913 resultados para Portland Cement Mortars


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The development and applications of thermoset polymeric composites, namely fibre reinforced plastics (FRP), have shifted in the last decades more and more into the mass market [1]. Despite of all advantages associated to FRP based products, the increasing production and consume also lead to an increasing amount of FRP wastes, either end-of-lifecycle products, or scrap and by-products generated by the manufacturing process itself. Whereas thermoplastic FRPs can be easily recycled, by remelting and remoulding, recyclability of thermosetting FRPs constitutes a more difficult task due to cross-linked nature of resin matrix. To date, most of the thermoset based FRP waste is being incinerated or landfilled, leading to negative environmental impacts and supplementary added costs to FRP producers and suppliers. This actual framework is putting increasing pressure on the industry to address the options available for FRP waste management, being an important driver for applied research undertaken cost efficient recycling methods. [1-2]. In spite of this, research on recycling solutions for thermoset composites is still at an elementary stage. Thermal and/or chemical recycling processes, with partial fibre recovering, have been investigated mostly for carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP) due to inherent value of carbon fibre reinforcement; whereas for glass fibre reinforced plastics (GFRP), mechanical recycling, by means of milling and grinding processes, has been considered a more viable recycling method [1-2]. Though, at the moment, few solutions in the reuse of mechanically-recycled GFRP composites into valueadded products are being explored. Aiming filling this gap, in this study, a new waste management solution for thermoset GFRP based products was assessed. The mechanical recycling approach, with reduction of GFRP waste to powdered and fibrous materials was applied, and the potential added value of obtained recyclates was experimentally investigated as raw material for polyester based mortars. The use of a cementless concrete as host material for GFRP recyclates, instead of a conventional Portland cement based concrete, presents an important asset in avoiding the eventual incompatibility problems arisen from alkalis silica reaction between glass fibres and cementious binder matrix. Additionally, due to hermetic nature of resin binder, polymer based concretes present greater ability for incorporating recycled waste products [3]. Under this scope, different GFRP waste admixed polymer mortar (PM) formulations were analyzed varying the size grading and content of GFRP powder and fibre mix waste. Added value of potential recycling solution was assessed by means of flexural and compressive loading capacities of modified mortars with regard to waste-free polymer mortars.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente Perfil de Engenharia de Sistemas Ambientais


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Research in the field of polymer modified cement has been carried out for the last 70 years or more. Polymers are mostly used to enhance durability and sustainability of cement concrete and in combination with classical construction materials a synergistic effect is obtained. In this work different polymers were added to Portland cement in various proportions and the mechanical and chemical resistance properties of the resultant composites when exposed to chemical environments were studied. Microstructural studies were also carried out to investigate the morphology of the composite and analyse the nature of interactions taking place between the cement and polymer phases. Though most polymers did not improve the compressive strength of the cement paste, it was found that they enhanced the resistance of the virgin cement paste to external chemical environments. The polymers seal the pores in the cement matrix and bridge the microcracks within the composite. Some of the polymers underwent chemical interactions with the cement paste thereby interfering in the hydration of cement. Polymers also decreased the leachability of water soluble components of virgin cement resulting in composites having improved durability. An attempt to correlate the structure of the polymers with the properties of the resultant composites is also presented.


