131 resultados para Puma yagouaroundi


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Species distribution models (SDMs) can be useful for different conservation purposes. We discuss the importance of fitting spatial scale and using current records and relevant predictors aiming conservation. We choose jaguar (Panthera onca) as a target species and Brazil and Atlantic Forest biome as study areas. We tested two different extents (continent and biome) and resolutions (similar to 4 Km and similar to 1 Km) in Maxent with 186 records and 11 predictors (bioclimatic, elevation, land-use and landscape structure). All models presented satisfactory AUC values (>0.70) and low omission errors (<23%). SDMs were scale-sensitive as the use of reduced extent implied in significant gains to model performance generating more constrained and real predictive distribution maps. Continental-scale models performed poorly in predicting potential current jaguar distribution, but they reached the historic distribution. Specificity increased significantly from coarse to finer-scale models due to the reduction of overprediction. The variability of environmental space (E-space) differed for most of climatic variables between continental and biome-scale and the representation of the E-space by predictors differed significantly (t = 2.42, g.I. = 9, P < 0.05). Refining spatial scale, incorporating landscape variables and improving the quality of biological data are essential for improving model prediction for conservation purposes.


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Faeces provide relevant biological information which includes, with the application of genetic techniques, the sex and identity of individuals that defecated, thus providing potentially useful data on the behaviour and ecology of individuals, as well as the dynamics and structure of populations. This paper presents estimates of the sex ratio of different felid species (jaguar, Panthera onca; puma, Puma concolor; and ocelot/margay, Leopardus pardalis/Leopardus wiedi) as observed in field collected faeces, and proposes several hypotheses that could explain the strikingly high proportion of faeces from male jaguars. The proportion of male and female faeces was estimated using a non-invasive faecal sampling method in 14 study areas in Mexico and Brazil. Faecal samples were genetically analysed to identify the species, the sex and the individual (the latter only for samples identified as belonging to jaguars). Considering the three species, 72.6% of faeces (n = 493) were from males; however, there were significant differences among them, with the proportion from males being higher for jaguars than for pumas and ocelots/margays. A male-bias was consistently observed in all study areas for jaguar faeces, but not for the other species. For jaguars the trend was the same when considering the number of individuals identified (n = 68), with an average of 4.2 +/- 0.56 faeces per male and 2.0 +/- 0.36 per female. The observed faecal marking patterns might be related to the behaviour of female jaguars directed toward protecting litters from males, and in both male and female pumas, to prevent interspecific aggressions from male jaguars. The hypothesis that there are effectively more males than females in jaguar populations cannot be discarded, which could be due to the fact that females are territorial and males are not, or a tendency for males to disperse into suboptimal areas for the species.


