1000 resultados para Pontederia lanceolata
According to the drilling probes of the Deep Waier Drilling Project, Neogene sediments in a tropical area of the Pacific Ocean are divided into 15 zones based on diatoms. The author shows that a unique zonation may be applied for the entire region. Identification of diatoms zones boundaries was conducted through their direct correlation with nannoplancton, radiolarian and foraminiferal zonal sceals. Their ultra-structure and morphological relationship are being analysed. The mode of siliceous accumulation within the equatorial belt differed through the western central and eastern region since the early Miocene and the difference become more evident from the end of Middle Miocene. The distribution of Neogene diatomaceous silt in the tropical area is controlled by the character of gyre-water circulation and agrees with the modern geographical zonation.
Als man nach dem ersten Weltkrieg im verkleinerten Deutschland nach der Möglichkeit von Neulandgewinnung suchte, dachte man auch an eineTrockenlegung der ostpreußischen Haffe. Aus diesem Anlaß wurden umfangreiche Bohrungen ausgeführt, um ein möglichst genaues Bild vom Untergrunde der Haffe zu bekommen. Auf Veranlassung der Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt wurde ich mit der Untersuchung der Diatomeen in den Bohrproben beauftragt. Die Arbeit wurde 1934 begonnen und Ende 1937 wurde der letzte Arbeitsbericht abgeliefert. Die beabsichtigte Veröffentlichung ist bisher unterblieben, weil die Druckvorlagen später verloren gegangen sind. Seitdem sind über die Haffuntersuchungen mehrere Teilergebnisse veröffentlicht worden, von denen hier schon wegen der Terminologie die pollenanalytischen Arbeiten von L. HEIN (1941) und HUGO GROSS (1941) erwähnt seien, auf die im Abschnitt Il 2e näher eingegangen wird. Bei der geologischen Auswertung war Zurückhaltung geboten; denn es wäre gewagt, allein aus der Perspektive der Diatomeenforschung endgültige Aussagen machen zu wollen. Darum habe ich mich bemüht, das Material so weit aufzuschließen, daß es Geologen später auch bei veränderter Fragestellung auswerten können. "Die Theorien wechseln, aber die Tatsachen bleiben." Der Initiative des Herrn Prof. Dr. K. GRIPP und der finanziellen Hilfe der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft ist es zu verdanken, daß die vorliegende Arbeit im Druck erscheinen kann. Zusammenfassung 1. Nur in den alluvialen Schichten des Kurischen Haffs wurden Diatomeen gefunden. 2. Die Diatomeenflora des Kurischen Haffs besteht zur Hauptsache aus Süßwasserformen. 3. Salzwasserformen finden sich in allen Schichten verstreut unter der Süßwasserflora. Wenn sie auch nach Zahl der Arten in manchen Proben einen erheblichen Prozentsatz der Flora ausmachen, so ist doch die Zahl der Individuen stets so gering, daß man nirgends von einer Brackwasserflora sprechen kann. 4. Die Süßwasserflora besteht in den unteren Schichten vorwiegend aus Grundformen; und zwar machen die epiphytischen Bewohner flacher Sumpfgewässer einen großen Teil der Flora aus. 5. In einzelnen Bohrungen kommt in den untersten alluvialen Schichten eine Grundflora mit zahlreichen Mastogloien vor. Dies sind die ältesten diatomeenführenden Schichten, entstanden in isolierten Sumpfgewässern. 6. Die übrigen Schichten mit überwiegender Grundflora sind vermutlich Ablagerungen der Ancyluszeit. 7. Die oberen Schichten, in denen die Planktondiatomeen überwiegen, dürften größtenteils der Litorina-Transgressionszeit angehören, jedoch ist der Transgressions-Kontakt nicht klar zu erkennen. 8. Das Ende der Litorinazeit ist noch weniger erkennbar, da eine grundsätzliche Veränderung der Flora nach oben nicht zu beobachten ist. 9. Die ostbaltischen Charakterformen sind in allen Schichten vertreten.
This data set contains aboveground community biomass (Sown plant community, measured in biomass as dry weight) and species-specific biomass from the sown species of the main experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. Aboveground community biomass was harvested in September 2002 just prior to mowing (during peak standing biomass) on all experimental plots of the main experiment. This was done by clipping the vegetation at 3 cm above ground in one rectangle of 0.2 x 0.5 m per large plot. The location of the rectangle was assigned prior to harvest by random selection of coordinates within the core area of the plots (i.e. the central 10 x 15 m). The positions of the rectangle within plots were identical for all plots. The harvested biomass was sorted into categories: in 2002 only individual species for the sown plant species were separated and processed. All biomass was dried to constant weight (70°C, >= 48 h) and weighed. Sown plant community biomass was calculated as the sum of the biomass of the individual sown species. Overall, analyses of the community biomass data have identified species richness as well as functional group composition as important drivers of a positive biodiversity-productivity relationship.
In a borehole in the southern outskirts of the town of Göttingen, limnic sediments of several Pleistocene warm periods occur intercalated with coarse solifluction debris and gravel of the river Leine. Pollen analysis of the limnic sediments in a borehole at Ottostrasse gave evidence of three warm periods of interglacial character, followed by three interstadial phases. The warm phases are separated one from another by stadial phases with, at least in one case, indications of periglacial solifluction. This sequence belongs to the Brunhes magnetic epoch. The pollen data allow to exclude an Eemian or Holsteinian age of the warm period sediments. Thus a Cromerian age is assumed, though the exact position of the newly described warm periods within the ''Cromerian'' remains uncertain. A section in a borehole at Akazienweg is of Holsteinian age.
The stratigraphy and pollen analysis of the deposits show that this is a lake basin which during the Late-glacial period was partially filled by lake clays and muds. One of the main interests of the pollen diagrams lies in the division of zone i into three suh-zones showing a minor climatic oscillation which seems to be comparable with the Boiling oscillation of northern Europe. During Post-glacial time the greater part of the deposits has been muds but on one side a fen developed which in early zone VI was sufficiently dry to support birch and pine wood. Later in zone VI the water table must have risen slightly because the fen peats were gradually covered by a rather oxidized mud suggesting that the fen became replaced by a shallow swamp with a widely fluctuating water table. In the Atlantic period the basin was reflooded and the more central deposits were covered by a layer of mud. Later in the central region, swamp and eventually Sphagnum bog communities developed. The whole area is now covered by a sihy soil and forms a flat meadowland.
The biostratigraphic classification of the Pleistocene in north-western and central Europe is still insufficiently known, in spite of numerous geological and vegetation-history investigations. The question is not even clear, for example, how often a warm-period vegetation with thermophilous trees such as Quercus, Ulmus, Tilia, Carpinus etc could develop here. In past years, on the basis of several geological and vegetation-history findings, suspicion has often been expressed that some of the classical stages of the Pleistocene could include more warm periods than heretofore assumed, and as a result of recent investigations the period between the Waal and Holstein interglacials seems to include at least two warm periods, of which the Cromer is one. This paper contributes to this problem. The interglacial sediments coming from the Elm-Mountains near Brunswick and from the Osterholz near Elze - both within the limits of the German Mittelgebirge - were investigated by pollen analysis. In both cases a Pinus-Betula zone and a QM zone were found. The vegetation development of the Pinus-Betula zone is characterized in both sequences by the early appearance of Picea. Because of strong local influence at the Osterholz a detailed correlation is difficult. However, vegetation development at the time of the QM zone at both sites was similar; it is especially characterized by the facts that Ulmus clearly migrated to the site earlier than Quercus and was very abundant throughout this time. Furthermore, both diagrams show very low amounts of Corylus. The interglacial of the Osterholz shows in addition to the above; a Carpinus-QM-Picea-zone in which Eucommia reaches a relative high value and in the upper of which Azolla filiculoides was also found. The similarity of vegetation development justifies acceptance of the same age for the occurrences. A comparison of the vegetation development at the Elm and the Osterholz with those of the Eem, Holstein, Waal, and Tegelen warm periods as well as with all the Cromer sites so far investigated shows that only a correlation with the Cromer Complex is possible. This correlation is supported by the geologic relations in the Osterholz (the deposit is overlain by Elster till). Therefore the till-like material with Scandinavian rock fragments underlying the deposit at Elm is of particular interest. The 'Rhume' interglacial beds at Bilshausen, only 60 km south of Osterholz, is also assigned to the Cromer complex, but the two deposits cannot be of the same age because the vegetation development differs. Therefore the Cromer complex must include at least two warm periods. Further conclusions about the relative stratigraphic position of these two occurrences and correlations of other Cromer sites are at this time not possible, however.
