953 resultados para Poor-prognosis


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the feasibility of radioimmunotherapy (RIT) with radiolabeled anti-carcinoembryonic antigen antibodies after complete resection of liver metastases (LM) from colorectal cancer. Patients and Methods: Twenty-two patients planned for surgery of one to four LM received a preoperative diagnostic dose of a 131I-F(ab')2-labeled anti-carcinoembryonic antigen monoclonal antibody F6 (8-10 mCi/5 mg). 131I-F(ab')2 uptake was analyzed using direct radioactivity counting, and tumor-to-normal liver ratios were recorded. Ten patients with tumor-to-normal liver ratios of >5 and three others were treated with a therapeutic injection [180-200 mCi 131I/50 mg F(ab')2] 30 to 64 days after surgery. RESULTS: Median 131I-F(ab')2 immunoreactivity in patient serum remained at 91% of initial values for up to 96 hours after injection. The main and dose-limiting-toxicity was hematologic, with 92% and 85% grades 3 to 4 neutropenia and thrombocytopenia, respectively. Complete spontaneous recovery occurred in all patients. No human anti-mouse antibody response was observed after the diagnosis dose; however, 10 of the 13 treated patients developed human anti-mouse antibody approximately 3 months later. Two treated patients presented extrahepatic metastases at the time of RIT (one bone and one abdominal node) and two relapsed within 3 months of RIT (one in the lung and the other in the liver). Two patients are still alive, and one of these is disease-free at 93 months after resection. At a median follow-up of 127 months, the median disease-free survival is 12 months and the median overall survival is 50 months. CONCLUSION: RIT is feasible in an adjuvant setting after complete resection of LM from colorectal cancer and should be considered for future trials, possibly in combination with chemotherapy, because of the generally poor prognosis of these patients.


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INTRODUCTION. Reduced cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) may worsen secondary damage and outcome after severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), however the optimal management of CPP is still debated. STUDY HYPOTHESIS: We hypothesized that the impact of CPP on outcome is related to brain tissue oxygen tension (PbtO2) level and that reduced CPP may worsen TBI prognosis when it is associated with brain hypoxia. DESIGN. Retrospective analysis of prospective database. METHODS. We analyzed 103 patients with severe TBI who underwent continuous PbtO2 and CPP monitoring for an average of 5 days. For each patient, duration of reduced CPP (\60 mm Hg) and brain hypoxia (PbtO2\15 mm Hg for[30 min [1]) was calculated with linear interpolation method and the relationship between CPP and PbtO2 was analyzed with Pearson's linear correlation coefficient. Outcome at 30 days was assessed with the Glasgow Outcome Score (GOS), dichotomized as good (GOS 4-5) versus poor (GOS 1-3). Multivariable associations with outcome were analyzed with stepwise forward logistic regression. RESULTS. Reduced CPP (n=790 episodes; mean duration 10.2 ± 12.3 h) was observed in 75 (74%) patients and was frequently associated with brain hypoxia (46/75; 61%). Episodes where reduced CPP were associated with normal brain oxygen did not differ significantly between patients with poor versus those with good outcome (8.2 ± 8.3 vs. 6.5 ± 9.7 h; P=0.35). In contrast, time where reduced CPP occurred simultaneously with brain hypoxia was longer in patients with poor than in those with good outcome (3.3±7.4 vs. 0.8±2.3 h; P=0.02). Outcome was significantly worse in patients who had both reduced CPP and brain hypoxia (61% had GOS 1-3 vs. 17% in those with reduced CPP but no brain hypoxia; P\0.01). Patients in whom a positive CPP-PbtO2 correlation (r[0.3) was found also were more likely to have poor outcome (69 vs. 31% in patients with no CPP-PbtO2 correlation; P\0.01). Brain hypoxia was an independent risk factor of poor prognosis (odds ratio for favorable outcome of 0.89 [95% CI 0.79-1.00] per hour spent with a PbtO2\15 mm Hg; P=0.05, adjusted for CPP, age, GCS, Marshall CT and APACHE II). CONCLUSIONS. Low CPP may significantly worsen outcome after severe TBI when it is associated with brain tissue hypoxia. PbtO2-targeted management of CPP may optimize TBI therapy and improve outcome of head-injured patients.


