931 resultados para Propagação da onda


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A utilização do umezeiro ou damasqueiro-japonês (Prunus mume Sieb & Zucc.) como porta-enxerto de Prunus sp. vem despertando grande interesse em função de sua rusticidade, resistência a pragas e doenças, adaptação e, principalmente, por reduzir o porte de pessegueiros e nectarineiras. Este trabalho foi conduzido no Departamento de Produção Vegetal da FCAV/UNESP, Câmpus de Jaboticabal-SP, e teve por objetivo estudar a propagação vegetativa desta espécie. Para tanto, utilizaram-se estacas herbáceas com 12cm de comprimento dos Clones 02; 05; 10 e 15, provenientes do Programa de Melhoramento Genético do Instituto Agronômico de Campinas, submetidas às concentrações de 0 e 2000mg.L-1 de AIB, por cinco segundos. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com 4 repetições de 20 estacas por parcela, esquema fatorial 4 x 2, sendo o fator clone em 4 níveis (Clones 02; 05; 10 e 15) e AIB em 2 níveis (0 e 2000mg.L-1). de acordo com os resultados, verificou-se diferença entre os clones quanto à porcentagem de enraizamento, sendo o Clone 15 significativamente superior ao Clone 02 (93,75% e 78,13%, respectivamente). Os Clones 05 (85,0%) e 10 (83,13%) comportaram-se como intermediários, não diferindo dos demais. Não houve diferença entre os clones testados quanto à formação de calo, raízes por estaca, comprimento de raízes e porcentagem de estacas brotadas. O ácido indolbutírico na concentração de 2000mg.L-1 favoreceu a emissão de raízes adventícias e aumentou o comprimento das raízes, mas não teve influência na brotação das estacas. Não houve efeito da interação entre os fatores testados para as variáveis analisadas.


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O enraizamento de estacas é um método de propagação assexuada que mantém as características da planta-mãe e incrementa o número de plantas rapidamente, o que é de grande interesse para a citricultura, além de permitir a propagação de materiais na fase juvenil. A obtenção de porta-enxertos por estaquia é uma prática que pode possibilitar, além da redução do prazo na formação da muda, produção de plantas de menor porte e garantir a uniformidade do pomar. O objetivo do presente trabalho consistiu na observação e comparação da propagação vegetativa, por enraizamento de estacas, de quatro porta-enxertos utilizados na produção de mudas cítricas (Poncirus trifoliata, Citrus volkameriana, Citrumelo Swingle e Citrus limonia), sob a influência de diferentes doses de IBA (ácido indolbutírico). O experimento foi conduzido em câmara de nebulização intermitente, e as estacas foram imersas em soluções com 0; 100; 200 e 400 mg.L-1 de IBA, por um período de 14 horas. Avaliaram-se: porcentagem de sobrevivência; porcentagem de enraizamento; comprimento, e número médios de raízes. Analisando os resultados, conclui-se que: o Citrus volkameriana e o Citrus limonia mostraram resultados superiores aos obtidos para as demais espécies estudadas; a porcentagem de sobrevivência é influenciada pela dose de IBA, pelo porta-enxerto e pela época de coleta das estacas; a porcentagem de enraizamento é influenciada pelas características genéticas do porta-enxerto e época de coleta; o comprimento médio das raízes é influenciado pelo porta-enxerto e época de coleta das estacas; o número médio de raízes é influenciado pela dose de IBA e pelo porta-enxerto.


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Com objetivo de avaliar a capacidade de propagação vegetativa de Dovyalis sp. pelo método da alporquia, realizou-se o presente trabalho. Foram utilizados ramos com cerca de 50 centímetros, os quais receberam os tratamentos: 0; 1.000; 3.000; 5.000 e 7.000 mg/kg de ácido indolbutírico (AIB) diluídos em lanolina, em duas épocas do ano: outono e primavera. No outono, considerou-se como subparcelas as localizações dos alporques por toda a planta, analisando-as como alporques da parte superior e inferior da copa e das faces norte e sul da planta. Na primavera, por insuficiência de ramos, apenas foram consideradas as doses com AIB. Nas épocas estudadas, o outono foi a que demonstrou maior percentagem de enraizamento e número de raízes (93,93 e 10,26 %, respectivamente). Obteve-se que o enraizamento independe da posição do ramo na planta, para esta época. O maior comprimento de raízes foi obtido na primavera.


