871 resultados para Quench hardening and tempering


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More than 3000 years ago, men began quenching and tem­pering tools to improve their physical properties. The an­cient people found that iron was easier to shape and form in a heated condition. Charcoal was used as the fuel, and when the shaping process was completed, the smiths cooled the piece in the most obvious way, quenching in water. Quite un­intentionally, these people stumbled on the process for im­proving the properties of iron, and the art of blacksmithing began.


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Foi realizado estudo sobre a influência da variação de alguns parâmetros do tratamento térmico de têmpera e revenimento, bem como aplicação de criogenia, na tenacidade a fratura do aço aeronáutico 300M, com a utilização da técnica de corpo cilíndrico com entalhe. Primeiramente, realizou-se a construção da curva de transição dúctil frágil, através de ensaio Charpy, para amostras submetidas a três tratamentos térmicos, 1 - Têmpera seguida de Revenimento, 2 - Têmpera seguida de criogenia e revenimento. Não foi observada influência significativa da aplicação da criogenia (tratamento de numero 2) na curva de transição dúctil-frágil em comparação com o tratamento térmico número 1. Em um segundo momento, com o auxílio da técnica de ensaio de corpo cilíndrico com entalhe, realizou-se a medição da tenacidade à fratura das amostras do aço 300M submetido a quatro diferentes tratamento térmicos, Q, V, C e D. Os tratamentos variavam entre si principalmente pela temperatura de austenitização. Os valores de dureza para as amostras submetidas a criogenia (V e D) foram maiores que as dos tratamentos sem criogenia (Q e C), e também apresentaram tenacidade à fratura menor. Com relação à temperatura de austenitização, observou-se que os tratamentos C e D, austenitizados a 980°C, propiciaram a completa dissolução de precipitados primários da matriz, elevando a tenacidade à fratura com relação aos tratamentos realizados na faixa de 870°C, Q e V, superando também os efeitos negativos para a tenacidade à fratura devido ao aumento no tamanho de grão.


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De modo a satisfazer aspectos de resistência, custo ou conforto, o aperfeiçoamento do desempenho das estruturas é uma meta sempre almejada na Engenharia. Melhorias têm sido alcançadas dado ao crescente uso de materiais compósitos, pois estes apresentam propriedades físicas diferenciadas capazes de atender as necessidades de projeto. Associado ao emprego de compósitos, o estudo da plasticidade demonstra uma interessante alternativa para aumentar o desempenho estrutural ao conferir uma capacidade resistente adicional ao conjunto. Entretanto, alguns problemas podem ser encontrados na análise elastoplástica de compósitos, além das próprias dificuldades inerentes à incorporação de fibras na matriz, no caso de compósitos reforçados. A forma na qual um compósito reforçado por fibras e suas fases têm sua representação e simulação é de extrema importância para garantir que os resultados obtidos sejam compatíveis com a realidade. À medida que se desenvolvem modelos mais refinados, surgem problemas referentes ao custo computacional, além da necessidade de compatibilização dos graus de liberdade entre os nós das malhas de elementos finitos da matriz e do reforço, muitas vezes exigindo a coincidência das referidas malhas. O presente trabalho utiliza formulações que permitem a representação de compósitos reforçados com fibras sem que haja a necessidade de coincidência entre malhas. Além disso, este permite a simulação do meio e do reforço em regime elastoplástico com o objetivo de melhor estudar o real comportamento. O modelo constitutivo adotado para a plasticidade é o de von Mises 2D associativo com encruamento linear positivo e a solução deste modelo foi obtida através de um processo iterativo. A formulação de elementos finitos posicional é adotada com descrição Lagrangeana Total e apresenta as posições do corpo no espaço como parâmetros nodais. Com o intuito de averiguar a correta implementação das formulações consideradas, exemplos para validação e apresentação das funcionalidades do código computacional desenvolvido foram analisados.


