158 resultados para Prefabricated


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The Trainer for Kids is a prefabricated funcitonal appliance indicated for early treatment of the Class I malocclusion, crowding, anterior open bite, deep bite and oral habits (finger and/or sucking, atypic deglutition, tongue interposition and oral breathing). The aim of this paper is show two case reports treated with the T4K appliance being an anterior open bite and a deep bite.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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As an alternative to improve the adaptation of prefabricated posts in flared canals and weakened roots, the option is for relining prefabricated pin, known as a technique of anatomical post. This technique, which can be made with composite resin increases the adjustment post to the walls of the canal and reduces the cementing line, causing the retaining post is less dependent on the mechanical properties of the cementing agent. This article aims to provide an overview of anatomical posts, specifically in the last two decades, based on studies extracted from Scielo, Scopus and Pubmed, referring to the following terms of MeSH Data Base: custom made fiber post, indirect fiber glass posts, root canal therapy and post and core tecnique. According to the literature review in this article, it can be concluded that this technique has been used by several authors and has been shown effective and promising, it creates an individualized retainer with better adaptation and decreased mechanical imbrication cementing line .


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The technique proposed aims at reducing the weight of individualized ample ocular prostheses using acrylic resins as well as simplifying laboratory procedure. For that, prefabricated hollow spheres made of plastic material, were inserted in the sclera. The average weights of the solid conventional sclera (5.30g) and those of the respective prefabricated plastic ones (3.91g) were compared. The weight reduction was significative with a confidence interval of 95% by the Student t test. ln addition, for illustration purpose, the technique was applied to patients in the ward of the Maxillofacial Prostheses Dicipline of the Dentistry School in the Campus of São José dos Campos - UNESP, having each patient received a solid prosthesis and a hollow prefabricated one made of plastic material. It has been concluded that the prostheses material spheres were inserted are lighter than the ones which received solid spheres; furthermore, thr technique is viable for ample anophtalmic cavities and requires few sessions


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The aim of this study was to review the current scientific literature to discuss the biomechanical behavior and characteristics inherent to both cast post and core and the prefabricated posts used in the practice of restoring endodontically treated teeth. To identify studies of this review, it was performed a detailed and advanced search strategy to the databases PubMed and Medline. It was used as descriptors: endodontically treated teeth, post, core, fiber post and metal post. Inclusion criteria were: clinical trials, randomized controlled trials, in vitro studies, literature reviews and systematic reviews with or without meta-analysis of the last 10 years that addressed the theme. Exclusion criteria were: articles without abstracts, animal studies, articles whose language was not English and articles from journals that do not belong to the Dentistry field. Of a total of 35 articles, after an analysis according to inclusion and exclusion criteria, 23 articles were selected. Most of the current scientific literature indicates that the prefabricated fiber reinforced and ceramic posts should be appointed for endodontically treated teeth that have a minimum height of 2mm ferrule. As for the cast metal cores, along with pre-fabricated metal represent a good prosthetic option, when weakened teeth have to be restored for any reason. Despite the large number of studies, there is still a lack of longterm prospective studies that evaluate the effectiveness of these posts in the treatment of endodontically treated teeth.


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Robots are needed to perform important field tasks such as hazardous material clean-up, nuclear site inspection, and space exploration. Unfortunately their use is not widespread due to their long development times and high costs. To make them practical, a modular design approach is proposed. Prefabricated modules are rapidly assembled to give a low-cost system for a specific task. This paper described the modular design problem for field robots and the application of a hierarchical selection process to solve this problem. Theoretical analysis and an example case study are presented. The theoretical analysis of the modular design problem revealed the large size of the search space. It showed the advantages of approaching the design on various levels. The hierarchical selection process applies physical rules to reduce the search space to a computationally feasible size and a genetic algorithm performs the final search in a greatly reduced space. This process is based on the observation that simple physically based rules can eliminate large sections of the design space to greatly simplify the search. The design process is applied to a duct inspection task. Five candidate robots were developed. Two of these robots are evaluated using detailed physical simulation. It is shown that the more obvious solution is not able to complete the task, while the non-obvious asymmetric design develop by the process is successful.


