVB3. To determine the effects of DAF-Fc in vivo, 40 adolescent A/J mice were infected with a myopathic strain of CVB3 and given DAF-Fc treatment 3 days before infection, during infection, or 3 days after infection; the mice were compared with virus alone and sham-infected animals. Sections of heart, spleen, kidney, pancreas, and liver were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and submitted to in situ hybridization for both positive-strand and negative-strand viral RNA to determine the extent of myocarditis and viral infection, respectively. Salient histopathologic features, including myocardial lesion area, cell death, calcification and inflammatory cell infiltration, pancreatitis, and hepatitis were scored without knowledge of the experimental groups. DAF-Fc treatment of mice either preceding or concurrent with CVB3 infection resulted in a significant decrease in myocardial lesion area and cell death and a reduction in the presence of viral RNA. All DAF-Fc treatment groups had reduced infectious CVB3 recoverable from the heart after infection. DAF-Fc may be a novel therapeutic agent for active myocarditis and acute dilated cardiomyopathy if given early in the infectious period, although more studies are needed to determine its mechanism and efficacy.


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Tetrazole and acylsulfonamide organocatalysts derived from proline have been synthesised and applied to the asymmetric Mannich, nitro-Michael and aldol reactions to give results that are superior to the proline-catalysed counterpart.


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Silicon-based organocatalysts: In an effort to study the effects of substituting carbon by silicon within the catalyst backbone, we developed an efficient synthesis of (S)-2-triphenylsilylpyrrolidine [(S)-2]. The evaluation of (S)-2 against its carbon analogue (S)-1 in two organocatalytic reactions is complemented by computational studies.


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International Perspective The development of GM technology continues to expand into increasing numbers of crops and conferred traits. Inevitably, the focus remains on the major field crops of soybean, maize, cotton, oilseed rape and potato with introduced genes conferring herbicide tolerance and/or pest resistance. Although there are comparatively few GM crops that have been commercialised to date, GM versions of 172 plant species have been grown in field trials in 31 countries. European Crops with Containment Issues Of the 20 main crops in the EU there are four for which GM varieties are commercially available (cotton, maize for animal feed and forage, and oilseed rape). Fourteen have GM varieties in field trials (bread wheat, barley, durum wheat, sunflower, oats, potatoes, sugar beet, grapes, alfalfa, olives, field peas, clover, apples, rice) and two have GM varieties still in development (rye, triticale). Many of these crops have hybridisation potential with wild and weedy relatives in the European flora (bread wheat, barley, oilseed rape, durum wheat, oats, sugar beet and grapes), with escapes (sunflower); and all have potential to cross-pollinate fields non-GM crops. Several fodder crops, forestry trees, grasses and ornamentals have varieties in field trials and these too may hybridise with wild relatives in the European flora (alfalfa, clover, lupin, silver birch, sweet chestnut, Norway spruce, Scots pine, poplar, elm, Agrostis canina, A. stolonifera, Festuca arundinacea, Lolium perenne, L. multiflorum, statice and rose). All these crops will require containment strategies to be in place if it is deemed necessary to prevent transgene movement to wild relatives and non-GM crops. Current Containment Strategies A wide variety of GM containment strategies are currently under development, with a particular focus on crops expressing pharmaceutical products. Physical containment in greenhouses and growth rooms is suitable for some crops (tomatoes, lettuce) and for research purposes. Aquatic bioreactors of some non-crop species (algae, moss, and duckweed) expressing pharmaceutical products have been adopted by some biotechnology companies. There are obvious limitations of the scale of physical containment strategies, addressed in part by the development of large underground facilities in the US and Canada. The additional resources required to grow plants underground incurs high costs that in the long term may negate any advantage of GM for commercial productioNatural genetic containment has been adopted by some companies through the selection of either non-food/feed crops (algae, moss, duckweed) as bio-pharming platforms or organisms with no wild relatives present in the local flora (safflower in the Americas). The expression of pharmaceutical products in leafy crops (tobacco, alfalfa, lettuce, spinach) enables growth and harvesting prior to and in the absence of flowering. Transgenically controlled containment strategies range in their approach and degree of development. Plastid transformation is relatively well developed but is not suited to all traits or crops and does not offer complete containment. Male sterility is well developed across a range of plants but has limitations in its application for fruit/seed bearing crops. It has been adopted in some commercial lines of oilseed rape despite not preventing escape via seed. Conditional lethality can be used to prevent flowering or seed development following the application of a chemical inducer, but requires 100% induction of the trait and sufficient application of the inducer to all plants. Equally, inducible expression of the GM trait requires equally stringent application conditions. Such a method will contain the trait but will allow the escape of a non-functioning transgene. Seed lethality (‘terminator’ technology) is the only strategy at present that prevents transgene movement via seed, but due to public opinion against the concept it has never been trialled in the field and is no longer under commercial development. Methods to control flowering and fruit development such as apomixis and cleistogamy will prevent crop-to-wild and wild-to-crop pollination, but in nature both of these strategies are complex and leaky. None of the genes controlling these traits have as yet been identified or characterised and therefore have not been transgenically introduced into crop species. Neither of these strategies will prevent transgene escape via seed and any feral apomicts that form are arguably more likely to become invasives. Transgene mitigation reduces the fitness of initial hybrids and so prevents stable introgression of transgenes into wild populations. However, it does not prevent initial formation of hybrids or spread to non-GM crops. Such strategies could be detrimental to wild populations and have not yet been demonstrated in the field. Similarly, auxotrophy prevents persistence of escapes and hybrids containing the transgene in an uncontrolled environment, but does not prevent transgene movement from the crop. Recoverable block of function, intein trans-splicing and transgene excision all use recombinases to modify the transgene in planta either to induce expression or to prevent it. All require optimal conditions and 100% accuracy to function and none have been tested under field conditions as yet. All will contain the GM trait but all will allow some non-native DNA to escape to wild populations or to non-GM crops. There are particular issues with GM trees and grasses as both are largely undomesticated, wind pollinated and perennial, thus providing many opportunities for hybridisation. Some species of both trees and grass are also capable of vegetative propagation without sexual reproduction. There are additional concerns regarding the weedy nature of many grass species and the long-term stability of GM traits across the life span of trees. Transgene stability and conferred sterility are difficult to trial in trees as most field trials are only conducted during the juvenile phase of tree growth. Bio-pharming of pharmaceutical and industrial compounds in plants Bio-pharming of pharmaceutical and industrial compounds in plants offers an attractive alternative to mammalian-based pharmaceutical and vaccine production. Several plantbased products are already on the market (Prodigene’s avidin, β-glucuronidase, trypsin generated in GM maize; Ventria’s lactoferrin generated in GM rice). Numerous products are in clinical trials (collagen, antibodies against tooth decay and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma from tobacco; human gastric lipase, therapeutic enzymes, dietary supplements from maize; Hepatitis B and Norwalk virus vaccines from potato; rabies vaccines from spinach; dietary supplements from Arabidopsis). The initial production platforms for plant-based pharmaceuticals were selected from conventional crops, largely because an established knowledge base already existed. Tobacco and other leafy crops such as alfalfa, lettuce and spinach are widely used as leaves can be harvested and no flowering is required. Many of these crops can be grown in contained greenhouses. Potato is also widely used and can also be grown in contained conditions. The introduction of morphological markers may aid in the recognition and traceability of crops expressing pharmaceutical products. Plant cells or plant parts may be transformed and maintained in culture to produce recombinant products in a contained environment. Plant cells in suspension or in vitro, roots, root cells and guttation fluid from leaves may be engineered to secrete proteins that may be harvested in a continuous, non-destructive manner. Most strategies in this category remain developmental and have not been commercially adopted at present. Transient expression produces GM compounds from non-GM plants via the utilisation of bacterial or viral vectors. These vectors introduce the trait into specific tissues of whole plants or plant parts, but do not insert them into the heritable genome. There are some limitations of scale and the field release of such crops will require the regulation of the vector. However, several companies have several transiently expressed products in clinical and pre-clinical trials from crops raised in physical containment.