Studies combining sedimentological and biological evidence to reconstruct Holocene climate beyond the major changes, and especially seasonality, are rare in Europe, and are nearly completely absent in Germany. The present study tries to reconstruct changes of seasonality from evidence of annual algal successions within the framework of well-established pollen zonation and 14C-AMS dates from terrestrial plants. Laminated Holocene sediments in Lake Jues (10°20.70' E, 51°39.30' N, 241 m a.s.l.), located at the SW margin of the Harz Mountains, central Germany, were studied for sediment characteristics, pollen, diatoms and coccal green algae. An age model is based on 21 calibrated AMS radiocarbon dates from terrestrial plants. The sedimentary record covers the entire Holocene period. Trophic status and circulation/stagnation patterns of the lake were inferred from algal assemblages, the subannual structure of varves and the physico-chemical properties of the sediment. During the Holocene, mixing conditions alternated between di-, oligo- and meromictic depending on length and variability of spring and fall periods, and the stability of winter and summer weather. The trophic state was controlled by nutrient input, circulation patterns and the temperature-dependent rates of organic production and mineralization. Climate shifts, mainly in phase with those recorded from other European regions, are inferred from changing limnological conditions and terrestrial vegetation. Significant changes occurred at 11,600 cal. yr. BP (Preboreal warming), between 10,600 and 10,100 cal. yr. BP (Boreal cooling), and between 8,400 and 4,550 cal. yr. BP (warm and dry interval of the Atlantic). Since 4,550 cal. yr. BP the climate became gradually cooler, wetter and more oceanic. This trend was interrupted by warmer and dryer phases between 3,440 and 2,850 cal. yr. BP and, likely, between 2,500 and 2,250 cal. yr. BP.
This data set comprises a time series of aboveground community plant biomass (Sown plant community, Weed plant community, Dead plant material, and Unidentified plant material; all measured in biomass as dry weight) and species-specific biomass from the sown species of the main experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. Aboveground community biomass was harvested twice a year just prior to mowing (during peak standing biomass twice a year, generally in May and August; in 2002 only once in September) on all experimental plots of the main experiment. This was done by clipping the vegetation at 3 cm above ground in up to four rectangles of 0.2 x 0.5 m per large plot. The location of these rectangles was assigned by random selection of new coordinates every year within the core area of the plots (i.e. the central 10 x 15 m). The positions of the rectangles within plots were identical for all plots. The harvested biomass was sorted into categories: individual species for the sown plant species, weed plant species (species not sown at the particular plot), detached dead plant material (i.e., dead plant material in the data file), and remaining plant material that could not be assigned to any category (i.e., unidentified plant material in the data file). All biomass was dried to constant weight (70°C, >= 48 h) and weighed. Sown plant community biomass was calculated as the sum of the biomass of the individual sown species. The data for individual samples and the mean over samples for the biomass measures on the community level are given. Overall, analyses of the community biomass data have identified species richness as well as functional group composition as important drivers of a positive biodiversity-productivity relationship.
In der Döberitzer Heide nördlich von Potsdam wurden vegetationsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen durchgeführt. Das Untersuchungsgebiet befindet sich im östlichen Teil der Nauener Platte, die bisher vegetationsgeschichtlich weitgehend unerforscht war. In sechs verschiedenen Mooren wurden acht Bohrungen niedergebracht. Die Bohrkerne wurden stratigraphisch und pollenanalytisch untersucht und für die Radiocarbondatierung beprobt. Die Pollendiagramme ermöglichen die Rekonstruktion der Vegetationsentwicklung der terrestrischen Standorte und der Moore in der Döberitzer Heide in den letzten 14.000 Jahren. Neben einer Revision der Gliederungsprinzipien der spätglazialen Vegetationsentwicklung Brandenburgs und einer vergleichenden Betrachtung der Moorentwicklung in der Döberitzer Heide wurde besonderes Augenmerk auf die Geschichte des Döberitzer Lindenwaldes gerichtet, der einen Sonderfall in der brandenburgischen Vegetation darstellt. Die Untersuchungen boten die Möglichkeit, die Ursachen seiner Entstehung zu klären, Aussagen zu den Perspektiven seiner Entwicklung zu treffen und mögliche Entwicklungspotentiale von Lindenwäldern im Land Brandenburg aufzuzeigen.
