947 resultados para Pruebas Saber 11
This thesis deals with the self-knowledge importance and corporal practices and the contribution of the Transpersonal Education for the initial formation process of students of Physical Education. In this context, students are stimulated to come in contact with the bases of learning to know, to make, to live together and to be for the promotion of integral education. We give priority to holistic conception of educating based in Emergent Paradigm. In this conception, student in initial formation is led to get back the view of integral being, life and love as education basis. We had as starting point, the essential dimensions to the learning geared toward the embodiment integration, autopoiesis and trans-disciplinarity. This work presents tracks for the teacher formation of Physical Education. It deals with the unfolding of teaching experiences in 2006, in Graduation Course in Physical Education of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, in subject of Corporal Conscience, offered to undergraduate students which can be characterized as an action-research. This process was chosen as knowledge and intervention method because it allowed knowing and acting at the same time, studying the conditions and results of accomplished experience. In shared meetings with reflected experiences, we appeal to the experiences of situations that had mobilized the corporal, emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions of participants. The data collected through observations, accounts, questionnaires and interviews of learning processes had been starting points for the beginning of dialogue along with students of Graduation Course in Physical Education. The findings had been interpreted through of hermeneutics and discourse analysis. In this research, participants are considered as protagonist and boosters of educative process. The theoretical basis was supported by Transpersonal Education which contributed for a peace culture and respectful relationship. In its initial formation process, this research protagonists had evidenced of the importance of transpersonal education, geared toward action and changing, new ways of being and living together, facing the daily conflicts from a human and rational perspective. The research emphasized the importance of a new look on the teacher formation of Physical Education to face the limits of fragmented formation. Thus, we recognize that through the teacher education process, the transpersonal education provided wide significant changes reported during research, extending and re-meaning different learning levels such as: cognitive, emotional, attitudinal, and behavioral geared toward the personal and transpersonal development, reiterating the relevance of self-knowledge for development and establishment of pedagogical practice which prioritizes the life direction. The necessity of integrating knowledge to being in the initial process of teaching formation was emphasized in all the transpersonal meetings
This study - Biologist s formative speech about death. Nuances and metaphors from knowing that the subject of do not want to know - shows a marginal cognitive construction in scientific education from biologist - death. It considered as obvious that death is a theme that covers both the scientific education from biologist and the division of the subject, and concerns the splitting of the double life-death and the principles of inclusion and exclusion of the subject. Part of sensitive question: What is the epistemological weave who supports biologist's speech about death? It is constituted an object of study of the biologist s speech on death. It is advocated the thesis that: Death is an epistemological obstacle announcing for something always aims to escape from the perspective of knowledge, especially of scientific knowledge because, since it is understood as cognitive learning about the disruption of biological phenomenon life which is involved on weave of imaginary and symbolic constructions about the finiteness of life; it has constituted a metaphorical knowing - encouraged by the noisy silence - which does not allow to know in full, mobilizing hence subject in searching for transitional truths that reduce the ontological being-mortal anguish centered in subjective dimension involved in the act of knowing. From this movement of search that the object mental life after death wins a symbolic value that requires a real-looking multi-referential for the study of biology - life - and its implications: the finiteness of life, especially by moving the omnipotence of scientific objectivity expressed by signs and symbols that seek say the completeness of scientific knowledge-, signaling thus the existence of the dynamics of incompleteness implicit in subjectivity that supports knowledge relating to the double, life and death, and to the temporality of the existence of Homo sapiens sapiens, with the axis guiding the desire of the subject, do not want to know about death, implicit in the mechanisms objective-subjective founded by non-said of death is the epistemology of the existence of objective-subjective subject, whose core is the negation of death. The theoretical methodological knowing web is anchored in the multi-reference which favors a transit by theoretical current, as the Psychoanalysis, bachelardian philosophy, the epistemology of complexity, the Thanatology, the Social Psychology, and Etnocenology, and Understanding Interview. The unveiling of the study object from the analysis of oral speech of eleven biologists who serve in high school, from three main guiding: Death in the history of life,Death in biologist s academic education and, Conceptions about concepts
