1000 resultados para Prevalence.


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The Australian road traffic fatality rate is slowing down at a much lower rate than that of comparable high income countries. This slow rate of reduction may be attributable to a wide range of causes such as deficits in coordination and low community engagement. However, it may also be due to the absence of understanding of systems thinking in road safety in Australia. This exploratory study aimed to investigate the perceptions of Australian stakeholders about the prevalence of a principle of the Dynamic Systems Theory, namely: self-organising. The results pointed to a need to decentralize the road traffic injury prevention efforts in Australia through a range of self-organising principles and the adoption of emergent rather than deliberate strategies.


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The prevalence and developmental course of supposed ‘secret language’ was examined in a cohort of twins and closely spaced singletons pairs, with systematic assessments at 20 months and again at 36 months. Two forms of apparent ‘secret language’ were examined: (1) shared understanding—speech directed generally but unintelligible to the parent, although apparently clearly understood within the child pair, and (2) private language directed exclusively to the other twin/sibling—not intelligible to the parent, but apparently clearly understood and used only within the child pair. Both occurred in singleton pairs, but the rate was much higher in twins. In most cases it seemed to be a developmental phenomenon occurring in the second year of life with the emergence of immature speech, and decreasing considerably over the next 16 months. A small group of children, primarily male twins, was reported to use a private language at 36 months. This group had poorer cognitive and language functioning, and was characterized by highly dependent relationships. Some aspects of the twins’ home environment were less stimulating and less responsive, most probably reflecting the abilities and relationships of the children. A follow-up of these children when they were ~6 years of age showed that language outcome was poor for the subgroup (n = 4) who did not develop normal language alongside the use of a private language.


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OBJECTIVE To determine whether the apparent additional and exceptional stresses associated with bearing and parenting twins affect the emotional wellbeing of mothers. SETTING--Great Britain, 1970-5. DESIGN Cohort study of 13,135 children born between 4 April and 11 April 1970. Mothers of all children, both singletons and twins, were interviewed by health visitors (providing demographic data) and completed a self report measure of emotional well-being (the Rutter malaise inventory) when the child was 5 years of age. The malaise scores of mothers of twins were compared with those of all mothers of singletons and then with those of mothers categorised by the age spacing of their children (only one child, widely spaced, or closely spaced), taking account of maternal age, social class, and whether the study child had a disability, by using logistic regression. SUBJECTS 139 mothers of twins--122 pairs of twins and 17 twins whose cotwin had died--and 12,573 controls, who were mothers of singletons. RESULTS A significantly higher proportion of mothers of twins at 5 years had malaise scores indicative of depression than mothers of singletons at the same age. Mothers who had borne twins, one of whom had subsequently died, had the highest malaise scores and were three times more likely than mothers of singletons to experience depression. Both mothers of twin pairs and mothers of singletons closely spaced in age were at significantly higher risk of experiencing depression than mothers of children widely spaced in age or mothers of only one child (p less than 0.0001). Odds ratios indicated that the risk of depression in mothers of twins was higher than that in mothers of closely spaced singletons. CONCLUSION Mothers of twins are more likely to experience depression. This suggests a relation between the additional and exceptional stresses that twins present and the mother's emotional wellbeing.


