991 resultados para RADIATION-DAMAGE


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Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness inAmerica. The fact that AMD wreaks most of the damage in the center of the retina raises the question of whether light, integrated over long periods, is more concentrated in the macula. A method, based on eye-tracking, was developed to measure the distribution of light in the retina under natural viewing conditions. The hypothesis was that integrated over time, retinal illumination peaked in the macula. Additionally a possible relationship between age and retinal illumination was investigated. The eye tracker superimposed the subject’s gaze position on a video recorded by a scene camera. Five informed subjects were employed in feasibility tests, and 58 naïve subjects participated in 5 phases. In phase 1 the subjects viewed a gray-scale image. In phase 2, they observed a sequence of photographic images. In phase 3 they viewed a video. In phase 4, they worked on a computer; in phase 5, the subjects walked around freely. The informed subjects were instructed to gaze at bright objects in the field of view and then at dark objects. Naïve subjects were allowed to gaze freely for all phases. Using the subject’s gaze coordinates, and the video provided by the scene camera, the cumulative light distribution on the retina was calculated for ~15° around the fovea. As expected for control subjects, cumulative retinal light distributions peaked and dipped in the fovea when they gazed at bright or dark objects respectively. The light distribution maps obtained from the naïve subjects presented a tendency to peak in the macula for phases 1, 2, and 3, a consistent tendency in phase 4 and a variable tendency in phase 5. The feasibility of using an eye-tracker system to measure the distribution of light in the retina was demonstrated, thus helping to understand the role played by light exposure in the etiology of AMD. Results showed that a tendency for light to peak in the macula is a characteristic of some individuals and of certain tasks. In these situations, risk of AMD could be increased. No significant difference was observed based on age.


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Presently, global rates of skin cancers induced by ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure are on the rise. In view of this, current knowledge gaps in the biology of photocarcinogenesis and skin cancer progression urgently need to be addressed. One factor that has limited skin cancer research has been the need for a reproducible and physiologically-relevant model able to represent the complexity of human skin. This review outlines the main currently-used in vitro models of UVR-induced skin damage. This includes the use of conventional two-dimensional cell culture techniques and the major animal models that have been employed in photobiology and photocarcinogenesis research. Additionally, the progression towards the use of cultured skin explants and tissue-engineered skin constructs, and their utility as models of native skin's responses to UVR are described. The inherent advantages and disadvantages of these in vitro systems are also discussed.


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The radiation induced depression of the melting and crystallization temperatures of PTFE irradiated at various temperatures followed by heat treatment at 380-degrees-C, and their relationship to structural changes, were investigated. The G(-units) values obtained in this work are different from those of samples which have not undergone heat treatment and seem to be more closely associated with radiation induced branched structures.


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This paper studies gamma-radiation induced lamellar damage mechanism of poly(vinylidene fluoride), using wide angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and gel fraction determination. We believe that it is ''lamellae core damage'' rather than ''lamellae surface damage'' that results in the decrease of the crystallinity.


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Evidence is accumulating that irradiated cells produce signals, which interact with non-exposed cells in the same population. Here, we analysed the mechanism for bystander signal arising in wild-type CHO cells and repair deficient varients, focussing on the relationship between DNA repair capacity and bystander signal arising in irradiated cells. In order to investigate the bystander effect, we carried out medium transfer experiments after X-irradiation where micronuclei were scored in non-targeted DSB repair deficient xrs5 cells. When conditioned medium from irradiated cells was transferred to unirradiated xrs5 cells, the level of induction was independent of whether the medium came from irradiated wild-type, ssb or dsb repair deficient cells. This result suggests that the activation of a bystander signal is independent of the DNA repair capacity of the irradiated cells. Also, pre-treatment of the irradiated cells with 0.5% DMSO, which suppresses micronuclei induction in CHO but not in xrs5 cells, suppressed bystander effects completely in both conditioned media, suggesting that DMSO is effective for suppression of bystander signal arising independently of DNA damage in irradiated cells. Overall the work presented here adds to the understanding that it is the repair phenotype of the cells receiving bystander signals, which determines overall response rather than that of the cell producing the bystander signal.


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Radiation biophysics has sought to understand at a molecular level, the mechanisms through which ionizing radiations damage DNA, and other molecules within living cells. The complexity of lesions produced in the DNA by ionizing radiations is thought to depend on the amount of energy deposited at the site of each lesion. To study the relationship between the energy deposited and the damage produced, we have developed novel techniques for irradiating dry prasmid DNA, partially re-hydrated DNA and DNA in solution using monochromatic vacuum-UV synchrotron radiation. We have used photons in the energy range 7-150 eV, corresponding to the range of energies typically involved in the efficient production of DNA single-strand (SSB), and double-strand breaks (DSB) by ionizing radiation. The data show that both types of breaks are produced at all energies investigated (with, or without water present). Also, the energy dependence for DSB induction follows a similar trend to SSB induction but at a 20-30-fold reduced incidence, suggesting a common precursor for both types of damage. Preliminary studies where DNA has been irradiated in solution indicate a change in the shape of the dose-effect curve (from linear, to linear-quadratic for double-strand break induction) and a large increase in sensitivity due to the presence of water.