965 resultados para Psychological Perspective


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In wealthy countries, philanthropy is conspicuous back on stage. It appears in new forms, worldwide. As a result, scholarly attention for philanthropy is growing. Philanthropic goals refer to persons, groups and communities who, in most cases, are not personally known to the giver. In research, however, philanthropic motivations of individuals are usually measured by socio-psychological scales which presuppose direct interactions. Measuring philanthropy could therefore be improved by incorporating a sociological frame of reference as well. As a starting point, this article presents a preliminary version of the philanthropy scale that has been tested in the panel survey of the Giving in the Netherlands (GIN) study. The results are discussed in terms of shortcomings and challenges for further research.


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Psychological models of mental disorders guide research into psychological and environmental factors that elicit and maintain mental disorders as well as interventions to reduce them. This paper addresses four areas. (1) Psychological models of mental disorders have become increasingly transdiagnostic, focusing on core cognitive endophenotypes of psychopathology from an integrative cognitive psychology perspective rather than offering explanations for unitary mental disorders. It is argued that psychological interventions for mental disorders will increasingly target specific cognitive dysfunctions rather than symptom-based mental disorders as a result. (2) Psychotherapy research still lacks a comprehensive conceptual framework that brings together the wide variety of findings, models and perspectives. Analysing the state-of-the-art in psychotherapy treatment research, “component analyses” aiming at an optimal identification of core ingredients and the mechanisms of change is highlighted as the core need towards improved efficacy and effectiveness of psychotherapy, and improved translation to routine care. (3) In order to provide more effective psychological interventions to children and adolescents, there is a need to develop new and/or improved psychotherapeutic interventions on the basis of developmental psychopathology research taking into account knowledge of mediators and moderators. Developmental neuroscience research might be instrumental to uncover associated aberrant brain processes in children and adolescents with mental health problems and to better examine mechanisms of their correction by means of psychotherapy and psychological interventions. (4) Psychotherapy research needs to broaden in terms of adoption of large-scale public health strategies and treatments that can be applied to more patients in a simpler and cost-effective way. Increased research on efficacy and moderators of Internet-based treatments and e-mental health tools (e.g. to support “real time” clinical decision-making to prevent treatment failure or relapse) might be one promising way forward.


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Back Cover Text This collection covers how success and well-being relate to each other in early career development in the domains of employment and education. It gives a conceptual overview of success and well-being as established in the psychological research tradition, complemented by educational and sociological approaches. The volume presents articles on success and well-being in applied contexts, such as well-being as an individual resource during school-to-work transition, or well-being and success at the workplace. Work psychologists, social psychologists, educational researchers, and sociologists will find this book valuable, as it provides unique insights into social and psychological processes afforded by the combination of disciplines, concepts, and a diversity of approaches. Table of Contents Acknowledgements 1. Introduction Robin Samuel, Manfred Max Bergman, Anita C. Keller and Norbert K. Semmer 2. The Influence of Career Success on Subjective Well-Being Andrea E. Abele-Brehm 3. Upper-Secondary Educational Trajectories and Young Men’s and Women’s Self-Esteem Development in Switzerland Sybille Bayard, Monika Staffelbach, Phillip Fischer and Marlies Buchmann. 4. Young People’s Progress after Dropout from Vocational Edu-cation and Training: Transitions and Occupational Integration at Stake. Longitudinal Qualitative Perspective Barbara Duc and Nadia Lamamra 5. Success, Well-Being and Social Recognition: An Interactional Perspective on Vocational Training Practices Stefano A. Losa, Barbara Duc and Laurent Filliettaz. 6. Agentic Pathways toward Fulfillment in Work Jeylan T. Mortimer, Mike Vuolo and Jeremy Staff 7. The How and Why of the Relationship between Job Insecuri-ty, Subjective Career Success, and Turnover Intention Cécile Tschopp and Gudela Grote 8. Work Experiences and Well-Being in the First Years of Professional Work in Switzerland: A Ten-Year Follow-up Study Wolfgang Kälin, Anita C. Keller, Franziska Tschan, Achim Elfering and Norbert K. Semmer 9. The Meaning and Measurement of Well-Being as an Indicator of Success Anita C. Keller, Norbert K. Semmer, Robin Samuel and Manfred Max Bergman