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A reciclagem de resíduos apresenta-se como uma alternativa adequada com relação à preservação dos recursos naturais e do meio ambiente. As escórias de aciaria são resíduos siderúrgicos originados na fabricação do aço, e são geradas em grandes quantidades. Estes resíduos são estocados nos pátios siderúrgicos, onde permanecem, na sua maioria, sem qualquer destino. Normalmente, as escórias de aciaria são volumetricamente instáveis, apresentando características expansivas, e por esta razão, a aplicação das mesmas em materiais de construção torna-se restrita. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo estudar a viabilidade técnica do uso das escórias de aciaria LD como adição em cimentos, propondo um método de estabilização por meio de granulação por resfriamento brusco destas escórias, buscando, desta forma, a eliminação do fenômeno da expansão, e visando a melhoria das características destes resíduos. No processo de estabilização, a escória líquida foi granulada em uma usina siderúrgica. Estudos complementares de granulação foram realizados nos laboratórios da UFRGS, empregando-se escórias refundidas. A granulação por resfriamento brusco favoreceu a redução do CaOlivre, a eliminação do MgO na forma de periclásio, e a eliminação do bC2S das escórias, considerados agentes causadores da expansão. No entanto, a elevada basicidade da escória LD dificulta a formação da estrutura vítrea e a separação da fração metálica após o resfriamento brusco. Foram realizados ensaios de expansão das escórias, atividade pozolânica, e resistência mecânica de argamassas com escórias granuladas. O resfriamento brusco proporcionou a eliminação da expansão e o desenvolvimento das propriedades pozolânicas/cimentícias da escória granulada. Como adição em cimentos, do ponto de vista da resistência mecânica, as argamassas compostas com escórias granuladas e clínquer apresentaram níveis de resistência à compressão axial compatíveis com as especificações referentes ao cimento Portland composto, apesar destes resultados serem inferiores aos obtidos para as argamassas de referência.


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A cinza de casca de arroz é um resíduo agro-industrial decorrente do processo de queima da casca de arroz, sendo largamente encontrada no Rio Grande do Sul, pois, historicamente, este Estado é o maior produtor de arroz no Brasil, com cerca de 45% da produção nacional. Empregada como fonte de energia, a casca de arroz é queimada em diversas empresas; algumas, devido à sua natureza, incorporam a cinza ao produto, mas a maioria não encontra outro destino que não o descarte em forma de aterro, criando, assim, um problema ambiental de poluição do solo, do ar e de rios e córregos. No entanto, devido à presença de elevado percentual de sílica (SiO2) na sua constituição, a cinza de casca de arroz pode ter vários empregos. Na construção civil, pode ser empregada como pozolana, conforme vários estudos já vêm demonstrando. Porém, encontra restrições por motivos como sua cor escura, que confere aos cimentos, argamassas e concretos aos quais é adicionada, uma coloração também escura, e a falta de uniformidade apresentada em termos de características químicas e, principalmente, mineralógicas. A cor escura não é um problema de ordem técnica, mas estética e de aceitação no mercado. Já a composição mineralógica está associada à atividade pozolânica e a falta de uniformidade do material disponível implica na incerteza do grau de reatividade. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de verificar a viabilidade técnica do emprego de cinzas de casca de arroz residuais na confecção de cimentos Portland composto e/ou pozolânico, a partir de beneficiamentos das mesmas, que associam tratamentos físicos, químicos e/ou térmicos, os quais têm como finalidade reverter e/ou minimizar os aspectos negativos citados. Para tanto, foram empregadas três cinzas de casca de arroz, oriundas de diferentes processos de produção e com composições mineralógicas distintas. Após definidos os tratamentos a serem aplicados, através de seleção pelos critérios de cor e composição mineralógica, as cinzas tratadas foram avaliadas quanto à sua pozolanicidade, pelo Índice de Atividade Pozolânica (IAP) da NBR 5752 e também por um IAP alterado, proposto neste trabalho. A produção de cimentos com CCA beneficiada se deu a partir de um cimento base com substituição por CCA, em massa e em diferentes percentuais. Tais cimentos foram avaliados quanto à resistência à compressão, aos tempos de pega, à pozolanicidade e à expansibilidade a quente. A análise dos dados obtidos indica que os tratamentos propostos e/ou a associação deles resultam em beneficio no desempenho das cinzas, em pelo menos um dos vários aspectos considerados. A presente pesquisa permite concluir que as CCA residuais têm potencial para serem empregadas na produção de cimentos, tanto aquelas menos cristalinas, quanto as mais cristalinas. Para tanto, devem ser beneficiadas, sendo pelo menos submetidas a tratamento físico para redução de sua granulometria. Se outros objetivos forem pretendidos, como coloração clara, os tratamentos térmico ou químico podem ser empregados.


