932 resultados para Programs evaluation
Introduction Here, we evaluated sweeping methods used to estimate the number of immature Aedes aegypti in large containers. Methods III/IV instars and pupae at a 9:1 ratio were placed in three types of containers with, each one with three different water levels. Two sweeping methods were tested: water-surface sweeping and five-sweep netting. The data were analyzed using linear regression. Results The five-sweep netting technique was more suitable for drums and water-tanks, while the water-surface sweeping method provided the best results for swimming pools. Conclusions Both sweeping methods are useful tools in epidemiological surveillance programs for the control of Aedes aegypti.
Introduction Dogs play a primary role in the zoonotic cycle of visceral leishmaniasis (VL). Therefore, the accurate diagnosis of infected dogs, primarily asymptomatic dogs, is crucial to the efficiency of VL control programs. Methods We investigated the agreement of four diagnostic tests for canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL): parasite detection, either after myeloculture or by direct microscopic examination of tissue imprints; kinetoplast-deoxyribonucleic acid-polymerase chain reaction (kDNA-PCR); and an immunochromatographic test (ICT). An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and an indirect immunofluorescence test (IFAT), both of which were adopted as part of the screening-culling program in Brazil, were used as reference tests. Our sample set consisted of 44 seropositive dogs, 25 of which were clinically asymptomatic and 19 were symptomatic for CVL according to ELISA-IFAT. Results The highest and lowest test co-positivities were observed for ICT (77.3%) and myeloculture (58.1%), respectively. When analyzed together, the overall percentage of co-positive tests was significantly higher for the symptomatic group compared to the asymptomatic group. However, only ICT was significantly different based on the results of a separate analysis per test for each group of dogs. The majority (93.8%) of animals exhibited at least one positive test result, with an average of 2.66 positive tests per dog. Half of the symptomatic dogs tested positive for all four tests administered. Conclusions The variability between test results reinforces the need for more efficient and reliable methods to accurately diagnose canine VL, particularly in asymptomatic animals.
The regular use of the computer in the office contributed to the appearance of many risk factors related with work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSD) such as maintaining static sitting postures for long time and awkward postures of the head, neck and upper limbs, leading to increased muscle activity in the cervical spine and shoulders. The objective of this study was to evaluate the presence of risk factors for WRMSD in an office using the Rapid Assessment Office Strain method (ROSA). Based on the results of this ergonomic evaluation, an occupational gym program was designed and implemented. Thirty-eight workplaces were evaluated using the observation of the tasks and pictures records in order to characterize those tasks in more detail. The ROSA tool was applied by an observer, who selected the appropriate score based on the worker's posture as well as the time spent in each posture. Scores were recorded for the sections of the method, specifically Chair, Monitor and Mouse and Keyboard and Telephone. The scores were recorded in a sheet developed for the method. The mean ROSA final score was 3.61 ± 0.64, for Chair section was 3.45 ± 0.55, to Monitor and Telephone section was 3.11 ± 0.61, and to Mouse and Keyboard section was 2.11 ± 0.31. The results led to understand that the analyzed tasks represent situations of risk of discomfort and, according to the methods guidelines, further research and modifications of the workplace may be necessary. It should be emphasized that these scores may not be related to the poor available equipment but with the need to optimize their use by the workers. It was noticed also that the interaction of workers with the tasks and the adopted sitting posture at the computer throughout the day have effects at a muscular level, essentially for the cervical area and shoulders. ROSA tool is an useful and easy method to assess several risk factors associated with WRMSD, also allowing the design of specific occupational gym programs.