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BACKGROUND: Glioblastoma, the most common adult primary malignant brain tumor, confers poor prognosis (median survival of 15 months) notwithstanding aggressive treatment. Combination chemotherapy including carmustine (BCNU) or temozolomide (TMZ) with the MGMT inhibitor O6-benzylguanine (O6BG) has been used, but has been associated with dose-limiting hematopoietic toxicity. OBJECTIVE: To assess safety and efficacy of a retroviral vector encoding the O6BG-resistant MGMTP140K gene for transduction and autologous transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in MGMT unmethylated, newly diagnosed glioblastoma patients in an attempt to chemoprotect bone marrowduring combination O6BG/TMZ therapy. METHODS: Three patients have been enrolled in the first cohort. Patients underwent standard radiation therapy without TMZ followed by G-CSF mobilization, apheresis, and conditioning with 600 mg/m2 BCNU prior to infusion of gene-modified cells. Posttransplant, patients were treated with 28-day cycles of single doseTMZ (472 mg/m2) with 48-hour intravenous O6BG (120 mg/m2 bolus, then 30 mg/m2/d). RESULTS: The BCNU dose was nonmyeloablative with ANC ,500/mL for ≤3 d and nadir thrombocytopenia of 28,000/mL. Gene marking in pre-infusion colony forming units (CFUs) was 70.6%, 79.0%, and 74.0% in Patients 1, 2, and 3, respectively, by CFU-PCR. Following engraftment, gene marking in white blood cells and sorted granulocytes ranged between 0.37-0.84 and 0.33-0.83 provirus copies, respectively, by real-time PCR. Posttransplant gene marking in CFUs from CD34-selected cells ranged from 28.5% to 47.4%. Patients have received 4, 3, and 2 cycles of O6BG/TMZ, respectively, with evidence for selection of gene-modified cells. One patient has received a single dose-escalated cycle at 590 mg/m2 TMZ. No additional extra-hematopoietic toxicity has been observed thus far and all three patients exhibit stable disease at 7-8 months since diagnosis CONCLUSIONS: We believe that these data demonstrate the feasibility of achieving significant engraftment of MGMTP140K-modified cells with a well-tolerated dose of BCNU. Further follow-up will determine whether this approach will allow for further dose escalation of TMZ and improved survival.


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During tumor progression, cancer cells undergo dramatic changes in the expression profile of adhesion molecules resulting in detachment from original tissue and acquisition of a highly motile and invasive phenotype. A hallmark of this change, also referred to as the epithelial-mesenchymal transition, is the loss of E- (epithelial) cadherin and the de novo expression of N- (neural) cadherin adhesion molecules. N-cadherin promotes tumor cell survival, migration and invasion, and a high level of its expression is often associated with poor prognosis. N-cadherin is also expressed in endothelial cells and plays an essential role in the maturation and stabilization of normal vessels and tumor-associated angiogenic vessels. Increasing experimental evidence suggests that N-cadherin is a potential therapeutic target in cancer. A peptidic N-cadherin antagonist (ADH-1) has been developed and has entered clinical testing. In this review, the authors discuss the biochemical and functional features of N-cadherin, its potential role in cancer and angiogenesis, and summarize the preclinical and clinical results achieved with ADH-1.


