401 resultados para Polimeros - Reaproveitamento
In the last decades there was a concentrate effort of researchers in the search for options to the problem of the continuity of city development and environmental preservation. The recycling and reuse of materials in industry have been considerate as the best option to sustainable development. One of the relevant aspects in this case refers to the rational use of electrical energy. At this point, the role of engineering is to conceive new processes and materials, with the objective of reducing energy consumption and maintaining, at the same time the benefits of the technology. In this context, the objective of the present research is to analyze quantitatively the thermal behavior of walls constructed with concrete blocks which composition aggregates the expanded polystyrene (EPS) reused in the shape of flakes and in the shape of a board, resulting in a “light concrete”. Experiments were conducted, systematically, with a wall (considerate as a standard) constructed with blocks of ordinary concrete; two walls constructed with blocks of light concrete, distinct by the proportion of EPS/sand; a wall of ceramic bricks (“eight holes” type) and a wall with ordinary blocks of cement, in a way to obtain a comparative analysis of the thermal behavior of the systems. Others tests conducted with the blocks were: stress analysis and thermal properties analysis (ρ, cp e k). Based on the results, it was possible to establish quantitative relationship between the concentration (density) of EPS in the constructive elements and the decreasing of the heat transfer rate, that also changes the others thermal properties of the material, as was proved. It was observed that the walls of light concrete presents better thermal behavior compared with the other two constructive systems world wide used. Based in the results of the investigation, there was shown the viability of the use of EPS as aggregate (raw material) in the composition of the concrete, with the objective of the fabrication of blocks to non-structural masonry that works as a thermal insulation in buildings. A direct consequence of this result is the possibility of reduction of the consume of the electrical energy used to climatization of buildings. Other aspect of the investigation that must be pointed was the reuse of the EPS as a raw material to civil construction, with a clear benefit to reducing of environmental problems
Traditional ceramics have an important role in the economy of Rio Grande do Norte. The local industries manufacture over 50 million shingles a month, corresponding to 60% of their overall production. As a result of processing flaws, roughly 20% of the production must be discarded, since little or no use has been envisaged for such fired components. Therefore, the use of this kind of residue, especially in the composition of other ceramic materials, comes as an interesting option from the economical and environmental point of view. In this scenario, the objective of the present study was to assess the effect of the addition of fired shingle waste in the composition of porcelainized stoneware tiles. To that end, two porcelainized stoneware tiles compositions were initially prepared. Subsequently, contents from 10 to 30% of roofing tiles chamote were added to each one of them. All raw materials and grog were characterized by FRX, XRD, and thermal analysis. The ceramics were fired using natural gas for 30 min at different temperatures, i.e. 1150, 1200 and 1250ºC, and fully characterized. The addition of roofing tiles chamote resulted in composition with superior properties compared to additive-free compositions. Porcelainized stoneware tiles products that fulfill required standards for practical applications were achieved
This work presents research into the addition of chamotte obtained from the ceramic isolator of unusable spark plugs in formulations of material mixes for standard white ceramic material with aluminum oxide bases. After the physical chemical characterization of the primary materials, standard clay and the chamotte, three mixtures were prepared with concentrations of 10, 20 and 30% chamotte by weight in relation to the standard clay. The test samples underwent heating at a rate of 30 0C/min to levels that included 100o , 200o , 300o, 400o, 500o e 600 0C and also we submitted to three distinct burn temperatures: 1450o, 1500o e 1550 0C, remaining at these temperatures for 2 hour periods. After sintering, the physical and microstructural properties of the different test samples were measured and analyzed. The results show that the materials obtained present good technical properties and that the chamotte can be reutilized as an additive in the production of white ceramic material with an aluminum oxide base
Given the growing environmental crisis caused by degradation, mainly due to the use of polluting energy sources, increasing the growing use of renewable energies worldwide, with emphasis on solar energy, an abundant supply and available to everyone, which can be harnessed in several ways: electricity generation; dehydration of food; heating, disinfection and distillation and cooking. The latter has as its primary feature the viability of clean, renewable energy for society, combating ecological damage caused by large-scale use of firewood for cooking foods, use in tropical countries with high solar radiation, and has funding NGOs throughout the world with the goal of achieving low-income population. The proposed project consists of a solar cooker for concentration, working from the reflection of sunlight by a hub that they converge to a focal point at the bottom of the pot, getting lots of heat. The solar cooker under study consists of two elliptical reflecting parabolas made from the recycling of scrap TV antenna, having 0.29 m² of surface area for each antenna, which were covered by multiple mirrors of 2 mm thick and mounted on a metal structure, with correction for the mobility of the apparent movement of the sun. This structure was built with the recycling of scrap metal, possessing a relatively low cost compared with other solar cookers, around US$ 50.00. This cost becomes negligible, since that will involve a great benefit to not have fuel costs for each meal, unlike the use of gas or firewood for cooking food. The tests show that the cooker has reached the maximum temperature of 740 ° C, for boiling water in an average time of 28 minutes, cooking various types of foods such as potatoes, rice and pasta in an average time of 45 minutes and still going as a solar oven, making pizza baking and meat. These cooking times do not differ much from the cooking times on a gas stove, it becomes the solar cooker as a good consumer acceptance, and furthermore not to deliver the same gases that can poison the food as with the wood stove. Proves the viability of using the stove to cook or bake in two daily meals for a family, still presenting a position to improve his performance with the addition of new materials, equipment and techniques