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O desenvolvimento dos aços inoxidáveis Super-Martensíticos (SM) nasce da necessidade de implementar novas tecnologias, mais econômicas e amigáveis ao meio ambiente. Os aços inoxidáveis SM são uma derivação dos aços inoxidáveis martensíticos convencionais, diferenciando-se basicamente no menor teor de carbono, na adição de Ni e Mo. Foram desenvolvidos como uma alternativa para aços inoxidáveis duplex no uso de dutos para a extração de petróleo offshore em meados dos anos 90. Para que esses aços apresentem as propriedades mecânicas de resistência à tração e tenacidade é necessário que sejam realizados tratamentos de austenitização, seguido de têmpera, e de revenimento, onde, particularmente para este último, há várias opções de tempos e temperaturas. Como os tratamentos térmicos geram as propriedades mecânicas através de transformações de fase (precipitação) podem ocorrer alterações da resistência à corrosão. São conhecidos os efeitos benéficos da adição de Nb em aços inoxidáveis tradicionais. Por isso, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar aços inoxidáveis SM contendo Nb. Foi pesquisada a influência da temperatura de revenimento sobre a resistência à corrosão de três aços inoxidáveis SM, os quais contêm 13% Cr, 5% Ni, 1% a 2% Mo, com e sem adições de Nb. No presente trabalho, foram denominados de SM2MoNb, SM2Mo e SM1MoNb, que representam aços com 2% Mo, 1% Mo e 0,11% Nb. Dado que os principais tipos de corrosão para aços inoxidáveis são a corrosão por pite (por cloreto) e a corrosão intergranular (sensitização), optou-se por determinar os Potenciais de Pite (Ep) e os Graus de Sensitização (GS) em função da temperatura de revenimento. Os aços passaram por recozimento a 1050°C por 48 horas, para eliminação de fase ferrita delta. Em seguida foram tratados a 1050 °C por 30 minutos, com resfriamento ao ar, para uniformização do tamanho de grão. A estrutura martensítica obtida recebeu tratamentos de revenimento em temperaturas de: 550 °C, 575 °C, 600 °C, 625 °C, 650 °C e 700 °C, por 2 horas. O GS foi medido através da técnica de reativação eletroquímica potenciodinâmica na versão ciclo duplo (DL-EPR), utilizando-se eletrólito de 1M H2SO4 + 0,01M KSCN. Para determinar o Ep foram realizados ensaios de polarização potenciodinâmica em 0,6M NaCl. Os resultados obtidos foram discutidos através das variações microestruturais encontradas. Foram empregadas técnicas de microscopia ótica (MO), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), simulação termodinâmica de fases através do programa Thermo-Calc e determinação de austenita revertida mediante difração de raios X (DRX) e ferritoscópio. A quantificação da austenita por DRX identificou que a partir de 600 °C há formação desta fase, apresentando máximo em 650 °C, e novamente diminuindo para zero a 700 °C. Por sua vez, o método do ferritoscópio detectou austenita nas condições em que a analise de DRX indicou valor nulo, sendo as mais críticas a do material temperado (sem revenimento) e do aço revenido a 700 °C. Propõe-se que tais diferenças entre os dois métodos se deve à morfologia fina da austenia retida, a qual deve estar localizada entre as agulhas de martensita. Os resultados foram discutidos em termos da precipitação de Cr23C6, Mo6C, NbC, fase Chi, austenita e ferrita, bem como das consequências do empobrecimento em Cr e Mo, gerados por tais microconstituintes. São propostos três mecanismos para explicar a sensitização: o primeiro é devido a precipitação de Cr23C6, o segundo a precipitação de fase Chi (rica em Cr e Mo) e o terceiro é devido a formação de ferrita durante o revenimento. O melhor desempenho quanto ao GS foi obtido para os revenimentos a 575 °C e 600°C, por 2 horas. Os resultados de Ep indicaram que o aço SM2MoNb, revenido a 575°C, tem o melhor desempenho quanto à resistência à corrosão por cloreto. Isso associado ao baixo GS coloca este aço, com este tratamento térmico, numa posição de destaque para aplicações onde a resistência à corrosão é um critério de seleção de material, uma vez que, segundo a literatura a temperatura de 575 °C está no intervalo de temperaturas de revenimento onde são obtidas as melhores propriedades mecânicas.


