931 resultados para Potts, Andy


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INTRODUÇÃO: Estudo realizado em clínicas cirúrgicas de dois hospitais de Belo Horizonte com 100 pacientes adultos de ambos os sexos, distribuídos em dois grupos: Grupo 1 - 22 pacientes sem experiência com cirurgia; Grupo 2 - 78 pacientes submetidos previamente a outras operações de médio e grande porte. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o impacto do estresse psíquico em pacientes submetidos a operações de grande porte sob anestesia geral, relacionando suas reações físicas e psíquicas com as diferentes fases do estresse. MÉTODO: Para investigação do estresse, utilizou-se o Inventário de Sintomas de Stress para Adultos, desenvolvido por Lipp, um dia antes e dois dias e sete dias após a operação. A comparação dos grupos quanto às variáveis "sexo", "dor" e "percentual de estresse" foi realizada pelo teste do qui ao quadrado e para a variável idade foi utilizado o teste t de Student. As diferenças foram consideradas significativas para p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Os grupos não foram homogêneos quanto ao percentual geral de estresse nas três mensurações. O Grupo 1 diminuiu e o Grupo 2 aumentou o estresse no pós-operatório. Prevaleceram sintomas psíquicos do estresse em ambos os grupos. CONCLUSÃO: O fato de ter sido operado previamente reduziu a tensão pré-operatória, porém não interferiu nos distúrbios emocionais pós-operatórios.


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OBJETIVO: Este trabalho visa a verificar se de fato existe relação entre o risco de demência e a falta de estímulo físico ou mental em idosos. MÉTODOS: Trezentos e três idosos, com idade de 80 anos ou mais, foram estudados por meio de questionários específicos e distribuídos em três grupos de acordo com a prática de atividade física ou mental. Todos foram submetidos ao Miniexame do Estado Mental (MEEM) e, a partir da pontuação obtida, considerando diferentes pontos de corte, de acordo com a escolaridade, foi comparado o risco de desenvolvimento de demência entre os grupos. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença da pontuação entre sexos. Comparando as incidências de risco aumentado de demência, os indivíduos que não praticavam atividade alguma tiveram risco relativo de 4,27, quando comparados com os indivíduos que praticavam atividade mental, e de 2,21, quando comparados aos praticantes de atividade física. Esses últimos tiveram risco relativo de 1,93, em relação aos praticantes de atividade mental. CONCLUSÃO: A prática regular de atividades físicas e mentais retarda o declínio cognitivo, reduzindo o risco de demência. Entre essas atividades, as mentais foram mais eficazes.


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Inhalt dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung, der Aufbau und der Test eines DC‐DC Wandlers zur Bordnetzversorgung von Elektrofahrzeugen. In Kapitel 1 werden die Beweggründe für diese Bachelorarbeit genannt und die Parameter des Wandlers näher bestimmt. Kapitel 2 gibt einen Überblick über den Stand der Technik und beinhaltet verschiedene Wandler‐Topologien und ihre Wirkungsweise. Als wichtige Komponenten werden der Transformator betrachtet sowie die nötigen Leistungshalbleiter. Abschließend werden mögliche Regelverfahren kurz erläutert. In Kapitel 3 wird eine mögliche Vorgehensweise zur Entwicklung eines DC‐DC Wandlers dargelegt. Es wird eine Wandler‐Topologie ausgewählt, die Schaltung wird erstellt, die Komponenten werden dimensioniert. Danach werden anhand der Komponenten die Verluste und der Wirkungsgrad bestimmt. Es folgen 2 kurze Abschnitte, die sich mit der Abführung der Wärmeverluste und der Simulation der Schaltung beschäftigen. Zum Schluss erfolgt die Beschreibung eines Testaufbaus, ersten Messungen an der Schaltung. Kapitel 4 gibt eine Zusammenfassung der Bachelorarbeit wieder.


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The freshwater sponges Trochospongilla variabilis Bonetto & Ezcurra de Drago (1973), Radiospongilla crateriformis (Potts, 1882), Spongilla cenota Penney & Racek (1968) and Corvoheteromeyenia heterosclera (Ezcurra de Drago, 1974) compose with the sphaerid bivalve Eupera cubensis (Prime, 1865) and several Phylactolaemata bryozoans a benthic filter feeding community living in seasonal lentic and lotic habitats with high Particulate Organic Carbon (POC), low conductivity and acid pH within the Costa Rica Dry Forest biome. The sponge specimens gathered led to the re-description of the four species.


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Dosilia plumosa (Carter, 1849), type species of the genus, and D. brouni (Kirkpatrick, 1906), with distribution respectively in the Oriental and Ethiopic regions, are revised based on a SEM analysis of spicules, gemmules and skeletal structure. The lectotype here designated for D. plumosa is illustrated as well as the holotype by monotypy determined for D. brouni. Dosilia palmeri (Potts, 1885) and D. radiospiculata (Mills, 1888) distributed in the Nearctic and Neotropical regions and D. pydanieli Volkmer-Ribeiro, 1992, found in the Neotropical region, are revised based on a SEM analysis of spicules, gemules and skeletal structure. The holotype by monotypy is determined for D. radiospiculata. Heteromeyenia plumosa Weltner,1895 is synonymyzed with D. radiospiculata. Upon the revision of its five species, the genus is redefined and a key presented.


