995 resultados para Producation of natural rubber


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A novel model for calculating dehydrochlorination kinetics at a lower temperature of chlorinated natural rubber (CNR) is presented. It has been observed that dehydrochlorination is complex and involves three different stages. A model that accounts for dehydrochlorination at lower temperature is proposed. The kinetic parameters are obtained from dehydrochlorination experiments at 60-90 °C. The results of the kinetic calculation show that the apparent activation energy decreases with an increment of chlorine content. Higher chlorine content CNR makes it easier to remove hydrochloric acid when heated, but its dehydrochlorination rate affected by temperature is significantly less than that of the sample with a lower chlorine content. The thermogravimetric/derivative thermogravimetry results show that the beginning temperature of thermo-oxidative degradation rises with the increment of chlorine content. During the heating process, the higher chlorine content CNR is more stable than the lower one. The results suggest the storage conditions and basis for selection of appropriate temperature for the preparation of CNR from latex.


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A successful trial on preparing natural rubber based core-shell structured fibres by co-axial electrospinning and fabrication of artificial blood vessel scaffolds from crosslinked fibres.


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Conservators have long been aware of the problems associated with the preservation of rubber objects due to inherent instability that can be attributed, in part, to the presence of additives. Inorganic additives, such as fillers, accelerators, stabilizers, and special ingredients are necessary in manufacturing to alter the properties of natural rubber. These materials all have different interactions with the rubber, and each other, and differing effects on the ageing process. To date, the most effective and accepted methods to preserve rubber are cold, dark storage of objects, or the use of low oxygen environments. While these methods are effective, they greatly limit access. The application of coatings to the surface of rubber objects can slow deterioration and greatly increase the ability of an institution to handle and display rubber objects. While numerous coatings for preventive and interventive treatment have been tested, none have been so successful to warrant routine use. The first section of this research highlighted the relationship between the inclusion of certain additives in natural rubber objects and the accelerated or slowed down overall degradation. In the second part of this research, the acrylic varnishes Golden Polymer Varnish with UVLS, Lascaux Acrylic Transparent Varnish-UV, Sennelier Matte Lacquer with UV Protection, and Liquitex Soluvar Varnish containing ultraviolet light absorbers or stabilizers were tested as a preventative coating for rubber. Through testing the visual and physical properties of the samples, as well as compound analysis the results of this research suggest that acrylic varnishes do provide protection, each to varying degrees. The results also provided insight into the behavior of rubber and these varnishes with continuing light exposure.


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The present work is to impart radiopacity in various natural polymers like chitosan, natural rubber and derivatives of chitosan and to characterize it. This thesis collated the radiopaque properties of these radiopaque polymers and various technological applications in the medical field. The applications of radiopaque polymers leads to an exploitation of radiopaque properties like X-ray visibility, optical density, effective atomic number, attenuation coefficient of biopolymers like chitosan, chitosan formate, chitosan acetate, carboxy methyl chitosan and natural rubber. The radiopaqe properties of these materials highly depend upon the size, shape, amount of radiopacifier and crystallinity of the radiopaque material. Radiopaque chitosan microspheres were prepared by cross linking with glutaraldehyde followed by the encapsulation of barium sulpahte. The effect of different emulsion systems on the morphology of chitosan microspheres were studied. The study concentrates radiopaque natural rubber for shielding applications. It reveals that to improve the particle size, morphology and crystalline phase of the zinc oxide particles, a novel method for the preparation of zinc oxide is adopted. A detailed radiopacity study was done in natural rubber containing 100phr precipitated zinc oxide prepared from different zinc salts. One of the significant findings of this investigation is that NR vulcanizates containing precipitated zinc oxide (from zinc acetate) shows higher attenuation coefficient. These interesting findings reveal the applications of these natural radiopaque systems in various fields like surgical tools, medical tubings, catheters, radiation shielding,etc.