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BACKGROUND: Patients with resectable hilar cholangiocarcinoma often present obstructive jaundice and a small future remnant liver (FRL) ratio. A sequential approach comprising preoperative biliary drainage followed by portal vein embolization (PVE) is usually performed but leads to long preoperative management (6-12 weeks) before patients can undergo resection. To simplify and shorten this phase of liver preparation, we developed a new preoperative approach that involves percutaneous biliary drainage and PVE during the same procedure. We report the outcomes of this combined procedure. METHODS: During 1 year, four patients underwent simultaneous biliary drainage and PVE followed 1 month later by surgical resection of hilar cholangiocarcinoma. Liver volumes were assessed by CT before, and 1, and 3 months after the combined procedure. Serum liver enzymes were assessed before and 1 month after the combined procedure. RESULTS: The combined procedure was feasible in all cases, with no related complications. After the combined procedure, transaminases remained stable or decreased, whereas gamma-glutamyl-transpeptidase, alkaline phosphatase, and bilirubin decreased. During the first month, the left lobe volume increased by +27.9 % (range 19-40.9 %). The FRL ratio increased from 24.9 to 33.2 %. All patients underwent R0 liver resection with a favorable postoperative outcome. The remnant liver volume increased by +132 % (range 78-245 %) between 1 and 3 months. CONCLUSIONS: Simultaneous percutaneous biliary drainage and PVE is feasible. This all-in-one preoperative approach greatly decreases waiting time until surgical resection. These encouraging results warrant further investigation to confirm the safety and to evaluate the reduction in the dropout rate for liver resection in this tumor with poor prognosis.


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Le neuroblastome (NB) est la tumeur maligne solide extra-crânienne la plus fréquente chez le jeune enfant. L'évolution clinique est très hétérogène, et les NBs de haut risque échappent encore aux traitements les plus agressifs. Diverses études ont montré que les chimiokines et leurs récepteurs, particulièrement l'axe CXCR4/CXCL12, sont impliqués dans la progression tumorale. Dans le NB, l'expression de CXCR4 est corrélée à un pronostic défavorable. De récentes études ont identifié l'expression d'un autre récepteur, CXCR7, présentant une forte affinité pour le ligand CXCL12. Cependant, son implication potentielle dans l'agressivité des NBs reste encore inconnue. Notre étude a pour objectif d'analyser le rôle de CXCR7 dans le comportement malin du NB, et son influence sur la fonctionnalité de l'axe CXCR4/CXCL12. Les profils d'expression de CXCR7 et CXCL12 ont d'abord été évalués sur un large échantillonnage de tissus de NB, incluant des tissus de tumeurs primaires et de métastases, provenant de 156 patients. CXCL12 est fortement détecté dans les vaisseaux et le stroma des tumeurs. Contrairement à CXCR4, CXCR7 n'est que très faiblement exprimé par les tumeurs indifférenciées. Néanmoins, l'expression de CXCR7 augmente dans les tumeurs matures, et se trouve spécifiquement associée aux cellules neurales différentiées, telles que les cellules ganglionnaires. L'expression de CXCR7 est faiblement détectée dans un nombre réduit de lignées de NB, mais peut-être induite suite à des traitements avec des agents de différenciation in vitro. La surexpression de CXCR7, CXCR4 et une combinaison des deux récepteurs dans les lignées IGR-NB8 et SH-SY5Y a permis l'analyse de leur fonction respective. En réponse à leur ligand commun, chaque récepteur induit l'activation de la voie ERK 1/2, mais pas celle de la voie Akt. Contrairement à CXCR4, l'expression exogène de CXCR7 réduit fortement la prolifération des cellules de NB in vitro, et in vivo dans un modèle d'injection sous-cutanée de. souris immunodéprimées. CXCR7 altère également la migration des cellules induite par l'axe CXCR4/CXCL12. De plus, l'utilisation d'un modèle orthotopique murin a démontré que la croissance tumorale induite par CXCR4 peut être fortement retardée lorsque les deux récepteurs sont co-exprimés dans les cellules de NB. Aucune induction de métastases n'a pu être observée dans ce modèle. Cette étude a permis d'identifier un profil d'expression opposé et des rôles distincts pour CXCR7 et CXCR4 dans le NB. En effet, contrairement à CXCR4, CXCR7 présente des propriétés non tumorigéniques et peut être associé au processus de différenciation du NB. De plus, nos analyses suggèrent que CXCR7 peut réguler les mécanismes induits par CXCR4. Ces données ouvrent donc de nouvelles perspectives de recherche quant au rôle de l'axe CXCR7/CXCR4/CXCL12 dans la biologie des NBs. - Neuroblastoma (NB) is a typical childhood and heterogeneous neoplasm for which efficient targeted therapy for high-risk tumours is not yet identified. The chemokine CXCL12, and its receptors CXCR4 and CXCR7 have been involved in tumour progression and dissemination in various cancer models. In the context of NB, CXCR4 expression is associated to undifferentiated tumours and poor prognosis, while the role of CXCR7, the recently identified second CXCL12 receptor, has not yet been elucidated. In this report, CXCR7 and CXCL12 expression were evaluated using a tissue micro-array (TMA) including 156 primary and 56 metastatic NB tissues. CXCL12 was found to be highly associated to NB vascular and stromal structures. In opposite to the CXCR4 expression pattern, the neural-associated CXCR7 expression was extremely low in undifferentiated tumours, while its expression increased in maturated tissues and was specifically associated to the differentiated neural tumour cells. As determined by RT-PCR, CXCR7 expression was only found in a minority of NB cell lines. Moreover, its expression in two CXCR7-negative NB cell lines was further induce upon treatment with differentiation agents in vitro. The relative roles of the two CXCL12 receptors was further assessed by overexpressing individual CXCR7 or CXCR4 receptors, or a combination of both, in the IGR-NB8 and SH-SY5Y NB cell lines. In vitro functional analyses indicated that, in response to their common ligand, both receptors induced activation of ERK 1/2 cascade, but not Akt signaling pathway. CXCR7 strongly reduced in vitro growth, in contrast to CXCR4. Sub-cutaneous implantations of CXCR7-expressing NB cells showed that CXCR7 also drastically reduced in vivo growth. Moreover, CXCR7 impaired CXCR4-mediated chemotaxis, and altered CXCR4-mediated growth when CXCR4/CXCR7-expressing NB cells were engrafted orthotopically in mouse adrenal gland, a CXCL12-producing environment. In such model, CXCR7 alone, or in association with CXCR4, did not induce NB cell metastatic dissemination. In conclusion, the CXCL12 receptors, CXCR7 and CXCR4, revealed opposite expression patterns and distinct functional roles in NB. While CXCR4 favours NB growth and chemotaxis, CXCR7 elicits anti-tumorigenic properties and may be associated with NB differentiation. Importantly, CXCR7 may act as a negative modulator of CXCR4 signaling, further opening new research perspectives for the role of the global CXCR7/CXCR4/CXCL12 axis in NB.