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To specifically induce a mucosal antibody response to purified human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) virus-like particles (VLP), we immunized female BALB/c mice orally, intranasally, and/or parenterally and evaluated cholera toxin (CT) as a mucosal adjuvant. Anti-HPV16 VLP immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgA titers in serum, saliva, and genital secretions were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Systemic immunizations alone induced HPV16 VLP-specific IgG in serum and, to a lesser extent, in genital secretions but no secretory IgA. Oral immunization, even in the presence of CT, was inefficient. However, three nasal immunizations with 5 microgram of VLP given at weekly intervals to anesthetized mice induced high (>10(4)) and long-lasting (>15 weeks) titers of anti-HPV16 VLP antibodies in all samples, including IgA and IgG in saliva and genital secretions. CT enhanced the VLP-specific antibody response 10-fold in serum and to a lesser extent in saliva and genital secretions. Nasal immunization of conscious mice compared to anesthetized mice was inefficient and correlated with the absence of uptake of a marker into the lung. However, a 1-microgram VLP systemic priming followed by two 5-microgram VLP intranasal boosts in conscious mice induced both HPV16 VLP-specific IgG and IgA in secretions, although the titers were lower than in anesthetized mice given three intranasal immunizations. Antibodies in serum, saliva, and genital secretions of immunized mice were strongly neutralizing in vitro (50% neutralization with ELISA titers of 65 to 125). The mucosal and systemic/mucosal HPV16 VLP immunization protocols that induced significant titers of neutralizing IgG and secretory IgA in mucosal secretions in mice may be relevant to genital HPV VLP-based human vaccine trials.


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In this paper we show that the inclusion of unemployment-tenure interaction variates in Mincer wage equations is subject to serious pitfalls. These variates were designed to test whether or not the sensitivity to the business cycle of a worker’s wage varies according to her tenure. We show that three canonical variates used in the literature - the minimum unemployment rate during a worker’s time at the firm(min u), the unemployment rate at the start of her tenure(Su) and the current unemployment rate interacted with a new hire dummy(δu) - can all be significant and "correctly" signed even when each worker in the firm receives the same wage, regardless of tenure (equal treatment). In matched data the problem can be resolved by the inclusion in the panel of firm-year interaction dummies. In unmatched data where this is not possible, we propose a solution for min u and Su based on Solon, Barsky and Parker’s(1994) two step method. This method is sub-optimal because it ignores a large amount of cross tenure variation in average wages and is only valid when the scaled covariances of firm wages and firm employment are acyclical. Unfortunately δu cannot be identified in unmatched data because a differential wage response to unemployment of new hires and incumbents will appear under both equal treatment and unequal treatment.


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Computational modeling has become a widely used tool for unraveling the mechanisms of higher level cooperative cell behavior during vascular morphogenesis. However, experimenting with published simulation models or adding new assumptions to those models can be daunting for novice and even for experienced computational scientists. Here, we present a step-by-step, practical tutorial for building cell-based simulations of vascular morphogenesis using the Tissue Simulation Toolkit (TST). The TST is a freely available, open-source C++ library for developing simulations with the two-dimensional cellular Potts model, a stochastic, agent-based framework to simulate collective cell behavior. We will show the basic use of the TST to simulate and experiment with published simulations of vascular network formation. Then, we will present step-by-step instructions and explanations for building a recent simulation model of tumor angiogenesis. Demonstrated mechanisms include cell-cell adhesion, chemotaxis, cell elongation, haptotaxis, and haptokinesis.


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Angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels sprouting from existing ones, occurs in several situations like wound healing, tissue remodeling, and near growing tumors. Under hypoxic conditions, tumor cells secrete growth factors, including VEGF. VEGF activates endothelial cells (ECs) in nearby vessels, leading to the migration of ECs out of the vessel and the formation of growing sprouts. A key process in angiogenesis is cellular self-organization, and previous modeling studies have identified mechanisms for producing networks and sprouts. Most theoretical studies of cellular self-organization during angiogenesis have ignored the interactions of ECs with the extra-cellular matrix (ECM), the jelly or hard materials that cells live in. Apart from providing structural support to cells, the ECM may play a key role in the coordination of cellular motility during angiogenesis. For example, by modifying the ECM, ECs can affect the motility of other ECs, long after they have left. Here, we present an explorative study of the cellular self-organization resulting from such ECM-coordinated cell migration. We show that a set of biologically-motivated, cell behavioral rules, including chemotaxis, haptotaxis, haptokinesis, and ECM-guided proliferation suffice for forming sprouts and branching vascular trees.


