991 resultados para Post larvae


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O sucesso do recrutamento em espécies com ciclos de vida complexos, i.e. com duas ou mais fases de desenvolvimento, depende do fornecimento de larvas aos locais apropriados do assentamento (mecanismos de pré-assentamento) e na consequente sobrevivência destas larvas até aos estágios bentónicos iniciais (mecanismos de pós-assentamento). O estudo dos principais processos físicos que controlam a variabilidade intra-anual do recrutamento do caranguejo Carcinus maenas foi possível com à obtenção em séries diárias da abundância de megalopas no plâncton e do seu assentamento em substratos artificiais de assentamento, e de parâmetros físicos relacionados com a amplitude de maré e o upwelling, durante os meses da época reprodutiva deste caranguejo. Os nossos resultados demonstraram um padrão cíclico de fornecimento de megalopas de C. maenas aos estuários na costa ocidental de Portugal, relacionado com a amplitude de maré e favorecido pelos ventos de sul. O assentamento de megalopas nos substratos artificiais de assentamento mostrou-se desacoplado do fornecimento nos dois estuários. Os dados obtidos sugerem que as megalopas são transportadas para a costa após a acção de ventos de downwelling, e o fornecimento para os estuários ocorre por transporte selectivo por corrente de maré. A utilização de substratos artificiais para medir densidades de juvenis de Carcinus maenas deve ser ponderada, uma vez que se verificou que em habitats estruturalmente menos complexos os juvenis utilizam os colectores como refúgio; em habitats mais complexos, os juvenis preferiram refugiar-se nas ervas marinhas existentes. No entanto, a estimativa de abundâncias diárias medidas nos colectores permitiu a descrição das abundâncias dos vários estádios de desenvolvimento juvenis, bem como as respectivas taxas de crescimento. As capacidades locomotoras de diferentes classes de tamanho de juvenis de C. maenas foram estimadas mediante o cálculo de um índice de locomoção. Os nossos resultados sugerem que os juvenis mais pequenos estão relativamente protegidos em habitats com vegetação densa, provavelmente porque este tipo de habitats inibe os movimentos dos juvenis de maiores dimensões. Foram também encontradas evidências da existência de segregação temporal na actividade locomotora das diferentes classes de juvenis, que funcionará como um mecanismo que permite reduzir o canibalismo e, consequentemente, aumentar a capacidade de suporte dos habitats juvenis. Foi realizado um estudo sobre o canibalismo nos juvenis de C. maenas na Ria de Aveiro, in situ e utilizando densidades reais. Verificou-se que as presas mais pequenas eram as mais vulneráveis, sendo os juvenis de maiores dimensões os predadores mais eficazes. Por outro lado, as taxas de canibalismo foram menores em habitats com elevadas densidades de refúgio (Zostera noltii). A estimativa das taxas diárias de mortalidade devidas ao canibalismo são aproximadamente metade das taxas diárias de mortalidade devidas aos processos de pré-assentamento, indicando que esta população de C. maenas será regulada pelo fornecimento larvar, i.e., será uma população regulada essencialmente por mecanismos préassentamento.


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Historically, collecting nearshore habitat information has been problematic. Existing methods, such as aerial and satellite image interpretation are limited due to the attenuation of light in the water column obscuring the seabed structure. The advent of airborne bathymetric LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) systems (laser scanning of the seabed) now provides high-resolution seabed ‘images’ in areas that were previously difficult to survey. LiDAR imagery is available for the entire coastline of Victoria, Australia to depths of around 25 m, after being initially collected for climate change modelling by the Future Coasts Program (http://www.climatechange.vic.gov.au/adapting-to-climate-change/future-coasts). This dataset has provided the opportunity to test its applicability to inform fisheries management. Detailed geophysical information combined with spatially explicit AbTrack GPS located fisheries records and targeted genetic sampling is used in this study to provide a better understanding of the extent of available fishing grounds, direction of fishing effort and stock population structure within the Victorian western zone abalone fishery.
The species distribution modelling technique MaxEnt was used to produce a potential habitat suitability map for abalone in an attempt to capture the effective footprint of the  fishery. Also, by interrogating the spatially defined effort localities, we demonstrate an approach that may be used to identify areas where fishing effort is concentrated, and how this parameter changes temporally.
Despite barriers to adult dispersal (soft sediment barriers between reef patches), the genetic study indicates that larval movement is able to homogenize the gene pool over  large geographic distances. The western, central and eastern zone abalone stocks in Victoria were found to be a single large panmictic unit. This indicates high levels of stock connectivity and no obvious impacts of Abalone Viral Ganglioneuritis (AVG) on the genetic health of western zone stocks. We used detailed seafloor structure information interpreted from LiDAR to inform a replicated hierarchical fine scale genetic sampling design. We demonstrated that there may be extensive migration among abalone stocks across the Victorian abalone fishery.
This is contrary to previous studies that suggest recruitment is highly localised. In combination, these findings provide a valuable insight into the biology of H. rubra and immediate benefits for fisheries management. We discuss these results in the context of predicting resilience and adaptive potential of H. rubra stocks to environmental pressures and the spread of heritable diseases.
Adoption pathways are also provided to benefit future stock augmentation activities to catalyse the recovery of AVG affected reef codes. As larval dispersal is likely to be spatially and temporally variable, some AVG affected stocks are likely to recover through natural recruitment, while others will benefit from augmentation activities to ‘kick-start’ stock recovery. Evidence of neutral genetic homogeneity across Victorian reef codes suggests that the relocation of animals is unlikely to have significant genetic risks; however the potential for locally adaptive genetic differences may exist, and should be taken into consideration in future stock augmentation planning.
When combined, the spatial and genetic analyses provide valuable insights into stock productivity within the western zone fishery. Reefs appear to be expansive and support much available habitat, and the movement of larvae among reef structures is likely to be extensive in this region. Consequently, we propose that colonisation success and productivity is likely to be driven by ecological factors such as resources and/or competition, or physical factors such as wave exposure.


