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Objective: To assess time trends in the contribution of processed foods to food purchases made by Brazilian households and to explore the potential impact on the overall quality of the diet. Design: Application of a new classification of foodstuffs based on extent and purpose of food processing to data collected by comparable probabilistic household budget surveys. The classification assigns foodstuffs to the following groups: unprocessed/minimally processed foods (Group 1); processed culinary ingredients (Group 2); or ultra-processed ready-to-eat or ready-to-heat food products (Group 3). Setting: Eleven metropolitan areas of Brazil. Subjects: Households; n 13 611 in 1987-8, n 16 014 in 1995-5 and n 13 848 in 2002-3. Results: Over the last three decades, the household consumption of Group 1 and Group 2 foods has been steadily replaced by consumption of Group 3 ultra-processed food products, both overall and in lower- and upper-income groups. In the 2002-3 survey, Group 3 items represented more than one-quarter of total energy (more than one-third for higher-income households). The overall nutrient profile of Group 3 items, compared with that of Group 1 and Group 2 items, revealed more added sugar, more saturated fat, more sodium, less fibre and much higher energy density. Conclusions: The high energy density and the unfavourable nutrition profiling of Group 3 food products, and also their potential harmful effects on eating and drinking behaviours, indicate that governments and health authorities should use all possible methods, including legislation and statutory regulation, to halt and reverse the replacement of minimally processed foods and processed culinary ingredients by ultra-processed food products.


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O Programa Comunidade Ativa foi criado pela Comunidade Solidária como uma estratégia para induzir o Desenvolvimento Local Integrado e Sustentável em pequenos municípios brasileiros por meio da formação de fóruns comunitários e da capacitação desses fóruns. O Programa pretende favorecer que as pessoas se tornem mais ativas, participantes e responsáveis pela resolução de seus problemas comuns e incentivar a valorização das culturas locais. O presente estudo investiga as possibilidades e as limitações de o Programa Comunidade Ativa favorecer que os membros das comunidades em que atua apropriem-se de sua liberdade, assumindo a responsabilidade pela construção de sua realidade social. A fim de responder a esta questão recorreu-se neste estudo ao pensamento de Martin Heidegger e de Hanna Arendt. O referencial teórico desta dissertação está dividido em duas partes. Na primeira parte são abordados os seguintes temas: reforma do Estado e políticas sociais; cidadania; desenvolvimento local; espaços públicos de participação; formação humana; e capital social. A segunda parte do referencial teórico apresenta a Fenomenologia Existencial e suas concepções sobre conhecimento, homem, mundo, liberdade, política e educação. A metodologia de investigação inclui coleta e tratamento dos dados provenientes de estudo de documentos e de palestra e de trinta e sete entrevistas realizadas com atores situados desde o âmbito nacional até a esfera local. No último capítulo os dados coletados são interpretados segundo o referencial teórico adotado - o que permite apontar diversas limitações e algumas possibilidades do Programa Comunidade Ativa favorecer que os membros da comunidade em que atua apropriem-se de sua liberdade - e são realizadas reflexões sobre o papel, os desafios e as possibilidades do Estado indutor.


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Este estudo de caso tem como objetivo investigar quais são os fatores que influenciam a implementação das boas práticas da governança corporativa nas empresas familiares. A partir de uma abordagem qualitativa de pesquisa, adotou-se como método o estudo de caso único. Como instrumento de pesquisa recorreu-se a utilização de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com membros da família proprietária da segunda e terceira geração, representantes do Conselho de administração, sócios atuantes e não atuantes. Para o tratamento dos dados, recorreu-se à análise do conteúdo das entrevistas. Para fundamentar a pesquisa, houve a necessidade de uma revisão bibliográfica envolvendo governança corporativa; empresas familiares e suas particularidades; governança corporativa em empresas familiares e fatores que influenciam e dificultam o processo de implementação das boas práticas de governança corporativa à luz da literatura. A pesquisa aqui apresentada foi realizada na empresa Casa do Alemão Indústria e Comércio de Lanches LTDA, do setor alimentício, que se encontra sob comando da segunda e terceira geração da família fundadora, tendo como dominante a segunda geração. Os resultados obtidos nesta pesquisa apontam que as boas práticas de governança corporativa estão parcialmente presentes na Organização e que para uma implementação por completa, é necessário reformular os elementos já existentes e a criação de novas medidas de governança para melhorar a objetividade nos processos de qualificação, gestão, decisão e sucessão. Os fatores considerados como influentes e positivos para a implementação por completa das boas práticas de governança corporativa nesta Organização são: cultura de transparência; separação do patrimônio pessoal e empresa; predisposição de todos os sócios pela aceitação a utilização de processos mais formais na forma de trabalho. Dentre outros motivos ainda não implementados e que poderiam ser elementos influentes para a implantação são: necessidade de enfrentar os conflitos familiares; custos (investimento); resistência das pessoas (interesses divergentes dos sócios, família, executivos) e mais monitoramento (pessoas não gostam de ser monitoradas e avaliadas). Apesar de carregar a experiência que o tempo atribui aos sexagenários, a empresa também demonstra a agilidade da juventude para se manter com um visual moderno e iniciar uma nova política de expansão.


