992 resultados para Primordial germ cells


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BACKGROUND: To be effective and selective, immunotherapy ideally targets specifically tumor cells and spares normal tissues. Identification of tumor specific antigens is a prerequisite to establish an effective immunotherapy. Still very little is known about the expression of tumor-related antigens in pancreatic neoplasms. Cancer Testis antigens (CT) are antigens shared by a variety of malignant tumors, but not by normal tissues with the exception of germ cells in testis. Restricted expression in neoplastic tissues and inherent immunogenic features make CT antigens ideal for use in immunotherapy. We analyzed the expression of a selected panel of nine CT antigens that have been proven to elicit an efficient immunogenic response in other malignancies. In addition we analyzed the expression of HERV-K-MEL, an immunogenic antigen of viral origin. METHODS: Pancreatic adenocarcinoma tumor samples (n=130) were obtained intraoperatively, control tissues (n=23) were collected from cadaveric donor and from patients with chronic pancreatitis. Tumor-associated antigen expression of MAGE-A1, MAGE-A3, MAGE-A4, MAGE-A10, LAGE-1, NY-ESO-1, SCP-1, SSX-2, SSX-4 and HERV-K-MEL was assessed by PCR. Sequencing of PCR products were performed to assess the expression of SSX-4 in neoplastic and normal pancreatic tissues. RESULTS: Three of 10 tested antigens were expressed in over 10% of malignant pancreatic tissue samples. SSX-4 was found positive in 30% of cases, SCP-1 in 19% and HERV-K-MEL in 23% of cases. No expression of CT antigens was found in non-malignant pancreatic tissue with the exception of SSX-4 and and SSX-2. CONCLUSIONS: Fifty two percentage of the analyzed tissues expressed at least one CT antigen. The concomitant expression of SSX-4 in both malignant and non-malignant pancreatic tissue is a new finding which may raise concerns for immunotherapy. However, HERV-K-MEL is expressed with a relatively high prevalence and may be a candidate for specific immunotherapy in a large subgroup of pancreatic cancer patients. This study advocates the analysis of patients with regard to their immunogenic profile before the onset of antigen-specific immunotherapy.


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AbstractIn addition to genetic changes affecting the function of gene products, changes in gene expression have been suggested to underlie many or even most of the phenotypic differences among mammals. However, detailed gene expression comparisons were, until recently, restricted to closely related species, owing to technological limitations. Thus, we took advantage of the latest technologies (RNA-Seq) to generate extensive qualitative and quantitative transcriptome data for a unique collection of somatic and germline tissues from representatives of all major mammalian lineages (placental mammals, marsupials and monotremes) and birds, the evolutionary outgroup.In the first major project of my thesis, we performed global comparative analyses of gene expression levels based on these data. Our analyses provided fundamental insights into the dynamics of transcriptome change during mammalian evolution (e.g., the rate of expression change across species, tissues and chromosomes) and allowed the exploration of the functional relevance and phenotypic implications of transcription changes at a genome-wide scale (e.g., we identified numerous potentially selectively driven expression switches).In a second project of my thesis, which was also based on the unique transcriptome data generated in the context of the first project we focused on the evolution of alternative splicing in mammals. Alternative splicing contributes to transcriptome complexity by generating several transcript isoforms from a single gene, which can, thus, perform various functions. To complete the global comparative analysis of gene expression changes, we explored patterns of alternative splicing evolution. This work uncovered several general and unexpected patterns of alternative splicing evolution (e.g., we found that alternative splicing evolves extremely rapidly) as well as a large number of conserved alternative isoforms that may be crucial for the functioning of mammalian organs.Finally, the third and final project of my PhD consisted in analyzing in detail the unique functional and evolutionary properties of the testis by exploring the extent of its transcriptome complexity. This organ was previously shown to evolve rapidly both at the phenotypic and molecular level, apparently because of the specific pressures that act on this organ and are associated with its reproductive function. Moreover, my analyses of the amniote tissue transcriptome data described above, revealed strikingly widespread transcriptional activity of both functional and nonfunctional genomic elements in the testis compared to the other organs. To elucidate the cellular source and mechanisms underlying this promiscuous transcription in the testis, we generated deep coverage RNA-Seq data for all major testis cell types as well as epigenetic data (DNA and histone methylation) using the mouse as model system. The integration of these complete dataset revealed that meiotic and especially post-meiotic germ cells are the major contributors to the widespread functional and nonfunctional transcriptome complexity of the testis, and that this "promiscuous" spermatogenic transcription is resulting, at least partially, from an overall transcriptionally permissive chromatin state. We hypothesize that this particular open state of the chromatin results from the extensive chromatin remodeling that occurs during spermatogenesis which ultimately leads to the replacement of histones by protamines in the mature spermatozoa. Our results have important functional and evolutionary implications (e.g., regarding new gene birth and testicular gene expression evolution).Generally, these three large-scale projects of my thesis provide complete and massive datasets that constitute valuables resources for further functional and evolutionary analyses of mammalian genomes.


