174 resultados para Positivism.
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Villiers de l’Isle-Adam (1838-1889) is always remembered and admired for his books: Contes cruels, L’Ève future and Claire Lenoir- which summarize the main worries of the writer, his satire of the triumphant Positivism, his metaphysical theory and his aspiration for the Ideal. He is one of the greatest artisans of the French literature style of the XIX century and, in spite of some individual and particular characteristics, he shares with other writers from his time – Joris-Karl Huysmans, Barbey d’Aurevilly, Leon Bloy, among others – the same sorrow and fury towards Positivism and Mercantilism. Having as a starting point the collection Contes cruels, the purpose of this article is to reveal the author’s writings who, by searching for the Ideal and by taking refuge in art, is able to unite the poet, the ironic and the idealist philosopher. Through his writings, the writer moves away from the world’s mediocrity and can express a mix of revolt, reaction, rebellion and also, his hopes expressed in his beliefs in the “Au-delà” and in the salvation by the Ideal.
Considering the defi nition of Environmental Education as a human development process that seeks the transformation of the relationship between society and environment, this paper – collectively written by the members of the research group – discusses the theoretical framework of our studies, understanding them not as ’straitjackets’ that force us to repeat and reproduce predetermined analysis, but as a pathway, a method to interpret reality, a method to look for the essence of the studied phenomena, the real world. The theoretical framework we present helps us, therefore, to overcome the fragmented feature of the construction of knowledge proposed by methodologies in whose epistemological axis are located empiricism, positivism and idealism, as well as to fi nd out the laws of the phenomena whose study concerns us. It also helps us to capture in detail the details of the problems, to analyze their evolution and track the connections between phenomena that surround them. That is the Historical, Dialectical and Materialistic method formulated by Marx and those who came after him, also known as the philosophy of praxis. Based on this reference, we discuss here the relationship between environmental education and sustainability, bringing the concepts of sustainable development and sustainability into the debate, concluding that for the critical perspective explained here, environmental education for sustainability is a process that joins theory and practice for the transformation of the relationships between societies and the environment. This is the critical dimension of environmental education as we comprehend it.
For constituting itself a science, Psychology has coursed along way. From the time he was considered a Philosophy’s discipline until to be recognized as a legitimate science, Psychology had to devoteto the definition of its object of study, the development and refinement of theoretical-methodological frameworks and, in particular, to consolidation process of their research strategies and knowledge construction. Therefore, in order to regard the demands of the classical scientific paradigm, which is very influenced by Positivism, Psychology made use, initially, of quantitative methodology and laboratory research. This article presents some of the process of identity construction of Psychology as a science, focusing on its transition path between the quantitativist paradigm of scientific knowledge production to the qualitativist paradigm, until that is more commonly practiced nowadays: the collaborative use of these methodological strategies. For presenting the qualitative researching Psychology, we discussed, beyond its proposal and differentiation elements in relation to quantitative research, the different methods used for this mode and, in particular, the interview - which is considered the main way of data collection in surveys conducted by psychologists and, therefore, it is an important element the process of knowledge building that science, in addition to being the most qualified space for dialogue between there searcher and the research subject.
The Experimentation in Science Education is used since the beginning of 19th century and has it origins linked to the laboratory classes realized in the universities. This classes used, and in many cases, still using the Scientific Method initially purposed by Descartes in 18th century for the construction of scientific knowledge. One of the allegations is that the method would be the fast stand the cheapest to generating scientific information, although, it is based on the empiricism-positivism, which considers that all people have the same learning skill and they can start from the same spot. Through this paper, is not intended to contest the scientific methodology, or even its importance in science history, but just try to identify and describe other possibilities in using of the teaching laboratory, which can make the learning easier for a much higher number of students, contemplating different cognitive capabilities and generating a better scientific knowledge learning and its transfer to practical situations in life, besides, they can provide more significant learnings. Over the text, four different purposes will be presented, which depart from the laboratory use for theory evidence, incapable to make students use the learned knowledge outside the school, until that which develops in the students capabilities to scientifically argue about their day to day themes
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
Currently, social work is witnessing a quite polarized debate about what should be the basis for good practice. Simply stated, the different attempts to define the required basis for effective and accountable interventions in social work practice can be grouped in two paradigmatic positions, which seem to be in strong opposition to each other. On the one hand the highly influential evidence based practice movement highlights the necessity to base practice interventions on proven effectiveness from empirical research. Despite some variations, such as between narrow conceptions of evidence based practice (see e.g. McNeece/Thyer, 2004) and broader approaches to it (see e.g. Gambrill, 1999, 2001, 2008), the evidence based practice movement embodies a positivist orientation and more explicitly scientific aspirations of social work by using positivistic empirical strategies. Critics of the evidence based practice movement argue that its narrow epistemological assumptions are not appropriate for the understanding of social phenomena and that evidence based guidelines to practice are insufficient to deal with the extremely complex activities social work practice requires in different and always somewhat unique practice situations (Webb, 2001; Gray & Mc Donald, 2006; Otto, Polutta &Ziegler, 2009). Furthermore critics of evidence based practice argue that it privileges an uncritical and a-political positivism which seems highly problematic in the current climate of welfare state reforms, in which the question ‘what works’ is highly politicized and the legitimacy of professional social work practice is being challenged maybe more than ever before (Kessl, 2009). Both opponents and proponents of evidence based practice argue on the epistemological, the methodological and the ethical level to sustain their point of view and raise fundamental questions about the real nature of social work practice, so that one could get the impression that social work is really at the crossroads between two very different conceptions of social work practice and its further professional development (Stepney, 2009). However, this article is not going to merely rehearse the pro and contra of different positions that are being invoked in the debate about evidence based practice. Instead it aims to go further by identifying the dilemmas underlying these positions which - so it is argued – re-emerge in the debate about evidence based practice, but which are older than this debate. They concern the fundamental ambivalence modern professionalization processes in social work were subjected to from their very beginnings.