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This contribution focuses on the characteristics of the school context and their impact on immigrant students’ acculturation and adjustment at school. Research suggests that the ways immigrants acculturate is related to their well being (e.g. Phinney, et al., 2001; Ward & Rana-Deuba, 1999), although findings have been contradictory across methods and studies (e.g. Rogler, 1991; Escobar & Vega, 2001). Debates in acculturation research currently center on issues of acculturation measurement (e.g. Berry, 2009; Rudmin, 2009), as most research is conducted in the quantitative tradition. In addition, some have suggested (Birman, 2011) that research on acculturation in the tradition of cross-cultural psychology adopts an overly individualistic perspective, and lacks attention to the specific contexts of acculturation. Alternatively, the contextual approach proposes that the relationship between acculturation and adjustment is shaped by the surrounding context (Birman & Simon, 2013). For immigrant children, schools are the setting where the process of acculturation unfolds, and an important context in which to study their adjustment and well being (Birman, et al., 2007; Makarova & Herzog, 2011). Though rarely used in this tradition of acculturation research (Chirkov, 2009), qualitative methods are uniquely suited to gain insight to facilitate theory development, as well as appreciate the contextual nature of the acculturation process. Yet we are not aware of efforts to synthesize the empirical qualitative literature on this topic. Applying the methodology of meta-synthesis for qualitatieve research (Walsh & Downe, 2005) our contribution attempts to integrate results from qualitative studies on impact of acculturation on immigrant students’ psychological adjustment in the school context. For this purpose 84 articles which matched the inclusion criteria were selected. Overall, the results of our study show that within the school context a number of structural as well as process characteristics can be identified as crucial for immigrant youth psychological adjustment. Moreover, our findings indicate that immigrant youths’ psychological adjustment is related to other individual outcomes of acculturation in the school context such as behavioral adjustment, peer-relationships, academic achievement and identity development of immigrant youth.


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Eco-driving has well-known positive effects on fuel economy and greenhouse-gas emissions. Moreover, eco-driving reduces road-traffic noise, which is a serious threat to the health and well-being of many people. We investigated the psychological predictors of the adoption of eco-driving from the perspective of road-traffic noise abatement. The data came from 890 car drivers who participated in a longitudinal survey over four months. Specifically, we tested the effects of the intention to prevent road-traffic noise, variables derived from the theory of planned behavior (social norm, perceived behavioral control, and attitude), and variables derived from the health action process approach (implementation intention, maintenance self-efficacy, and action control) on the intention to practice eco-driving and on eco-driving behavior. The intention to prevent road-traffic noise was not linked to the intention to practice eco-driving. The strongest predictors of the intention to practice eco-driving were attitude and perceived behavioral control. The strongest predictor of eco-driving behavior was action control. The link between behavioral intention and behavior was weak, indicating that drivers have difficulties putting their intention to practice eco-driving into action. Therefore, intervention efforts should directly address and support the transition from intention to behavior. This could be accomplished by providing reminders, which help to maintain behavioral intention, and by providing behavior feedback, which helps car drivers to monitor their behavior.


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A frequent suggestion to increase individuals' willingness to take action on climate change and to support relevant policies is to highlight its proximal consequences, that is, those that are close in space and time. But previous studies that have tested this proximizing approach have not revealed the expected positive effects on individual action and support for addressing climate change. We present three lines of psychological reasoning that provide compelling arguments as to why highlighting proximal impacts of climate change might not be as effective a way to increase individual mitigation and adaptation efforts as is often assumed. Our contextualization of the proximizing approach within established psychological research suggests that, depending on the particular theoretical perspective one takes on this issue, and on specific individual characteristics suggested by these perspectives, proximizing can bring about the intended positive effects, can have no (visible) effect or can even backfire. Thus, the effects of proximizing are much more complex than is commonly assumed. Revealing this complexity contributes to a refined theoretical understanding of the role that psychological distance plays in the context of climate change and opens up further avenues for future research and for interventions.