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Generally, cellulose ethers improves mortar properties such as water retention, workability and setting time, along with adherence to the substrate. However, a major disadvantage of the addition of cellulose ethers in mortars is the delay in hydration of the cement. In this paper a cellulose phosphate (Cp) was synthesized water soluble and has been evaluated the effect of their incorporation into mortar based on Portland cement. Cellulose phosphate obtained was characterized by spectrophotometry Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), elemental analysis and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Mortar compositions were formulated with varying phosphorus content in cellulose and cellulose phosphate concentrations, when used in partial or total replacement of the commercial additive based hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose (HEMC). The mortars formulated with additives were prepared and characterized by: testing in the fresh state (consistency index, water retention, bulk density and air content incorporated) and in the hardened state (absorption by capillarity, density, flexural and compression strength). In mixtures the proportion of sand:cement of 1:5 (v / v) and factor a / c = 1.31 and water were held constant. Overall, the results showed that the celluloses phosphates employed in mortars added acted significantly when partially substituting the commercial additive. With regard to consistency index, water retention and bulk density in the fresh state and absorption by capillarity and bulk density apparent in the hardened state, showed no appreciable differences as compared to the commercial additive. The incorporated air content in the fresh state reduced markedly, but did not affect other properties. The mortars with cellulose phosphate, partially replacing the commercial additive showed an improvement of the properties of flexural strength and compressive strength


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The oil production in mature areas can be improved by advanced recovery techniques. In special, steam injection reduces the viscosity of heavy oils, thus improving its flow to surrounding wells. On the other hand, the usually high temperatures and pressures involved in the process may lead to cement cracking, negatively affecting both the mechanical stability and zonal isolation provided by the cement sheath of the well. The addition of plastic materials to the cement is an alternative to prevent this scenario. Composite slurries consisting of Portland cement and a natural biopolymer were studied. Samples containing different contents of biopolymer dispersed in a Portland cement matrix were prepared and evaluated by mechanical and rheological tests in order to assess their behavior according to API (American Petroleum Institute) guidelines. FEM was also applied to map the stress distribution encountered by the cement at bottom bole. The slurries were prepared according to a factorial experiment plan by varying three parameters, i.e., cement age, contents of biopolymer and water-to-cement ratio. The results revealed that the addition of the biopolymer reduced the volume of free water and the setting time of the slurry. In addition, tensile strength, compressive strength and toughness improved by 30% comparing hardened composites to plain Portland slurries. FEM results suggested that the stresses developed at bottomhole may be 10 to 100 times higher than the strength of the cement as evaluated in the lab by unconfined mechanical testing. An alternative approach is proposed to adapt the testing methodology used to evaluate the mechanical behavior of oilwell cement slurries by simulating the confined conditions encountered at bottornhole


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The sharp consumption of natural resources by the construction industry has motivated numerous studies concerning the application of waste to replace partially or fully, some materials, such as aggregates, thereby reducing the environmental impact caused by the extraction of sand and crushing process. The application of stone dust from crushing process arising as an aggregate for the production of Portland cement concrete is a viable alternative in view of the high cost of natural sands, in addition to the environmental damage which causes its operation to the environment. The stone dust has reduced cost compared to natural sand because it is produced in the beds of their own quarries, which are usually located close to major urban centers. This study examined the feasibility of using stone dust from the crushing of rock gneisses in the state of Bahia, replacing natural quartz sand. In the development of scientific study was conducted to characterize physical and chemical raw materials applied and molded cylindrical specimens , using as reference values Fck 20, Fck 25 and Fck 30 MPa ( resistance characteristic of the concrete after 28 days) in following compositions stone powder: 10%, 30%, 50 %, 100% and 100% with additive. The specimens were cured and subjected to the tests of compressive strength and water absorption, then the samples were subjected to the tests of X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The results obtained showed that the composition with 10% stone powder showed the best results regarding the physical and mechanical tests performed, confirming the reduction in compressive strength and increased water uptake increased as the content of the powder stone in the concrete composition


