997 resultados para Portuguese fiction


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This paper aims to explore and discuss the role of nostalgia (a concept that is inherently grounded within a psychological framework) in heritage interpretation from both provider and consumer perspectives. Whilst many cultural practitioners recognise the relationship between sentimentality and authenticity, particularly within a folk-heritage context, few have sought to examine the effect this has on the visitor experience. This paper questions visitors’ ability to objectively assess objects and experiences at heritage sites, and the role of practitioners in presenting often blurred views of social history that may sometimes negate historical fact. Drawing on case study research at two UK living museums, Blists Hill Victorian Town in Shropshire, England, and the Big Pit: National Coal Museum in Wales, notions of reminiscence, authenticity, myth and intangibility are considered within the framework of the interpretive experience. Findings suggest that the visitor experience is inherently subjective, highly individual and that the concept of intangibility is integral to an understanding of the nostalgia-authenticity debate.


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The vertical distribution of decapod larvae off the northwest Portuguese coast was analysed in relation to associated environmental conditions from sampling during a 69 h period around a current meter mooring located on the shelf, approximately 21 km off the coast. Plankton samples were collected every 2 h at the surface with a neuston net and through the water column with a Longhurst Hardy Plankton Recorder (Pro-LHPR), allowing a very detailed resolution of larval vertical distribution. Environmental data (temperature, salinity, and chlorophyll a) were obtained every hour. To investigate the horizontal distribution of decapod larvae in relation to the coast, a plankton-sampling grid was carried out before the 69 h fixed station. Larvae of shelf decapod species were widely distributed over the shelf, while those of inshore species were found much closer to the coast. Decapod larvae (zoeae and megalopae) showed clear diel vertical migrations, only appearing in the upper 20 m at night, a migration that did not appear to be affected by physical conditions in the water column. Larval densities were highly variable, 0.01 to 215 ind. m super(-3) for zoeae and 0 to 93 ind. m super(-3) for megalopae, the zoeae being generally more abundant. The results indicated that during the day larvae accumulate very close to the bottom. The diel vertical migration behaviour is discussed as one of the contributing mechanisms for larval retention over the shelf, even with offshore transport conditions promoted by coastal upwelling, and is hence of major relevance for the recruitment success of decapod species that inhabit inshore and shelf zones of coastal upwelling systems.


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The distribution of cirripede cyprids in relation to associated oceanographic conditions was obtained from a grid survey and intensive vertical sampling at a fixed station located 21 km off the northwest Portuguese coast in May 2002. Analysis of cyprid length composition allowed separation of 3 species groups. Chthamalus montagui, Pollicipes pollicipes and Balanus perforatus were largely restricted to the neuston layer and showed only low-amplitude vertical migration. Most C. stellatus cyprids only appeared in the upper 20 m at night, a migration which did not appear to be affected by physical conditions in the water column, but some differences in the vertical migration pattern between days were probably related to varying light penetration. C. montagui is the most abundant adult species found along the Portuguese coast, but C. stellatus cyprids, at densities of up to 8.7 ind. m–3, were the most common sampled in all depth strata at the fixed station. Cyprid horizontal distribution was mainly restricted to an offshore band along the inner shelf, where highest densities were 11 to 15 ind. m–3. This distribution pattern was considered to result from upwelling-favourable wind conditions, creating fronts along the shelf in which the cyprids become concentrated. Cyprid vertical migration, in association with current vertical shear and onshore movement of fronts during upwelling-relaxation periods, may be the mechanisms returning cyprids to the coast to settle. The regularity of these events in the region falls within the period of cyprid viability.


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Through the examination of Camões's Os Lusíadas , Sena's Os Grão-Capitães and Saramago's A Jangada de Pedra , this article explores violence as a means of shaping Portuguese identity in different historical contexts, and how these works portray the continued recourse to violence as Portugal moves from colonizing to postcolonial nation.


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J.M. Coetzee’s novels are suffused with a pervasive, though often oblique, Holocaust awareness. Direct references to the event and to the historical era to which it belongs, subtle stylistic and thematic echoes of Holocaust writing, and the recurrent mobilization of Holocaust imagery in Coetzee’s novels all contribute to suggest the significance of the event to the author’s work and thought. Providing Coetzee with a lens through which to view the contemporary situation, both local and global, the Holocaust offers Coetzee a means by which difficult and complex questions of ethics and historiographical truth may be approached. Above all, the Holocaust and its representation contribute to Coetzee’s exploration of the dilemmas of translating the traumatic lived experience of atrocity – including, but not limited to, life in apartheid South Africa – into narrative form. Taken as a whole, Coetzee’s oeuvre initially anticipates and later responds to, in characteristically oblique fashion, the narrative project(s) facing post-apartheid South Africa as the newly-democratic nation sought to make sense of its past through a variety of means, the most important of which was the country’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Implicitly challenging the TRC’s findings as well as its narrative assumptions, the Coetzean oeuvre accordingly invites being read as offering a continuous and evolving counter-narrative to the TRC and its construction of a narrative of the apartheid past for the post-apartheid nation. In utilizing the Holocaust, its representations, and the reception thereof to frame his response to apartheid, Coetzee implicates both in a critique of the Western model of modernity, suggesting, in the process, the importance of reconfiguring modernity in a more ethical shape.