Assessing and managing risks relating to the consumption of food stuffs for humans and to the environment has been one of the most complex legal issues in WTO law, ever since the Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures was adopted at the end of the Uruguay Round and entered into force in 1995. The problem was expounded in a number of cases. Panels and the Appellate Body adopted different philosophies in interpreting the agreement and the basic concept of risk assessment as defined in Annex A para. 4 of the Agreement. Risk assessment entails fundamental question on law and science. Different interpretations reflect different underlying perceptions of science and its relationship to the law. The present thesis supported by the Swiss National Research Foundation undertakes an in-depth analysis of these underlying perceptions. The author expounds the essence and differences of positivism and relativism in philosophy and natural sciences. He clarifies the relationship of fundamental concepts such as risk, hazards and probability. This investigation is a remarkable effort on the part of lawyer keen to learn more about the fundamentals based upon which the law – often unconsciously – is operated by the legal profession and the trade community. Based upon these insights, he turns to a critical assessment of jurisprudence both of panels and the Appellate Body. Extensively referring and discussing the literature, he deconstructs findings and decisions in light of implied and assumed underlying philosophies and perceptions as to the relationship of law and science, in particular in the field of food standards. Finding that both positivism and relativism does not provide adequate answers, the author turns critical rationalism and applies the methodologies of falsification developed by Karl R. Popper. Critical rationalism allows combining discourse in science and law and helps preparing the ground for a new approach to risk assessment and risk management. Linking the problem to the doctrine of multilevel governance the author develops a theory allocating risk assessment to international for a while leaving the matter of risk management to national and democratically accountable government. While the author throughout the thesis questions the possibility of separating risk assessment and risk management, the thesis offers new avenues which may assist in structuring a complex and difficult problem
La obra de Arturo Ardao se desplegó, desde comienzos de la década del treinta hasta 1974, no sólo en una larga serie de libros dedicados a la historia de las ideas en Uruguay y en América. Y no sólo en esta opción epistemológica, sino también en el campo más directo de la intervención pública, política y cultural. Dentro de esta línea convergente con la anterior, diríase más académica, Ardao colaboró activamente en publicaciones periódicas, principalmente en el semanario Marcha de Montevideo (1939-1974), del que fue parte fundamental en su estructura orgánica, y donde publicó artículos y ensayos de carácter filosófico -la mayor parte de ellos reunidos o reelaborados más tarde en libros, ahora célebres como Espiritualismo y positivismo en el Uruguay-, así como textos políticos que, según se los observa en este artículo, son parte constitutiva de su labor. En tal sentido, además, el pensamiento y la acción de Ardao contribuyeron, desde Marcha fundamentalmente, a tramar en un espectro muy vasto el campo cultural uruguayo e hispanoamericano del período señalado.
Estanislao Zeballos creó un denso corpus teórico sobre las relaciones de la Argentina con sus vecinos, especialmente con Brasil y Chile. A lo largo del siglo XX, la élite intelectual rioplatense ha mantenido en vigencia el pensamiento de Zeballos, al cual se lo ha considerado una suerte de paradigma del patriota. El presente artículo examina críticamente el pensamiento de Zeballos. Detecta que, fuertemente marcadas por el positivismo y el darwinismo social, sus ideas se deslizaron hacia posiciones xenófobas y racistas, sobre todo hacia los dos países citados. Por tal motivo, el canciller generó conflictos de límites que antes no existían, y promovió conceptos históricamente inexactos sobre la naturaleza de las relaciones internacionales en el Cono Sur.
La vanguardia filosófica de la “nueva generación" argentina de la década de 1920 no ha sido objeto, como tal, de investigaciones precedentes, y el artículo comienza con una discusión al respecto. Se traza luego un panorama de las disputas ideológicas de la época, especialmente en Inicial, la revista donde mejor se expresó esa vanguardia filosófica. Las restantes secciones del artículo se abocan a sus filósofos más representativos: Miguel Ángel Virasoro, Vicente Fatone, Carlos Astrada y Ángel Vassallo. Se cotejan sus conceptos sobre la crisis de Occidente y la misión histórica de la nueva generación. Pero el espiritualismo y el vitalismo característicos de sus planteos se observan luego también en sus críticas al tomismo y al positivismo, así como en sus reivindicaciones sobre la integralidad del espíritu, y en otras cuestiones metafísicas y políticas. Se señalan, finalmente, las principales direcciones posibles para más amplias investigaciones.
El objetivo de este trabajo es indagar en torno a las transformaciones que sufre la ideología del mestizaje en las diversas etapas de la producción ensayística del antropólogo cubano Fernando Ortiz, antes de la publicación de su clásico Contrapunteo cubano del tabaco y el azúcar en 1940. Para ello, analizaremos algunos jalones en su obra, atendiendo especialmente a varios de los numerosos ensayos publicados entre 1900 y fines de la década del treinta, considerando en detalle cómo se articula, en sus comienzos, la tensión entre la condena etnocéntrica de la alteridad y la valoración del componente afro como sustrato clave en la constitución de la identidad nacional
Las ideas de Berra sobre la enseñanza, que tendían a hacer imperar en la educación una rígida metodología naturalista, ejercieron su influencia sobre la educación argentina, aún antes de su actuación en el gobierno escolar de la provincia de Buenos Aires. A través de su archivo documental puede conocerse la vida intelectual rioplatense -en ambas orillas-, así como el mundo estrictamente escolar y sus manifestaciones pedagógicas correspondientes. En este trabajo, nos proponemos estudiar su actuación en el Uruguay entre los años 1874 a 1882, cuya elección no es casual. Este período comprende el inicio de su actividad pedagógica en Uruguay, la elaboración de su obra principal ("Los apuntes de pedagogía") y su participación en el Congreso pedagógico de Buenos Aires, en pleno embate entre liberales y clericales y las polémicas desatadas por el avance del positivismo.
El movimiento de la Reforma Universitaria promovió en la década de 1920 diversas iniciativas de renovación de la educación superior, entre las que se contó el desenvolvimiento de los estudios humanistas. Este artículo reconstruye la labor intelectual y las intervenciones académicas del filósofo Alejandro Korn en la Universidad Nacional de La Plata en esa década, para constituir en ella el espacio de los saberes y disciplinas de las humanidades. Se analizan sus posiciones sobre el agotamiento del positivismo filosófico y su prédica intelectual para el desarrollo académico de los saberes clásicos en su Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, que consideraba fundamentales para formular los principios de una renovada filosofía que orientara a la sociedad argentina ante la crisis cultural que inauguraba el siglo XX
Este artículo indaga sobre dos instituciones de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata durante su período fundacional (1905-1920): el Internado del Colegio Nacional, fundado en 1906, cuyo director-tutor fue el pedagogo Ernesto Nelson, y la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, creada en 1914, cuyo primer decano fue Víctor Mercante. Se analiza el modo en que ambas instituciones respondieron a concepciones pedagógicas divergentes en un mismo período. El artículo trata acerca de la influencia que el Internado recibió de la filosofía educacional de Dewey (1859-1952) -pensador pragmatista representante del movimiento escolanovista-, así como de la recibida por la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, que respondió en cambio a la filosofía científica del positivismo de base experimental de Comte y Spencer. Ambas corrientes son analizadas en su base filosófica y educacional. En el caso del Internado, se analizan los trabajos de su director Ernesto Nelson, quien mantuvo vínculos intelectuales y educacionales con Dewey, y se hace también referencia al proyecto del doctor Joaquín V. González basado en las propuestas pedagógicas de los internados secundarios ingleses de la época. En lo que se refiere a la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, se analiza en este trabajo la propuesta institucional del doctor Mercante, quien implementó planes de estudio y concepciones pedagógicas basadas en el positivismo científico-experimental europeo.