This study deals with Sociology teacher identity issues. This is done considering daily routines of Sociology grade school teachers in the city of Picos in the state of Piauí-Brazil. Thus, the research aims to acknowledge the manner the inter-relations between the teacher s know-how and the process of construction of the professional identity of these teachers occur. It is seen that the discipline of Sociology in this context brings out processes related to inclusion and exclusion once the subject of Sociology is distinguished as unstable in relation to other disciplines. However, in June 2008, the law included the Sociology as a discipline 11,684 mandatory on all high school series.The theoretical and methodological procedures of this research were based on an ethnographic qualitative nature research and enabled a documental analysis. In order to collect data, a semi-structured questionnaire was applied in collective and individual in four state schools in the city of Picos in Piauí. The analysis of the information was based in content analysis from the proposals made by Bardin (1997), and Franco (2008). The information was then organized in knowledge matrixes that allowed the identification of themes divided into two thematic axes: teacher education: the search for sense making in experience and the exercise of teaching as well as the Sociology grade school teacher s daily routine. The research enables the understanding of the senses the subjects have on their own activity since the work deals with concrete situations and experiences in the scholar context. These senses are considered relevant in order to enable a comprehension of the inter-relations that are established between the know-how and the construction of the identity on behalf of these teachers. Almost all of the interviewed subjects did not have a degree in Social Sciences and came from other backgrounds especially ones related to Education. Sociology teachers investigated almost in its entirety, do not have specific training in the social sciences, becoming teachers of Sociology by lack of school and to complete the work load. But, in spite of the difficulties experienced in the practice of the discipline all are in favour of its inclusion in high school. They have a clear vision, that through the work of the theoretical content of the discipline with the daily life of the students by using teaching strategies that add value to the relationship of knowledge that are prepared in society at large, to Sociology provides a critical analysis of the reality in which they are inserted
The present study had as a main objective to analyze how the professionals at a CAPS ad unit in Natal-RN conceive the knowledge-practice process with regard to the Harm Reduction Policy (HRP) towards alcohol and other drugs. For the accomplishment of this proposal, it was intended: 1) Verifying the possibilities and limits of the HRP implementation at a CAPS ad unit in Natal-RN; 2) Relating the professionals knowledge at a CAPS ad unit in Natal in regard to the Harm Reduction Policy; 3) Enumerating the HRP programmatic actions at the institution. The research had exploratory, descriptive and qualitative approach aspects, guided by the concepts of biopower and self care proposed by Michel Foucault. Data collection occurred in June and July 2011, in which the focal group technique was used. After that, collect field material was analyzed through the content analysis method proposed by Minayo. The results showed some conceptual and practical approach between the harm reduction strategy and the knowledge-practice of the professionals at this CAPS ad unit. The discursive models about drug usage, especially the moral-legal model, still have a significant role in the daily lives of these professionals, being amplified by some demands of their jobs or even through the instituted discourse. The individuals recognize the need for less prohibited practices and more socializing ones, identifying them with the Harm Reduction (HR) logic, when there is a coherent and well-founded understanding about HR among the professionals. Distorted and reductionist views about HR as considering the simple instrumental function of this strategy (distribution of basic supplies) among the professionals, represent one of the main barriers for its implementation. There are few programmatic activities that are related to the RD strategy at this CAPS ad unit which makes a more effective appropriation by the working team difficult to reach. The working processes and the postures adopted by this CAP ad unit professionals have been showing that many of their practices and conceptions were modified to the detriment of new necessities emerged from the demands. Consequently, the self care notion is revealed which brings the need for the valorization of these care agents roles, that is, their collective and individual contribution.