1. Late glacial and postglacial sediments from three former lakes in the Lake Garda area (Southern Alps) were investigated. 2. The pollen diagram from Bondone (1550 m) shows an older phase rich in NAP. A younger one corresponds with the Younger Dryas time according to two radiocarbon determinations. In the Preboreal no climatic deterioration could be found. 3. At first plants, which are nowadays typical for snow-ground, pioneer and dwarf shrub associations, immigrated into the surroundings of Bondone. In Alleröd times larch and pine appeared as the first trees. At the beginning of the Preboreal dense forest existed in that region. During the Alleröd timber line was at about 1500 m. 4. In the pollen diagrams from Saltarino (194 m) and Fiavè (654 m) an oldest period rich in NAP is followed by two stadial and two interstadial phases. Tree birches and larches immigrated during the oldest interstadial phase. 5. In the case of Saltarino and Fiavè only a preliminary dating could be made. A correlation seems to be possible with diagrams published by Zoller as well as with the diagram of Bondone. Discrepances in dating, which arise then, are discussed. According to the two possibilities of dating the youngest stadial is synchronous either with the so-called Piottino stadial or the Younger Dryas time. Consequently the oldest interstadial phase of Saltarino corresponds either with the Bölling or with a pre-Bölling interstadial. The last possibility seems to be more probable. 6. In the southern part of the Lake Garda area reforestation was preceded by a long shrub phase mainly with Juniperus. At about 650 m there was a period with Pinus mugo and only with a small amount of Juniperus before reforestation. A phase with Betula nana well known from areas north of the Alps could nowhere be found. 7. In the area under study larch appeared as the first tree. Lateron it has been the most important constituent of the forests near timber line. Birch, which plays an important role as a pioneer tree in Denmark - for instance at the transition of the pollen zones III/IV - as well as in Southern Germany during Bölling time, was of less importance at the southern border of the Alps. In that area the spreading of Pinus occurred very early causing dense forests. 8. During the last stadial phase (probably Younger Dryas time) dense forests with Pinus and Larix existed at 650 m. In the lower part of the Lake Garda area, however, both thermophilous trees as Quercus and herbs frequently occurred. This leads to the conclusion that during this time tree growth was limited by dryness in lower altitudes of the border of the Southern Alps. Pinus and Juniperus, however, do not show higher values in this period, a fact which cannot yet be explained. 9. A list of plants, which were found in the sediments, is compiled. Helodium lanatum, Dictamnus albus, Mercurialis cf. ovata, Buxus, Cerinthe cf. minor, Onosma, Anthericum and Asphodelus albus are findings, which are of special interest for the history of the flora of that region.
Sixty-five species of benthic ostracodes have been discovered in the Triassic sediments of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 122, drilled on the northwestern margin of Australia. Known species were found in the samples studied from the upper Norian-Rhaetian at Holes 759B and 760B and from the Rhaetian at Holes 761C, 764A, and 764B. A large part of material of the recovered ostracodes belong to taxa that are related to ostracodes described in the Tethyan province. Seven species are known from northwestern Europe and five from Iran. Ogmoconcha and Rhombocythere, which are stratigraphically important genera in northern Europe, extend into the Tethyan province. Species of Ogmoconcha are present in Holes 760B, 764A, and 764B. The highly ornate baidiids of the Alpine Tethyan province are dominant in Hole 761C. The affinities with the fauna of Iran noted by Kristan-Tollmann are corroborated by the presence of the genera Mostlerella, Hiatobairdia, and other bairdiids.
