933 resultados para Project 2002-043-B : Smart Building For Healthy and Sustainable Workplaces – Scoping Study


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Lâobiettivo della tesi è quello di fare una panoramica sulla strategia BIM e quindi sulla digitalizzazione del processo costruttivo. Grazie alla analisi di un caso di studio, altro obiettivo è quello di analizzare e valutare la metodologia BIM 4D/5D, ossia la gestione dei tempi e dei costi di realizzazione dellâopera. Nella prima fase si affronta il tema del BIM, con una analisi sullâevoluzione degli strumenti di elaborazione e rappresentazione digitale del progetto architettonico, su come questi strumenti si differenzino sia dal punto di vista operativo che concettuale rivoluzionando il flusso di lavoro odierno. Quindi, partendo da unâanalisi che e ritrae lâestrema frammentazione del settore delle costruzioni, si va ad analizzare come il BIM aumenti e favorisca la collaborazione delle parti interessate, armonizzando lâintero processo costruttivo dellâopera. Si prosegue con l'esame della diffusione e del livello di maturità degli strumenti BIM, di come i privati e le amministrazioni pubbliche, a livello mondiale, stiano spingendo per favorire lâadozione della metodologia BIM. Inoltre si analizzano le dinamiche dellâinteroperabilità, delle metodologie e protocolli di interscambio dati, che sono un elemento chiave per il successo del BIM per via dei numerosi strumenti, specializzati nelle varie discipline del settore edile. Nella terza parte, dedicata al Project Management di un caso di studio, si verifica la bontà delle metodologie teorizzate attraverso la realizzazione di un modello virtuale in Revit. Dal modello realizzato dal laureando sono estrapolate le informazioni necessarie alla gestione, e tramite il software STRVison CPM, si elaborano i principali documenti per la progettazione e gestione del cantiere: il CM, il CME, i tempi operativi, il cronoprogramma Gantt. Obbiettivo è constatare lâeffettivo livello di maturità della strategia BIM 4D e 5D e la reale possibilità di un impiego capillare nel panorama italiano del settore delle costruzioni.


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"5536, edition 1."


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Pooled serum samples from 3802 Australian residents were analyzed for four perfluoroalkylsulfonates, seven perfluoroalkylcarboxylates, and perfluorooctanesulfonamide (PFOSA). Serum was collected from men and women of five different age groups and from rural and urban regions in Australia. The highest mean concentration was obtained for perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS, 20.8 ng/mL) followed by perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA, 7.6 ng/mL), perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS, 6.2 ng/mL), perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA, 1.1 ng/mL), and PFOSA (0.71 ng/mL). Additional four PFCs were detected in 5-18 % of the samples at concentrations near the detection limits (0.1-0.5 ng/mL). An increase in PFOS concentration with increasing age in both regions and genders was observed. The male pool levels of some of the age groups compared to females were higher for PFOS, PFOA, and PFHxS. In contrast, PFNA concentrations were higher in the female pools. No substantial difference was found in levels of PFCs between the urban and rural regions. The levels are equal or higher than previously reported serum levels in Europe and Asia but lower compared to the U. S. A. These results suggest that emissions from production in the Northern Hemisphere are of less importance for human exposure.


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We have carried out a discovery proteomics investigation aimed at identifying disease biomarkers present in saliva, and, more specifically, early biomarkers of inflammation. The proteomic characterization of saliva is possible due to the straightforward and non-invasive sample collection that allows repetitive analyses for pharmacokinetic studies. These advantages are particularly relevant in the case of newborn patients. The study was carried out with samples collected during the first 48 hours of life of the newborns according to an approved Ethic Committee procedure. In particular, the salivary samples were collected from healthy and infected (n=1) newborns. Proteins were extracted through cycles of sonication, precipitated in ice cold acetone, resuspended and resolved by 2D-electrophoresis. MALDI TOF/TOF mass spectrometry analysis was performed for each spot obtaining the proteinsâ identifications. Then we compared healthy newborn salivary proteome and an infected newborn salivary proteome in order to investigate proteins differently expressed in inflammatory condition. In particular the protein alpha-1-antitrypsin (A1AT), correlated with inflammation, was detected differently expressed in the infected newborn saliva. Therefore, in the second part of the project we aimed to develop a robust LC-MS based method that identifies and quantifies this inflammatory protein within saliva that might represent the first relevant step to diagnose a condition of inflammation with a no-invasive assay. The same LC-MS method is also useful to investigate the presence of the F allelic variant of the A1AT in biological samples, which is correlated with the onset of pulmonary diseases. In the last part of the work we analysed newborn saliva samples in order to investigate how phospholipids and mediators of inflammation (eicosanoids) are subject to variations under inflammatory conditions and a trend was observed in lysophosphatidylcholines composition according to the inflammatory conditions.