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Masonry spandrels together with shear walls are structural components of a masonry building subjected to lateral loads. Shear walls are the main components of this structural system, even if masonry spandrels are the elements that ensure the connection of shear wall panels and the distribution of stresses through the masonry piers. The use of prefabricated truss type bars in the transversal and longitudinal directions is usually considered a challenge, even if the simplicity of the applications suggested here alleviate some of the possible difficulties. This paper focus on the experimental behavior of masonry spandrels reinforced with prefabricated trusses, considering different possibilities for the arrangement of reinforcement and blocks. Reinforced spandrels with three and two hollow cell concrete blocks and with different reinforcement ratios have been built and tested using a four and three point loading test configuration. Horizontal bed joint reinforcement increased the capacity of deformation as well as the ultimate load, leading to ductile responses. Vertical reinforcement increased the shear strength of the masonry spandrels and its distribution play a central role on the shear behavior. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Wood is a material of great applicability in construction, with advantageous properties to form various structural systems, such as walls and roof. Most of the roof structural systems follow models that have remained unchanged for a long time. A roof modular system in distinguished materials is proposed: reforested wood (Pine), oriented strand board (OSB) and roof tiles made of recycled long-life packaging material in order to be applied in rural construction. In this alternative, besides the benefit of giving destination packages with long-life thermal comfort, it also highlights the use of reforestated wood being the cultivation of such species that provides incentive for agribusiness. The structural performance of this alternative was evaluated through computer modeling and test results of two modular panels. The analysis is based on the results of vertical displacements, deformations and stresses. A positive correlation between theoretical and experimental values was observed, indicating the model's feasibility for use in roof structures. Therefore, the modular system represents a solution to new architecture conceptions to rural construction, for example, storage construction, cattle handling and poultry, with benefits provided by prefabricated building systems.


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La ricerca è volta a presentare un nuovo approccio integrato, a supporto di operatori e progettisti, per la gestione dell’intero processo progettuale di interventi di riqualificazione energetica e architettonica del patrimonio edilizio recente, mediante l’impiego di soluzioni tecnologiche innovative di involucro edilizio. Lo studio richiede necessariamente l’acquisizione di un repertorio selezionato di sistemi costruttivi di involucro, come base di partenza per l’elaborazione di soluzioni progettuali di recupero delle scuole appartenenti al secondo dopoguerra, in conglomerato cementizio armato, prevalentemente prefabbricate. Il progetto individua procedimenti costruttivi ecocompatibili per la progettazione di componenti prefabbricati di involucro “attivo”, adattabile ed efficiente, da assemblare a secco, nel rispetto dei requisiti prestazionali richiesti dalle attuali normative. La ricerca è finalizzata alla gestione dell’intero processo, supportato da sistemi di rilevazione geometrica, collegati a software di programmazione parametrica per la modellazione di superfici adattabili alla morfologia dei fabbricati oggetto di intervento. Tali strumenti informatizzati CAD-CAM sono connessi a macchine a controllo numerico CNC per la produzione industrializzata degli elementi costruttivi “su misura”. A titolo esemplificativo dell’approccio innovativo proposto, si formulano due possibili soluzioni di involucro in linea con i paradigmi della ricerca, nel rispetto dei principi di sostenibilità, intesa come modularità, rapidità di posa, reversibilità, recupero e riciclo di materiali. In particolare, le soluzioni innovative sono accomunate dall’applicazione di una tecnica basata sull’assemblaggio di elementi prefabbricati, dall’adozione di una trama esagonale per la tassellazione della nuova superficie di facciata, e dall’utilizzo del medesimo materiale termico isolante, plastico e inorganico, riciclato ed ecosostenibile, a basso impatto ambientale (AAM - Alkali Activated Materials). Le soluzioni progettuali proposte, sviluppate presso le due sedi coinvolte nella cotutela (Università di Bologna, Université Paris-Est) sono affrontate secondo un protocollo scientifico che prevede: progettazione del sistema costruttivo, analisi meccanica e termica, sperimentazione costruttiva, verifica delle tecniche di messa in opera e dei requisiti prestazionali.