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BACKGROUND: Pancreatic carcinoma remains a treatment-refractory cancer with a poor prognosis. Here, we compared anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and anti-HER2 monoclonal antibodies (2mAbs) injections with standard gemcitabine treatment on human pancreatic carcinoma xenografts. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Nude mice, bearing human pancreatic carcinoma xenografts, were treated with either combined anti-EGFR (cetuximab) and anti-HER2 (trastuzumab) or gemcitabine, and tumor growth was observed. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: In first-line therapy, mice survival was significantly longer in the 2mAbs group compared with gemcitabine (P < 0.0001 for BxPC-3, P = 0.0679 for MiaPaCa-2 and P = 0.0019 for Capan-1) and with controls (P < 0.0001). In second-line therapy, tumor regressions were observed after replacing gemcitabine by 2mAbs treatment, resulting in significantly longer animal survival compared with mice receiving continuous gemcitabine injections (P = 0.008 for BxPC-3, P = 0.05 for MiaPaCa-2 and P < 0.001 for Capan-1). Therapeutic benefit of 2mAbs was observed despite K-Ras mutation. Interestingly, concerning the mechanism of action, coinjection of F(ab')(2) fragments from 2mAbs induced significant tumor growth inhibition, compared with controls (P = 0.001), indicating that the 2mAbs had an Fc fragment-independent direct action on tumor cells. This preclinical study demonstrated a significant improvement of survival and tumor regression in mice treated with anti-EGFR/anti-HER2 2mAbs in first- and second-line treatments, compared with gemcitabine, independently of the K-Ras status.