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Toxocara vitulorum is a nematode parasite of the small intestine of cattle and water buffalo, particularly buffalo calves between one and three months of age, causing high morbidity and mortality. The purpose of this research was to characterize the excretory/secretory (ES) antigens of T vitulorum larvae by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and Western blot (WB), using immune sera and colostrum of buffalo naturally infected by T vitulorum. The parasitological status of the buffalo calves was also evaluated using sequential fecal examinations. The results showed that the ES antigen revealed eight (190, 150, 110, 90, 64, 56, 48, and 19 kDa) protein bands by SDS-PAGE. The majority of these bands were recognized in the sera and colostrum of infected buffalo with T vitulorum when analyzed by WB. However, particularly fractions of high molecular weight (190, 150, 110, and 90 kDa) were represented in more prominent bands and persisted in the groups of buffalo calves at the peak of egg output, as well as during the period of rejection of T vitulorum by the feces of the calves. During the period of post-rejection of the worms (between the day 118 and 210 of age) the serum antibodies did not react with any protein bands. on the other hand, sera from buffalo calves at one day of age (after suckling the colostrum and at the beginning of infection) reacted with the same bands detected in the serum and colostrum of the buffalo cows.


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The objective of this study was to determinate the occurrence of hepatic lesions caused by migratory large Strongyle larvaes in horses slaughtered in city of Apucarana in state of Parana. The lesions were diagnostic in post mortem exam by macro and microscopic analysis. From April 2003 to April 2004,38,363 animals, coming from different regions of Brazil, were examined. The occurrence of granulomas in liver was observed in 14,443 (37.64%), with adhesions and spot in 6,645 (17,32%), and 17,275 (45.03%) without macroscopic lesions. Macroscopic analysis revealed the presence of livers with calcified nodules, the presence of whitish spots, and adhesions in the format of "lines" over the hepatic capsule. No larvae were found in the livers. Hepatic fragments were histologically processed and revealed, by optical microscopy, inflammatory cells with predominance of eosinophils around the granulomas with a moderate amount of macrophages and the presence of fibroblasts.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The effects of different feeding schemes on pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus early development were evaluated with respect to growth, survival, muscle development, and differential gene expression of MyoD and myogenin. The pacu larvae (4 days post hatch-dph, 0.77 mg wet weight) were given six feeding treatments intentionally designed to cause variations in the larvae growth rate: (A) only artemia nauplii; (CD) only a commercial diet; (ED) only a semi-purified experimental diet; (ACD) and (AED) two treatments that involved weaning; and (S) starvation. Early weaning from artemia nauplii to the formulated diets (ACD and AED) affected growth and survival of the pacu larvae compared with the exclusive use of artemia (A). Starvation (S) and the commercial diet (CD) caused total mortality in pacu larvae at 18 dph. The experimental diet (ED) assured low fish survival and growth. The skeletal muscle morphology was not affected by the delay in somatic growth from early weaning onto the formulated diets. Three distinct muscle compartments were observed throughout the larval development in treatments A, ACD and AED: superficial, deep and intermediate, accompanied by muscle thickening. Severe undernourishment caused drastic differences in growth and in the morphology of the muscle fibers. Pacu larvae fed only formulated diets (CD and ED) showed muscle characteristics similar to the larvae in starvation (S) during the first 15 dph. At 27 and 35 dph, a slight increase in epaxial muscle mass was noted in larvae fed only the experimental diet (ED). At 35 dph, we observed a high frequency of fibers >= 40 mu m in the larvae that were weaned onto the formulated diets (ACD and AED), indicative of hypertrophy. In contrast, the larvae fed only artemia nauplii (A) displayed a larger number of fibers with diameters <= 20 mu m, which is indicative of hyperplasia. The expression of the MyoD and myogenin genes in pacu larvae at 35 dph was not affected by initial feeding (p>0.05). In conclusion, the formulated diets used impaired pacu larvae growth and survival; therefore, they were inadequate for pacu, at least at the times they were introduced. Artemia nauplii were the most adequate food source during first feeding of the pacu, and they produced bigger fish upon completion of the experiment. Moreover, the contribution of hyperplasia to the skeletal muscle growth appeared higher in fast- than in slow-growing pacu larvae. (C) 2011 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Blowflies use discrete and ephemeral substrates to feed their larva. After they run out of food, the larvae begin to disperse in order to find adequate places for pupation or additional food sources, a process named post-feeding larval dispersal. Briefly state the aspects and why they are important were studied in a circular arena of 25 cm in diameter and covered with wood shavings to a height of 40 cm allowing post-feeding dispersal from the center of the arena. Larvae of both Chrysomya albiceps and C. megacephala were used in five experiments for each species. For each pupa location, determined as distance from the center, depth, and weight were evaluated. Statistical tests were done to verify the relation between weight, depth and distance for pupation and for larvae of two species shows that the media distance is significantly different for two species and for C. megacephala this distance is greater than the distance for C. albiceps. The depth too is different for each species, as the larvae of C. megacephala buries deeper than C. albiceps. With relation of weight, there is no statistic evidence that have any difference between weights for pupation for each species.