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Als BH3-only Protein gehört Bid zu den proapoptotischen Mitgliedern der Bcl-2 Familie, die während der Apoptose die Freisetzung Caspase-aktivierender Proteine aus den Mitochondrien kontrollieren. Bid zählt zu den potentesten BH3-only Proteinen und wird von vielen transformierten und nichttransformierten Zellen konstitutiv exprimiert. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, Bid durch RNA-Interferenz stabil zu depletieren, um Bid-abhängige Apoptosewege in HeLa Zervixkarzinomzellen zu identifizieren, die von intrinsischen Stressstimuli sowie von konventionellen und neuartigen Chemotherapeutika induziert werden. Da Bid im Todesrezeptor-vermittelten Signalweg der Apoptose durch Caspase-8 gespalten und aktiviert wird, waren die Bid-depletierten Zellen signifikant vor der Fas/CD95-, TRAIL- oder TNF-α-induzierten Apoptose geschützt und zeigten nach Exposition mit allen drei Todesrezeptorliganden eine drastisch reduzierte Effektorcaspase-Aktivität und eine höhere Proliferationsrate als die Kontrollzellen. Eine ektopische Bidexpression in Bid knock down (kd) Zellen hob die Protektion vor der Fas- und TRAIL-induzierten Apoptose auf. Der Proteasominhibitor Epoxomicin, der Proteinkinase-Inhibitor Staurosporin oder die ER Stress-induzierenden Agenzien Tunicamycin, Thapsigargin und Brefeldin A lösten hingegen einen Bid-unabhängigen Zelltod aus. Allerdings konnten subletale Tunicamycin- oder Thapsigarginkonzentrationen HeLa Zellen für die TRAIL-induzierte Apoptose sensitivieren. Da der Synergieeffekt auf einer ER Stress-vermittelten Amplifizierung des Todesrezeptorwegs beruhte, zu der eine Tunicamycin-induzierte Steigerung der Expression des Todesrezeptors DR5 signifikant beitrug, erfolgte diese Sensitivierung nur in Bid-profizienten Zellen. Bid war in HeLa Zellen außerdem an der apoptotischen Signalkaskade beteiligt, die von den DNA-schädigenden Agenzien Etoposid, Doxorubicin und Oxaliplatin (Oxa) ausgelöst wird. Nach Behandlung mit Oxa zeigten die Bid kd Zellen eine verzögerte Caspase-2, -3, -8 und -9 Aktivierung, einen geringeren Verlust des mitochondrialen Membranpotentials sowie eine reduzierte Apoptose- und eine höhere Proliferationsrate als Bid-profiziente Zellen. Neben Bid war ein weiteres BH3-only Protein, Puma, an der Oxa-induzierten Effektorcaspase-Aktivierung beteiligt, da eine Puma-spezifische siRNA unabhängig vom Bidstatus der Zellen antiapoptotisch wirkte. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit wurde untersucht, welche Proteasen für die durch gentoxische Agenzien induzierte Spaltung und Aktivierung von Bid verantwortlich sind. Obwohl Caspasen für die Exekutionphase der Oxa-induzierten Apoptose notwendig waren, trugen sie weder zur initialen Bidaktivierung noch zur mitochondrialen Depolarisierung bei, da sie erst postmitochondrial aktiviert wurden. Konventionelle Calpaine hingegen wurden nach DNA-Schädigung bereits stromaufwärts der Mitochondrien aktiviert und der Calpaininhibitor Calpeptin reduzierte nicht nur die Bid- und Caspasespaltung, sondern auch die mitochondriale Depolarisierung signifikant. Diese Protektion durch Calpeptin fiel in Bid-depletierten Zellen signifikant geringer als in Bid-profizienten Kontrollzellen aus. Auch war in Oxa-behandelten Bid kd Zellen, die eine durch Caspase-2, -3 und -8 nicht spaltbare Bidmutante exprimierten, trunkiertes Bid nachweisbar, dessen Generierung durch Calpain-, aber nicht durch Caspaseinhibierung verhindert werden konnte. Zusammenfassend deuten diese Ergebnisse auf eine Calpain-abhängige Bidaktivierung stromaufwärts der Mitochondrien hin und zeigen, dass die BH3-only Proteine Bid und Puma wichtige Vermittler der Oxa-induzierten Apoptose in HeLa Zellen darstellen.


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Während der Schwangerschaft kommt es häufig zu einer spontanen Verbesserung von klinischen Symptomen der autoimmunen Hepatitis und anderen Th1-vermittelten Autoimmunerkrankungen. Die Gründe hierfür sind bis heute noch nicht vollständig aufgeklärt. Eines der wichtigsten Hormone in der Schwangerschaft ist das humane Choriogonadotropin (hCG), welches schon in der frühen Schwangerschaft eine entscheidende Rolle spielt. Es sorgt für die Stimulation des Corpus luteums, wodurch es zur Ausschüttung von Progesteron kommt und somit die Einnistung der Blastozyte gewährleistet und die Abstoßung des Embryos verhindert wird. In dieser Arbeit wurden Effekt und Signalweg von hCG in primären murinen und humanen Hepatozyten sowie in Mausmodellen mit T-Zell-abhängigem Leberschaden untersucht. hCG führte sowohl bei akuten als auch bei chronischen Leberschäden zu einer drastischen Senkung der Aspartat-Aminotransferase, einem Indikator für Lebererkrankungen. Die Histologie der Leber hCG-behandelter Tiere wies außerdem signifikant weniger apoptotische Zellen und eine deutliche Reduktion infiltrierender CD4+ T-Zellen auf. Die Analyse des hCG-Signalweges zeigte, dass hCG die Langlebigkeitsproteine Foxo3a und Sirt1 reguliert. Die Aktivierung des PI3-Kinase/Akt-Signalweges durch hCG führte zu einem Transport des Transkriptionsfaktors Foxo3a aus dem Zellkern, wodurch die proapoptotischen Zielgene Bim und Puma nicht mehr transkribiert werden können. Eine zusätzliche Hemmung von Foxo3a erfolgte durch die Aktivierung der Deacetylase Sirt1, indem diese phosphoryliert wird und in den Zellkern transloziert. In weiteren Untersuchungen wurde der immunsuppressive Effekt von hCG näher betrachtet. Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass hCG effektiv die proteolytische Aktivität der Caspase-3 in Hepatozyten hemmt, wodurch die Ausschüttung der biologisch aktiven Form von Interleukin-16, einem chemotaktischen Faktor für CD4+ Zellen, herabgesetzt wird. Dadurch wird die Leber erfolgreich vor der Infiltration durch autoaggressive CD4+ Zellen geschützt. IL-16 spielt bei vielen inflammatorischen Krankheiten eine Rolle, was auch in dieser Arbeit durch den Nachweis hoher IL-16-Konzentrationen in Seren von Patienten mit autoimmuner Hepatitis bestätigt werden konnte. Die in dieser Studie beschriebene Wirkung von hCG und die Tatsache, dass hCG ein bereits bewährtes und auf Nebenwirkungen getestetes Medikament bei Infertilität ist, macht es zu einem idealen Kandidaten für immunsuppressive Therapieansätze bei akuten und chronisch entzündlichen Lebererkrankungen.