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Cementation operation consists in an extremely important work for the phases of perforation and completion of oil wells, causing a great impact on the well productivity. Several problems can occur with the cement during the primary cementation, as well as throughout the productive period. The corrective operations are frequent, but they are expensive and demands production time. Besides the direct cost, prejudices from the interruption of oil and gas production till the implementation of a corrective operation must be also taken into account. The purpose of this work is the development of an alternative cement paste constituted of Portland cement and porcelainized stoneware residue produced by ceramic industry in order to achieve characteristics as low permeability, high tenacity, and high mechanical resistance, capable of supporting various operations as production or oil wells recuperation. Four different concentration measures of hydrated paste were evaluated: a reference paste, and three additional ones with ceramic residue in concentrations of the order of 10%, 20% and 30% in relation to cement dough. High resistance and low permeability were found in high concentration of residues, as well as it was proved the pozolanic reactivity of the residue in relation to Portland cement, which was characterized through x-ray and thermogravimetry assays. It was evident the decrease of calcium hydroxide content, once it was substituted by formation of new hydrated products as it was added ceramic residue


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The Compound Portland cements are commonly used in construction, among them stand out the CPII-Z, CPII-F and CPIV. These types of cement have limited application on oil well cementing, having its compositional characteristics focused specifically to construction, as cement for use in oil wells has greater complexity and properties covering the specific needs for each well to be coated. For operations of oil wells cementing are used Portland cements designed specifically for this purpose. The American Petroleum Institute (API) classifies cements into classes designated by letters A to J. In the petroleum industry, often it is used Class G cement, which is cement that meets all requirements needed for cement from classes A to E. According to the scenario described above, this paper aims to present a credible alternative to apply the compound cements in the oil industry due to the large availability of this cement in relation to oil well cements. The cements were micro structurally characterized by XRF, XRD and SEM tests, both in its anhydrous and hydrated state. Later technological tests were conducted to determine the limits set by the NBR 9831. Among the compound cements studied, the CPII-Z showed satisfactory properties for use in primary and secondary operations of oil wells up to 1200 meters cementing


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From the 70`s, with the publication of the Manifesto for Environment UN Conference, held in Stockholm, in Sweden (1972), defend and improve the environment became part of our daily lives. Thus, several studies have emerged in several segments in order to reuse the waste. Some examples of waste incorporated in portland cement concrete are: rice husk ash, bagasse ash of cane sugar, powder-stone, microsilica, tire rubber, among others. This research used the residue of the mining industry Scheelite, to evaluate the incorporation of the residue composition of Portland cement concrete, replacing the natural sand. The percentage of residue were incorporated from 0% to 100%, with a variation of 10%, 11 being produced concrete mix in the ratio 1:2:3:0.60, by mass. We evaluated the following characteristics of concrete: slump test, compressive strength, tensile strength by diametral compression, water absorption, porosity and density, based on the ABNT, through tests performed in the Laboratory of Civil Construction, UFRN. The trace with the addition of 60% scheelite residue was obtained which better performance. Therefore, the use of the waste from the production of Scheelite is feasible due to the durability parameters (water absorption and porosity), sustainability, and the good results of the resistance of the concrete