To establish an insecticidal resistance surveillance program, Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes from São Paulo, Brazil, were colonized (PIN95 strain) and analyzed for levels of resistance. The PIN95 strain showed low levels of resistance to organophosphates [malathion (3.3-fold), fenitrothion (11.2-fold)] and a carbamate [propoxur (3.0-fold)]. We also observed an increase of 7.4 and 9.9 in a and b esterase activities, respectively, when compared with the reference IAL strain. An alteration in the sensitivity of acetylcholinesterase to insecticide inhibition was also found in the PIN95 mosquitoes. The resistant allele (Ace.1R), however, was found at low frequencies (0.12) and does not play an important role in the described insecticide resistance. One year later, Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes were collected (PIN96 strain) at the same site and compared to the PIN95 strain. The esterase activity patterns observed for the PIN96 strain were similar to those of the PIN95 mosquitoes. However the occurrence of the Ace.1R allele was statistically higher in the PIN96 strain. The results show that esterase-based insecticide resistance was established in the PIN95 Cx. quinquefasciatus population and that an acethylcholinesterase based resistant mechanism has been selected for. A continuous monitoring of this phenomenon is fundamental for rational mosquito control and insecticide application programs.
We evaluated the potential of Mesocyclops annulatus as a control agent of Aedes aegypti in La Plata city (Argentina). Mosquito larval survivorship due to predation by these copepods was estimated at weekly intervals during the oviposition period of A. aegypti. Mean weekly A. aegypti larval survivorship in cylindrical plastic containers (12 cm height and 11 cm diameter) with copepods was significantly lower than in control containers. Furthermore, weekly larval survival was negatively correlated with M. annulatus adult density, and approximately 23 adult copepods/container would be a threshold density over which the weekly mosquito larval survivorship approached zero. The copepods were able to persist in all containers during approximately 100 days (in three of them until the end of the experiment: 155 days) without the resource represented by A. aegypti larvae. The predation and persistence observed suggest that M. annulatus is a potential control agent to be considered in biological control programs.
Background: Disease management, a system of coordinated health care interventions for populations with chronic diseases in which patient self-care is a key aspect, has been shown to be effective for several conditions. Little is known on the supply of disease management programs in Switzerland. Objectives: To systematically search, record and evaluate data on existing disease management programs in Switzerland. Methods: Programs met our operational definition of disease management if their interventions targeted a chronic disease, included a multidisciplinary team and lasted at least 6 months. To find existing programs, we searched Swiss official websites, Swiss web-pages using Google, medical electronic database (Medline), and checked references from selected documents. We also contacted personally known individuals, those identified as possibly working in the field, individuals working in major Swiss health insurance companies and people recommended by previously contacted persons (snow ball strategy). We developed an extraction grid and collected information pertaining to the following 8 domains: patient population, intervention recipient, intervention content, delivery personnel, method of communication, intensity and complexity, environment and clinical outcomes (measures?). Results: We identified 8 programs fulfilling our operational definition of disease management. Programs targeted patients with diabetes, hypertension, heart failure, obesity, alcohol dependence, psychiatric disorders or breast cancer, and were mainly directed towards patients. The interventions were multifaceted and included education in almost all cases. Half of the programs included regularly scheduled follow-up, by phone in 3 instances. Healthcare professionals involved were physicians, nurses, case managers, social workers, psychologists and dietitians. None fulfilled the 6 criteria established by the Disease Management Association of America. Conclusions: Our study shows that disease management programs, in a country with universal health insurance coverage and little incentive to develop new healthcare strategies, are scarce, although we may have missed existing programs. Nonetheless, those already implemented are very interesting and rather comprehensive. Appropriate evaluation of these programs should be performed in order to build upon them and try to design a generic disease management framework suited to the Swiss healthcare system.
To evaluate how young physicians in training perceive their patients' cardiovascular risk based on the medical charts and their clinical judgment. Cross sectional observational study. University outpatient clinic, Lausanne, Switzerland. Two hundred hypertensive patients and 50 non-hypertensive patients with at least one cardiovascular risk factor. Comparison of the absolute 10-year cardiovascular risk calculated by a computer program based on the Framingham score and adapted for physicians by the WHO/ISH with the perceived risk as assessed clinically by the physicians. Physicians underestimated the 10-year cardiovascular risk of their patients compared to that calculated with the Framingham score. Concordance between methods was 39% for hypertensive patients and 30% for non-hypertensive patients. Underestimation of cardiovascular risks for hypertensive patients was related to the fact they had a stabilized systolic blood pressure under 140 mm Hg (OR = 2.1 [1.1; 4.1]). These data show that young physicians in training often have an incorrect perception of the cardiovascular risk of their patients with a tendency to underestimate the risk. However, the calculated risk could also be slightly overestimated when applying the Framingham Heart Study model to a Swiss population. To implement a systematic evaluation of risk factors in primary care a greater emphasis should be placed on the teaching of cardiovascular risk evaluation and on the implementation of quality improvement programs.