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Ring-forming reactions are an essential part of synthetic chemistry and allow access to a range of useful natural products and biologically important molecules. The applications of organocatalysis to the synthesis of functionalized, enantiopure structures really begins where organocatalysis itself begins; with the Hajos-Parrish reaction in the 1970s for the synthesis of steroids using proline. This chapter then will review the uses of organocatalysts in cyclization methodology – from the initial Hajos-Parrish discovery to current advances in the field.


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There has been a considerable critical interest in the representation of death in Children's Literature, with an increasingly prevalent move to read it as granting the child the status of object. Thus, for example, Judith Plotz takes it to 'increase [the] presence' of the child. Through a detailed reading of one late C19th school story, I suggest that such readings proceed through a resistance to textuality. This essay offers a reading of death as bound up with the play of the text, deferred, shifting and retrospectively constructed rather than a state of simple, recoverable objecthood.


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Studies of sulfamide, phosphoric triamide and thiophosphoric triamidebased organocatalysts show that the phosphorus containing systems are effective new hydrogen bonding motifs for the recognition and transport of anions.


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We here report the preparation of supported palladium nanoparticles (NPs) stabilized by pendant phosphine groups by reacting a palladium complex containing the ligand 2-(diphenylphosphino)benzaldehyde with an amino-functionalized silica surface The Pd nanocatalyst is active for Suzuki cross-coupling reaction avoiding any addition of other sources of phosphine ligands The Pd intermediates and Pd NPs were characterized by solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance and transmission electron microscopy techniques The synthetic method was also applied to prepare magnetically recoverable Pd NPs leading to a catalyst that could be reused for up to 10 recycles In summary we gathered the advantages of heterogeneous catalysis magnetic separation and enhanced catalytic activity of palladium promoted by phosphine ligands to synthesize a new catalyst for Suzuki cross-coupling reactions The Pd NP catalyst prepared on the phosphine-functionalized support was more active and selective than a similar Pd NP catalyst prepared on an amino-functionalized support (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved