806 resultados para Praças Públicas. Grupos Sociais. Territorialidades. Espaços Públicos. Esfera Pública e Esfera Privada


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In this present work, the conditions of displacements and the behaviors of the users are evaluated, face to the physical adequacies in accessibility in the inserted area in the central quadrilateral of the Quarter of Cidade Alta, in the City of Natal/RN, space clipping established by its great meaning historical and cultural. For this reason such area was a target of an integrated actions plan during the years of 1993 and 1998, with the implantation of part of the Project CIDADE SEM BARREIRAS (City without Barriers) and, later, the implementation of the Project CIDADE PARA TODOS's proposals (City for All), having as supports the constant Brazilian norms inserted into the NB9050/1994 and in the Municipal law number 4.090/92, effective ones in the period of the interventions. Considering that the carried through actions at the time were directed to the elimination of the architectural barriers to guarantee the right to go and to come, the research received a human universe formed by all the people in situation of displacement in the central area of the interventions in the quarter of the Cidade Alta, independently of their locomotive or sensorial conditions, emphasizing the aspects most excellent how much to the accessibility of the sidewalk, as promotional of mobility, integration and urban organization, as well as of the public squares of that one quadrilateral, conceived, originally, as spaces of aggregation and social inclusion. The work appealed to the direct comment and the gotten results had been collated with the ex port facto law and technique norms, of the year of 2004, and with the legal devices contained in the Federal Decree number 5.296/2004, as way to certify the levels of efficiency of these adaptations in that it says respect to the current conditions of demanded accessibility and urban mobility


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The dynamics of social fights in Santa Maria district, Aracaju, represents, in this study, the search process for understanding and analyzing the articulations of the social movements, their victories, and their ways of practicing politics, it proposes, therefore, a search for explanations and to reflect upon some issues such as: what are the dynamics of social fights and victories of the popular social movements is Santa Maria District? How do they work to solve their problems and to answer the demands along with the institutions that are responsible for the public policies in the district? With the answers to these and other questions, an analysis of the population‟s fights with the support of local social movements will be conducted. It will be done based on the historical-critical perspective of the social movements within the context of social live, through a qualitative approach based on semi=structured interviews applied to people who are close observers of the district‟s reality, and on the analysis of News contents that were published in two newspapers from Aracaju in previous years, especially from 2004 to 2008. In face of the material studied about the News from newspapers and the contents of magazines, it is evident that the local popular movements began as a new way of practicing politics that was characterized by a reproductive practice of the status quo. There is one perspective left for the population from Santa Maria District, that they demand the local leadership to take actions in face of their dynamic of fights


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This study reflects on the conflicts that exist between the different forms of participation and the political representation manifested by community organizations and social movements in the city of Natal/RN. The objective is to better understand the process of political participation of the popular classes and how the different actors have represented collective demands in the struggle for rights. To this end, we mapped the organizations, social movements and participation spaces, through a type of participant research, in which we had the opportunity to experience and study different forms of collective action and events instigated by the community organizations and the Movement for the Struggle in the Neighborhoods, Villages and Slums (Movimento de Luta nos Bairros, Vilas e Favelas) MLB. From the theoretical contributions of authors such as Maria da Glória Gohn, Marco Aurélio Nogueira, Virginia Fontes, Vera da Silva Telles, Roberto Da Matta and Carlos Montaño, as well as the empirical data collected, the study revealed that on representing their segments and occupying different spaces of participation, some actors have formed partnerships with the State, putting collective demands on a second plane. Contrarily, other actors have articulated their struggle around collective demands and manifested through direct action, mobilizing and asserting themselves in defense of a project for society


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In contemporary society, social exclusion is an actual and pertinent theme, because it presents itself as a challenge to management and planning of the public policies. In this perspective, the thesis entitled "The Cultural Corridor: space materialization of social exclusion in Mossoró-RN" is a moment of apprehension and analysis of the local reality from the urban policy implementation that emphasized an enterprising model, which has, as the concrete space to urban renovation manifestation, the cultural complex called cultural corridor. Because of the investigation and the directional hypothesis, it is possible to say that the urban development policy implemented in Mossoró, starting from the 1990 decade, based in the model of modernizing/enterprising management, has been causing an intensification of a society parcel exclusion from the city public space, since this public policy didn't prioritized job market increasing, as well as population incomes improving, poverty and social inequality reduction, at the same proportions it promoted geographic space reorganization with directional actions to build the "spectacle city"