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L'objectiu d'aquest article és identificar les prestacions preferides pels usuaris estudiants internacionals per als OPACs de pròxima generació. La metodologia seguida va ser entrevistar el juliol de 2008 setze estudiants internacionals de la University of Sheffield per explorar les seves preferències entre les prestacions potencials en els OPACs de pròxima generació. Es va utilitzar un esquema d'entrevista semi-estructurat amb imatges de simulacions de pantalles. Els resultats de les entrevistes van concordar àmpliament amb els estudis previs. En general, els estudiants esperen que les prestacions dels OPACs de pròxima generació els estalviin temps, siguin fàcils d'utilitzar i que siguin rellevants per a la seva cerca. Aquest estudi va descobrir que els usuaris prefereixen les prestacions de recomanació i les prestacions que proporcionen una millor navegació entre els resultats de cerca. No obstant això, les prestacions Web 2.0, com ara els agregadors i les prestacions que implicaven la participació dels usuaris es trobaven entre les menys populars.


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Metabolic labeling techniques have recently become popular tools for the quantitative profiling of proteomes. Classical stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell cultures (SILAC) uses pairs of heavy/light isotopic forms of amino acids to introduce predictable mass differences in protein samples to be compared. After proteolysis, pairs of cognate precursor peptides can be correlated, and their intensities can be used for mass spectrometry-based relative protein quantification. We present an alternative SILAC approach by which two cell cultures are grown in media containing isobaric forms of amino acids, labeled either with 13C on the carbonyl (C-1) carbon or 15N on backbone nitrogen. Labeled peptides from both samples have the same nominal mass and nearly identical MS/MS spectra but generate upon fragmentation distinct immonium ions separated by 1 amu. When labeled protein samples are mixed, the intensities of these immonium ions can be used for the relative quantification of the parent proteins. We validated the labeling of cellular proteins with valine, isoleucine, and leucine with coverage of 97% of all tryptic peptides. We improved the sensitivity for the detection of the quantification ions on a pulsing instrument by using a specific fast scan event. The analysis of a protein mixture with a known heavy/light ratio showed reliable quantification. Finally the application of the technique to the analysis of two melanoma cell lines yielded quantitative data consistent with those obtained by a classical two-dimensional DIGE analysis of the same samples. Our method combines the features of the SILAC technique with the advantages of isobaric labeling schemes like iTRAQ. We discuss advantages and disadvantages of isobaric SILAC with immonium ion splitting as well as possible ways to improve it


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In most initiatives to publish Open Educational Resources (OER), the production of OER is the activity with the highest costs. Based on literature and personal experiences a list of relevant characteristics of production processes for OER are determined. Three cases are compared with each other on these characteristics. Most influence on costs are human costs and the type of OER created.


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Few publications have compared ultrasound (US) to histology in diagnosing schistosomiasis-induced liver fibrosis (LF); none has used magnetic resonance (MR). The aim of this study was to evaluate schistosomal LF using these three methods. Fourteen patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis admitted to hospital for surgical treatment of variceal bleeding were investigated. They were submitted to upper digestive endoscopy, US, MR and wedge liver biopsy. The World Health Organization protocol for US in schistosomiasis was used. Hepatic fibrosis was classified as absent, slight, moderate or intense. Histology and MR confirmed Symmers' fibrosis in all cases. US failed to detect it in one patient. Moderate agreement was found comparing US to MR; poor agreement was found when US or MR were compared to histology. Re-classifying LF as only slight or intense created moderate agreement between imaging techniques and histology. Histomorphometry did not separate slight from intense LF. Two patients with advanced hepatosplenic schistosomiasis presented slight LF. Our data suggest that the presence of the characteristic periportal fibrosis, diagnosed by US, MR or histology, associated with a sign of portal hypertension, defines the severity of the disease. We conclude that imaging techniques are reliable to define the presence of LF but fail in grading its intensity.


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This paper presents a webservice architecture for Statistical Machine Translation aimed at non-technical users. A workfloweditor allows a user to combine different webservices using a graphical user interface. In the current state of this project,the webservices have been implemented for a range of sentential and sub-sententialaligners. The advantage of a common interface and a common data format allows the user to build workflows exchanging different aligners.


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RÉQUIEM POR LA MUERTE DEL YO ARTISTA es un proyecto audiovisual en forma de performance sobre la música del compositor finlandés contemporáneo Einojuhani Rautavaara, los Requiem del poeta alemán Rainer Maria Rilke y la concepción filosófica del arte y su comercialidad del artista americano Andy Warhol. RÉQUIEM POR LA MUERTE DEL YO ARTISTA es mi sangre. Es mi compromiso. Trata sobre la dualidad entre el artista y la persona, y cómo esto afecta a nuestro arte. RÉQUIEM POR LA MUERTE DEL YO ARTISTA es una operación de corazón. Es provocación; es sobre vomitar tu mente y estar sediento de futuro. Es comerte a ti mismo. Pero sobre todo, es mi concepción de arte: arte es todo aquello por lo que el creador esté dispuesto a morir.