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AIM: To assess survival rates and complications of root-filled teeth restored with or without post-and-core systems over a mean observation period of >or=4 years. METHODOLOGY: A total of 325 single- and multirooted teeth in 183 subjects treated in a private practice were root filled and restored with either a cast post-and-core or with a prefabricated titanium post and composite core. Root-filled teeth without post-retained restorations served as controls. The restored teeth served as abutments for single unit metal-ceramic or composite crowns or fixed bridges. Teeth supporting cantilever bridges, overdentures or telescopic crowns were excluded. RESULTS: Seventeen teeth in 17 subjects were lost to follow-up (17/325: 5.2%). The mean observation period was 5.2 +/- 1.8 (SD) years for restorations with titanium posts, 6.2 +/- 2.0 (SD) years for cast post-and-cores and 4.4 +/- 1.7 (SD) years for teeth without posts. Overall, 54% of build-ups included the incorporation of a titanium post and 26.5% the cementation of a cast post-and-core. The remaining 19.5% of the teeth were restored without intraradicular retention. The adjusted 5-year tooth survival rate amounted to 92.5% for teeth restored with titanium posts, to 97.1% for teeth restored with cast post-and-cores and to 94.3% for teeth without post restorations, respectively. The most frequent complications included root fracture (6.2%), recurrent caries (1.9%), post-treatment periradicular disease (1.6%) and loss of retention (1.3%). CONCLUSION: Provided that high-quality root canal treatment and restorative protocols are implemented, high survival and low complication rates of single- and multirooted root-filled teeth used as abutments for fixed restorations can be expected after a mean observation period of >or=4 years.


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We investigated the feasibility in rats of enhancing skin-flap prefabrication with subdermal injections of adenovirus-encoding vascular endothelial growth factor (Ad-VEGF). The left saphenous vascular pedicle was used as a source for vascular induction. A peninsular abdominal flap (8 x 8 cm) was elevated as distally based, keeping the epigastric vessels intact on both sides. After the vascular pedicle was tacked underneath the abdominal flap, 34 rats were randomly divided into three groups according to treatment protocol. The implantation site around the pedicle was injected with Ad-VEGF in group I (n = 10), with adenovirus-encoding green fluorescent protein (Ad-GFP) in control group I (n = 14), and with saline in control group II (n = 10). All injections were given subdermally at four points around the implanted vessel by an individual blinded to the treatment protocol. The peninsular flap was sutured in its place, and 4 weeks later, an abdominal island flap based solely on the implanted vessels was elevated. The prefabricated island flap was sutured back, and flap viability was evaluated on day 7. Skin specimens were stained with hematoxylin and eosin for histological evaluation. In two rats from each group, microangiography was performed to visualize the vascularity of the prefabricated flaps. There was a significant increase in survival of prefabricated flaps in the Ad-VEGF group compared to the control groups: Ad-VEGF, 88.9 +/- 6.1% vs. Ad-GFP, 65.6 +/- 9.4% (P < 0.05) and saline, 56.0 +/- 3.4% (P < 0.05). Sections from four prefabricated flaps treated with Ad-GFP revealed multiple sites of shiny deposits of green fluorescent protein around the area of local administration 1 day and 3 weeks after gene therapy. Histological examination done under high-power magnification (x400) with a light microscope revealed increased vascularity and mild inflammation surrounding the implanted vessel in all groups. However, we were unable to demonstrate any significant quantitative difference with respect to vascularity and inflammatory infiltrates in prefabricated flaps treated with Ad-VEGF compared with controls. Microangiographic studies showed increased vascularity around the implanted pedicle, which was similar in all groups. However, vascularization was distributed in a larger area in the prefabricated flaps treated with Ad-VEGF. In this study, the authors demonstrated that adenovirus-mediated VEGF gene therapy increased the survival of prefabricated flaps, suggesting that it may allow prefabrication of larger flaps and have the potential to reduce the time required for flap maturation.


