973 resultados para Productive disposition


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This article reports that the population bulge of the post-war baby boom, increased life expectancy and declining birth rates are forcing governments to address the changing demographic of an "older" society. Successful ageing revolves around optimum health and well-being, active support networks and engagement in the community, and personal autonomy over life choices. Despite the social and financial advantages of work, many people look forward to retirement and begin retirement planning in the latter part of their working life.


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This book is an accessible entry point into the theory and practice of work reflection for students and practitioners. Taking a cross-disciplinary approach, it covers management, education, organizational psychology and sociology, drawing on examples from Europe, the Middle East, North America and Australia. It traces reflection at work from an emphasis on training, through a focus on how organizations learn, to a concern with the necessary learning groups to operate effectively. It emphasizes productivity combined with satisfying lived experience of work life and points the way to a new collective focus on learning at work. © 2006 David Boud, Peter Cressey and Peter Docherty. All rights reserved.


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Should a single mother of four young children who commits theft be sentenced to a lesser sanction than a woman who commits the same crime but has no dependents? Should a billionaire philanthropist be sentenced to a lesser penalty than the average citizen for assaulting a random bystander? Should a first-time thief receive a lighter sanction than a career thief for the same theft? The relevance of an offender’s profile to sentencing is unclear and is one of the most under-researched and least coherent areas of sentencing law. Intuitively, there is some appeal in treating offenders without a criminal record, those who have made a positive contribution to society, or who have dependents more leniently than other offenders. However, to allow these considerations to mitigate penalty potentially licenses offenders to commit crime and decouples the sanction from the severity of the offense, thereby undermining the proportionality principle. This article analyzes the relevance that an offender’s profile should have in sentencing. We conclude that a lack of prior convictions should generally reduce penalty because the empirical data shows that, in relation to most offenses, first-time offenders are less likely to reoffend than recidivist offenders. The situation is more complex in relation to offenders who have made worthy social contributions. They should not be given sentencing credit for past achievements given that past good acts have no relevance to the proper objectives of sentencing and it is normally not tenable, even in a crude sense, to make an informed assessment of an individual’s overall societal contribution. However, offenders should be accorded a sentencing reduction if they have financial or physical dependents and if imprisoning them is likely to cause harm to their dependents. Conferring asentencing discount to first-time offenders and those withdependents does not license them to commit crime or unjustifiablyencroach on the proportionality principle. Rather, it recognizes thedifferent layers of the legal system and the reality that sentencinglaw should not reflexively overwhelm broader maxims of justice,including the principle that innocent people should not suffer. Thisarticle argues that fundamental legislative reform is necessary toproperly reflect the role that the profile of offenders should have inthe sentencing regime.


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High incarceration rates of Aboriginal Western Australians leads to between 1800 and 2000 Aboriginal prisoners at any one time. Despite this little is written or noted in Australian peer reviewed academic literature about education provision to Aboriginal prisoners. "Closing the Gap: learning from and privileging Aboriginal voices to learn what helps and hinders educationin WA prisons" is a PhD project nearing submission. It has been conducted in partnership with the Deaths in Custody Watch Committee as we ll as with the support of a local community legalservice. The findings are relevant beyond a prison context.This paper specifically focuses on how understandings of the concept of productivity can differ. Itconsiders what might or might not be helpful in achieving productive educational and trainingoutcomes in Western Australian prisons for Indigenous individuals, families and communities. Itrelies heavily on the words of the author's teachers; the Aboriginal participants in the project alongside Indigenous authors and academics. The paper concludes by considering implications for developing and evaluating training programs in more flexible ways that respect diversity.