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The aim of the present study was to establish and compare the durations of the seminiferous epithelium cycles of the common shrew Sorex araneus, which is characterized by a high metabolic rate and multiple paternity, and the greater white-toothed shrew Crocidura russula, which is characterized by a low metabolic rate and a monogamous mating system. Twelve S. araneus males and fifteen C. russula males were injected intraperitoneally with 5-bromodeoxyuridine, and the testes were collected. For cycle length determinations, we applied the classical method of estimation and linear regression as a new method. With regard to variance, and even with a relatively small sample size, the new method seems to be more precise. In addition, the regression method allows the inference of information for every animal tested, enabling comparisons of different factors with cycle lengths. Our results show that not only increased testis size leads to increased sperm production, but it also reduces the duration of spermatogenesis. The calculated cycle lengths were 8.35 days for S. araneus and 12.12 days for C. russula. The data obtained in the present study provide the basis for future investigations into the effects of metabolic rate and mating systems on the speed of spermatogenesis.


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Telomerase activity has been detected in germ cells as well as in the developing embryo. Activity is no longer detectable in most somatic cells of the neonate, although low levels of activity persist in regenerative tissues. Telomerase has been found to be reactivated or up-regulated in the majority of cancers. The colorectal adenoma-carcinoma sequence is one of the best-characterized models of multistep tumourigenesis and is thus suitable for determining at which stage telomerase is activated. Telomerase activity was examined by telomeric repeat amplification protocol (TRAP) assay in 96 cases of colorectal tissues, including 50 carcinomas, 31 adenomas, and 15 normal colonic tissues. For each case, histological diagnosis and telomerase activity were determined on consecutive frozen sections. In order to reduce the chance of a false-negative TRAP assay due to RNA degradation, the integrity of rRNA in the tissues was verified in each case. Twenty-five carcinomas, 30 adenomas, and all of the 15 normal colorectal mucosal samples showed no or only partial rRNA degradation and only in these cases was the TRAP assay interpreted. None of the normal tissues exhibited telomerase activity. In contrast, all of the 25 cancers and 47 per cent (14/30) of the adenomas were positive. In adenomas, telomerase activation was highly significantly related to the grade of dysplasia (p< 0.0001). All adenomas which contained high-grade dysplasia revealed telomerase activity, whereas telomerase activity was detectable in only 20 per cent (4/20) of cases with exclusively low-grade dysplasia. These results indicate that telomerase activation, which may be an obligatory step in colorectal carcinogenesis, occurs in the progression from low-grade to high-grade dysplasia in adenomas. Furthermore, in the adenoma-carcinoma sequence, telomerase activation seems to occur later than K- ras mutation but earlier than p53 mutation.


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Understanding the extent of genomic transcription and its functional relevance is a central goal in genomics research. However, detailed genome-wide investigations of transcriptome complexity in major mammalian organs have been scarce. Here, using extensive RNA-seq data, we show that transcription of the genome is substantially more widespread in the testis than in other organs across representative mammals. Furthermore, we reveal that meiotic spermatocytes and especially postmeiotic round spermatids have remarkably diverse transcriptomes, which explains the high transcriptome complexity of the testis as a whole. The widespread transcriptional activity in spermatocytes and spermatids encompasses protein-coding and long noncoding RNA genes but also poorly conserves intergenic sequences, suggesting that it may not be of immediate functional relevance. Rather, our analyses of genome-wide epigenetic data suggest that this prevalent transcription, which most likely promoted the birth of new genes during evolution, is facilitated by an overall permissive chromatin in these germ cells that results from extensive chromatin remodeling.