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Elemento centrale della presente tesi dottorale è il costrutto di perspective taking, definibile come l’abilità, emergente nei bambini intorno a 4-5 anni, di assumere la prospettiva altrui secondo tre differenti dimensioni: emotiva, cognitiva e percettiva (Bonino, Lo Coco, Tani, 1998; Moll e Meltzoff, 2011). Dalla letteratura emerge come il perspective taking, in quanto abilità di comprensione sociale, rivesta un ruolo adattivo e sia fondamentale per lo sviluppo, non solo intellettivo, ma anche per la formazione di adeguate capacità relazionali e sociali (Jenkins e Astington, 2000; Weil et al., 2011). Sulla base di tali considerazioni, alcuni ricercatori si sono interrogati sulla possibilità di insegnare questa abilità, elaborando specifiche e differenti procedure di intervento finalizzate ad incrementare l’abilità di perspective taking sia in bambini a sviluppo normativo (Cigala e Mori, 2015), sia in gruppi di bambini a sviluppo atipico (Fisher e Happé, 2005; Heagle e Rehfeldt, 2006; Paynter e Peterson, 2012). A partire da una prospettiva teorica socio-costruzionista, secondo cui l’acquisizione del perspective taking si configura come un’impresa di co-costruzione continua, all’interno di interazioni quotidiane con figure significative per il bambino, si è deciso di analizzare il perspective taking non solo in relazione a variabili individuali (genere, età del bambino, regolazione emotiva, abilità sociali) ma anche e soprattutto a variabili contestuali quali le caratteristiche del contesto familiare (caratteristiche disposizionali e stili genitoriali di socializzazione emotiva, presenza di fratelli). Sono stati in particolare indagati un contesto familiare normativo ed uno caratterizzato da maltrattamento psicologico, contrassegnato dalla reiterazione di comportamenti inadeguati (critiche svalutanti, denigrazione, umiliazione, minacce verbali, indifferenza) nei confronti del minore, che convogliano sul bambino l’idea di non essere amato e di avere poco valore. Con i termini “a sviluppo tipico” si intendono i bambini per i quali non sussista una diagnosi clinica e con quelli di “famiglie normative” ci si riferisce a nuclei per i quali non ci siano state segnalazioni da parte dei Servizi Educativi e Sociali di riferimento, indipendentemente dalle caratteristiche della composizione del nucleo familiare (nucleare, estesa, multipla, ricostituita o ricomposta). Tale studio rientra in un ampio progetto di ricerca e formazione che ha coinvolto più di 250 prescolari frequentanti 8 scuole dell’infanzia e 15 comunità terapeutiche e di accoglienza mamma-bambino, situate in differenti province del Nord Italia. Il gruppo dei partecipanti alla ricerca si è composto di 256 bambini in età prescolare, compresa quindi tra 3 e 5 anni (M=54,39; DS=5,705): 128 maschi (M=54,08; DS=5,551) e 128 femmine (M=54,70; DS=5,860). In particolare, 213 bambini appartenevano a famiglie normative e 43 a nuclei familiari caratterizzati dalla presenza di maltrattamento psicologico. Oltre ai bambini, la ricerca ha previsto il coinvolgimento di 155 coppie di genitori, 43 madri ospitate in comunità, 18 insegnanti e 30 operatori. Obiettivo centrale è stato l’indagine della possibilità di poter promuovere il perspective taking in bambini di età prescolare a sviluppo tipico appartenenti a due differenti tipologie di contesto familiare (normativo e psicologicamente maltrattante), attraverso l’applicazione di uno specifico