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Time, cost and quality achievements on large-scale construction projects are uncertain because of technological constraints, involvement of many stakeholders, long durations, large capital requirements and improper scope definitions. Projects that are exposed to such an uncertain environment can effectively be managed with the application of risk management throughout the project life cycle. Risk is by nature subjective. However, managing risk subjectively poses the danger of non-achievement of project goals. Moreover, risk analysis of the overall project also poses the danger of developing inappropriate responses. This article demonstrates a quantitative approach to construction risk management through an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and decision tree analysis. The entire project is classified to form a few work packages. With the involvement of project stakeholders, risky work packages are identified. As all the risk factors are identified, their effects are quantified by determining probability (using AHP) and severity (guess estimate). Various alternative responses are generated, listing the cost implications of mitigating the quantified risks. The expected monetary values are derived for each alternative in a decision tree framework and subsequent probability analysis helps to make the right decision in managing risks. In this article, the entire methodology is explained by using a case application of a cross-country petroleum pipeline project in India. The case study demonstrates the project management effectiveness of using AHP and DTA.


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Interest in the health of marine mammals has increased due, in part, to the attention given to human impact on the marine environment. Recent mass strandings of the Atlantic bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and rising mortalities of the endangered Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) have raised questions on the extent to which pollution, infectious disease, "stress," and captivity influence the immune system of these animals. This study has provided the first in-depth characterization of immunocytes in the peripheral blood of dolphins (n = 190) and manatees (n = 56). Immunocyte morphology and baseline values were determined in clinically normal animals under free-ranging, stranded and captive living conditions as well as by age and sex. Additionally, immunocyte population dynamics were characterized in sick animals. This was accomplished with traditional cytochemical techniques and new lymphocyte phenotyping methodology which was validated in this study. Traditional cytochemical techniques demonstrated that blood immunocyte morphology and cell numbers are similar to terrestrial mammals with some notable exceptions. The manatee heterophilic granulocyte is a morphologically unique cell and probably functions similarly to the typical mammalian neutrophil. Eosinophils were rarely found in manatees but were uncommonly high in healthy and sick dolphins. Basophils were not identified. Manatees had higher total lymphocyte numbers compared to dolphins and most terrestrial mammals. Lymphocyte subsets identified in healthy animals included T$\rm\sb{h}$, T$\rm\sb{c/s}$, B and NK cells. Dolphin and manatee T and B cell values were higher than those reported in man and most terrestrial mammals. The manatee has extraordinarily high absolute numbers of circulating T$\rm\sb{h}$ cells which suggests an enhanced immunological response capability. With few exceptions, immunocyte types and absolute numbers were not significantly different between free-ranging, stranded and captive categories or between sex and age categories. The evaluation of immunocyte dynamics in various disease states demonstrated a wide variation in cellular responses which provided new insights into innate, humoral and cell-mediated immunity in these species. Additionally, this study demonstrated that lymphocyte phenotyping has diagnostic significance and could be developed into a potential indicator of immunocompetence in both free-ranging and captive dolphin and manatee populations.


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Interest in the health of marine mammals has increased due, in part, to the attention given to human impact on the marine environment. Recent mass strandings of the Atlantic bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and rising mortalities of the endangered Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) have raised questions on the extent to which pollution, infectious disease, "stress," and captivity influence the immune system of these animals. This study has provided the first in-depth characterization of immunocytes in the peripheral blood of dolphins (n=180) and manatees (n=56). Immunocyte morphology and baseline values were determined in clinically normal animals under free-ranging, stranded and captive living conditions as well as by age and sex. Additionally, immuocyte population dynamics were characterized in sick animals. This was accomplished with traditional cytochemical techniques and new lymphocyte phenotyping methodology which was validated in this study. Traditional cytochemical techniques demonstrated that blood immunocyte morphology and cell numbers are similar to terrestrial mammals with some notable exceptions. The manatee heterophilic granulocyte is a morphologically unique cell and probably functions similarly to the typical mammalian neutrophil. Eosinophils were rarely found in manatees but were uncommonly high in healthy and sick dolphins. Basophils were not identified. Manatees had higher total lymphocyte numbers compared to dolphins and most terrestrial mammals. Lymphocyte subsets identified in healthy animals included Th, Tes, B and NK cells. Dolphin and manatee T and B cell values were higher than those reported in man and most terrestrial mammals. The manatee has extraordinarily high absolute numbers of circulating Th cells which suggests an enhanced immunological response capability. With few exceptions, immunocyte types and absolute numbers were not significantly different between free-ranging, stranded and captive categories or between sex and age categories. The evaluation of immunocyte dynamics in various disease states demonstrated a wide variation in cellular responses which provided new insights into innate, humoral and cell-mediated immunity in these species. Additionally, this study demonstrated that lymphocyte phenotyping has diagnostic significance and could be developed into a potential indicator of immunocompetence in both free-ranging and captive dolphin and manatee populations.