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In the last decade the complexity of the environment in which organizations are embedded increased dramatically, having on one side the increasingly demanding consumers in regard to the quality and value of the product and the other companies with the need to reduce operating costs in order to achieve greater profitability, without this there is a downturn in growth or market share powers. In this context the necessity of effectively structuring actions relating to the line with the operational work processes so that business objectives are achieved organizational strategic planning, ensuring the competitiveness of the organization. This study aims to analyze how you have made the management of the supply chain in a grocery retailer in the light of guidelines of Supply Chain Management by using the SCOR model. For realization of this study a survey was needed, classified according to their goals, exploratory and descriptive as to its procedure, document, field and case study. Thus, the processing of data will be qualitative merit, using the thematic categorical analysis of Bardin (1977). Thus, to obtain data interviews together the operational and strategic management of a company that was named Supermarket Omega were performed. After analyzing the information obtained is perceived that there is an effort of the organization enhance its management of the supply chain. However, there is a lack of alignment between the various areas that compose it. About their work processes, we stress that the focus of the company is still very directed on sailing than profitability, although it is undergoing a transformation in its organizational culture However, records the existence of many improvement projects in developing. Thus, it can be noticed that there is some consistency between the assumptions of the SCOR model and applied within the supply chain Omega Supermarket, although a greater effort to better align with the model still needs to be studied


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genetic and environmental factors contribute to the development of cardiovascular risk and that influence can be differentiated by factors characteristic of each population, age and sex. Aim: To investigate the heritability of anthropometric and biochemical markers as predictors of cardiovascular risk in men and women of different age groups, using the method of twins. Methods: A sample of 88 subjects and of these 52 children and adolescents (08-17 years old) 32 monozygotic (20 female and 12 male) and 20 dizygotic (12 female and 08 male) and 36 adults (18-28 years age) 24 monozygotic (08 female and 16 male) and 12 dizygotic (06 female and 06 male), living in the metropolitan region of Natal / RN, Brazil. Anthropometric measures were taken as the height, body mass, waist circumference (WC), sum of skinfolds (ΣDC), fat percentage CUN-BAE, BMI and conicity. Biochemical markers analyzed were: fasting glucose (GLU), total cholesterol (COL), HDL-C, LDL-C and triglycerides (TG). After processing the data the index of heritability (h2) = (S ² MZ) / S ² DZ (DZ S ²) X100 was applied disaggregated by sex and age. Results: The variables showed differential heritability of behavior for men and women, depending on age. The variables with the highest heritability values were ΣDC, GLU, HDL, TG, in men and BMI, WC, ΣDC, GLU, HDL-C and TG in women. And more influenced by the environment variables were: body mass, BMI, Chol, LDL-C in men; body mass and LDL-C in women. Conclusion: Differences index of heritability by gender for cardiovascular risk predictors may assist in planning specific intervention strategies according to gender and stage of life of that individual. It is from the level of environmental influence that can run interventions for changes of components related to cardiovascular risk


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In February 2011, the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) has published a new Technical Rules for Handling Land Pipeline Petroleum and Natural Gas Derivatives (RTDT). Among other things, the RTDT made compulsory the use of monitoring systems and leak detection in all onshore pipelines in the country. This document provides a study on the method for detection of transient pressure. The study was conducted on a industrial duct 16" diameter and 9.8 km long. The pipeline is fully pressurized and carries a multiphase mixture of crude oil, water and natural gas. For the study, was built an infrastructure for data acquisition and validation of detection algorithms. The system was designed with SCADA architecture. Piezoresistive sensors were installed at the ends of the duct and Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) were used for sampling, storage and processing of data. The study was based on simulations of leaks through valves and search for patterns that characterize the occurrence of such phenomena