percorso di training di natura “ecologica” all’interno della scuola dell’infanzia e della comunità, assimilabile a quelli di tipo evidence based. In particolare è stata prevista una procedura quasi sperimentale di tipo pre-test, training, post-test e follow-up. Dopo una preliminare valutazione dello sviluppo del perspective taking nelle sue tre componenti, in bambini appartenenti ad entrambi i contesti, si è voluto verificare l’esistenza di eventuali relazioni tra questa abilità ed alcune capacità socio-emotive dei bambini, con particolare riferimento alla disposizione prosociale, rilevate nel contesto scolastico attraverso differenti metodologie (osservazioni dirette non partecipanti, questionari self report compilati dalle insegnanti). Inoltre, data l’importanza del contesto familiare per lo sviluppo di tale abilità, la ricerca ha avuto lo scopo di verificare l’esistenza di eventuali relazioni tra le abilità di perspective taking mostrate dai bambini e gli stili di socializzazione emotiva delle figure familiari, caratteristiche di entrambi i contesti (maltrattante e non maltrattante). È stato inoltre previsto uno studio di confronto tra i due campioni rispetto alle dimensioni indagate. I risultati ottenuti sono stati particolarmente interessanti. Innanzitutto, le esperienze di training hanno determinato, in entrambi i contesti, miglioramenti nell’abilità dei prescolari di mettersi nei panni altrui. Tale training ha inoltre dimostrato effetti positivi sulla competenza sociale dei bambini, che, a seguito del percorso, hanno manifestato un incremento dei comportamenti prosociali ed una diminuzione di quelli aggressivi. Per lo studio in contesto normativo, è stato inoltre dimostrato un mantenimento delle abilità acquisite a seguito del training attraverso un follow-up a distanza di 4 mesi dal termine dell’intervento. Il positivo esito di tale percorso sembra quindi rappresentare un’importante risorsa per i prescolari, soprattutto in caso di situazioni in cui l’abilità di perspective taking risulti deficitaria. Il confronto dei due gruppi a seguito del training ha evidenziato come non siano emerse differenze significative, rispetto al perspective taking, ad eccezione della dimensione emotiva, in cui le prestazioni dei prescolari maltrattati sono risultate inferiori, come già evidenziato prima del training. Tali risultati non giungono però inaspettati, poiché, sebbene il percorso abbia agito significativamente sull’abilità di comprensione delle emozioni altrui di questi bambini, non si configura come sufficiente a ristrutturare così profondamente le problematiche presentate. Interessanti sono stati altresì i risultati ottenuti dall’analisi degli stili di socializzazione emotiva, dei genitori (madri e padri) dei prescolari non maltrattati e delle mamme dei bambini residenti in comunità. In particolare è emerso come, stili accettanti e di tipo coaching nei confronti delle emozioni negative dei bambini, siano positivamente correlati con il perspective taking dei figli, e come all’opposto, stili rifiutanti rispetto alle espressioni emotive negative dei propri bambini, mostrino correlazioni negative con le abilità di perspective taking dei figli. Oltre ad interessi di ordine teorico e metodologico, è possibile quindi affermare come, il presente lavoro di tesi, sia stato guidato da fini applicativi, affinché la ricerca scientifica possa tradursi in pratiche educative quotidiane da applicare ai contesti di vita significativi per i bambini.