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Soy and soy-based products are widely consumed by infants and adult individuals. There has been speculation that the presence of isoflavone phytoestrogens in soybean cause adverse effects on the development and function of the male reproductive system. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of dietary soy and phytoestrogens on testicular and reproductive functions. Male mice were fed from conception to adulthood with either a high soy-containing diet or a soy-free diet. Although adult mice fed a soy-rich diet exhibited normal male behaviour and were fertile, we observed a reduced proportion of haploid germ cells in testes correlating with a 25% decrease in epididymal sperm counts and a 21% reduction in litter size. LH and androgens levels were not affected but transcripts coding for androgen-response genes in Sertoli cells and Gapd-s, a germ cell-specific gene involved in sperm glycolysis and mobility were significantly reduced. In addition, we found that dietary soy decreased the size of the seminal vesicle but without affecting its proteolytic activity. Taken together, these studies show that long-term exposure to dietary soy and phytoestrogens may affect male reproductive function resulting in a small decrease in sperm count and fertility.


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Spermatogenesis relies on the precise regulation of the self-renewal and differentiation of spermatogonia to provide a continuous supply of differentiating germ cells. The understanding of the cellular pathways regulating this equilibrium remains unfortunately incomplete. This investigation aimed to elucidate the testicular and ovarian functions of the glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper protein (GILZ) encoded by the X-linked Tsc22d3 (Gilz) gene. We found that GILZ is specifically expressed in the cytoplasm of proliferating spermatogonia and preleptotene spermatocytes. While Gilz mutant female mice were fully fertile, constitutive or male germ cell-specific ablation of Gilz led to sterility due to a complete absence of post-meiotic germ cells and mature spermatozoa. Alterations were observed as early as postnatal day 5 during the first spermatogenic wave and included extensive apoptosis at the spermatogonial level and meiotic arrest in the mid-late zygotene stage. Overall, these data emphasize the essential role played by GILZ in mediating spermatogonial survival and spermatogenesis.


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Recently, we examined the spermatogenesis cycle length in two shrews species, Sorex araneus characterized by a very high metabolic rate and a polyandric mating system (sperm competition) resulting in a short cycle and Crocidura russula characterized by a much lower metabolic rate and a monogamous mating system showing a longer cycle. In this study, we investigated the spermatogenesis cycle in Neomys fodiens showing an intermediate metabolic rate. We described the stages of seminiferous epithelium according to the spermatid morphology method and we calculated the cycle length of spermatogenesis using incorporation of 5-bromodeoxyuridine into DNA of the germ cells. Twelve males were injected intraperitoneally with 5-bromodeoxyuridine, and the testes were collected. For cycle length determination, we applied a recently developed statistical method. The calculated cycle length is 8.69 days and the total duration of spermatogenesis based on 4.5 cycles is approximately 39.1 days, intermediate between the duration of spermatogenesis of S. araneus (37.6 days) and C. russula (54.5 days) and therefore congruent with both the metabolic rate hypothesis and the sperm competition hypothesis. Relative testes size of 1.4% of body mass indicates a promiscuous mating system.


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The aim of the present study was to determinate the cycle length of spermatogenesis in three species of shrew, Suncus murinus, Sorex coronatus and Sorex minutus, and to assess the relative influence of variation in basal metabolic rate (BMR) and mating system (level of sperm competition) on the observed rate of spermatogenesis, including data of shrew species studied before (Sorex araneus, Crocidura russula and Neomys fodiens). The dynamics of sperm production were determined by tracing 5-bromodeoxyuridine in the DNA of germ cells. As a continuous scaling of mating systems is not evident, the level of sperm competition was evaluated by the significantly correlated relative testis size (RTS). The cycle durations estimated by linear regression were 14.3 days (RTS 0.3%) in Suncus murinus, 9.0 days (RTS 0.5%) in Sorex coronatus and 8.5 days (RTS 2.8%) in Sorex minutus. In regression and multiple regression analyses including all six studied species of shrew, cycle length was significantly correlated with BMR (r2=0.73) and RTS (r2=0.77). Sperm competition as an ultimate factor obviously leads to a reduction in the time of spermatogenesis in order to increase sperm production. BMR may act in the same way, independently or as a proximate factor, revealed by the covariation, but other factors (related to testes size and thus to mating system) may also be involved.