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The study carried out in the environment of Maracajaú reef an São Roque channel, had as main objective to analyze the characteristics of sediments active locally expressed in the grains, through collections of sediments in the field, technical processing and data analyzes of sediments. Data processing were made on three main aspects: biotic composition, concentration of calcium carbonate and particle size of the sediment. Differences between the sediments of the reefs and channel were observed. It was emphasized the contribution of algae limestone in the production of carbonate, with some influence of foraminifera near the coast. The particle size distribution presented significant results for the understanding of locally sedimentary deposits. The results showed an environment of carbonate, with predominance of algae limestone, associated to unconsolidated sediments with gross granularity, besides the presence of rhodoliths in all samples.The fragmentation of biotic components and the prevalence of elliptical rhodoliths with little or no branch, indicate an environment of high energy hydrodynamics. This work is a further contribution to the understanding of sedimentology active locally in reef environments, in particular the of Maracajaú reef, by virtue of their complex ecosystem composed of a diversity of wild fauna and flora that still little studied in Brazil comparing to accelerated growth of teeth extractions and usufructs of natural resources causing often irreversible impacts to the environment


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The increasing use of shallow seismic methods of high resolution, for investigations of geological problems, environmental or industrial, has impelled the development of techniques, flows and computational algorithms. The practice of applying techniques for processing this data, until recently it wasn t used and the interpretation of the data was made as they were acquired. In order to facilitate and contribute to the improvement of the practices adopted, was developed a free graphical application and open source, called OpenSeismic which is based on free software Seismic Un*x, widely used in the treatment of conventional seismic data used in the exploration of hydrocarbon reservoirs. The data used to validate the initiative were marine seismic data of high resolution, acquired by the laboratory of Geology and Marine Geophysics and Environmental Monitoring - GGEMMA, of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte UFRN, for the SISPLAT Project, located at the region of paleo-valley of the Rio Acu. These data were submitted to the processing flow developed by Gomes (2009), using the free software developed in this work, the OpenSeismic, as well other free software, the Seismic Un*x and the commercial software ProMAX, where despite its peculiarities has presented similar results


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The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector is described. The detector operates at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. It was conceived to study proton-proton (and lead-lead) collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 14 TeV (5.5 TeV nucleon-nucleon) and at luminosities up to 10(34)cm(-2)s(-1) (10(27)cm(-2)s(-1)). At the core of the CMS detector sits a high-magnetic-field and large-bore superconducting solenoid surrounding an all-silicon pixel and strip tracker, a lead-tungstate scintillating-crystals electromagnetic calorimeter, and a brass-scintillator sampling hadron calorimeter. The iron yoke of the flux-return is instrumented with four stations of muon detectors covering most of the 4 pi solid angle. Forward sampling calorimeters extend the pseudo-rapidity coverage to high values (vertical bar eta vertical bar <= 5) assuring very good hermeticity. The overall dimensions of the CMS detector are a length of 21.6 m, a diameter of 14.6 m and a total weight of 12500 t.


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This work aims to investigate the efficiency of digital signal processing tools of acoustic emission signals in order to detect thermal damages in grinding processes. To accomplish such a goal, an experimental work was carried out for 15 runs in a surface grinding machine operating with an aluminum oxide grinding wheel and ABNT 1045 Steel as work material. The acoustic emission signals were acquired from a fixed sensor placed on the workpiece holder. A high sampling rate data acquisition system working at 2.5 MHz was used to collect the raw acoustic emission instead of the root mean square value usually employed. Many statistical analyses have shown to be effective to detect burn, such as the root mean square (RMS), correlation of the AE, constant false alarm rate (CFAR), ratio of power (ROP) and mean-value deviance (MVD). However, the CFAR, ROP, Kurtosis and correlation of the AE have been presented more sensitive than the RMS. Copyright © 2006 by ABCM.


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This paper addresses the problem of processing biological data, such as cardiac beats in the audio and ultrasonic range, and on calculating wavelet coefficients in real time, with the processor clock running at a frequency of present application-specified integrated circuits and field programmable gate array. The parallel filter architecture for discrete wavelet transform (DWT) has been improved, calculating the wavelet coefficients in real time with hardware reduced up to 60%. The new architecture, which also processes inverse DWT, is implemented with the Radix-2 or the Booth-Wallace constant multipliers. One integrated circuit signal analyzer in the ultrasonic range, including series memory register banks, is presented. © 2007 IEEE.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Química - IQ