Este estudio se refiere a una investigación a cerca de la concepción de la lectura que subyace en la Matriz de Referencia de la Prueba Brasil, y, mediante las análisis del modelo 2009, entender lo que el lector se supone que responder en las preguntas de esta prueba. El estudio tiene como objetivo satisfacer se presume lector general para responder a las preguntas de prueba de Brasil y el mapa de la concepción de la lectura que subyace en la matriz de referencia tal prueba. Los objetivos específicos apuntan a examinar los temas de Prueba Brasil, identificando qué descriptores se materializan en el mismo, que son los más recurrentes. El estudio tiene como fundamentos los estudios bakhtinianos a cerca de los diálogos del linguaje (Bakhtin, 2003, 2008; Volochínov/Bakhtin, 1993) y la concepción de la lectura defendida por Geraldi (2007), Larossa (2001) y DeCerteau (1994). La investigación és caracterizada como cualitativo-interpretativo, con enfoque socio-histórico, y se encuentra dentro del campo de la Lingüística Aplicada, que en las últimas décadas ha demostrado contribuciones para la enseñanza de lenguas y formación docente. Para hacer el análisis de las pruebas, inicialmente construido una tabla (Tabla 1), que contiene los seis macrotópicos Matrix lengua portuguesa en la que estábamos repartiendo los descriptores presentes en las cuestiones de prueba referenciada relacionándolos con sus temas. Tras analizar la cuestión, con el fin de identificar al presunto lector a responder a estas preguntas. Mediante análisis de la Matriz de Referencia de la Prueba Brasil, entendemos que ella está de acuerdo con los Parámetros Curriculares de la Lengua Portuguesa. Así, la concepción que subyace en la lectura es que la lectura es una actividad que depende del proceso individual, pero que és parte de un contexto social e involucra a habilidades relacionadas con la comprensión y producción de sentido. Mediante la observación de la prueba, afirmamos qué el lector con la capacidad de responder a las preguntas es lo que desarrolla actitudes favorables a cerda de la lectura. A saber: (i) reconocen ampliamente las palabras, (ii) identifican los objetivos y funciones de la lectura, en reconocimiento de la función de apoyo de género y el contexto del texto, (iii) predice el contenido de los textos a se lee a la luz de su apoyo, su género y su contexto; (iv) plantea hipótesis sobre el contenido del texto que se lee, (v) es capaz de buscar ideas textual e intertextual. Es decir, hace inferencias, aumentando la comprensión, la asociación de diversos elementos presentes en el texto y que son parte de sus propias experiências personales, (vi) construye la comprensión global del texto leído por la unificación de la información explícita e implícita, (vii) tiene la capacidad de evaluar la lectura de forma ética y afectiva, o de hacer extrapolaciones coerentes sin escapar de la temática del texto. Por último, podemos decir que las implicaciones pedagógicas de este trabajo para mi actividad profesional es de gran importancia, ya que desde la detección de lo que se requiere de los estudiantes y, en consecuencia, un nuevo enfoque para la enseñanza de la lengua materna como podemos reflexionar sobre eso y encontrar maneras de mejorar nuestro desempeño. Tanto nuestro entrenador como nuestros compañeros. Dejando a un nivel puramente descriptivo de los problemas de acción conjunta más eficaz, entendiendo que la enseñanza de lectura tiene un carácter complejo. En este sentido, tenemos que ser menos intuitivo y más reflexiva. Nos gustaría hacer hincapié en que tenemos la intención de socializar esta investigación con nuestros compañeros, ya que entendemos que es un material que puede contribuir a un nuevo aprendizaje para la práctica de los profesores que se inclinan. Además indicó que la principal contribución de este trabajo es nuestra mirada en el proceso de la lectura en el aula, la comprensión de que el estudiante de ofertas diarias con textos localizados, derechos de autor, histórico y representativo de las diferentes interacciones en el mundo. Por lo tanto, es el momento de ser gestado las prácticas de lectura hacia una educación más significativa
Incluye anexos
O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi investigar os saber-e-fazer da confecção de rabecas na cidade de Bragança-PA e algumas relações matemáticas advindas desse contexto. A pesquisa empírica se constituiu em observações sistemáticas do processo de confecção artesanal de rabecas, considerando a prática dos artesãos. A pesquisa ocorreu por meio de filmagens, entrevistas e registros fotográficos de suas relações com a cultura local destacando-se a festa da Marujada que ocorre todos os anos em Bragança onde a rabeca é parte integrante dessa tradição. A metodologia foi pautada nos princípios da pesquisa qualitativa. O trabalho de confecção de uma rabeca foi acompanhado em todas as suas etapas. A etnomatemática foi a base utilizada como aporte teórico para compreender as observações feitas em campo. Os resultados obtidos nos mostraram que os artesãos têm um modo singular de medir e estabelecer comparações matemáticas utilizando partes do próprio corpo e percepções relacionadas com os órgãos dos sentidos como: escutar, ver e sentir a fim de definir medidas lineares. Os saberes dos mestres artesãos de rabecas apenas auxiliam a construção de formas diferentes de pensar da ciência e consequentemente do saber matemático comumente veiculado pelo ensino formal.