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Protein homeostasis is essential for cells to prosper and survive. Various forms of stress, such as elevated temperatures, oxidative stress, heavy metals or bacterial infections cause protein damage, which might lead to improper folding and formation of toxic protein aggregates. Protein aggregation is associated with serious pathological conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s disease. The heat shock response is a defense mechanism that protects the cell against protein-damaging stress. Its ancient origin and high conservation among eukaryotes suggest that the response is crucial for survival. The main regulator of the heat shock response is the transcription factor heat shock factor 1 (HSF1), which induces transcription of genes encoding protective molecular chaperones. In vertebrates, a family of four HSFs exists (HSF1-4), with versatile functions not only in coping with acute stress, but also in development, longevity and cancer. Thus, knowledge of the HSFs will aid in our understanding on how cells survive suboptimal circumstances, but will also provide insights into normal physiological processes as well as diseaseassociated conditions. In this study, the function and regulation of HSF2 have been investigated. Earlier gene inactivation experiments in mice have revealed roles for HSF2 in development, particularly in corticogenesis and spermatogenesis. Here, we demonstrate that HSF2 holds a role also in the heat shock response and influences stress-induced expression of heat shock proteins. Intriguingly, DNA-binding activity of HSF2 upon stress was dependent on the presence of intact HSF1, suggesting functional interplay between HSF1 and HSF2. The underlying mechanism for this phenomenon could be configuration of heterotrimers between the two factors, a possibility that was experimentally verified. By changing the levels of HSF2, the expression of HSF1-HSF2 heterotrimer target genes was altered, implementing HSF2 as a modulator of HSF-mediated transcription. The results further indicate that HSF2 activity is dependent on its concentration, which led us to ask the question of how accurate HSF2 levels are achieved. Using mouse spermatogenesis as a model system, HSF2 was found to be under direct control of miR-18, a miRNA belonging to the miR-17~92 cluster/Oncomir-1 and whose physiological function had remained unclear. Investigations on spermatogenesis are severely hampered by the lack of cell systems that would mimic the complex differentiation processes that constitute male germ cell development. Therefore, to verify that HSF2 is regulated by miR-18 in spermatogenesis, a novel method named T-GIST (Transfection of Germ cells in Intact Seminiferous Tubules) was developed. Employing this method, the functional consequences of miR-18-mediated regulation in vivo were demonstrated; inhibition of miR- 18 led to increased expression of HSF2 and altered the expression of HSF2 target genes Ssty2 and Speer4a. Consequently, the results link miR-18 to HSF2-mediated processes such as germ cell maturation and quality control and provide miR-18 with a physiological role in gene expression during spermatogenesis.Taken together, this study presents compelling evidence that HSF2 is a transcriptional regulator in the heat shock response and establishes the concept of physical interplay between HSF2 and HSF1 and functional consequences thereof. This is also the first study describing miRNA-mediated regulation of an HSF.


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Testicular and paratesticular prepuberal tumors are rare. They represent around 1% of the total of tumors of infancy. They subdivide in 2 groups: germ cells tumors and non germ cells tumors, being able to occur in all the ages, and about 75% are malignant, and about 19% of these they present metastasis. The tumors of germ cells tumors represent 60 75% of the tumors testiculars in infancy, having as main example the yolk sac tumor (65% of the neoplasms), followed for teratomas (14%); although some works to exist where teratoma, if presents as most common .The non germ cells tumors include the Leydig cell tumor and Sertoli cell tumor. The Leydig cell tumor, are most frequent between the non germ cells tumors testicular. This review article on epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of to testicular and to paratesticular tumors in child.