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Filled compounds of natural rubber, isobutylene-isoprene rubber and styrene-butadiene rubber compounds were extruded through a laboratory extruder by varying the feeding rate at different temperatures and revolutions per minute. The extruded compounds were vulcanized up to their optimum cure times and the mechanical properties of the vulcanizates were determined. The properties suggest that there is a particular feeding rate in the starved fed region which results in maximum mechanical properties. The study shows that running the extruder at a slightly starved condition is an attractive means of improving the physical properties.


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A carbon black filled 50/50 natural rubber (NR)/styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) blend is vulcanized using several conventional curing systems designed by varying the amounts of sulphur and accelerator. The cure characteristics and the properties of the vulcanizates are compared. The quantity and quality of crosslinks in each case are evaluated by chemical probes to correlate them with the properties.


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Diphenylamine was chemically attached to depolymerised natural rubber by photochemical reaction. The rubber-bound diphenylamine was characterised by TLC, HNMR, IR and TGA. The efficiency and permanence of the bound diphenylamine was compared with conventional amine type antioxidant in natural rubber vulcanizates. The rubber-bound diphenylamine was found to be less volatile and less extractable compared to the conventional antioxidant. The vulcanizates showed improved ageing resistance in comparison to vulcanizates containing conventional antioxidant . Also, the presence of liquid rubber-bound diphenylamine reduces the amount of plasticiser required for compounding.


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Para-phenylenediamine (PD) was chemically attached to depolymerized natural rubber by a photochemical reaction . The rubber bound PD was characterized by TLC, 1H-NMR, IR, and TGA. The efficiency and permanence of the bound PD were compared with conventional antioxidants in NBR vulcanizates . The rubber bound PD was found to be less volatile and more resistant to water and oil extraction . The vulcanizates showed improved aging resistance in comparison to vulcanizates containing conventional antioxidants. The liquid rubber bound antioxidant reduces the amount of plasticizer required for compounding


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The present study deals with the short isora fibre reinforced natural rubber composites. In recent years there has been a tremendous advancement in the field of science and technology of short fibre reinforced polymer composites. The low density, high strength, high stiffness to weight ratio, excellent durability and design flexibility are the primary reasons for their use in many diversified fields such as air crafts, automobiles, marine industry etc. Compared to the various natural and synthetic fibres used as reinforcement for elastomer composites isora fibre is superior in many aspects. `Isora' is a natural lignocellulosic fibre which is easily available in South India especially in Kerala. The fibre is separated from the bark of the Helicteres isora plant by retting process. This fibre has excellent mechanical properties and is easily amenable to physical and chemical modifications. The study shows that composites with poor interfacial bonding tend to dissipate more energy than that with to interfacial bonding. The mechanical loss also can be related to interfacial bonding. The effect of chemical treatment of isora fibre on damping was also studied. Both in the low and high temperature region which indicates that this composite posseses low damping and hence good interfacial bonding characteristics. Hence these composites are better candidates for high damping applications. Composites with longitudinally oriented fibres showed high storage modulus than transversely oriented ones due to the effective stress transfer between fibre and matrix.


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In the present study, the photochemical depolymerisation of NR in toluene, in presence of H202 and a homogenizing solvent (Methanol/Tetrahydro— furan) so as to get hydroxyl terminated liquid natural rubber (HTNR) has been carried out. The copolymeri— sation of this product with butane 1,4 diol and toluene 2,4 diisocyanate in presence of a catalyst, dibutyl tin dilaurate, to produce polyurethanes with HTNR soft segments is also reported. The preparation of block copolymers based on poly(ethylene oxide) with varying molecular weights and HTNR are also discussed along with a detailed study on their thermal and mechanical properties


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The importance of industrialisation in achiering rapid economic growth has been recognised in India's development strategy ever since the inception of economic planning in the country. Being the secondary sector in the generation of national income. industry contributes significantly to the process of economic development. Extensive debates have taken place on the nature of the industrialisation strategy to be pursued in the economy since Independence. This is reflected in the industrial policy which evolved through the various five year plans and policy resolutions. Stupendous efforts have been made by the government since the commencement of planning and particularly since the 1960s to industrialise the Indian economy and develop the infrastructural base for sustained industrial development. It is difficult to assess the performance of the industrial sector over the past three decades with respect to the broad objectives of industrialisation. However. there are certain areas in which the achievements have been clearly significant.