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This graduate thesis proposes a model to asynchronously replicate heterogeneous databases. This model singularly combines -in a systematic way and in a single project -different concepts, techniques and paradigms related to the areas of database replication and management of heterogeneous databases. One of the main advantages of the replication is to allow applications to continue to process information, during time intervals when they are off the network and to trigger the database synchronization, as soon as the network connection is reestablished. Therefore, the model introduces a communication and update protocol that takes in consideration the environment of asynchronous characteristics used. As part of the work, a tool was developed in Java language, based on the model s premises in order to process, test, simulate and validate the proposed model


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In this dissertation new models of propagation path loss predictions are proposed by from techniques of optimization recent and measures of power levels for the urban and suburban areas of Natal, city of Brazilian northeast. These new proposed models are: (i) a statistical model that was implemented based in the addition of second-order statistics for the power and the altimetry of the relief in model of linear losses; (ii) a artificial neural networks model used the training of the algorithm backpropagation, in order to get the equation of propagation losses; (iii) a model based on the technique of the random walker, that considers the random of the absorption and the chaos of the environment and than its unknown parameters for the equation of propagation losses are determined through of a neural network. The digitalization of the relief for the urban and suburban areas of Natal were carried through of the development of specific computational programs and had been used available maps in the Statistics and Geography Brazilian Institute. The validations of the proposed propagation models had been carried through comparisons with measures and propagation classic models, and numerical good agreements were observed. These new considered models could be applied to any urban and suburban scenes with characteristic similar architectural to the city of Natal


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A 2.5D ray-tracing propagation model is proposed to predict radio loss in indoor environment. Specifically, we opted for the Shooting and Bouncing Rays (SBR) method, together with the Geometrieal Theory of Diffrartion (GTD). Besides the line-of-sight propagation (LOS), we consider that the radio waves may experience reflection, refraction, and diffraction (NLOS). In the Shooting and Bouncing Rays (SBR) method, the transmitter antenna launches a bundle of rays that may or may not reach the receiver. Considering the transmitting antenna as a point, the rays will start to launch from this position and can reach the receiver either directly or after reflections, refractions, diffractions, or even after any combination of the previous effects. To model the environment, a database is built to record geometrical characteristics and information on the constituent materials of the scenario. The database works independently of the simulation program, allowing robustness and flexibility to model other seenarios. Each propagation mechanism is treated separately. In line-of-sight propagation, the main contribution to the received signal comes from the direct ray, while reflected, refracted, and diffracted signal dominate when the line-of-sight is blocked. For this case, the transmitted signal reaches the receiver through more than one path, resulting in a multipath fading. The transmitting channel of a mobile system is simulated by moving either the transmitter or the receiver around the environment. The validity of the method is verified through simulations and measurements. The computed path losses are compared with the measured values at 1.8 GHz ftequency. The results were obtained for the main corridor and room classes adjacent to it. A reasonable agreement is observed. The numerical predictions are also compared with published data at 900 MHz and 2.44 GHz frequencies showing good convergence


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The present work deals with the ana1ysis of microstrip patch antennas printed on tapered dielectric substrates. We investigate the influence ofthe substrate height variations on the properties of configurations such as microstrip patch antennas, microstrip patch antennas with overlay and suspendeô microstrip patch antennas. The dielectric substrates can be isotropic or anisotropic ones. This accurate analysis is based on the full-wave formulation. It is carried out initially for the determination of the impedance matrix, through the use of the spectral¬domain immitance approach. We use a model based on a segmentation of the considered line into uniform microstrip line subsections. Normalized phase constants and characteristic impedances are obtained by means of the Galerkin numerical technique. Then, the cascaded combination of the uniform microstrip subsections are analyzed through an interactive procedure. Numerical results are presented for the input reflection coefficient, voltage standing wave ratio, resonant frequency, and radiation pattems ofthe E_plane and H-plane diagrams. It is found that the variations in the substrate height profile produce a great influence on the bandwidth of microstrip antennas. This procedure gives bandwidth improvements without altering considerably the resonant frequency. Furthermore, the tapered microstrip antenna can be used as a lightweight altemative for bandwidth control and to eXtend the use of microstiip antenna technology to a wider variety of applications. Finally, suggestions for the continuity of this work are presented