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Malingering and the production of false symptoms seen in such disorders as Factitious Disorder are an ongoing mystery to medical and mental health professionals. Historically, these presentations have been difficult to identify and treat. As might be expected, individuals with such symptomology rarely agree to participate in research, possibly because of a reluctance to admit to the feigning or exaggerating behaviors and a fear of reprisals. Many different etiologies have been proposed, including the assumption of roles in order to manage impressions, taking control of symptoms in order to gain attention or other rewards or avoid aversive events, and even the production of symptoms that is largely out of awareness such as is seen in conversion or somatoform presentations. By examining historical and present-day beliefs about etiology and treatment interventions, professionals can explore what new types of effective treatment might look like. The behaviorist philosophy that underlies Acceptance and Commitment Therapy proposes a perspective emphasizing effective working in context. This philosophy also suggests individuals sometimes engage in behavior in order to escape from or avoid aversive experiences. Utilizing case examples and fresh behavioral perspectives provides insight and ideas for conceptualization of these behaviors of interest. Using the above conceptualizations, an ACT based treatment of those who produce false symptoms is introduced.


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Novice therapists training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) may encounter challenges in therapy in which their own personal history functions as a barrier to flexible modes of therapeutic engagement with the therapist. From the ACT perspective, counter-therapeutic interpersonal responses may be examined relative to six behavioral sub-processes. It is suggested that the most vulnerable moments for the therapist will involve those in which certain contextual features of therapy pull historical awareness of a painful personal past into relation with the psychological present. This paper hypothesizes that utilizing approaches based in ACT will assist therapists in overcoming these challenges and will illustrate how to approach case formulation and intervention with therapists in training from a functional contextualistic perspective. To begin, the philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of ACT will be outlined in sufficient depth to intellectually ground the model and its therapeutic project. This conceptual foundation will then be brought to applied focus using hypothetical case material, followed by ACT interventions designed to increase clinical flexibility in the given therapeutic scenario. Future research that systematically examines the effectiveness of such methods among therapists is encouraged.


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For many women, if not all, breasts are an important component of bodyself-image; a woman may love them or dislike them, but she is rarely neutral" (Young, 2003, p.152). Breast cancer may be one of the oldest forms of cancer known to humans (American Cancer Society, 2010), and in 2008 in the United States over 182,000 women and almost 2,000 men were diagnosed with some form of breast cancer (American Cancer Society, 2008). In that same year 40,480 women and 450 men died from the disease. While any type of cancer diagnosis can instill a fear of mortality and incapacitation in the recipient, breast cancer holds a special meaning for women because of the significance placed on the breast both personally and societally. Removal of the breast tissue and muscle, or mastectomy, remains one of the primary forms of treatment for this disease. The breast plays an important role in a woman's identity, and the loss of one or both breasts due to breast cancer can have a monumental impact on her sense of self. A mastectomy affectsnot only a woman's relationship with herself, but with her family, friends, and society. It changes her outlook on life, her perception of her roles in the world, and her interest in interacting with others. Exploring these issues is important to understanding how doctors, nurses, mental health professionals, family members and support networks can best assist patients in coping with their illness. This paper attempts to understand the psychological issues and injuriesassociated with mastectomy through the lens of Self Psychology. It postulates that the breast itself is a selfobject for most women, and that its loss results in the fragmentation of the self. I will focus particularly on women between the ages of 25 and 40 years of age, in the marital and parental phases of developmental (Wolf, 1988), as the effect of a mastectomy on body image, sexuality, and genderbased roles such as motherhood has been shown to differ according to the age of the patient, with younger patients experiencing more distress (Ashing-Giwa et al, 2004).


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Reducing the psychological distance of climate change has repeatedly been proposed as one strategy to increase individuals' motivation to respond to climate change. From the perspective of construal level theory, decreasing psychological distance should not itself influence people's willingness to act but change the processes that underlie individual decision-making. We conducted two experiments in which we manipulated the psychological distance of climate change. We found that participants with a distant focus relied more on scepticism to represent risks and make decisions about supporting climate change, whereas participants with a proximal perspective relied more on fear when making such judgements. However, the predicted Fear × Distance interaction was only found when self-reported fear rather than experimentally manipulated fear was used as a moderator. Our results suggest that simply proximising won't increase engagement and call for a more differentiated perspective on the effects of psychological distance in the context of climate change.


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Using a multi-perspective vignette design, we explored predictors of young peoples' (N = 119) propensity to engage in unfaithful activities while dating. Demographic measures, a datding investment model, and measures of functional and dysfunctional impulsivity were used to predict inclination to engage in each of two extradyadic activities (kissing and sexual activity). The results of moderated multiple regression analyses revealed that a respondent's number of sexual partners, level of dysfunctional impulsivity, satisfaction with current relationship, and quality of relationship alternatives significantly predicted inclination to engage in both of the extradyadic activities. Consistent with previous findings, gender only showed significant predictive value in relation to extradyadic sex inclination. Moreover, the association between sex, love, and marriage interacted with gender in the prediction of both extradyadic activities and interacted with commitment in the prediction of extradyadic sex inclination. Suggestions for future research in this area are offered in light of these new findings.