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The need to build durable structures and resistant to harsh environments enabled the development of high strength concrete, these activities generate a high cement consumption, which implies factor in CO2 emissions. Often the desired strength is not achieved using only the cement composition. This study aims to evaluate the influence of pozzolans with the addition of metakaolin on the physical mechanics of high strength concrete comparing them with the standard formulation. Assays were performed to characterize the aggregates according to NBR 7211, evaluation of cement and coarse aggregate through the trials of petrography (NBR 15577-3/08) and alkali-aggregate reaction (NBR 15577-05/08). Specimens were fabricated according to NBR 5738-1/04 with additions of 0%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 10% of metakaolin for cement mortars CP V in the formulations. For evaluation of the concrete hardened in fresh state and scattering assays were performed and compressive strength in accordance with the NBR 7223/1992 and NBR 5739-8/94 respectively. The results of the characterization of aggregates showed good characteristics regarding size analysis and petrography, as well as potentially innocuous as the alkali-aggregate reaction. As to the test of resistance to compression, all the formulations with the addition of metakaolin showed higher value at 28 days of disruption compared with the standard formulation. These results present an alternative to reduce CO2 emissions, and improvements in the quality and durability of concrete, because the fine particle size of metakaolin provides an optimal compression of the mass directly influencing the strength and rheology of the dough


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Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and Portland cement are being used in dentistry as root end-filling materials. However, biocompatibility data concerning genotoxicity and cytotoxicity are needed for complete risk assessment of these compounds. In the present study, genotoxic and cytotoxic effects of MTA and Portland cements were evaluated in vitro using the alkaline single cell gel (comet) assay and trypan blue exclusion test, respectively, on mouse lymphoma cells. The results demonstrated that the single cell gel (comet) assay failed to detect DNA damage after a treatment of cells by MTA and Portland cements for concentrations up to 1000 mu g/ml. Similarly, results showed that none of the compounds tested were cytotoxic. Taken together, these results seem to indicate that MTA and Portland cements are not genotoxins and do not induce cellular death.


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Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and Portland cement are being used in dentistry as root-end-filling material for periapical surgery and for the sealing of communications between the root canal system and the surrounding tissues. However, genotoxicity tests for complete risk assessment of these compounds have not been conducted up to now. In the present study, the genotoxic effects of MTA and Portland cements were evaluated in peripheral lymphocytes from 10 volunteers by the alkaline single cell gel (comet) assay. The results pointed out that the single cell gel (comet) assay failed to detect the presence of DNA damage after a treatment of peripheral lymphocytes by MTA and Portland cements for concentrations up to 1000 mu g mL(-1). In summary, our results indicate that exposure to MTA or Portland cements may not be a factor that increases the level of DNA lesions in human peripheral lymphocytes as detected by single cell gel (comet) assay.


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Introduction: A new cement (CER; Cimento Endodontico Rapido or fast endodontic cement) has been developed to improve handling properties. It is a formulation that has Portland cement in gel. However, there had not yet been any study evaluating its biologic properties. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the rat subcutaneous tissue response to CER and Angelus MTA. Methods: The materials were placed in polyethylene tubes and implanted into dorsal connective tissue of Wistar rats for 7, 30, and 60 days. The specimens were prepared to be stained with hematoxylin-eosin or von Kossa or not stained for polarized light. The presence of inflammation, predominant cell type, calcification, and thickness of fibrous connective tissue were recorded. Scores were defined as follows: 0, none or few inflammatory cells, no reaction; 1, <25 cells, mild reaction; 2, 25-125 cells, moderate reaction; 3, >125 cells, severe reaction. Fibrous capsule was categorized as thin when thickness was <150 mu m and thick at >150 mu m. Necrosis and formation of calcification were both recorded. Results: Both materials Angelus MTA and CER caused moderate reactions at 7 days, which decreased with time. The response was similar to the control at 30 and 60 days with Angelus MTA and CER, characterized by organized connective tissue and presence of some chronic inflammatory cells. Mineralization and granulations birefringent to polarized light were observed with both materials. Conclusions: It was possible to conclude that CER was biocompatible and stimulated mineralization. (J Endod 2009,35:1377-1380)