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Malignant pleural mesotheliomas (MPMs) are usually wild type for the p53 gene but contain homozygous deletions in the INK4A locus that encodes p14(ARF), an inhibitor of p53-MDM2 interaction. Previous findings suggest that lack of p14(ARF) expression and the presence of SV40 large T antigen (L-Tag) result in p53 inactivation in MPM. We did not detect SV40 L-Tag mRNA in either MPM cell lines or primary cultures, and treatment of p14(ARF)-deficient cells with cisplatin (CDDP) increased both total and phosphorylated p53 and enhanced p53 DNA-binding activity. On incubation with CDDP, levels of positively regulated p53 transcriptional targets p21(WAF), PIG3, MDM2, Bax, and PUMA increased in p14(ARF)-deficient cells, whereas negatively regulated survivin decreased. Significantly, p53-induced apoptosis was activated by CDDP in p14(ARF)-deficient cells, and treatment with p53-specific siRNA rendered them more CDDP-resistant. p53 was also activated by: 1) inhibition of MDM2 (using nutlin-3); 2) transient overexpression of p14(ARF); and 3) targeting of survivin using antisense oligonucleotides. However, it is noteworthy that only survivin downregulation sensitized cells to CDDP-induced apoptosis. These results suggest that p53 is functional in the absence of p14(ARF) in MPM and that targeting of the downstream apoptosis inhibitor survivin can sensitize to CDDP-induced apoptosis.


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While hemoplasma infections in domestic cats are well studied, almost no information is available on their occurrence in wild felids. The aims of the present study were to investigate wild felid species as possible reservoirs of feline hemoplasmas and the molecular characterization of the hemoplasma isolates. Blood samples from the following 257 wild felids were analyzed: 35 Iberian lynxes from Spain, 36 Eurasian lynxes from Switzerland, 31 European wildcats from France, 45 lions from Tanzania, and 110 Brazilian wild felids, including 12 wild felid species kept in zoos and one free-ranging ocelot. Using real-time PCR, feline hemoplasmas were detected in samples of the following species: Iberian lynx, Eurasian lynx, European wildcat, lion, puma, oncilla, Geoffroy's cat, margay, and ocelot. "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum" was the most common feline hemoplasma in Iberian lynxes, Eurasian lynxes, Serengeti lions, and Brazilian wild felids, whereas "Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis" was the most prevalent in European wildcats; hemoplasma coinfections were frequently observed. Hemoplasma infection was associated with species and free-ranging status of the felids in all animals and with feline leukemia virus provirus-positive status in European wildcats. Phylogenetic analyses of the 16S rRNA and the partial RNase P gene revealed that most hemoplasma isolates exhibit high sequence identities to domestic cat-derived isolates, although some isolates form different subclusters within the phylogenetic tree. In conclusion, 9 out of 15 wild felid species from three different continents were found to be infected with feline hemoplasmas. The effect of feline hemoplasma infections on wild felid populations needs to be further investigated.