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The telecommunications industry has experienced recent changes, due to increasing quest for access to digital services for data, video and multimedia, especially using the mobile phone networks. Recently in Brazil, mobile operators are upgrading their networks to third generations systems (3G) providing to users broadband services such as video conferencing, Internet, digital TV and more. These new networks that provides mobility and high data rates has allowed the development of new market concepts. Currently the market is focused on the expansion of WiMAX technology, which is gaining increasingly the market for mobile voice and data. In Brazil, the commercial interest for this technology appears to the first award of licenses in the 3.5 GHz band. In February 2003 ANATEL held the 003/2002/SPV-ANATEL bidding, where it offered blocks of frequencies in the range of 3.5 GHz. The enterprises who purchased blocks of frequency were: Embratel, Brazil Telecom (Vant), Grupo Sinos, Neovia and WKVE, each one with operations spread in some regions of Brazil. For this and other wireless communications systems are implemented effectively, many efforts have been invested in attempts to developing simulation methods for coverage prediction that is close to reality as much as possible so that they may become believers and indispensable tools to design wireless communications systems. In this work wasm developed a genetic algorithm (GA's) that is able to optimize the models for predicting propagation loss at applicable frequency range of 3.5 GHz, thus enabling an estimate of the signal closer to reality to avoid significant errors in planning and implementation a system of wireless communication


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The development of wireless telecommunication in the last years has been great. It has been taking academics to conceive new ideas and techniques. Their aims are to increase the capacity and the quality of the system s services. Cells that are smaller every time, frequencies that are every time higher and environments that get more and more complex, all those facts deserve more accurate models the propagation prediction techniques are inserted in this context and results with a merger of error that is compatible with the next generations of communication systems. The objective of this Work is to present results of a propagation measurement campaign, aiming at pointing the characteristics of the mobile systems covering in the city of Natal (state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil). A mobile laboratory was set up, using the infra-structure available and frequently used by ANATEL. The measures were taken in three different areas: one characterized by high buildings, high relief, presence of trees and towers of different highs. These areas covered the city s central zone, a suburban / rural zone and a section of coast surrounded by sand dunes. It is important to highlight that the analysis was made taking into consideration the actual reality of cellular systems with covering ranges by reduced cells, with the intent of causing greater re-use of frequencies and greater capacity of telephone traffic. The predominance of telephone traffic by cell in the city of Natal occurs within a range inferior to 3 (three) km from the Radio-Base Station. The frequency band used was 800 MHz, corresponding to the control channels of the respective sites, which adopt the FSK modulation technique. This Dissertation starts by presenting a general vision of the models used for predicting propagation. Then, there is a description of the methodology used in the measuring, which were done using the same channels of control of the cellular system. The results obtained were compared with many existing prediction models, and some adaptations were developed by using regression techniques trying to obtain the most optimized solutions. Furthermore, according to regulations from the old Brazilian Holding Telebrás, a minimum covering of 90% of a determined previously area, in 90% of the time, must be obeyed when implanting cellular systems. For such value to be reached, considerations and studies involving the specific environment that is being covered are important. The objective of this work is contribute to this aspect


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This work presents a theoretical analysis and numerical and experimental results of the scattering characteristics of frequency selective surfaces, using elements of type patch perfectly conductor. The structures are composed of two frequency selective surfaces on isotropic dielectric substrates cascaded, separated by a layer of air. The analysis is performed using the method of equivalent transmission line in combination with the Galerkin method, to determine the transmission and reflection characteristics of the structures analyzed. Specifically, the analysis uses the impedance method, which models the structure by an equivalent circuit, and applies the theory of transmission lines to determine the dyadic Green's function for the cascade structure. This function relates the incident field and surface current densities. These fields are determined algebraically by means of potential incidents and the imposition of the continuity of the fields in the dielectric interfaces. The Galerkin method is applied to the numerical determination of the unknown weight coefficients and hence the unknown densities of surface currents, which are expanded in terms of known basis functions multiplied by these weight coefficients. From the determination of these functions, it becomes possible to obtain numerical scattered fields at the top and bottom of the structures and characteristics of transmission and reflection of these structures. At work, we present numerical and experimental results for the characteristics of transmission and reflection. Comparisons were made with other results presented in literature, and it was observed a good agreement in the cases presented suggestions continuity of the work are presented


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Recently, an amazing development has been observed in telecommunication systems. Two good examples of this development are observed in mobile communication and aerospace systems. This impressive development is related to the increasing need for receiving and transmitting communication signals. Particularly, this development has required the study of new antennas and filters. This work presents a fullwave analysis of reflectarrays. The considered structures are composed by arrays of rectangular conducting patches printed on multilayer dieletric substrates, that are mounted on a ground plane. The analysis is developed in the spectral domain, using an equivalent transmission line method in combination with Galerkin method. Results for the reflection coefficient of these structures are presented and compared to those available in the literature. A good agreement was observed. Particularly, the developed analysis uses the transmission lines theory in combination with the incident potentials and the field continuity equations, at the structures interfaces, for obtaining the scattered field components expressions as function of the patch surface currents and of the incident field. Galerkin method is used to determine the unknown coefficients in the boundary value problem. Curves for the reflection coefficient of several reflectarray geometries are presented as function of frequency and of the structural parameters