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Changes in modern structural design have created a demand for products which are light but possess high strength. The objective is a reduction in fuel consumption and weight of materials to satisfy both economic and environmental criteria. Cold roll forming has the potential to fulfil this requirement. The bending process is controlled by the shape of the profile machined on the periphery of the rolls. A CNC lathe can machine complicated profiles to a high standard of precision, but the expertise of a numerical control programmer is required. A computer program was developed during this project, using the expert system concept, to calculate tool paths and consequently to expedite the procurement of the machine control tapes whilst removing the need for a skilled programmer. Codifying the expertise of a human and the encapsulation of knowledge within a computer memory, destroys the dependency on highly trained people whose services can be costly, inconsistent and unreliable. A successful cold roll forming operation, where the product is geometrically correct and free from visual defects, is not easy to attain. The geometry of the sheet after travelling through the rolling mill depends on the residual strains generated by the elastic-plastic deformation. Accurate evaluation of the residual strains can provide the basis for predicting the geometry of the section. A study of geometric and material non-linearity, yield criteria, material hardening and stress-strain relationships was undertaken in this research project. The finite element method was chosen to provide a mathematical model of the bending process and, to ensure an efficient manipulation of the large stiffness matrices, the frontal solution was applied. A series of experimental investigations provided data to compare with corresponding values obtained from the theoretical modelling. A computer simulation, capable of predicting that a design will be satisfactory prior to the manufacture of the rolls, would allow effort to be concentrated into devising an optimum design where costs are minimised.


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The fatigue crack propagation behaviour of a low alloy, boron-containing steel has been examined after austenitizing at 900°C or 1250°C and tempering at a range of temperatures up to 400°C. Fatigue threshold values were found to vary with austenitizing and tempering treatment in a range between 3.3 to 6 MPa √m when tested at a stress ratio (R) of 0.2. Crack propagation rates in the Paris regime were insensitive to heat treatment variations. The crack propagation path was essentially transgranular in all conditions with small regions of intergranular facets appearing at growth rates around the knee of the da/dN vs ΔK curve. The crack front shape showed marked retardation in the centre of the specimen at low tempering temperatures. Experimental determinations and computer predictions of residual stress levels in the specimens indicated that this was due to a central residual compressive stress resulting from differential cooling rates and the volume change associated with the martensite transformation. The results are discussed in terms of microstructural and residual stress effects on fatigue behaviour. © 1987.


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Dried plant food materials are one of the major contributors to the global food industry. Widening the fundamental understanding on different mechanisms of food material alterations during drying assists the development of novel dried food products and processing techniques. In this regard, case hardening is an important phenomenon, commonly observed during the drying processes of plant food materials, which significantly influences the product quality and process performance. In this work, a recent meshfree-based numerical model of the authors is further improved and used to simulate the influence of case hardening on shrinkage characteristics of plant tissues during drying. In order to model fluid and wall mechanisms in each cell, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) and the Discrete Element Method (DEM) are used. The model is fundamentally more capable of simulating large deformation of multiphase materials, when compared with conventional grid-based modelling techniques such as Finite Element Methods (FEM) or Finite Difference Methods (FDM). Case hardening is implemented by maintaining distinct moisture levels in the different cell layers of a given tissue. In order to compare and investigate different factors influencing tissue deformations under case hardening, four different plant tissue varieties (apple, potato, carrot and grape) are studied. The simulation results indicate that the inner cells of any given tissue undergo limited shrinkage and cell wall wrinkling compared to the case hardened outer cell layers of the tissues. When comparing unique deformation characteristics of the different tissues, irrespective of the normalised moisture content, the cell size, cell fluid turgor pressure and cell wall characteristics influence the tissue response to case hardening.