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Fatigue and sleepiness are major causes of road traffic accidents. However, precise data is often lacking because a validated and reliable device for detecting the level of sleepiness (cf. the breathalyzer for alcohol levels) does not exist, nor does criteria for the unambiguous detection of fatigue/sleepiness as a contributing factor in accident causation. Therefore, identification of risk factors and groups might not always be easy. Furthermore, it is extremely difficult to incorporate fatigue in operationalized terms into either traffic or criminal law. The main aims of this thesis were to estimate the prevalence of fatigue problems while driving among the Finnish driving population, to explore how VALT multidisciplinary investigation teams, Finnish police, and courts recognize (and prosecute) fatigue in traffic, to identify risk factors and groups, and finally to explore the application of the Finnish Road Traffic Act (RTA), which explicitly forbids driving while tired in Article 63. Several different sources of data were used: a computerized database and the original folders of multidisciplinary teams investigating fatal accidents (VALT), the driver records database (AKE), prosecutor and court decisions, a survey of young male military conscripts, and a survey of a representative sample of the Finnish active driving population. The results show that 8-15% of fatal accidents during 1991-2001 were fatigue related, that every fifth Finnish driver has fallen asleep while driving at some point during his/her driving career, and that the Finnish police and courts punish on average one driver per day on the basis of fatigued driving (based on the data from the years 2004-2005). The main finding regarding risk factors and risk groups is that during the summer months, especially in the afternoon, the risk of falling asleep while driving is increased. Furthermore, the results indicate that those with a higher risk of falling asleep while driving are men in general, but especially young male drivers including military conscripts and the elderly during the afternoon hours and the summer in particular; professional drivers breaking the rules about duty and rest hours; and drivers with a tendency to fall asleep easily. A time-of-day pattern of sleep-related incidents was repeatedly found. It was found that VALT teams can be considered relatively reliable when assessing the role of fatigue and sleepiness in accident causation; thus, similar experts might be valuable in the court process as expert witnesses when fatigue or sleepiness are suspected to have a role in an accident’s origins. However, the application of Article 63 of the RTA that forbids, among other things, fatigued driving will continue to be an issue that deserves further attention. This should be done in the context of a needed attitude change towards driving while in a state of extreme tiredness (e.g., after being awake for more than 24 hours), which produces performance deterioration comparable to illegal intoxication (BAC around 0.1%). Regarding the well-known interactive effect of increased sleepiness and even small alcohol levels, the relatively high proportion (up to 14.5%) of Finnish drivers owning and using a breathalyzer raises some concern. This concern exists because these drivers are obviously more focused on not breaking the “magic” line of 0.05% BAC than being concerned about driving impairment, which might be much worse than they realize because of the interactive effects of increased sleepiness and even low alcohol consumption. In conclusion, there is no doubt that fatigue and sleepiness problems while driving are common among the Finnish driving population. While we wait for the invention of reliable devices for fatigue/sleepiness detection, we should invest more effort in raising public awareness about the dangerousness of fatigued driving and educate drivers about how to recognize and deal with fatigue and sleepiness when they ultimately occur.


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Shrimp are an important commodity in the international fisheries trade and there is an indication of an increase in worldwide consumption of this crustacean. Salmonella and Listeria have been isolated from shrimps and shrimp products on a regular basis since the 1980s. The continued reporting of the presence of these pathogens in fresh and frozen shrimps, and even in the lightly preserved and ready-to-eat products, indicates that the existing practices used by the manufacturers or processors are insufficient to eliminate these pathogens. This paper reviews the information available on Salmonella and Listeria in shrimp and makes recommendations on control options and avenues for future research in order to improve shrimp safety and quality.


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Malnutrition is a significant clinical and public health problem. The prevalence of malnutrition was determined in a sample of older people living in 2 residential aged care facilities in Australia. The Subjective Global Assessment tool was used to determine the prevalence of malnutrition in 57 residents. The majority of residents were well nourished (67), 26 moderately malnourished, and 7 severely malnourished. Prevalence of malnutrition was higher for those receiving high-level care (42), but this was not statistically significant (P =.437). No relationship was found between malnutrition status and age (P =.529) or sex (P =.839).


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Community pharmacies are in the prime position to provide information to patients who have difficulties swallowing medication.