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Background: Basophils constitute a rare leukocyte population known for their effector functions in inflammation and allergy, as well as more recently described immunoregulatory roles. Besides their low frequency, functional analysis of basophils is hindered by a short life span, inefficient ex vivo differentiation protocols, and lack of suitable cell models. A method to produce large quantities of basophils in vitro would facilitate basophil research and constitute a sought-after tool for diagnostic and drug testing purposes. Methods: A method is described to massively expand bone marrow–derived basophils in vitro. Myeloid progenitors are conditionally immortalized using Hoxb8 in the presence of interleukin-3 (IL-3) and outgrowing cell lines selected for their potential to differentiate into basophils upon shutdown of Hoxb8 expression. Results: IL-3-dependent, conditional Hoxb8-immortalized progenitor cell lines can be expanded and maintained in culture for prolonged periods. Upon shutdown of Hoxb8 expression, near-unlimited numbers of mature functional basophils can be differentiated in vitro within six days. The cells are end-differentiated and short-lived and express basophil-specific surface markers and proteases. Upon IgE- as well as C5a-mediated activation, differentiated basophils release granule enzymes and histamine and secrete Th2-type cytokines (IL-4, IL-13) and leukotriene C4. IL-3-deprivation induces apoptosis correlating with upregulation of the BH3-only proteins BCL-2-interacting mediator of cell death (BIM) and p53 upregulated modulator of apoptosis (PUMA) and downregulation of proviral integration site for Moloney murine leukemia virus 1 kinase (PIM-1). Conclusion: A novel method is presented to generate quantitative amounts of mouse basophils in vitro, which moreover allows genetic manipulation of conditionally immortalized progenitors. This approach may represent a useful alternative method to isolating primary basophils.


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GS-9219 is a cell-permeable double-prodrug of the acyclic nucleotide analogue 9-(2-phosphonylmethoxyethyl)guanine (PMEG). The conversion of GS-9219 to its active metabolite, PMEG diphosphate (PMEGpp), involves several intracellular enzymatic reactions which reduces the concentration of nephrotoxic PMEG in plasma. PMEGpp competes with the natural substrate, dGTP, for incorporation by DNA polymerases. The lack of a 3'-hydroxyl moiety makes PMEGpp a de facto DNA chain-terminator. The incorporation of PMEGpp into DNA during DNA replication causes DNA chain-termination and stalled replication forks. Thus, the primary mechanism of action of GS-9219 in replicating cells is via DNA synthesis inhibition. GS-9219 has substantial antiproliferative activity against activated lymphocytes and tumor cell lines of hematological malignancies. Tumor cell proliferation was significantly reduced as measured by PET/CT scans in dogs with advanced-stage, spontaneously occurring non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL).^ The hypothesis of this dissertation is that the incorporation of PMEGpp into DNA during repair re-synthesis would result in the inhibition of DNA repair and accumulation of DNA damage in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells and activate signaling pathways to cell death.^ To test this hypothesis, CLL cells were treated with DNA-damaging agents to stimulate nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathways, enabling the incorporation of PMEGpp into DNA. When NER was activated by UV, PMEGpp was incorporated into DNA in CLL cells. Following PMEGpp incorporation, DNA repair was inhibited and led to the accumulation of DNA strand breaks. The combination of GS-9219 and DNA-damaging agents resulted in more cell death than the sum of the single agents alone. The presence of DNA strand breaks activated the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-like protein kinase (PIKK) family members ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) and DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK). The activated ATM initiated signaling to the downstream target, p53, which was subsequently phosphorylated and accumulated to exert its apoptotic functions. P53-targeted pro-apoptotic genes, Puma and Bax, were upregulated and activated when DNA repair was inhibited, likely contributing to cell death. ^


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Pumas are one of the most studied terrestrial mammals because of their widespread distribution, substantial ecological impacts, and conflicts with humans. Extensive efforts, often employing genetic methods, are undertaken to manage this species. However, the comparison of population genetic data is difficult because few of the microsatellite loci chosen are shared across research programs. Here, we describe the development of PumaPlex, a high-throughput assay to genotype 25 single nucleotide polymorphisms in pumas. We validated PumaPlex in more than 700 North American pumas (Puma concolor couguar), and demonstrated its ability to generate reproducible genotypes and accurately identify individuals. Furthermore, we compared PumaPlex with traditional genotyping of 12 microsatellite loci in fecal DNA samples and found that PumaPlex produced significantly more genotypes with fewer false alleles. PumaPlex promotes the cross-laboratory comparison of genotypes, is easily expandable in the future, and is a valuable tool for the genetic monitoring and management of North American puma populations.