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The mammalian testis serves two main functions: production of spermatozoa and synthesis of steroids; among them estrogens are the end products obtained from the irreversible transformation of androgens by a microsomal enzymatic complex named aromatase. The aromatase is encoded by a single gene (cyp19) in humans which contains 18 exons, 9 of them being translated. In rats, the aromatase activity is mainly located in Sertoli cells of immature rats and then in Leydig cells of adult rats. We have demonstrated that germ cells represent an important source of estrogens: the amount of P450arom transcript is 3-fold higher in pachytene spermatocytes compared to gonocytes or round spermatids; conversely, aromatase activity is more intense in haploid cells. Male germ cells of mice, bank voles, bears, and monkeys express aromatase. In humans, we have shown the presence of a biologically active aromatase and of estrogen receptors (alpha and ß) in ejaculated spermatozoa and in immature germ cells in addition to Leydig cells. Moreover, we have demonstrated that the amount of P450arom transcripts is 30% lower in immotile than in motile spermatozoa. Alterations of spermatogenesis in terms of number and motility of spermatozoa have been described in men genetically deficient in aromatase. These last observations, together with our data showing a significant decrease of aromatase in immotile spermatozoa, suggest that aromatase could be involved in the acquisition of sperm motility. Thus, taking into account the widespread localization of aromatase and estrogen receptors in testicular cells, it is obvious that, besides gonadotrophins and androgens, estrogens produced locally should be considered to be physiologically relevant hormones involved in the regulation of spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis.


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Spermatogenesis is a unique process compared to cell differentiation in somatic tissues. Germ cells undergo a considerable number of metabolic and morphological changes during their differentiation: they initially proliferate by mitosis to increase in number; at some point they scramble their genetic material by meiosis, to create new genetic combinations that are the basis for evolution through natural selection and, finally, they change their shape and produce specialized structures characteristic of the mature sperm. Germ cells display an astonishingly broad transcription of their genome compared to differentiated somatic cells. Moreover, the different RNAs need to be specifically regulated in space and time for sperm production to occur appropriately. Different proteins localized in specific subcellular compartments, along with regulatory small RNAs, have an essential role in the proper execution of the different steps of spermatogenesis. These ribonucleoprotein granules interact with cytoplasmic vesicles and organelles to accomplish their role during sperm development. In this study, we characterized the most prominent ribonucleoprotein granule found in germ cells, the Chromatoid body (CB). For the first time we investigated the interaction of the CB with the cytoplasmic vesicles that surround it. These studies directed us to the description of Retromer proteins in germ cells and their involvement with the CB and the acrosome formation. Moreover, we discovered the interplay between the CB and the lysosome system in haploid round spermatids, and identified FYCO1, a new protein central to this interaction. Our results suggest that the vesicular transport system participates in the CB-mediated RNA regulation during sperm development.


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Human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) are the result of ancient germ cell infections of human germ cells by exogenous retroviruses. HERVs belong to the long terminal repeat (LTR) group of retrotransposons that comprise ~8% of the human genome. The majority of the HERVs documented have been truncated and/or incurred lethal mutations and no longer encode functional genes; however a very small number of HERVs seem to maintain functional in making new copies by retrotranspositon as suggested by the identification of a handful of polymorphic HERV insertions in human populations. The objectives of this study were to identify novel insertion of HERVs via analysis of personal genomic data and survey the polymorphism levels of new and known HERV insertions in the human genome. Specifically, this study involves the experimental validation of polymorphic HERV insertion candidates predicted by personal genome-based computation prediction and survey the polymorphism level within the human population based on a set of 30 diverse human DNA samples. Based on computational analysis of a limited number of personal genome sequences, PCR genotyping aided in the identification of 15 dimorphic, 2 trimorphic and 5 fixed full-length HERV-K insertions not previously investigated. These results suggest that the proliferation rate of HERVKs, perhaps also other ERVs, in the human genome may be much higher than we previously appreciated and the recently inserted HERVs exhibit a high level of instability. Throughout this study we have observed the frequent presence of additional forms of genotypes for these HERV insertions, and we propose for the first time the establishment of new genotype reporting nomenclature to reflect all possible combinations of the pre-integration site, solo-LTR and full-length HERV alleles.


