986 resultados para Protozoa, Pathogenic
A mosquito pathogenic strain of Bacillus sphaericus carried out the conjugal transfer of plasmid pAMß1 to other strains of its own and two other serotypes. However, it was unable to conjugate with mosquito pathogens from three other serotypes, with B. sphaericus of other DNA homology groups or with three other species of Bacillus. Conjugation frequency was highest with a strain having an altered surface layer (S layer). Conjugal transfer of pAMß1 was not detected in mosquito larval cadavers. B. sphaericus 2362 was unable to mobilize pUB110 for transfer to strains that had served as recipients of pAMß1. These observations suggest that it is unlikely that genetically engineered B. sphaericus carrying a recombinant plasmid could pass that plasmid to other bacteria
Many protozoan parasites represent an important group of human pathogens. Pulsed Field Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) analysis has been an important tool for fundamental genetic studies of parasites like Trypanosoma, Leishmania, Giardia or the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. We present PFGE conditions allowing a high resolution separation of chromosomes ranging from 500 to 4000 kb within a two day electrophoresis run. In addition, we present conditions for separating large chromosomes (2000-6000 kb) within 36 hr. We demontrate that the application of two dimentional PFGE (2D-PFGE) technique to parasite karyotypes is a very useful method for the analysis of dispersed gene families and comparative studies of the intrachomosomal genome organization
Because Staphylococcus aureus strains contain multiple virulence factors, studying their pathogenic role by single-gene inactivation generated equivocal results. To circumvent this problem, we have expressed specific S. aureus genes in the less virulent organism Streptococcus gordonii and tested the recombinants for a gain of function both in vitro and in vivo. Clumping factor A (ClfA) and coagulase were investigated. Both gene products were expressed functionally and with similar kinetics during growth by streptococci and staphylococci. ClfA-positive S. gordonii was more adherent to platelet-fibrin clots mimicking cardiac vegetations in vitro and more infective in rats with experimental endocarditis (P < 0.05). Moreover, deleting clfA from clfA-positive streptococcal transformants restored both the low in vitro adherence and the low in vivo infectivity of the parent. Coagulase-positive transformants, on the other hand, were neither more adherent nor more infective than the parent. Furthermore, coagulase did not increase the pathogenicity of clfA-positive streptococci when both clfA and coa genes were simultaneously expressed in an artificial minioperon in streptococci. These results definitively attribute a role for ClfA, but not coagulase, in S. aureus endovascular infections. This gain-of-function strategy might help solve the role of individual factors in the complex the S. aureus-host relationship.
Protozoa are among the most important pathogens that can cause infection in immunocompromised patients. They infect particularly individuals with impaired cell immunity, such as those with hematologic neoplasias, those submitted to transplant of solid organs, those under high-dose corticosteroid therapy, and carriers of the human immunodeficiency virus. Among the protozoa that most commonly cause disease in immunocompromised individuals are Toxoplasma gondii, Trypanosoma cruzi, Cryptosporidium parvum, Isospora belli, Cyclospora cayetanensis and microsporidia; the former two cause severe encephalitis and myocarditis, and the others cause gastrointestinal infections. Early diagnosis and prompt institution of specific therapy for each of these organisms are basic measures to decrease morbidity and mortality associated with these infections.
Two species of blood protozoans were identified from blood smears collected from 15 specimens of the Chimango caracara (Milvago chimango) on Isla Grande de Chiloé in southern Chile. These included Leucocytozoon toddi in 13 birds, including all 5 of the 4-6 week old nestlings examined, and 8 of the subadults or adults. One of the nestlings also had a dual infection of L. toddi and Haemoproteus tinnunculi. These are the first reports of blood parasites from M. chimango.
Cell fractionation, a methodological strategy for obtaining purified organelle preparations, has been applied successfully to parasitic protozoa by a number of investigators. Here we present and discuss the work of several groups that have obtained highly purified subcellular fractions from trypanosomatids, Apicomplexa and trichomonads, and whose work have added substantially to our knowledge of the cell biology of these parasites.