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Many of the existing methods for the treatment of rubber latex centrifugation eflluent are not only unsatisfactory in their efliciency to effect near perfect treatment in bringing down the COD to optimum level, but also time consuming and need a large landspace. As the rate of effluent generation is extremely high (20 litres for kilogram of rubber) there is a need for development of efficient system,capable of rapid reduction of COD and BOD. Though the organic load of the rubber efiluent is very high, it does not contain much processed chemicals and therefore it can be considered as a ‘biological eflluent’. Further, the ratio of the Chemical Oxygen Demand to Biological Oxygen Demand (COD/BOD) of this effluent remain almost as a constant value. According to Montgomery (1967), estimation of BOD is not ideally suited for studies on process design, treatability, control of treatment plants, setting standards for treated effluents and assessing the effect of polluting discharges on the oxygen resources of receiving waters. Hence in the present study COD was measured to determine the impact of treatment system on the effluent. In the present study, attempts were made to evaluate the efficiencies of certain methods such as packed bed reactor using immobilized microbial cells, rotating biological contactor (RBC) and activated sludge process, for rapid and efficient treatment of natural rubber latex centrifugation effluent. In addition, studies were also carn'ed out to develop a suitable bioprocess for the coagulation of skim latex, as an alternative to the presently used acid coagulation process towards reducing the pollution load, besides recovering quality rubber


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Polycrystalline single phasic mixed ferrites belonging to the series Ni1−xZnxFe2O4 for various values of x have been prepared by conventional ceramic techniques. Pre-characterized nickel zinc ferrites were then incorporated into a natural rubber matrix according to a specific recipe for various loadings. The processability and cure parameters were then determined. The magnetic properties of the ceramic filler as well as the ferrite loaded rubber ferrite composites (RFC) were evaluated and compared. A general equation for predicting the magnetic properties was also formulated. The validity of these equations were then checked and correlated with the experimental data. The coercivity of the RFCs almost resemble that of the ceramic component in the RFC. Percolation threshold is not reached for a maximum loading of 120 phr (parts per hundred rubber by weight) of the filler. These studies indicate that flexible magnets can be made with appropriate magnetic properties namely saturation magnetisation (Ms) and magnetic field strength (Hc) by a judicious choice of x and a corresponding loading. These studies also suggest that there is no possible interaction between the filler and the matrix at least at the macroscopic level. The formulated equation will aid in synthesizing RFCs with predetermined magnetic


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A novel natural rubber/silica (NR/SiO2) nanocomposite is developed by combining self-assembly and latex-compounding techniques. The results show that the SiO2 nanoparticles are homogenously distributed throughout NR matrix as nano-clusters with an average size ranged from 60 to 150 nm when the SiO2 loading is less than 6.5 wt%. At low SiO2 contents (less-than-or-equals, slant4.0 wt%), the NR latex (NRL) and SiO2 particles are assembled as a core-shell structure by employing poly (diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDDA) as an inter-medium, and only primary aggregations of SiO2 are observed. When more SiO2 is loaded, secondary aggregations of SiO2 nanoparticles are gradually generated, and the size of SiO2 cluster dramatically increases. The thermal/thermooxidative resistance and mechanical properties of NR/SiO2 nanocomposites are compared to the NR host. The nanocomposites, particularly when the SiO2 nanoparticles are uniformly dispersed, possess significantly enhanced thermal resistance and mechanical properties, which are strongly depended on the morphology of nanocomposites. The NR/SiO2 has great potential to manufacture medical protective products with high performances.