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AIM: The aim of this study was to assess the marginal fit of crowns on the Straumann (ITI) Dental Implant System with special consideration of different casting dental materials. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixty porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns were fabricated: 18 crowns on standard cone abutments with an impression cylinder, partially prefabricated analogs, no coping and screw-retained (A); 18 crowns on solid abutments without an impression device, no analogs, no coping and cemented (B); and 18 crowns on solid abutments using an impression transfer cap, an analog with a shoulder, no coping and cemented (C). In each group, six crowns were made on epoxy mastercasts (Bluestar), six on synthetic plaster (Moldasynt) and six on super hard stone (Fujirock). Six additional crowns were fabricated with the transversal screw retention system onto the Octa system with impression transfer caps, metal analogs, gold copings and screw-retained (D). Impregum was used as impression material. Crowns of B and C were cemented with KetacCem. Crowns of A and D were fixed with an occlusal screw torqued at 15 N cm. Crowns were embedded, cut and polished. Under a light microscope using a magnification of x 100, the distance between the crown margin (CM) and the shoulder (marginal gap, MG) and the distance between the CM and the end of the shoulder (crown length, CL) was measured. RESULTS: MGs were 15.4+/-13.2 microm (A), 21.2+/-23.1 microm (B), 11+/-12.1 microm (C) and 10.4+/-9.3 microm (D). No statistically significantly differences using either of the casting materials were observed. CLs were -21.3+/-24.8 microm (A), 3+/-28.9 microm (B), 0.5+/-22 microm (C) and 0.1+/-15.8 microm (D). Crowns were shorter on synthetic casting materials compared with stone casts (P<0.005). CONCLUSIONS: CMs fit precisely with both cemented and screw-retained versions as well as when using no, partial or full analogs.


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OBJECTIVES: Wear of attachments leads to a loss of retention and potentially reduces the function of complete dentures. This study evaluated the retention force changes of different prefabricated attachment systems for implant-supported overdentures to estimate the wear constancy and applicability in clinical practice. METHODS: Four prefabricated attachment systems were tested [Group SG: retentive ball attachment (Straumann, Switzerland) with gold matrix, Group ST: retentive ball attachment (Straumann, Switzerland) with titanium spring matrix, Group IB: UNOR i-Ball with Ecco matrix (UNOR, Switzerland) and Group IMZ: IMZ-TwinPlus ball attachment with gold matrix (DENTSPLY Friadent, Germany)]. Ten samples of each system were subjected to 10,000 insertion-separation cycles. RESULTS: Results showed that all types of attachments showed wear, which led to a loss of retention force after an initial increase at the beginning of the wear simulation. Attachments with a plastic retention insert or gold matrices underwent the smallest changes in retention force. The titanium spring system showed the largest changes in retention force and a greater variation between the different cycles and specimen. This behaviour is probably caused by a large fitting tolerance of the titanium spring. CONCLUSIONS: Attachment systems which possess a male and female component of different material composition are preferable. They show smaller changes in the retention force. For retention force increase and wear compensation, an attachment system should be adjustable.


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The aim of this research was to study the impact of loading on partial dentures within the supporting soft tissue with respect to different attachment techniques. A finite element model was developed to calculate the stress and strain distribution in this tissue. The model consisted of the left half of a mandible with three remaining teeth that had suffered an atrophy in the anterior region, and a partial denture over the toothless area that was connected at the left mandibular canine using an attachment system. Resulting stress/strain distributions are presented for different load cases using a commercially available prefabricated attachment system.