944 resultados para Political Thought


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The thought of Eloy de Souza is studied (1873-1959), that left a significant intellectual production in the journalistic, cultural and politicial scope on the Northeast and the dilemmas of the droughts. Through the method of content analysis, his journalistic and literary speech is investigated, looking at to understand the elaboration and/ or reiteration of categories, of representations and of values; it is verified how was conceived the constitution of the political thought and which is it´s principal slopes; the parliamentary speech, present in his interventions is analyzed in plenary session, participation in commissions and in his projects, particularly in the thematic area of the droughts. It is verified that his work is built in a political and ideological perspective inserting the bourgeoisie landowner's interests and Northeastern commercial and of it´s political strata, inside the historical block of agro-industry power that has as irradiation focus the area of the coffee represented politically by the oligarchies person from São Paulo and Minas Gerais. In that sense, two crucial categories emerge: the droughts and the country, as the Northeastern and Brazilian man's synthesis, with their resistance capacity and adaptation, and their creative effort in an adverse enviroment, that Eloy de Souza started to insert in his political speech. However, the vision that he passes of the "country suffer", expresses a certain idealization of a lifestyle that corresponds to a traditional dominance, that he want´s to be reproduced. Although it looked for the solution for the drought through the modernization of the economy by the adoption of advanced methods as the irrigation, his concern went back to the conservation of the economical and cultural political hegemony of that elite. Thus, his inquietude with the process of integration of the subordinate sections, justifies his consensual speech, harmonic as organic intellectual of the agrarian-commercial bourgeoisie of the Brazilian Northeast


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This paper aims to make a theoretical reflection on the theoretical compatibility between the program State Employer of Last Resort (ELR) and the Democratic experimentalism (ED). The ED arises in political thought as an alternative to neo-liberal and social democratic programs in order to rescue the discussion about the institutional organization of society and the market economy. About the involuntary unemployment, it proposes tax changes incidents on payroll and proposes work fronts to the most vulnerable or poorly trained. The hypothesis of this paper is that this approach is compatible with the ELR program, the post- Keynesian line. The ELR is presented as transgression of the mainstream of economic thought by proposing that the State acts as guarantor of employment, working as a stabilizing anchor for the economy. On the edge, the ELR proposes eliminate completely involuntary unemployment. The implementation of the ELR, however, requires the construction of institutions that aim to remake the market economy, as well as deepen and energize politics and democracy, goals that are part of the ED program. Thus, the ED would, in theory, an environment conducive to innovative policies guarantors of training and occupation of the individual, essential for their emancipation institutional environment. In Brazil, which has serious infrastructure problems and qualification of manpower, such a program has enormous potential benefit. However when transposed to the Northeast of Brazil through the Plan for the region based on the principles of the ED and the hypothetical coupling to the ELR could not confirm or reject the hypothesis sub-compatibility of these two theoretical frameworks. The findings point to a partial convergence between these two programs


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The fundamental question developed in this research is to consider the possible meanings of biopolitics in the thought of Michel Foucault. In the first chapter of this study seeks to examine the rationality of biopower. It is able to show the rationality of acting as a social machinery for the manufacture of the subjectivity of individuals, biopolitics as a producer of bodies and subjectivity. The theme of biopolitics appears as inspiration of Nietzsche's metaphor of war. The idea that history is the war for dominance of the bodies. In the second chapter, the (bio) political will and political thought of resistance, fighting criticism as an attitude of revolt of the subject before his condition subjugated. The biopolitical here is intended as a conceptual tool for reading the thought / Foucault's work. A resistance that can be thought of as a biopolitical as a "refractoriness reflected". The third chapter will seek to show how the Foucault argues that power was already present the ethics of self-care. If the subject is a product, is captured by the discourse of biopower that manufactures its subjectivity, self care, it's time to think about the inner contents. Self care is something that offers resistance, as a possibility to think that these contents are constructed historically, and that therefore it is possible to reestablish the self-care is a policy of fighting these sedimented content that promotes colonization of the subjects. You can move from ruler to ruled itself, although this pursuit of liberty is always unfinished, always be a tension, a desire for freedom that can be undertaken not as a state, but at least the minimum and temporarily in other forms of existence, and other ways of relating, other ways of sociability, friendship, sexuality


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Ao interpretar o marxismo como unidade entre teoria e prática, Rosa Luxemburg lança os fundamentos da sua teoria da ação revolucionária, palavras com que poderíamos sintetizar o seu pensamento político, elaborado numa polêmica ininterrupta com o determinismo economicista da II Internacional.


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Este artigo responde afirmativamente à questão, vez por outra retomada, da efetiva contribuição que o estudo do pensamento político dos antigos gregos pode trazer ao debate dos problemas com que se defrontam as modernas sociedades democráticas.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR


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O presente estudo objetiva revisitar a equação igualdade-liberdade, especialmente as concepções de John Rawls, Ronald Dworkin e Hannah Arendt, para indicar qual dos dois valores possui valor normativo mais transcendente. Tendo em mente este desiderato, a referida equação foi analisada a partir das correntes doutrinárias do liberalismo do tempo presente confrontando-as com o pensamento político de Hannah Arendt, o que elevou o grau de complexidade da pesquisa considerando que ambos provêm de tradições filosóficas e políticas distintas. Ao longo do trabalho, procurou-se demonstrar, sobretudo amparado no pensamento político de Hannah Arendt, que a liberdade positiva, fundada no princípio do autogoverno e em combinação com a igualdade complexa, pode ser apontada como o valor mais transcendente dentro da famosa equação.


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O método do pensamento político de Hannah Arendt é deveras heterodoxo e poliformal. Qualquer tentativa de interpretá-lo defronta-se com grandes dificuldades, ainda mais se levarmos em consideração que Arendt deixou poucas informações que pudessem esclarecê-lo. Entretanto, talvez seja possível contornar essas dificuldades hermenêuticas, na medida em que selecionamos as perspectivas do método arendtiano a serem desenvolvidas, afastando e silenciando outras – o que já faz parte do “jogo das aparências”. Trata-se, portanto, de uma espécie de quebra-cabeças que pode ser montado de diferentes maneiras, sem que se esgotem suas possibilidades. Mesmo porque, além de questionar a estrutura sistemática do pensamento filosófico tradicional, Arendt não pretendia dar uma forma definitiva ao seu pensamento, deixando sempre margem de manobra para futuras alterações. Nesse sentido, a proposta desse trabalho é interpretar o método, ou os métodos, do pensamento político de Hannah Arendt a partir de uma abordagem hilemórfica. Para tanto, desenvolveremos quatro capítulos, nos quais serão abordadas diferentes perspectivas do método arendtiano, mas sempre voltadas ao espectro da matéria e da forma que ela projetou em seus procedimentos. O primeiro capítulo tratará da genealogia dos modos do pensar totalitário, como a forma de engajamento e combate de Arendt contra os sistemas totalitários. O segundo capítulo abordará os aspectos propositivos do pensamento arendtiano, fixando-se nos conceitos nucleares que compõem sua teoria política. O terceiro capítulo investigará o papel da Vontade enquanto animadora da ação política, mostrando como Arendt realizou a passagem da filosofia da vontade para a liberdade da ação política. O quarto capítulo tratará das conexões hilemórficas presentes na relação entre as faculdades de pensar e julgar. Por fim, quem sabe os procedimentos metodológicos de Arendt não possam ser vistos como o início de uma filosofia da liberdade?


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)