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We discuss a technique for solving the Landau-Zener (LZ) problem of finding the probability of excitation in a two-level system. The idea of time reversal for the Schrodinger equation is employed to obtain the state reached at the final time and hence the excitation probability. Using this method, which can reproduce the well-known expression for the LZ transition probability, we solve a variant of the LZ problem, which involves waiting at the minimum gap for a time t(w); we find an exact expression for the excitation probability as a function of t(w). We provide numerical results to support our analytical expressions. We then discuss the problem of waiting at the quantum critical point of a many-body system and calculate the residual energy generated by the time-dependent Hamiltonian. Finally, we discuss possible experimental realizations of this work.


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Langevin dynamics simulation studies have been employed to calculate the temperature dependent free energy surface and folding characteristics of a 500 monomer long linear alkane (polyethylene) chain with a realistic interaction potential. Both equilibrium and temperature quench simulation studies have been carried out. Using the shape anisotropy parameter (S) of the folded molecule as the order parameter, we find a weakly first order phase transition between the high-temperature molten globule and low-temperature rodlike crystalline states separated by a small barrier of the order of k(B)T. Near the melting temperature (580 K), we observe an intriguing intermittent fluctuation with pronounced ``1/f noise characteristics'' between these two states with large difference in shape and structure. We have also studied the possibilities of different pathways of folding to states much below the melting point. At 300 K starting from the all-trans linear configuration, the chain folds stepwise into a very regular fourfold crystallite with very high shape anisotropy. Whereas, when quenched from a high temperature (900 K) random coil regime, we identify a two step transition from the random coiled state to a molten globulelike state and, further, to a anisotropic rodlike state. The trajectory reveals an interesting coupling between the two order parameters, namely, radius of gyration (R-g) and the shape anisotropy parameter (S). The rodlike final state of the quench trajectory is characterized by lower shape anisotropy parameter and significantly larger number of gauche defects as compared to the final state obtained through equilibrium simulation starting from all-trans linear chain. The quench study shows indication of a nucleationlike pathway from the molten globule to the rodlike state involving an underlying rugged energy landscape. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3509398]


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An attempt has been made to systematically investigate the effects of microstructural parameters, such as the prior austenite grain size (PAGS), in influencing the resistance to fatigue crack growth (FCG) in the near-threshold region under three different temper levels in a quenched and tempered high-strength steel. By austenitizing at various temperatures, the PAGS was varied from about 0.7 to 96 μm. The microstructures with these grain sizes were tempered at 200 °C, 400 °C, and 530 °C and tested for fatigue thresholds and crack closure. It has been found that, in general, three different trends in the dependence of both the total threshold stress intensity range, ΔK th , and the intrinsic threshold stress intensity range, ΔK eff, th , on the PAGS are observable. By considering in detail the factors such as cyclic stress-strain behavior, environmental effects on FCG, and embrittlement during tempering, the present observations could be rationalized. The strong dependence of ΔK th and ΔK eff, th on PAGS in microstructures tempered at 530 °C has been primarily attributed to cyclic softening and thereby the strong interaction of the crack tip deformation field with the grain boundary. On the other hand, a less strong dependence of ΔK th and ΔK eff, th on PAGS is suggested to be caused by the cyclic hardening behavior of lightly tempered microstructures occurring in 200 °C temper. In both microstructures, crack closure influenced near-threshold FCG (NTFCG) to a significant extent, and its magnitude was large at large grain sizes. Microstructures tempered at the intermediate temperatures failed to show a systematic variation of ΔKth and ΔKeff, th with PAGS. The mechanisms of intergranular fracture vary between grain sizes in this temper. A transition from “microstructure-sensitive” to “microstructure-insensitive” crack growth has been found to occur when the zone of cyclic deformation at the crack tip becomes more or less equal to PAGS. Detailed observations on fracture morphology and crack paths corroborate the grain size effects on fatigue thresholds and crack closure.