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Le testicule assure la production des spermatozoïdes et la sécrétion de la testostérone. Chaque fonction est assumée par un compartiment cellulaire distinct: l’épithélium séminifère et le tissu interstitiel. Le cholestérol, présent dans les deux compartiments, est un composé indispensable aux membranes cellulaires et un précurseur essentiel de la testostérone. Dans le compartiment interstitiel, environ 40 % du cholestérol utilisé pour la production hormonale est importé du sang à partir des lipoprotéines HDL et/ou LDL. Dans l’épithélium séminifère, la cellule de Sertoli assure le contrôle et le maintien de la spermatogenèse. Elle a la capacité de synthétiser du cholestérol à partir de l’acétate in vitro, néanmoins, il n’y a pas d’évidence qu’elle le fait in vivo. De plus il existe, au niveau des tubules séminifères, une barrière hémato-testiculaire qui empêche le libre passage de plusieurs composés sanguins, y compris le cholestérol. Nous avons testé l’hypothèse qu’il existe des moyens d’importation du cholestérol sanguin, mais aussi l’exportation du cholestérol intra-tissulaire, qui contourneraient cette barrière et qui contribueraient au maintien du taux intratubulaire du cholestérol compatible avec le bon déroulement de la spermatogenèse. Nous avons comparé les taux de variation de l’expression de l’ARNm et de la protéine des transporteurs sélectifs de cholestérol SR-BI, SR-BII, CD36 et ABCA1 aux taux de variation du cholestérol libre et estérifié au cours de la spermatogenèse chez les souris normales durant le développement postnatal. Afin de mieux apprécier le niveau d’implication de chacun de ces récepteurs, nous avons examiné comment la suppression du gène d’une enzyme comme la lypase hormono-sensible (HSL) ou de celui d’un transporteur de cholestérol comme SR-BI, CD36 ou NPC1 était compensée et comment cette suppression affectait le taux de cholestérol libre et estérifié dans chacun des deux compartiments cellulaires du testicule. Nous avons dans un premier temps mis au point une nouvelle technique d’isolation des testicules en fraction enrichie en tissu interstitiel (ITf) et en tubules séminifères (STf) qui a l’avantage de mieux préserver l’intégrité des formes phosphorylées et glycosylées des protéines comparée aux techniques préexistantes. Les résultats de nos analyses ont montré que l’expression de SR-BI et CD36 étaient maximales dans les ITf au moment où les souris ont complété leur maturité sexuelle et où le niveau de synthèse de la testostérone était maximal. Dans les tubules séminifères, l’expression maximale de SR-BI et le taux le plus élevé de cholestérol estérifié étaient mesurés de façon concomitante à 35 jours après la naissance, au moment où la première vague de l’activité spermatogénétique était complétée. L’expression de l’ABCA1 était maximale au moment où le taux de cholestérol était élevé et minimale au moment où le taux de cholestérol était le plus bas, alors que le niveau d’expression de CD36 était maximal chez l’adulte au moment où le taux de spermiation était le plus élevé. L’expression de SR-BII variait peu dans les deux compartiments cellulaires durant le développement. La suppression génétique de la HSL et de NPC1, qui cause une infertilité chez les souris mâles, était accompagnée d’une accumulation de cholestérol libre et estérifié dans les tubules séminifères. Par contre, la suppression génétique de SR-BI et CD36, qui ne causent pas d’infertilité chez les souris mâles était sans impact significatif sur le taux de cholestérol intratubulaire. Nous avons montré que l’invalidation génétique d’un transporteur sélectif ou d’une enzyme du métabolisme du cholestérol était accompagnée d’un ensemble de mécanismes de compensation visant à maintenir le taux de cholestérol libre aux niveaux semblables à ceux mesurés dans les fractions tissulaires de souris normales. Ensemble, nos résultats ont montré que l’expression des transporteurs sélectifs de cholestérol SR-BI, SR-BII, CD36 et ABCA1 variait en fonction de la spermatogenèse et du taux intratesticulaire du cholestérol suggérant leur contribution au maintien de l’homéostasie du cholestérol intratesticulaire.