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In patients with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) precursor cell cultures (colony-forming unit cells, CFU-C) can provide an insight into the growth potential of malignant myeloid cells. In a retrospective single-center study of 73 untreated MDS patients we assessed whether CFU-C growth patterns were of prognostic value in addition to established criteria. Abnormalities were classified as qualitative (i.e. leukemic cluster growth) or quantitative (i.e. strongly reduced/absent growth). Thirty-nine patients (53%) showed leukemic growth, 26 patients (36%) had strongly reduced/absent colony growth, and 12 patients showed both. In a univariate analysis the presence of leukemic growth was associated with strongly reduced survival (at 10 years 4 vs. 34%, p = 0.004), and a high incidence of transformation to AML (76 vs. 32%, p = 0.01). Multivariate analysis identified leukemic growth as a strong and independent predictor of early death (relative risk 2.12, p = 0.03) and transformation to AML (relative risk 2.63, p = 0.04). Quantitative abnormalities had no significant impact on the disease course. CFU-C assays have a significant predictive value in addition to established prognostic factors in MDS. Leukemic growth identifies a subpopulation of MDS patients with poor prognosis.


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Aims: Leiomyosarcoma of the seminal vesicle is extremely rare and very little information is available on how best it should be treated. The advantage of adjuvant therapy treatment is unclear. Methods and results: We report a case of leiomyosarcoma arising from the seminal vesicle in a 65-year-old man. Conclusion: Leiomyosarcoma is a malignant neoplasm with a poor prognosis and radical surgical excision is the treatment of choice.


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Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis still has to be diagnosed by elimination. Neoplasm, toxic treatments, collagen vascular disease, professional exposure or diagnosis such as sarcoidosis have to be ruled out. The repercussions on gas exchange are the most reliable indications of the severity of the disease, the pulmonary function test or chest x-rays alone being often misleading. Transbronchic biopsies, thoracotomy or thoracoscopies provide a precise diagnosis. In many cases only broncho-alveolar lavage and a high resolution CT-scan are performed to rule out infection or tumor and to assess the inflammatory state of the disease. Due to the often poor prognosis of this disease and its often poor response to steroids, the role of cytostatic drugs, cyclosporine and colchicine, and of pulmonary graft is discussed.


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BACKGROUND We studied anomalous extracellular mRNAs in plasma from patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and their survival implications. mRNAs studied have been reported in the literature as markers of poor (BCL2, CCND2, MYC) and favorable outcome (LMO2, BCL6, FN1) in tumors. These markers were also analyzed in lymphoma tissues to test possible associations with their presence in plasma. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS mRNA from 42 plasma samples and 12 tumors from patients with DLBCL was analyzed by real-time PCR. Samples post-treatment were studied. The immunohistochemistry of BCL2 and BCL6 was defined. Presence of circulating tumor cells was determined by analyzing the clonality of the immunoglobulin heavy-chain genes by PCR. In DLBCL, MYC mRNA was associated with short overall survival. mRNA targets with unfavorable outcome in tumors were associated with characteristics indicative of poor prognosis, with partial treatment response and with short progression-free survival in patients with complete response. In patients with low IPI score, unfavorable mRNA targets were related to shorter overall survival, partial response, high LDH levels and death. mRNA disappeared in post-treatment samples of patients with complete response, and persisted in those with partial response or death. No associations were found between circulating tumor cells and plasma mRNA. Absence of BCL6 protein in tumors was associated with presence of unfavorable plasma mRNA. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE Through a non-invasive procedure, tumor-derived mRNAs can be obtained in plasma. mRNA detected in plasma did not proceed from circulating tumor cells. In our study, unfavorable targets in plasma were associated with poor prognosis in B-cell lymphomas, mainly MYC mRNA. Moreover, the unfavorable targets in plasma could help us to classify patients with poor outcome within the good prognosis group according to IPI.