The high-altitude lake Tso Moriri (32°55'46'' N, 78°19'24'' E; 4522 m a.s.l.) is situated at the margin of the ISM and westerly influences in the Trans-Himalayan region of Ladakh. Human settlements are rare and domestic and wild animals are concentrating at the alpine meadows. A set of modern surface samples and fossil pollen from deep-water TMD core was evaluated with a focus on indicator types revealing human impact, grazing activities and lake system development during the last ca. 12 cal ka BP. Furthermore, the non-pollen palynomorph (NPP) record, comprising remains of limnic algae and invertebrates as well as fungal spores and charred plant tissue fragments, were examined in order to attest palaeolimnic phases and human impact, respectively. Changes in the early and middle Holocene limnic environment are mainly influenced by regional climatic conditions and glacier-fed meltwater flow in the catchment area. The NPP record indicates low lake productivity with high influx of freshwater between ca. 11.5 and 4.5 cal ka BP which is in agreement with the regional monsoon dynamics and published climate reconstructions. Geomorphologic observations suggest that during this period of enhanced precipitation the lake had a regular outflow and contributed large amounts of water to the Sutlej River, the lower reaches of which were integral part of the Indus Civilization area. The inferred minimum fresh water input and maximum lake productivity between ca. 4.5-1.8 cal ka BP coincides with the reconstruction of greatest aridity and glaciation in the Korzong valley resulting in significantly reduced or even ceased outflow. We suggest that lowered lake levels and river discharge on a larger regional scale may have caused irrigation problems and harvest losses in the Indus valley and lowlands occupied by sedentary agricultural communities. This scenario, in turn, supports the theory that, Mature Harappan urbanism (ca. 4.5-3.9 cal ka BP) emerged in order to facilitate storage, protection, administration, and redistribution of crop yields and secondly, the eventual collapse of the Harappan Culture (ca. 3.5-3 cal ka BP) was promoted by prolonged aridity. There is no clear evidence for human impact around Tso Moriri prior to ca. 3.7 cal ka BP, with a more distinct record since ca. 2.7 cal ka BP. This suggests that the sedimentary record from Tso Moriri primarily archives the regional climate history.
Ice-wedge polygon (IWP) mires in the Arctic and Subarctic are extremely vulnerable to climatic and environmental change. We present the results of a multidisciplinary paleoenvironmental study on IWPs in the northern Yukon, Canada. High-resolution laboratory analyses were carried out on a permafrost core and the overlying seasonally thawed (active) layer, from a low-centered IWP located in a drained lake basin on Herschel Island. In relation to 14 Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dates spanning the last 5000 years, we report sedimentary data including grain size distribution and biogeochemical parameters (organic carbon, nitrogen, C/N ratio, d13C), stable water isotopes (d18O, dD), as well as fossil pollen, plant macrofossil and diatom assemblages. Three sediment units (SUs) correspond to the main stages of deposition (1) in a thermokarst lake (SU1: 4950 to 3950 cal yrs BP), (2) during transition from lacustrine to palustrine conditions after lake drainage (SU2: 3950 to 3120 cal yrs BP), and (3) in palustrine conditions in the IWP field that developed after drainage (SU3: 3120 cal yrs BP to AD 2012). The lacustrine phase (pre 3950 cal yrs BP) is characterized by planktonic-benthic and pioneer diatoms species indicating circumneutral waters, and very few plant macrofossils. The pollen record has captured a regional signal of relatively stable vegetation composition and climate for the lacustrine stage of the record until 3950 cal yrs BP. Palustrine conditions with benthic and acidophilic species characterize the peaty shallow-water environments of the low-centered IWP. The transition from lacustrine to palustrine conditions was accompanied by acidification and rapid revegetation of the lake bottom within about 100 years. Since the palustrine phase we consider the pollen record as a local vegetation proxy dominated by the plant communities growing in the IWP. Ice-wedge cracking in water-saturated sediments started immediately after lake drainage at about 3950 cal yrs BP and led to the formation of an IWP mire. Permafrost aggradation through downward closed-system freezing of the lake talik is indicated by the stable water isotope record. The originally submerged IWP center underwent gradual drying during the past 2000 years. This study highlights the sensitivity of permafrost landscapes to climate and environmental change throughout the Holocene.