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In this paper, we present a new speech enhancement approach, that is based on exploiting the intra-frame dependency of discrete cosine transform (DCT) domain coefficients. It can be noted that the existing enhancement techniques treat the transformdomain coefficients independently. Instead of this traditional approach of independently processing the scalars, we split the DCT domain noisy speech vector into sub-vectors and each sub-vector is enhanced independently. Through this sub-vector based approach, the higher dimensional enhancement advantage, viz. non-linear dependency, is exploited. In the developed method, each clean speech sub-vector is modeled using a Gaussian mixture (GM) density. We show that the proposed Gaussian mixture model (GMM) based DCT domain method, using sub-vector processing approach, provides better performance than the conventional approach of enhancing the transform domain scalar components independently. Performance improvement over the recently proposed GMM based time domain approach is also shown.


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Considering a general linear model of signal degradation, by modeling the probability density function (PDF) of the clean signal using a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) and additive noise by a Gaussian PDF, we derive the minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimator.The derived MMSE estimator is non-linear and the linear MMSE estimator is shown to be a special case. For speech signal corrupted by independent additive noise, by modeling the joint PDF of time-domain speech samples of a speech frame using a GMM, we propose a speech enhancement method based on the derived MMSE estimator. We also show that the same estimator can be used for transform-domain speech enhancement.


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Conventional hardware implementation techniques for FIR filters require the computation of filter coefficients in software and have them stored in memory. This approach is static in the sense that any further fine tuning of the filter requires computation of new coefficients in software. In this paper, we propose an alternate technique for implementing FIR filters in hardware. We store a considerably large number of impulse response coefficients of the ideal filter (having box type frequency response) in memory. We then do the windowing process, on these coefficients, in hardware using integer sequences as window functions. The integer sequences are also generated in hardware. This approach offers the flexibility in fine tuning the filter, like varying the transition bandwidth around a particular cutoff frequency.


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Cobalt and iron nanoparticles are doped in carbon nanotube (CNT)/polymer matrix composites and studied for strain and magnetic field sensing properties. Characterization of these samples is done for various volume fractions of each constituent (Co and Fe nanoparticles and CNTs) and also for cases when only either of the metallic components is present. The relation between the magnetic field and polarization-induced strain are exploited. The electronic bandgap change in the CNTs is obtained by a simplified tight-binding formulation in terms of strain and magnetic field. A nonlinear constitutive model of glassy polymer is employed to account for (1) electric bias field dependent softening/hardening (2) CNT orientations as a statistical ensemble and (3) CNT volume fraction. An effective medium theory is then employed where the CNTs and nanoparticles are treated as inclusions. The intensity of the applied magnetic field is read indirectly as the change in resistance of the sample. Very small magnetic fields can be detected using this technique since the resistance is highly sensitive to strain. Its sensitivity due to the CNT volume fraction is also discussed. The advantage of this sensor lies in the fact that it can be molded into desirable shape and can be used in fabrication of embedded sensors where the material can detect external magnetic fields on its own. Besides, the stress-controlled hysteresis of the sample can be used in designing memory devices. These composites have potential for use in magnetic encoders, which are made of a magnetic field sensor and a barcode.


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Ionic polymer-metal composites (IPMC), piezoelectric polymer composites and nematic elastomer composites are materials, which exhibit characteristics of both sensors and actuators. Large deformation and curvature are observed in these systems when electric potential is applied. Effects of geometric non-linearity due to the chargeinduced motion in these materials are poorly understood. In this paper, a coupled model for understanding the behavior of an ionic polymer beam undergoing large deformation and large curvature is presented. Maxwell's equations and charge transport equations are considered which couple the distribution of the ion concentration and the pressure gradient along length of a cantilever beam with interdigital electrodes. A nonlinear constitutive model is derived accounting for the visco-elasto-plastic behavior of these polymers and based on the hypothesis that the presence of electrical charge stretches/contracts bonds, which give rise to electrical field dependent softening/hardening. Polymer chain orientation in statistical sense plays a role on such softening or hardening. Elementary beam kinematics with large curvature is considered. A model for understanding the deformation due to electrostatic repulsion between asymmetrical charge distributions across the cross-sections is presented. Experimental evidence that Silver(Ag) nanoparticle coated IPMCs can be used for energy harvesting is reported. An IPMC strip is vibrated in different environments and the electric power against a resistive load is measured. The electrical power generated was observed to vary with the environment with maximum power being generated when the strip is in wet state. IPMC based energy harvesting systems have potential applications in tidal wave energy harvesting, residual environmental energy harvesting to power MEMS and NEMS devices.