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Objectively comparing cashmere goats with different cashmere production, mean fibre diameter (MFD) and staple length (SL) is difficult for farmers. We aimed to develop indices to enable cashmere producers to identify productive goats within their own farms once adjustments had been made for the primary determinants of cashmere production. That is we aimed to develop indices that identify goats and herds that biologically have a high fleece weight in relation to MFD and SL. We used a sample of 1244 commercial cashmere fleeces from goats originating from many Australian farms based in different environmental zones and a previously developed general linear model that related the logarithm of clean cashmere production (CCMwt) and any other potential determinant. In the present study, sub-models were investigated in order to develop new indices for comparing goats in the same farm, based on fleece characteristics and biological efficiency. New Index (MFD), equal to 6.02×CCMwt/1.1531MFD, was developed to identify animals of biologically high CCMwt in relation to their MFD. Unlike previously reported results that MFD is not a useful measurement for comparing the biological efficiency of cashmere goats across farms, the New Index (MFD) allows comparison of the biological efficiency of cashmere goats within farms. New Index (SL), equal to 2.70 × CCMwt/1.1414SL, was developed to identify animals of biologically high CCMwt in relation to their SL. New Index (SL) is very similar to the Clean Cashmere Staple Length Index (CCSLI) that had been previously reported for comparison of cashmere goats across farms, and thus the CCSLI can be usefully used for comparing the biological efficiency of cashmere goats both across and within farms. New Index MFD, SL = 8.90 × CCMwt/1.243(MFD+SL)/2 was developed to identify animals of biologically high CCMwt in relation to both their MFD and SL within farms, and provides useful information above using either New Index (MFD) or CCSLI. The indices can be presented in the same measurement units as fleece weight, which is a biological concept easily understood by cashmere producers, and enable comparisons to be made between animals using just one attribute, clean cashmere weight.


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This unique book explores school improvement policy – from its translation into national contexts and school networks to its implementation in leader and teacher practices in individual schools and classrooms within this network of schools and its impact on students’ learning. It draws on multiple conceptual and theoretical resources to explore the complexities attached to a school improvement process in a network of schools in Australia. These conceptual and theoretical resources include discourse, practice, representation and network, concepts common to both policy research as well as studies of leadership and classroom practice. They lead to a more detailed understanding of the intersections between educational policy and intervention processes, and the complex reality of school processes and teaching practices. In the book we trace the implementation of school improvement policies through its multiple phases, levels and contexts. Our data-collection and analysis methods draw on a variety of perspectives in the way different players perceive their roles and the nature of the initiative and the ways in which these intersect. The research findings are used to seek productive approaches to school improvement that combine policy integrity with local flexibility. The book contributes to the school improvement literature through its exploration of tensions between global and systemic settings and local practices and histories.


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Esta dissertação de mestrado trata do tema Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) ou Manutenção Produtiva Total (MPT). O principal objetivo é avaliar sua contribuição no gerenciamento das atividades de manutenção industrial e como uma ferramenta da engenharia de processos para otimização dos processos de manufatura. A avaliação foi realizada com base em estudo de caso onde o TPM foi implementado em uma empresa do ramo eletro - eletrônico localizada na cidade de Caxias do Sul - RS. O plano de implementação foi elaborado baseado em revisão bibliográfica, a qual considerou o pensamento de autores nacionais e internacionais bem como a adequação do TPM levando em consideração a cultura e a realidade do sistema produtivo da empresa. A parte prática do programa envolveu a aplicação dos conceitos e filosofias fundamentais do TPM no sistema produtivo da empresa. Os principais resultados mensuráveis obtidos com a implementação, foram: (1) a elevação do Índice de Rendimento Operacional Global (IROG) de 0,552 para 0,634, observado nas máquinas consideradas restrição do sistema produtivo do setor (gargalos), (2) a redução nas quebras de máquinas em aproximadamente 45 %, (3) a criação de um ambiente que incentiva a participação dos funcionários com sugestões de melhorias, atingindo 3,2 sugestões de melhorias por funcionário por ano e, (4) reduções de 12,6 % de energia elétrica, 40 % no consumo de água e 797 litros de óleo lubrificante por ano. Entre os beneficios não mensuráveis destacam-se a criação de um ambiente de trabalho limpo, organizado e seguro, a formação de operadores multifuncionais e a eliminação de atmosfera de confronto que existia entre a operação e a manutenção. O estudo de caso também mostrou que o comprometimento da alta direção é fator fundamental para o sucesso do TPM.


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This paper aims to evaluate the dynamics of Brazilian regional development during the 1985-95 period. First, regional inequalities indexes were calculated for the whole country’s economy based on the per capita regional income (Williamson Inequality Index), in order to test the convergence or divergence. After this, the analysis aimed to verify the sector and regional dynamics in a more detailed exam, and for this purpose Dispersion Quotients and Dispersion Intensity Coefficients were calculated based on two variables, the Regional Gross Domestic Product and the Working Population. The results of the analysis confirm the existence of considerable regional disparities and it was verified that the sector and regional redistribution of the GDP indicate that, in a general way, no remarkable changes occurred in the regional productive structures in the period. It is also inferred that the economic policy at that period, in spite of resulting in a global regional convergence process of the per capita product, did not avoid the continuation of the concentration of greater economic dynamism in the most advanced regions, nor did it diminish in any considerable way the difference in the degree of development of the Northeast region.