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The digestive tube of 2nd and 3rd instar larvae, pupae and newly emerged adults of Dermatobia hominis (Linnaeus, 1781) was studied anatomically. The specimens were dissected in buffer saline under a stereomicroscope, and the digestive tubes were placed on slides and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. Each tube was measured using a micrometric eye piece, and drawings were made with camera lucida. The results showed that the midgut, the hindgut and the Malpighian tubules with their ducts grow gradually during the larval development. The oesophagus and the salivary glands with their ducts grow only during the moult from the 2nd to the 3rd instar. In the pupal period, salivary glands grow gradually but disappeared after the 20th day. After metamorphosis the digestive tube regressed. This is expected since adult D. hominis lives about nine days without feeding. This fly, similar to other calyptratae muscoid flies shows no vestige of a crop during all post-embrionic development, and the adult has no salivary glands.


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This study examines some aspects of the basic biology of the worldwide distributed ant Tapinoma melanocepbalum Fabricius. The number of larval instars and the growth ratio between each instar are given. We used colonies containing only queens and workers, and later removed these queens in order to estimate the production of eggs and the duration of immature development of the worker caste. Measurements of larvae cephalic capsule widths revealed that workers of the ghost-ant have four larval instars from egg-hatching to adult. The mean growth rate for the species is 1.38, in accordance with Dyar's rule. The highest egg production was 5.3±2.2 eggs/day/queen and the analysis of these brood suggested the presence of two kinds of eggs inside the colony. The development of workers from egg to adult lasted 16-52 days with the embryonic development longer than larval, prepupal or pupal stages. Despite the slow egg-laying by queens, our findings also showed that colonies of T. melanocephalum grow faster than colonies of other tramp ants.


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O padrão de distribuição das larvas de peixes na Baía do Guajará foi estudado através de coletas trimestrais e discutido em relação aos estágios de desenvolvimento dos indivíduos e a exposição dos mesmos aos contaminantes despejados pela Capital do Estado do Pará, Belém. A densidade e a diversidade larval foram baixas com forte dominância dos clupeídeos, engraulídeos e, em menor grau, os cianídeos. O principal período de reprodução foi definido no início do período chuvoso. Larvas de Clupeiformes em pré-flexão e flexão foram encontradas nos pontos de coletas mais afastados da cidade, enquanto aquelas em pós-flexão prevaleceram nas margens da cidade. Por outro lado, os cianídeos em pré-flexão e flexão foram capturados perto dos centros de atividade urbana, enquando aqueles em pós-flexão foram pouco abundantes. É sugerido que a baía se encontra na rota migratória dos cianídeos entre a área de desova e os berçários mais distantes. Apesar das águas no entorno da cidade de Belém mostraram sinais de contaminação, a qualidade ambiental na Baía do Guajará no momento do estudo estava apropriada para a vida das larvas de peixes. Nitrato com pH foram as variáveis que melhor explicaram a distribuição larval.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)