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A circular array of Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensor (PWAS) has been employed to detect surface damages like corrosion using lamb waves. The array consists of a number of small PWASs of 10 mm diameter and 1 mm thickness. The advantage of a circular array is its compact arrangement and large area of coverage for monitoring with small area of physical access. Growth of corrosion is monitored in a laboratory-scale set-up using the PWAS array and the nature of reflected and transmitted Lamb wave patterns due to corrosion is investigated. The wavelet time-frequency maps of the sensor signals are employed and a damage index is plotted against the damage parameters and varying frequency of the actuation signal (a windowed sine signal). The variation of wavelet coefficient for different growth of corrosion is studied. Wavelet coefficient as function of time gives an insight into the effect of corrosion in time-frequency scale. We present here a method to eliminate the time scale effect which helps in identifying easily the signature of damage in the measured signals. The proposed method becomes useful in determining the approximate location of the corrosion with respect to the location of three neighboring sensors in the circular array. A cumulative damage index is computed for varying damage sizes and the results appear promising.


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In this paper we incorporate a novel approach to synthesize a class of closed-loop feedback control, based on the variational structure assignment. Properties of a viscoelastic system are used to design an active feedback controller for an undamped structural system with distributed sensor, actuator and controller. Wave dispersion properties of onedimensional beam system have been studied. Efficiency of the chosen viscoelastic model in enhancing damping and stability properties of one-dimensional viscoelastic bar have been analyzed. The variational structure is projected on a solution space of a closed-loop system involving a weakly damped structure with distributed sensor and actuator with controller. These assign the phenomenology based internal strain rate damping parameter of a viscoelastic system to the usual elastic structure but with active control. In the formulation a model of cantilever beam with non-collocated actuator and sensor has been considered. The formulation leads to the matrix identification problem of two dynamic stiffness matrices. The method has been simplified to obtain control system gains for the free vibration control of a cantilever beam system with collocated actuator-sensor, using quadratic optimal control and pole-placement methods.


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This paper reports the simulation results from the dynamic analysis of a Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) actuator. The emphasis is on understanding the dynamic behavior under various loading rates and boundary conditions, resulting in complex scenarios such as thermal and stress gradients. Also, due to the polycrystalline nature of SMA wires, presence of microstructural inhomogeneity is inevitable. Probing the effect of inhomogeneity on the dynamic behavior can facilitate the prediction of life and characteristics of SMA wire actuator under varieties of boundary and loading conditions. To study the effect of these factors, an initial boundary value problem of SMA wire is formulated. This is subsequently solved using finite element method. The dynamic response of the SMA wire actuator is analyzed under mechanical loading and results are reported. Effect of loading rate, micro-structural inhomogeneity and thermal boundary conditions on the dynamic response of SMA wire actuator is investigated and the simulation results are reported.


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Automated synthesis of mechanical designs is an important step towards the development of an intelligent CAD system. Research into methods for supporting conceptual design using automated synthesis has attracted much attention in the past decades. The research work presented here is based on the processes of synthesizing multiple state mechanical devices carried out individually by ten engineering designers. The designers are asked to think aloud, while carrying out the synthesis. The ten design synthesis processes are video recorded, and the records are transcribed and coded for identifying activities occurring in the synthesis processes, as well as for identifying the inputs to and outputs from the activities. A mathematical representation for specifying multi-state design task is proposed. Further, a descriptive model capturing all the ten synthesis processes is developed and presented in this paper. This will be used to identify the outstanding issues to be resolved before a system for supporting design synthesis of multiple state mechanical devices that is capable of creating a comprehensive variety of solution alternatives could be developed.


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In each stage of product development, we need to take decisions, by evaluating multiple product alternatives based on multiple criteria. Classical evaluation methods like weighted objectives method assumes certainty about information available during product development. However, designers often must evaluate under uncertainty. Often the likely performance, cost or environmental impacts of a product proposal could be estimated only with certain confidence, which may vary from one proposal to another. In such situations, the classical approaches to evaluation can give misleading results. There is a need for a method that can aid in decision making by supporting quantitative comparison of alternatives to identify the most promising alternative, under uncertain information about the alternatives. A method called confidence weighted objectives method is developed to compare the whole life cycle of product proposals using multiple evaluation criteria under various levels of uncertainty with non crisp values. It estimates the overall worth of proposal and confidence on the estimate, enabling deferment of decision making when decisions cannot be made using current information available.