SummaryResearch projects presented in this thesis aimed to investigate two major aspects of the arenaviruses life cycle in the host cell: viral entry and the biosynthesis of the viral envelope glycoprotein.Old World arenaviruses (OWAV), such as Lassa virus (LASV) and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), attach to the cell by binding to their receptor, alpha-dystroglycan. Virions are then internalized by a largely unknown pathway of endocytosis and delivered to the late endosome/lysosome where fusion occurs at low pH. In the major project of my thesis, we sought to identify cellular factors involved in OWAV cell entry. Our work indicates that OWAV cell entry requires microtubular transport and a functional multivesicular body (MVB) compartment. Infection indeed depends on phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase (PI3K) activity and lysobisphosphatidic acid (LBPA), a lipid found in membranes of intraluminal vesicles (ILVs) of the MVB. We further found a requirement of factors that are part of the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT), involved in the formation of ILVs. This suggests an ESCRT-mediated sorting of virus- receptor complex during the entry process.During viral replication, biosynthesis of viral glycoprotein takes place in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of the host cell. When protein load exceeds the folding capacity of the ER, the accumulation of unfolded proteins is sensed by three ER resident proteins, activating transcription factor 6 (ATF6), inositol-requiring enzyme 1 (IRE1) and PKR-like ER kinase (PERK), whose signaling induces the cellular unfolded protein response (UPR). Our results indicate that acute LCMV infection transiently induces the activation of the ATF6 branch of the UPR, whereas the PERK, and IRE1 axis of UPR are neither triggered nor blocked during infection. Our data also demonstrate that activation of ATF6 pathway is required for optimal viral replication during acute infection.The formation of the mature, fusion-active form of arenaviruses glycoproteins requires proteolytic cleavage mediated by the cellular protease subtilisin kexin isozyme-1 (SKI-l)/site-l protease (SIP). We show that targeting the SKI-1/S1P enzymatic activity with specific inhibitors is a powerful strategy to block arenaviruses productive infection. Moreover, characterization of protease function highlights differences in processing between cellular and viral substrates, opening new possibilities in term of drug development against human pathogenic arenaviruses.RésuméLes projets de recherche présentés dans cette thèse visaient à étudier deux aspects du cycle de vie des arenavirus: l'entrée du virus dans la cellule hôte et la biosynthèse de la glycoprotéine durant la réplication virale.Les arenavirus du vieux monde (OWAV), tels que le virus de Lassa (LASV) et le virus de la chorioméningite lymphocytaire (LCMV) s'attachent à la cellule hôte en se liant à leur récepteur, l'alpha-dystroglycane. Les virions sont ensuite intemalisés par une voie d'endocytose inconnue et livrés à l'endosome tardif/lysosome, où le pH acide permet la fusion entre l'enveloppe virale et la membrane du compartiment. Le projet principal de ma thèse consistait à identifier les facteurs cellulaires impliqués dans l'entrée des OWAV dans la cellule hôte. Nos résultats indiquent que l'entrée des OWAV nécessite le transport microtubulaire et la présence d'un corps multivésiculaire (MVB) fonctionnel. L'infection dépend en effet de l'activité de phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase (PI3K) et de lysobisphosphatidic acid (LBPA), un lipide présent dans les membranes des vésicules intraluminales (ILVs) du MVB. Nous avons également trouvé l'implication de facteurs constituant l'endosomal sorting complex required for sorting (ESCRT) qui joue un rôle dans la formation des ILVs. Ces donnés suggèrent l'incorporation du complexe virus-récepteur dans des ILVs durant le processus d'entrée.Lors de la réplication virale, la biosynthèse de la glycoprotéine virale a lieu dans le réticulum endoplasmique (ER) de la cellule hôte. Lorsque la charge de protéines nouvellement synthétisées excède la capacité de pliage des protéines dans le ER, l'accumulation de protéines mal pliées est détectée par trois facteurs: activating transcription factor 6 (ATF6), inositol-requiring enzyme 1 (IRE1) et PKR-like ER kinase (PERK). Leur signalisation constitue la réponse cellulaire face aux protéines mal pliées (UPR). Nos résultats montrent que l'infection aiguë avec LCMV induit transitoirement l'activation de la voie de signalisation ATF6 alors que les axes PERK et IRE1 de l'UPR ne sont ni induits ni bloqués pendant l'infection. Nos données prouvent également que l'activation de la voie ATF6 est nécessaire à une réplication virale optimale lors de l'infection aiguë avec LCMV.La maturation des glycoprotéines des arenavirus nécessite un clivage protéolytique par la protéase cellulaire subtilisin kexin isozyme-1 (SKI-l)/site-l protease (SIP). Nous avons démontré que le ciblage de l'activité enzymatique de SKI-1/SIΡ avec des inhibiteurs spécifiques est une stratégie prometteuse pour bloquer l'infection par les arenavirus. La caractérisation du mécanisme d'action de la protéase a, par ailleurs, révélé des différences au niveau du clivage entre les substrats cellulaires et viraux, ce qui ouvre de nouvelles perspectives en terme de développement de médicaments contre les arenavirus pathogènes pour l'homme.