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El presente trabajo es el resultado de una investigación llevada a cabo con un grupo de etnia romaní Calon, en el territorio de Seridó, específicamente la ciudad de Florânia, estado do Rio Grande do Norte / RN, como un lugar con la Escola Municipal de Domingas Francelina das Neves . El grupo se trasladó a las pruebas de un nuevo espacio en la ciudad en los principios de l980, la construcción de casas para vivir de esta manera y fundar una escuela para sus hijos, desde el consumo de una cultura diferente a la manera de vivir y estar en el mundo, si los usuarios que hacen de las políticas públicas establecidas grupos sociales. Hemos elegido como base para el análisis de la importancia teórica y metodológica de la Escuela de Cultura Cultura Historia, conceptos y prácticas, estrategias y tácticas (Michel de Certeau), la entrevista completa (Kaufmann) y la memoria (Le Goff). Como una estrategia en la investigación de campo, se utiliza la técnica de observación participante (Minayo). En este trabajo, encontramos el ejercicio de la educación para la vida familiar, la práctica social y cultural de los gitanos, el trabajo de la institución de educación y los elementos postulada por los teóricos que abordan los cambios en los estilos de vida de la inclusión en la escuela, las culturas silenciadas o negada. La investigación representa una labor de diálogo intercultural en una investigación como resultado de intensas búsquedas en fuentes documentales y de archivo, después de haber sido un cuerpo empírico, con material de lectura en los archivos públicos de la Cidade de Florânia, Escola Municipal de archivo Domingas Francelina das Neves entrevistas, fotografías, películas, cuadernos, documentos personales y diarios de circulación nacional. Nuestra investigación tuvo como resultado en los estudios de la cultura escolar y la escuela, el lugar de la escuela como un instrumento de inclusión social de grupos marginados y los grupos étnicos, sin poder, los estudios para la comprensión de la convivencia con los distintos temas de la diversidad, así como la comprensión y posibilidades de la formulación de declaraciones de política, teniendo como punto de partida las prácticas sociales y culturales de la rutina escolar


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This paper analyzes the influence of trade and services in the reconfiguration of urban space in Natal, with the Avenues Bernardo Vieira end Roberto Freire Engineer as privileged analysis. Initially, we discussed the concepts of production and reproduction of urban space, urban centralities, decentralized, services and public policies, especially transport and tourism. Then, we show the construction of urban space from Natal, highlighting the historical formation of the districts of Ribeira, Cidade Alta and Alecrim, pioneers in the service sector, noting that currently there is an ongoing process of decentralization in the city of such activities, to other areas of the urban fabric of Natal. Later, we studied the Avenues Bernardo Vieira to Roberto Freire Engineer, noting, in both the distribution of commercial activities and services, and issues related to transportation, traffic, tourism and socio-economic problems, identified them. Finally, testify that Natal, from the 1980s, underwent a process of decentralization of services, both to the south, and north of the city on the ball. In this process of decentralization we ascertain the role of public policies on transport and tourism, complementing the action of private enterprise, through the real estate market, on Avenue Roberto Freire Engineer.


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The process of urbanization of Natal city has been going in the last years by importants changes, mainly, because we can observe the development of a new kind of housing: the horizontal closed condominiums, from 1995 began to expand quickly on the city. In this way, the present study has as objective analyse the expansion of the horizontal closed condominiums on the urban area of Natal. Emphasizing the sociogeographic changes that these ventures engender. For this, we have done a research that was based on quantitative procedures, however, preferring a qualitative approach. So, data were gathered from sources and procedures: the first, we performed a literature search and document on issues related to the relevant issues in libraries, public and privates institutions; The second, in accordance with the procedures, or the production of informations, performed enterview and implemetation of questionnaires with key stakeholders involved with the expansion of horizontal condominiums in Natal. Within this perspective, our research showed that the expansion of demand in the city, the existence of volume of land in areas suitable for the production building, the formation of capital property, the appearance of new points of modern consumption, the actions of the state and the low cost of production of these enterprises, are factors that have been decisive in the expansion of the horizontal condominiums in Natal. Also, we can observe that the process of production of the urban space from the horizontal condominiums comes in providing the redefinition of land use in areas that appear, because they expand into outlying areas of Natal, changes in its structure and its pattern of socio segregation, observing that the condominiums put the diferents social groups living side by side, but not mantaining relationships among them, the emergence of spaces to homogenization, the fragmentation of the urbanization, the privatization of the city and several environmental problems. In short, we believe that the horizontal expansion of condominiums is enabling a number of social changes to Natal city


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O estudo trata da experiência da Casa Familiar Rural do município de Gurupá, situado na mesorregião do Marajó no Estado do Pará. Discute a relação da Educação do campo, Poder Local e políticas Públicas no contexto local, enfatizando a concepção de organização Pública Não Estatal na oferta da educação do campo e da relação entre Sociedade Civil e Estado. Seu objetivo principal foi analisar as especificidades da experiência da referida Casa e suas contribuições para as políticas públicas locais bem como na constituição do poder local. O enfoque desta pesquisa foi classificado como Qualitativo, sendo o principal instrumento de coleta de dados a entrevista semi-estruturada aplicada a oito sujeitos. Além das entrevistas foram utilizados documentos e visita local. As questões que conduziram a análise dos dados foram: o que é a CFR e qual seu projeto educativo para o campesinato gurupaense? Como se estabelecem as relações entre a Casa Familiar Rural e os atores acima citados? Que políticas públicas estão sendo alcançadas em benefício da comunidade camponesa a partir dessa configuração de poder local? O que isso contribui com o âmbito local e para o fortalecimento de um projeto de desenvolvimento educacional e econômico do campo? Com base na análise das informações, o estudo demonstrou que a Casa Familiar Rural de Gurupá, a partir de sua participação efetiva nos espaços públicos e na composição de parcerias com governos, com organizações não-governamentais (Ong’s) e com a sociedade civil, vem influenciando, propondo e executando políticas públicas neste município, constituindo-se como importante agente na constituição do Poder Local. A pesquisa demonstrou que a Casa tem se consolidado como uma importante referência na educação do campo no município de Gurupá.