[Table des matières] 1. Zusammenfassung und Empfehlungen. 2. Einleitung. 2.1. Hintergrund der Nationalen Krebsbekämpfungsprogramme. 2.2. Grundlagen der Konzeptualisierung der vier Programme. 3. Nationales Programm zur Bekämpfung des Brustkrebses, des Hautkrebses, des Lungkrebses, des Darmkrebses : Beschreibung und beurteilung der Konzeptualisierung des Programms und Schlussfolgerungen und Empfehlungen. 4. Programmübergreifende Aspekte. 5. Chronologische Ubersicht der vier nationalen Krebsbekämpfungsprogramme. 6. Liste des Interviews, welche im Rahmen der Studie 3 der Evaluation der Nationalen Krebsbekämpfungs-Programme durchgeführt wurden. 7. Geplante Realisierung von Zielen in den Bereichen : Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention, Sekundärprävention, Therapie und Nachsorge durch das Programm Brustkrebs. 8. Evaluationsstudien. 9. Raster Umsetzung der Programmbausteine.
Studies were carried out to evaluate the efficacy of the growth regulator, triflumuron (TFM) (Starycide® sc 480 Bayer), for disrupting the development of Rhodnius prolixus fifth-instar nymph by oral, topical or continuous treatment. All treatments were able to induce high levels of mortality, delay development and molt inhibition. Oral treatment induced molt inhibition in all insects that survived at doses of 0.25, 0.50 and 5.0 mg/mL of a blood meal. The highest levels of both mortality in 24 h and molt inhibition were always observed after topical treatment. The lowest doses needed to obtain considerable biological effects were always observed after continuous treatment. In this way, the highest levels of mortality within 30 days were detected after continuous treatment, which also induced an extended inter-molting period, a lower number of over-aged nymphs and the highest level of molting in nymphs that survived. Moreover, the effects of TFM on insects were often displayed in a dose response manner. These results indicate that TFM acts as a potent growth inhibitor of R. prolixus nymphs and has the potential to be used in integrated vector control programs against hematophagous triatomine species.
Evaluation of segmentation methods is a crucial aspect in image processing, especially in the medical imaging field, where small differences between segmented regions in the anatomy can be of paramount importance. Usually, segmentation evaluation is based on a measure that depends on the number of segmented voxels inside and outside of some reference regions that are called gold standards. Although some other measures have been also used, in this work we propose a set of new similarity measures, based on different features, such as the location and intensity values of the misclassified voxels, and the connectivity and the boundaries of the segmented data. Using the multidimensional information provided by these measures, we propose a new evaluation method whose results are visualized applying a Principal Component Analysis of the data, obtaining a simplified graphical method to compare different segmentation results. We have carried out an intensive study using several classic segmentation methods applied to a set of MRI simulated data of the brain with several noise and RF inhomogeneity levels, and also to real data, showing that the new measures proposed here and the results that we have obtained from the multidimensional evaluation, improve the robustness of the evaluation and provides better understanding about the difference between segmentation methods.