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We explore the salient features of the `Kitaev ladder', a two-legged ladder version of the spin-1/2 Kitaev model on a honeycomb lattice, by mapping it to a one-dimensional fermionic p-wave superconducting system. We examine the connections between spin phases and topologically non-trivial phases of non-interacting fermionic systems, demonstrating the equivalence between the spontaneous breaking of global Z(2) symmetry in spin systems and the existence of isolated Majorana modes. In the Kitaev ladder, we investigate topological properties of the system in different sectors characterized by the presence or absence of a vortex in each plaquette of the ladder. We show that vortex patterns can yield a rich parameter space for tuning into topologically non-trivial phases. We introduce and employ a new topological invariant for explicitly determining the presence of zero energy Majorana modes at the boundaries of such phases. Finally, we discuss dynamic quenching between topologically non-trivial phases in the Kitaev ladder and, in particular, the post-quench dynamics governed by tuning through a quantum critical point.


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Binary mixtures have strong influence on activities of polymers and biopolymers even at low cosolvent concentration. Among the several aqueous binary mixtures studied, water-DMSO especially stands out for its unusual behavior at certain specific concentrations of DMSO. In the present work, we study the effect of water-DMSO binary mixture on polymers and biopolymers by taking a simple linear hydrocarbon chain of intermediate length (n = 30) and the protein lysozyme, respectively. We find that at a mole fraction of 0.05 of DMSO (x(DMSO) = 0.05) in aqueous solution, the hydrocarbon chain adopts the collapsed conformation as the most stable and rigid state. In this case of 0.05 mole fraction of DMSO in bulk, the DMSO concentration in the first hydration layer around the polymer is found to be as large as 17%. Formation of such hydrophobic environment around the polymer is the reason for the collapsed state gaining so much stability. Interestingly, similar quench of conformational fluctuation is also observed for the protein investigated. It is observed that in the case of alkane polymer chains, long wavelength fluctuation gets easily quenched, the polymer being purely hydrophobic. However, in case of the protein, quench of fluctuation is prominent only at the hydrophobic surface, and quench of long wavelength fluctuation becomes insignificant for the full protein. As protein contains both hydrophobic and hydrophilic moieties, the extent of quench of conformational fluctuation with respect to that in pure water is almost half for the biopolymer complex (16.83%) than the same for pure hydrophobic polymer chain (32.43%).


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The present work describes the tensile flow and work hardening behavior of a high strength 7010 aluminum alloy by constitutive relations. The alloy has been hot rolled by three different cross-rolling schedules. Room temperature tensile properties have been evaluated as a function of tensile axis orientation in the as-hot rolled as well as peak aged conditions. It is found that both the Ludwigson and a generalized Voce-Bergstrom relation adequately describe the tensile flow behavior of the present alloy in all conditions compared to the Hollomon relation. The variation in the Ludwigson fitting parameter could be correlated well with the microstructural features and anisotropic contribution of strengthening precipitates in the as-rolled and peak aged conditions, respectively. The hardening rate and the saturation stress of the first Voce-Bergstrom parameter, on the other hand, depend mainly on the crystallographic texture of the specimens. It is further shown that for the peak aged specimens the uniform elongation (epsilon(u)) derived from the Ludwigson relation matches well with the measured epsilon(u) irrespective of processing and loading directions. However, the Ludwigson fit overestimates the epsilon(u) in case of the as-rolled specimens. The Hollomon fit, on the other hand, predicts well the measured epsilon(u), of the as-rolled specimens but severely underestimates the epsilon(u), for the peak aged specimens. Contrarily, both the relations significantly overestimate the UTS of the as-rolled and the peak aged specimens. The Voce-Bergstrom parameters define the slope of e Theta-sigma plots in the stage-III regime when the specimens show a classical linear decrease in hardening rate in stage-III. Further analysis of work hardening behavior throws some light on the effect of texture on the dislocation storage and dynamic recovery.