O objetivo geral desta pesquisa é compreender e explicar as questões de gênero e suas implicações, envolvendo saber especializado e poder, com leitura nas relações desiguais entre homens e mulheres no campo das engenharias. Com recorte na Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), mais precisamente nos cursos de Engenharia Civil e Engenharia de Minas e meio Ambiente, evidenciados neste estudo pelo fato de aglomerarem o maior e o menor contingente feminino respectivamente. Por se tratar de um campo que historicamente tem sido ocupado majoritariamente pelos homens, há de se considerar que mulheres ao fazerem essa opção profissional enfrentam desafios sociais e culturais que permeiam as relações entre sexos. Deste modo, busca-se também compreender as motivações e as influências que as levam escolher a área das engenharias, bem como as dificuldades que enfrentam, as estratégias que utilizam para se manterem neste campo, e suas perspectivas quanto à profissão. A investigação adotada para a pesquisa combinou levantamento bibliográfico, estatístico, documental e fotográfico, com a realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas abordando discentes e docentes femininas dos dois cursos de engenharia selecionados, as quais, através da história oral, puderam relatar suas experiências vividas no cotidiano acadêmico e profissional. Os resultados desta investigação associados à teoria pertinente revelou que embora tenha aumentado a inserção de mulheres nos cursos de engenharias da UFPA, a maioria delas faz a escolha por acaso, justificado pela falta de orientação educativa ou porque onde os cursos são disponibilizados, não lhes oferecem outra opção. Elas ainda são limitadas em sua autonomia e liberdade de escolha, por discursos vinculados às relações de poder que sutilmente demarcam o campo profissional, quando associam o ambiente das engenharias à natureza feminina.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
Do sagrado ao secular: a contribuição do saber médico para a construção dos cemitérios oitocentistas
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
En nuestro país, en 2011 se incorpora al calendario la vacuna del HPV (virus del papiloma humano) para las niñas de 11 años. Este evento acompaña la preocupación -a nivel mundial- vinculada a la incidencia del cáncer de cuello de útero, el que ocupa el segundo lugar como causa de muerte por cáncer en mujeres. La prevención pone en foco a niñas que aún no han iniciado las relaciones sexuales, cuestión que además de 'instalar' problemas relativos a la sexualidad en ese grupo etario, intersecta las especialidades médicas. En este trabajo interesa indagar el modo en que los profesionales de la salud (principalmente ginecólogos y obstétricas) de los Centros de Atención Primaria de la Salud (CAPS) abordan esta problemática en la consulta de jóvenes mayoritariamente no cubiertas por la vacuna. Considerando las limitaciones -ampliamente reconocidas- presentes en la atención de la salud sexual y reproductiva de jóvenes por parte de los equipos de salud, interesa indagar el lugar que ocupa el HPV en la atención de esta población y el modo en que los profesionales de los CAPS plantean el diagnóstico, tratamiento y prevención. Asimismo, plantea una aproximación cualitativa entrevistando a aquellos profesionales del equipo de salud que se consideran competentes en el tema, por medio de un cuestionario semiestructurado
Durante los años 90 numerosas empresas se vieron sometidas a procesos de ajuste y reducción, o paralización, de la actividad productiva como consecuencia de la abrupta transformación del contexto socio-económico. Sin embargo, algunas de ellas lograron sobrevivir a dicho entorno gracias al despliegue de estrategias defensivas y a la puesta en juego de recursos cognitivos y simbólicos propios. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es analizar los múltiples factores que intervienen en el devenir de las empresas, prestando especial atención a aquellos elementos que, sin responder a una lógica económica, favorecen la supervivencia productiva de las mismas en contextos económicos fuertemente restrictivos. A partir del análisis de un estudio de caso, la ponencia analiza la relevancia que la preservación de los saberes, las características de la organización del trabajo y la cultura organizacional, expresada en una particular configuración identitaria de sus trabajadores, tienen en los procesos de reactivación de las empresas