We investigated the bacterial flora present in skin lesions of patients with chiclero's ulcer from the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico using conventional culture methods (11 patients), and an immunocolorimetric detection of pathogenic Streptococcus pyogenes (15 patients). Prevalence of bacteria isolated by culture methods was 90.9% (10/11). We cultured, from chiclero's ulcers (60%), pathogenic bacterial such as Staphylococcus aureus (20%), S. pyogenes (1.6%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (1.6%), Morganella morganii (1.6%), and opportunist pathogenic bacteria such as Klebsiella spp. (20.0%), Enterobacter spp. (20%), and Enterococcus spp. (20%). We also cultured coagulase-negative staphylococci in 40% (4/10) of the remaining patients. Micrococcus spp. and coagulase-negative staphylococci constituted the bacterial genuses more frequently isolated in the normal skin of patients with chiclero's ulcer and healthy individuals used as controls. We also undertook another study to find out the presence of S. pyogenes by an immunocolorimetric assay. This study indicated that 60% (9/15) of the ulcerated lesions, but not normal controls, were contaminated with S. pyogenes. Importantly, individuals with purulent secretion and holding concomitant infections with S. pyogenes, S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, M. morganii, and E. durans took longer to heal Leishmania (L.) mexicana infections treated with antimonial drugs. Our results suggest the need to eliminate bacterial purulent infections, by antibiotic treatment, before starting antimonial administration to patients with chiclero's ulcer.
The occurrence of intestinal parasites, their regional distribution and their relations to eosinophilia were studied in 133 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive individuals from Honduras. After signing an informed consent, participants answered a socio-demographic and risk factor questionnaire, a complete physical examination, medical history, and a series of laboratory tests. All participants were HIV positive but not acquired immunodeficiency syndrome positive. Of them, 67% were co-infected with pathogen and non pathogen parasites. Overall occurrence of nematodes was: 44.3% for Trichuris trichiura, 24% for Ascaris lumbricoides, 12% for Hookworm and 7.5% for Strongyloides stercoralis. No cases of Giardia lamblia, acute amebiasis or cryptosporidiasis were diagnosed. Mean eosinophil percents for participants were consistently and significantly higher in infected than in non infected individuals: 22% for Hookworm vs 7.2% (p < 0.001), 11% for Trichuris compared to 5.2% (p < 0.001), 13.2% compared to 7.5% for S. stercoralis (p < 0.05), and 12% compared to 6% for Ascaris cases (p < 0.05). Helminths and non pathogenic protozoa, as single or mixed infections, occurred among the participants. There was a strong correlation between eosinophilia and helminthiasis infections; however, none was identified between CD4 levels and eosinophilia. Because parasitic infections aggravate malnutrition and promote a disbalanced Th2 response in a potentially immuno-compromised host, their effect on HIV disease progression needs further study, mainly in countries were HIV and parasitic infections are highly prevalent.
The sensitivity of two Gram positive (Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis) and two Gram negative (Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) pathogenic multi-drug resistant bacteria was tested against the crude extracts (cold aqueous, hot aqueous, and methanol extracts) of leaves and seeds of Argemone mexicana L. (Papaveraceae) by agar well diffusion method. Though all the extracts were found effective, yet the methanol extract showed maximum inhibition against the test microorganisms followed by hot aqueous extract and cold aqueous extract.
The aim of the present study was to determine whether an increase in resting energy expenditure (REE) contributes to the impaired nutritional status of Gambian children infected by a low level of infection with pathogenic helminths. The REE of 24 children infected with hookworm, Ascaris, Strongyloides, or Trichuris (mean +/- SEM age = 11.9 +/- 0.1 years) and eight controls without infection (mean +/- SEM age = 11.8 +/- 0.1 years) were measured by indirect calorimetry with a hood system (test A). This measurement was repeated after treatment with 400 mg of albendazole (patients) or a placebo (controls) (test B). When normalized for fat free mass, REE in test A was not different in the patients (177 +/- 2 kJ/kg x day) and in the controls (164 +/- 7 kJ/kg x day); furthermore, REE did not change significantly after treatment in the patients (173 +/- 3 kJ/kg x day) or in the controls (160 +/- 8 kJ/kg x day). There was no significant difference in the respiratory quotient between patients and controls, nor between tests A and B. It is concluded that a low level of helminth infection does not affect significantly the energy metabolism of Gambian children.
Leishmania (Sauroleishmania) tarentolae has biotechnological potential for use as live vaccine against visceral leishmaniasis and as a system for the over expression of eukaryotic proteins that possess accurate post-translational modifications. For both purposes, new systems for protein expression in this non-pathogenic protozoan are necessary. The ribosomal RNA promoter proved to be a stronger transcription driver since its use yielded increased levels of recombinant protein in organisms of both genera Trypanosoma or Leishmania. We have evaluated heterologous expression systems using vectors with two different polypyrimidine tracts in the splice acceptor site by measuring a reporter gene transcribed from L. tarentolae RNA polymerase I promoter. Our data indicate that the efficiency of chloramphenicol acetyl transferase expression changed drastically with homologous or heterologous sequences, depending on the polypyrimidine tract used in the construct and differences in size and/or distance from the AG dinucleotide. In relation to the promoter sequence the reporter expression was higher in heterologous lizard-infecting species than in the homologous L. tarentolae or in the mammalian-infecting L. (Leishmania) amazonensis.