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BACKGROUND: People may alter their solid oral medication dosage forms to make it easier to swallow. However, modification of solid medication dosage forms can lead to undesirable effects, and people may alter the dosage forms without informing the health professionals involved in their care. AIM: To estimate the prevalence of swallowing difficulties and medication modification amongst community pharmacy consumers, and to investigate consumer views, attitudes, and interactions with health professionals regarding such issues. METHODS: Consumers were recruited from five community pharmacies in Brisbane, Queensland and invited to participate in a structured interview. RESULTS: A total of 369 consumers participated in the study. Overall, 16.5% of people reported experiencing swallowing difficulties, and 10.6% of all respondents reported modifying medication dosage forms. Almost half (44.2%) of those surveyed did not think there would be issues with modifying medication dosage forms. Some consumers would not seek advice from health professionals if they experienced swallowing problems and/or would not seek advice from health professionals before modifying their medication dosage forms, regardless of their thoughts about any problems associated with this practice. CONCLUSION: Some consumers appeared to be accustomed to modifying medication dosage forms, even when there was no apparent or obvious need. People were also reluctant to seek advice from health professionals regarding swallowing difficulties, or modifying medication dosage forms. Health professionals must be assertive in educating consumers about swallowing problems, and medication dosage form modification.


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The inheritance and fitness of phosphine resistance was investigated in an Australian strain of the rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae (L.), as well as its prevalence in eastern Australia. This type of knowledge may provide insights in to the development of phosphine resistance in this species with the potential for better management. This strain was 12.2 × resistant at the LC50 level based on results for adults exposed for 20 h. Data from the testing of F1 adults from the reciprocal crosses (R♀ × S♂ and S♀ × R♂) showed that resistance was autosomal and inherited as an incompletely recessive trait with a degree of dominance of -0.88. The dose-response data for the F1 × S and F1 × R test crosses, and the F2 progeny were compared with predicted dose-response assuming monogenic recessive inheritance, and the results were consistent with resistance being conferred by one major gene. There was no evidence of fitness cost based on the frequency of susceptible phenotypes in hybridized populations that were reared for seven generations without exposure to phosphine. Lack of fitness cost suggests that resistant alleles will tend to persist in field populations that have undergone selection even if selection pressure is removed. Discriminating dose tests on 107 population samples collected from farms from 2006 to 2010 show that populations containing insects with the weak resistant phenotype are common in eastern Australia, although the frequency of resistant phenotypes within samples was typically low. The prevalence of resistance is a warning that this species has been subject to considerable selection pressure and that effective resistance management practices are needed to address this problem. Crown Copyright © 2014.


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Accepted Article Abstract Background: Liver diseases in Australia are estimated to affect 6 million people with a societal cost of $51 billion annually. Information about utilization of specialist hepatology care is critical in informing policy makers about the requirements for delivery of hepatology-related health care. Aims: This study examined etiology and severity of liver disease seen in a tertiary hospital hepatology clinic, as well as resource utilisation patterns. Methods: A longitudinal cohort study included consecutive patients booked in hepatology outpatient clinics during a 3 month period. Subsequent outpatient appointments for these patients over the following 12 months were then recorded. Results: During the initial 3 month period 1471 appointments were scheduled with a hepatologist, 1136 of which were attended. 21% of patients were “new cases”. Hepatitis B (HBV) was the most common disease etiology for new cases (37%). Advanced disease at presentation varied between etiology, with HBV (5%), Hepatitis C (HCV) (31%), non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) (46%) and alcoholic liver disease (ALD) (72%). Most patients (83%) attended multiple hepatology appointments, and a range of referrals patterns for procedures, investigations and other specialty assessments were observed. Conclusions: There is a high prevalence of HBV in new case referrals. Patients with HCV, NAFLD and ALD have a high prevalence of advanced liver disease at referral, requiring ongoing surveillance for development of decompensated liver disease and liver cancer. These findings that describe patterns of health service utilisation among patients with liver disease provide useful information for planning sustainable health service provision for this clinical population


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Background: Head and neck cancer is a debilitating disease. Not only can the primary tumour cause painful swallowing and speech difficulties, the treatments required to manage it can impact on neck and shoulder musculoskeletal function. In particular, those patients who undergo neck dissection surgery to remove lymph nodes from the neck can acquire accessory nerve injury during the procedure and a resultant loss of shoulder/neck motion, strength and function. Despite changes to surgical techniques that can protect the nerve, patients still report problems post-operatively.