Lifting is said to be on of the major risk factors for the onset of low back pain, several different measures has been developed to study this. Several programs are available in order to measure these components, or to determine the ability of an individual to perform a certain job or to discover if the job creates dangerous positions for the worker. In these different fields reliable and valid instruments exist but they are costly and time spending. We present a simplified functional capacity measuring that we use daily in practise. Method: 280 patients have been evaluated on this base. The majority was referred to multidisciplinary rehabilitation treatment. The patients had recurrent back problems for months or years. Inclusion criteria were between 18 and 64 years, currently of work, no work compensation. Exclusion criteria were chronic low back pain with a specific cause. They followed a one-hour evaluation test as a functional capacity evaluation at the end of the multidisciplinary treatment period, it was compared to the PILE-test done at the beginning and at the end. Results: We included 280 subjects: 160 men and 120 women. Mean age 43.6 by the women and 44 years by the men. We studied the caring foot-hip, hip-shoulder, 5 m carrying, pushing and tiring and the global weight carried during the test. We found this global value to be 696 kg by men and 422 kg by women suffering from chronic lumbar pain. The increase in this value had a clear incidence on a greater work ability, as had a decrease. Conclusions: We were able to develop a lifting capacity program that is easy to reproduce and not expensive, giving us the possibility to have an idea on how to reorient the patients according to their work place and their capacities. We could also have an information of work performance and power consumption. It should be more tested and compared to standard capacity in the healthy population.
The LSTA goals for Iowa, FY98-FY02, are as follows: 1. Provide all Iowans with expanded access to information and materials through the State of Iowa Libraries Online (SILO) network. 2. Improve library service to Iowans through knowledgeable, well-trained staff and wellinformed public library trustees and library users. 3. Meet Iowans’ increasing demands for information and library services by identifying and encouraging resource sharing and partnerships. 4. Provide state level leadership and services to accomplish the LSTA Five-Year Plan. The primary objectives of this evaluation are to provide: $ An assessment of the overall impact of Iowa’s LSTA funding and success in achieving the goals identified in the state’s five-year plan. $ An in-depth analysis of two specific goals from the plan: providing Iowans with expanded access to information and materials through the State of Iowa Libraries Online (SILO) network; and improving library service to Iowans through knowledgeable, well-trained staff and well-informed public library trustees and library users. LSTA built on accomplishments made possible with the federal HEA II-B grant awarded to the State Library in 1995. This grant led the way in bringing technology to Iowa libraries by creating an electronic library network for resource sharing. SILO (State of Iowa Libraries Online) became fully functional in 1997. The State Library continued funding SILO with LSTA money when the grant ended. This funding supports the SILO infrastructure, providing equitable access to information through cutting edge technology to Iowans in both small and large, rural and urban, communities. Access to electronic material and information has encouraged public libraries to increase the number of computers and public access to the Internet. LSTA funding was used to increase training opportunities for library staff and trustees. Many programs, such as librarian certification, were strengthened by an increase in continuing education opportunities.
During the 2005 Legislative Session the Iowa Department of Revenue received an appropriation to establish the Tax Credits Tracking and Analysis Program (TCTAP) to track tax credit awards and claims. In addition, the Department was directed to perform periodic evaluations of tax credit programs. The purpose of these studies is three-fold: (1) To provide a comparison of the Iowa tax credit program to similar federal and other states’ programs (2) To summarize information related to the usage of the Iowa tax credit (3) To evaluate the economic impact of the tax credit program.
During the 2005 Legislative Session the Iowa Department of Revenue received an appropriation to establish the Tax Credits Tracking and Analysis Program (TCTAP) to track tax credit awards and claims. In addition, the Department was directed to perform periodic evaluations of tax credit programs. The purpose of these studies is three-fold: (1) To provide a comparison of the Iowa tax credit program to similar federal and other states’ programs (2) To summarize information related to the usage of the Iowa tax credit (3) To evaluate the economic impact of the tax credit program.
During the 2005 Legislative Session the Iowa Department of Revenue received an appropriation to establish the Tax Credits Tracking and Analysis Program (TCTAP) to track tax credit awards and claims. In addition, the Department was directed to perform periodic evaluations of tax credit programs. The purpose of these studies is three-fold: (1) To provide a comparison of the Iowa tax credit program to similar federal and other states’ programs (2) To summarize information related to the usage of the Iowa tax credit (3) To evaluate the economic impact of the tax credit program.