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Mitral regurgitation (MR) involves systolic retrograde flow from the left ventricle into the left atrium. While trivial MR is frequent in healthy subjects, moderate to severe MR constitutes the second most prevalent valve disease after aortic valve stenosis. Major causes of severe MR in Western countries include degenerative valve disease (myxomatous disease, flail leaflet, annular calcification) and ischaemic heart disease, while rheumatic disease remains a major cause of MR in developing countries. Chronic MR typically progresses insidiously over many years. Once established, however, severe MR portends a poor prognosis. The severity of MR can be assessed by various techniques, Doppler echocardiography being the most widely used. Mitral valve surgery is the only treatment of proven efficacy. It alleviates clinical symptoms and prevents ventricular dilatation and heart failure (or, at least, it attenuates further progression of these abnormalities). Valve repair significantly improves clinical outcomes compared with valve replacement, reducing mortality by approximately 70%. Reverse LV remodelling after valve repair occurs in half of patients with functional MR. Percutaneous, catheter-based to mitral valve repair is a novel approach currently under clinical scrutiny, with encouraging preliminary results. This modality may provide a valuable alternative to mitral valve surgery, especially in critically ill patients.


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A single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) upstream of interleukin (IL)28B was recently identified as an important predictor of the outcome of chronic hepatitis C patients treated with pegylated interferon plus ribavirin (PEG-IFN/RBV). The aim of this study was to investigate the association between the IL28B gene polymorphism (rs12979860) and virological response in chronic hepatitis C patients. Brazilian patients (n = 263) who were infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 1 and were receiving PEG-IFN/RBV were genotyped. Early virological response (EVR) (12 weeks), end-of-treatment response (EOTR) (48 weeks), sustained virological response (SVR) (72 weeks) and relapse were evaluated using conventional and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays. The frequency of the C allele in the population was 39%. Overall, 43% of patients experienced SVR. The IL28B CC genotype was significantly associated with higher treatment response rates and a lower relapse rate compared to the other genotypes [84% vs. 58% EVR, 92% vs. 63% EOTR, 76% vs. 38% SVR and 17% vs. 40% relapse rate in CC vs. other genotypes (CT and TT), respectively]. Thus, the IL28B genotype appears to be a strong predictor of SVR following PEG-IFN/RBV therapy in treatment-naïve Brazilian patients infected with HCV genotype 1. This study, together with similar research examining other SNPs, should help to define adequate protocols for the treatment of patients infected with HCV genotype 1, especially those with a poor prognosis.


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The microenvironment hosting a tumor actively participates in regulating tumor cell proliferation, migration, and invasion. Among the extracellular matrix proteins enriched in the stroma of carcinomas are the tenascin family members tenascin-C and tenascin-W. Whereas tenascin-C overexpression in gliomas is known to correlate with poor prognosis, the status of tenascin-W in brain tumors has not been investigated so far. In the present study, we analyzed protein levels of tenascin-W in 38 human gliomas and found expression of tenascin-W in 80% of the tumor samples, whereas no tenascin-W could be detected in control, nontumoral brain tissues. Double immunohistochemical staining of tenascin-W and von Willebrand factor revealed that tenascin-W is localized around blood vessels, exclusively in tumor samples. In vitro, the presence of tenascin-W increased the proportion of elongated human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) and augmented the mean speed of cell migration. Furthermore, tenascin-W triggered sprouting of HUVEC spheroids to a similar extent as the proangiogenic factor tenascin-C. In conclusion, our study identifies tenascin-W as a candidate biomarker for brain tumor angiogenesis that could be used as a molecular target for therapy irrespective of the glioma subtype.-Martina, E., Degen, M., Rüegg, C., Merlo, A., Lino, M. M., Chiquet-Ehrismann, R., Brellier, F. Tenascin-W is a specific marker of glioma-associated blood vessels and stimulates angiogenesis in vitro.


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Blood pressure is abnormally elevated in acute stroke in most patients. This blood pressure increase is usually transient and associated with a poor prognosis. Lowering blood pressure too importantly during this period may worsen the outcome of the patient. Antihypertensive therapy is therefore required only when blood pressure is severely increased, especially in the presence of intracerebral haemorrhage. Initiating treatment before admission to the hospital is not recommended. The medications to be preferred are the blockers of the renin-angiotensin system, the beta-blocker labetalol (which possesses also alpha-blocking properties) and NO donors.