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A propagação vegetativa é considerada importante ferramenta para o melhoramento de espécies lenhosas e herbáceas e vem sendo amplamente utilizada, visando melhorar e manter variedades de importância econômica e medicinal. Neste contexto utilizou-se estacas de alfavaca-cravo de 15 cm para apicais e 25 cm para as medianas, sendo estas com e sem folhas. As estacas foram plantadas em bandejas de isopor de 72 células, utilizando-se 10 substratos. Após 35 dias, as estacas foram retiradas com cuidado, sendo as partes aéreas e radiculares separadas e acondicionadas em saco de papel e mantidas em estufa a 70ºC por 48 h para posterior avaliação da matéria seca. Analisou-se a percentagem de enraizamento, número de folhas na estaca, peso de matéria seca de folha e de raiz. Não houve interação significativa entre os diferentes tipos de substrato e estaca para percentagem de enraizamento, sendo que os substratos de modo geral diferiram pouco entre si. Entre os tipos de estaca destacaram-se para esta variável a mediana sem folha e a apical com folha. Para as demais variáveis houve interação significativa entre o tipo de estaca e o substrato. A melhor estaca foi a mediana sem folhas plantadas em substrato arisco + esterco + húmus e vermiculita nas seguintes proporções: 20%:40%:40%; 40%:20%:40% e 40%:40%.


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This work was carried out in five counties of Amazon State, Brazil, along the Solimoes/Amazonas and Negro Rivers. The objective was to identify the several forms of natural and induced propagation with medicinal plants, natives and exotics. The peoples were interviewed, with visit and recollection of botanical materials to herborization and reproduction. The greatest parts of plants propagate by seeds (65,8 per cent) and cutting (23,5 per cent). It was showed several species that reproduce by other strategies, like bulbs, rhizomes or brotations. The Amazonian species, in general, propagate by seeds, with some exceptions.


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Recently, an amazing development has been observed in telecommunication systems. Two good examples of this development are observed in mobile communication and aerospace systems. This impressive development is related to the increasing need for receiving and transmitting communication signals. Particularly, this development has required the study of new antennas and filters. This work presents a fullwave analysis of reflectarrays. The considered structures are composed by arrays of rectangular conducting patches printed on multilayer dieletric substrates, that are mounted on a ground plane. The analysis is developed in the spectral domain, using an equivalent transmission line method in combination with Galerkin method. Results for the reflection coefficient of these structures are presented and compared to those available in the literature. A good agreement was observed. Particularly, the developed analysis uses the transmission lines theory in combination with the incident potentials and the field continuity equations, at the structures interfaces, for obtaining the scattered field components expressions as function of the patch surface currents and of the incident field. Galerkin method is used to determine the unknown coefficients in the boundary value problem. Curves for the reflection coefficient of several reflectarray geometries are presented as function of frequency and of the structural parameters


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Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar os melhores métodos e épocas de realização da enxertia, sobre o pegamento de enxertos de aroeira-pimenteira (Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi). Foram conduzidos dois experimentos, instalados na Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas, da Universidade Estadual Paulista - Câmpus de Botucatu-SP, nos períodos de 16 de dezembro de 2005 a 30 de janeiro 2006 e de 03 de junho a 17 de julho de 2006. O delineamento utilizado foi de blocos casualizados, com cinco tratamentos, três repetições cada e dez plantas por parcela. Os tratamentos foram: garfagem no topo em fenda cheia, inglês simples, inglês complicado; borbulhia em T normal e T invertido. As diferentes épocas do ano alteraram o índice de pegamento, o que restringe o período de coleta de garfos. A maior porcentagem de pegamento ocorreu no mês de dezembro, com a enxertia em fenda cheia (40%). No mês de junho, não houve pegamento significativo, mostrando então que o mês de dezembro é o mês ideal, entre os estudados, para a realização da enxertia em aroeira. As garfagens em geral foram superiores à borbulhia. Houve baixo índice de pegamento, quando não foi nulo, e, além disso, suas borbulhas não apresentaram brotos dentro de 45 dias. A maior porcentagem de plantas com brotos, aos 45 dias, foi pelo método inglês simples, com 92%.