896 resultados para Presupuesto personal
The Chief Executive is accountable to the Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety for the performance of the Public Health Agency and its staff.The Chief Executive is required to appoint a senior professional at Board level to provide leadership in relation to Personal Public Involvement.� In the Public Health Agency this role is undertaken by the Director of Nursing and Allied Health Professions supported by the Assistant Director for Allied Health Professions and Personal Public Involvement. The Public Health Agency has also appointed a Regional Lead Officer for PPI.This document sets out the PHA's commitment to PPI and�recognises the importance of proper and timely consultation as an integral part of fulfilling its statutory obligation to make arrangements with a view to securing involvement and consultation with service users, their carers, the public and the Patient Client Council on decisions on planning and proposals for change affecting the provision of the health and social care services for which the PHA is responsible the�PHA will endeavour to conduct consultations in a timely, open and inclusive way.
Personal and Public Involvement (PPI) is an essential component in the delivery of truly person centred services.�It is also a statutory duty.�The PHA has leadership responsibilities in respect of the implementation of PPI across HSC.�One of the ways in which the PHA discharges that leadership function, is through the Regional HSC PPI Forum.�This body brings together all HSC organisations, working alongside service users and carers, to bring a focus on involvement.�It promotes the sharing of best practice, identifies and tackles issues of common concern and providers a platform for the active participation of service users and carers.� Each year in response to a Priorities for Action (PFA) target, the PHA, working with HSC partners, service users and carers in the Forum, develop an Annual Report on PPI work taken forward through the Forum.The report for 2012/13 details progress in a number of important areas such as training, development of standards etc.
This report outlines the strategic need for, and benefits of,�personal and public involvement�to all levels of Health and Social Care Research�&�Development Division activity.
This leaflet provides an overview of PPI and outlines the five Standards developed to set out what is expected of Health and Social Care (HSC) organisations and staff.
The Regional HSC PPI Annual Report for 2013/14 provides an up-date of the work of the Forum and outlines the key areas that have been progressed including the development of PPI standards and the advancement of a generic PPI awareness raising and training programme.
Local and national policy increasingly emphasises the central role of service users and the public in shaping Health and Social Care (HSC). This is the second edition of the HSC R&D Division��'s Personal and Public Involvement (PPI) Strategy, which highlights the importance of involving patients and the public in research and outlines the progress already made in implementing PPI in research in Northern Ireland.
Aquest treball descriu els principis de disseny i els components essencials d'un hipotètic programa informàtic que té per finalitat facilitar el procés d'autoajuda i que també pot ser utilitzat com a eina de desenvolupament personal i motivació. Prèviament, l'autor fa una revisió dels mètodes existents, des de l'èxit dels llibres d'autoajuda del segle XX fins al'expansió de la interactivitat impulsada pel desenvolupament de les tecnologiesinformàtiques. A través d'aquest recorregut es constata la pobre implantació de les novestecnologies com a instruments populars d'autoajuda i s'advoca per la creació i ús deprogrames informàtics flexibles i generalistes com a mitjà de suport psicològic.
Personalization in e-learning allows the adaptation of contents, learning strategiesand educational resources to the competencies, previous knowledge or preferences of the student. This project takes a multidisciplinary perspective for devising standards-based personalization capabilities into virtual e-learning environments, focusing on the conceptof adaptive learning itinerary, using reusable learning objects as the basis of the system and using ontologies and semantic web technologies.
Anàlisi, disseny i implementació d'una base de dades relacional i un magatzem de dades per a una empresa de selecció de personal.
L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és desenvolupar una aplicació per donar suport en les activitats de negoci d'una empresa de selecció de personal. Per fer-ho s'hauran de desenvolupar un sistema relacional i un magatzem de dades.
Background: Hand hygiene in the health context is a complex behaviour. There have been rarely given the role of the knowledge and attitudes as predictors of hand hygiene behaviour. The main objective of this work is the description of the development of a questionnaire on hand hygiene and the analysis of their measurement properties. Method: An instrument which was designed and validated a questionnaire. It was held in January 2009. It finally has had 50 items that assess risk behaviour intention before and after contact with the patient, declarative knowledge and attitudes about hand hygiene. It has been applied to 431 students of health sciences at the University of Granada. Results: There were three factor analysis, ultimately obtaining a general convergence value that explains 46.01% of the total variance and high reliability (a=0,843). There is correlation between knowledge and behavior intentions before and after patient contact (p <0.01).In turn, the attitude correlates only with behavioral intention before (p <0.05). The hand hygiene behavior refers to a higher mean after the completion of various health activities before the same (4.26 and 3.96 respectively). Both declarative knowledge and attitudes significantly predict behavioral intention, in particular the conduct before the contact with the patient (R2 = 0.100, standardized Beta 0.256 for knowledge and 0.145 for attitudes). Conclusions: The questionnaire shows high internal consistency. We have obtained a valid tool for assessing risk behavior, knowledge and attitudes about students’ hand hygiene in health sciences. The tool detects deficiencies in basic skills in students.
Although active personal dosemeters (APDs) are not used quite often in hospital environments, the possibility to assess the dose and/or dose rate in real time is particularly interesting in interventional radiology and cardiology (IR/IC) since operators can receive relatively high doses while standing close to the primary radiation field.A study concerning the optimization of the use of APDs in IR/IC was performed in the framework of the ORAMED project, a Collaborative Project (2008-2011) supported by the European Commission within its 7th Framework Program. This paper reports on tests performed with APDs on phantoms using an X-ray facility in a hospital environment and APDs worn by interventionalists during routine practice in different European hospitals.The behaviour of the APDs is more satisfactory in hospitals than in laboratories with respect to the influence of the tube peak high voltage and pulse width, because the APDs are tested in scattered fields with dose equivalent rates generally lower than 1 Sv.h(-1).
Disseny i implementació de la base de dades per a una empresa de selecció de personal
Ponència presentada a la Jornada sobre plans d'autoprotecció
Ponència presentada a la Jornada sobre plans d'autoprotecció