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The Enred@te initiative, created by Red Cross, the Vodafone Foundation and the TECSOS Foundation, emerged as an evolution of a previous project that developed and piloted a video-communication solution with older adults, using a system installed in their own televisions. Following the success of this first initiative, it was decided to advance toward a more flexible, robust, easy-to-use and high-quality solution, producing a social network accessible through tablets. Older adults can use the network to video-communicate with other older adults and stay informed on various topics of interest. Additionally, a new innovation incorporates the participation of virtual volunteers, a part of the network that promotes its use in an inclusive and participative manner. This solution was also piloted in 2014 with positive results and work to turn it into a service that can reach older adults through the Red Cross is currently on-going.


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PEDRINI, Aldomar; WESTPHAL, F. S.; LAMBERT, R.. A methodology for building energy modelling and calibration in warm climates. Building And Environment, Australia, n. 37, p.903-912, 2002. Disponível em: <http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MImg&_imagekey=B6V23-45HWPGF-2-41&_cdi=5691&_user=687335&_pii=S0360132302000513&_origin=search&_coverDate=09%2F30%2F2002&_sk=999629991&view=c&wchp=dGLzVtb-zSkzV&md5=f6342003b53dd1448e30308d082ba957&ie=/sdarticle.pdf>. Acesso em: 04 out. 2010.


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PEDRINI, Aldomar; WESTPHAL, F. S.; LAMBERT, R.. A methodology for building energy modelling and calibration in warm climates. Building And Environment, Australia, n. 37, p.903-912, 2002. Disponível em: <http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MImg&_imagekey=B6V23-45HWPGF-2-41&_cdi=5691&_user=687335&_pii=S0360132302000513&_origin=search&_coverDate=09%2F30%2F2002&_sk=999629991&view=c&wchp=dGLzVtb-zSkzV&md5=f6342003b53dd1448e30308d082ba957&ie=/sdarticle.pdf>. Acesso em: 04 out. 2010.


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Buses are considered a slow, low comfort and low reliability transport system, thus its negative and por image. In the framework of the 3iBS project (2012), several examples of innovative and/or effective solutions regarding the Level of Service (LoS) were analysed aiming to provide operators, practitioners and policy makers with a set of Good Practice Guidelines to strengthen the competitiveness of the bus in the urban environment. The identification of the key indicators regarding vehicles, infrastructure and operation was possible through the analysis of a set of case studies -among which Barcelona (Spain), Cagliari (Italy), London (United Kingdom), Paris and Nantes (France). A cross comparison between the case studies was carried out for contrasting the level of achievement of the different criteria considered. The information provided on Regulatory, Financial and Technical issues allows the identification of a number of specific factors influencing the implementation of a high quality transport scheme, and set the basis for the elaboration of a set of Guidelines for the implementation of an intelligent, innovative and integrated bus system, including the main barriers to be tackled.


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Micronutrient contents in leaf and branch tissues of cupuassu plants (Theobroma grand iflorum) infected by Crinipellis perniciosa, the causal agent of witches' broom disease, were determined to support further studies on the effect of nutritional status in the disease progress. Lower contents of boron and manganese and higher content of copper were found in infected leaf tissues. There was not any statistical difference in the copper content of branch tissues, even though higher copper content was found in healthy branches than in healthy leaf tissues. No changes in contents of iron and zinc in healthy of infected tissues were detected.


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Until now health impact assessment and environmental impact assessment are two different issues, often not addressed together. Both issues have to be dealt with for sustainable building. The aim of this paper is to link healthy and sustainable housing in life cycle assessment. Two strategies are studied: clean air as a functional unity and health as a quality indicator. The strategies are illustrated with an example on the basis of Eco-Quantum, which is a Dutch whole-building assessment tool. It turns out that both strategies do not conflict with the LCA methodology. The LCA methodology has to be refined for this purpose.