With the current growth in consumption of industrialized products and the resulting increase in garbage production, their adequate disposal has become one of the greatest challenges of modern society. The use of industrial solid residues as fillers in composite materials is an idea that emerges aiming at investigating alternatives for reusing these residues, and, at the same time, developing materials with superior properties. In this work, the influence of the addition of sand, diatomite, and industrial residues of polyester and EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate), on the mechanical properties of polymer matrix composites, was studied. The main objective was to evaluate the mechanical properties of the materials with the addition of recycled residue fillers, and compare to those of the pure polyester resin. Composite specimens were fabricated and tested for the evaluation of the flexural properties and Charpy impact resistance. After the mechanical tests, the fracture surface of the specimens was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results indicate that some of the composites with fillers presented greater Young s modulus than the pure resin; in particular composites made with sand and diatomite, where the increase in modulus was about 168 %. The composites with polyester and EVA presented Young s modulus lower than the resin. Both strength and maximum strain were reduced when fillers were added. The impact resistance was reduced in all composites with fillers when compared to the pure resin, with the exception of the composites with EVA, where an increase of about 6 % was observed. Based on the mechanical tests, microscopy analyses and the compatibility of fillers with the polyester resin, the use of industrial solid residues in composites may be viable, considering that for each type of filler there will be a specific application
The waste in the industries of escargot processing is very big. This is composed basically of escargot meat out of the commercialization patterns and the visceras. In this context, there is a need to take advantage to the use of these sub-products. A possibility should be drying them and transforming them in a certain form to be reused. Than, the present work has the objective of studying the reutilization of the sub-products of the escargot industrialization for by means of drying process. The samples were transformed in pastes, through a domestic processor for approximately 1 minute and compacted in trays of aluminum without perforations with three different heights (5 mm, 10 mm and 15 mm). The drying was accomplished in a tray dryer with air circulation and transverse flow at a speed of 0,2 m/s and three temperature levels (70°C, 80°C and 90ºC). A drying kinetics study was accomplished for the obtained curves and for the heat and mass transfer coefficients using experimental procedures based in an experimental planning of 22 factorial type. Microbiological and physiochemical analysis were also accomplished for the in nature and the dehydrated sub-products. In the drying process, it was observed the great importance of the external resistances to the mass transfer and heat in the period of constant tax influenced by the temperature. The evaporation taxes indicated a mixed control of the mass transfer for the case of the thickest layers. As already expected, the drying constant behavior was influenced by the temperature and thickness of the medium, increasing and decreasing. The statistical analysis of the results, in agreement with the factorial planning 22, showed that the fissures, the shrinking of the transfer area and the formation of a crust on the surface might have contributed to the differences between the practical results and the linear model proposed. The temperature and the thickness influenced significantly in the answers of the studied variables: evaporation tax and drying constant. They were obtained significant statistical models and predictive ones for evaporation tax for the meat as well as for the visceras
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A padronização de um fitoterápico é etapa imprescindível para garantia da qualidade de medicamentos contendo plantas medicinais. Objetivou-se padronizar Syzygiam cumini (L.) Skeels e para tanto se estabeleceram parametros tais como, avaliação morfoanatômica das folhas, morfológica das flores e dos frutos, avaliação granulométrica da droga rasurada (frutos), determinação da umidade, avaliação dos processos de secagem, determinação do teor de extrativos e do teor de taninos (monômeros e polimeros). O estudo anatômico das folhas revelou a inexistência de pêlos no sistema dérmico, assim como a ocorrência de glândulas secretoras, drusas, colênquima e esclerênquima. As flores são hermafroditas, com androceu polistêmone e gineceu com ovário ínfero, gamocarpelar, bilocular com placentação axial. Observou-se elevado teor extrativo (38,57%). O diâmetro médio de partícula dos frutos secos moídos ficou em 0,630 mm. O processo de secagem dos frutos influenciou o teor de taninos totais. O teor de taninos determinado ficou em 5,10% para monômeros e 11,30% para os polimeros.
Films of chitosan with trivalent lanthanides ions Eu3+ and Tb3+ were respectively prepared in the ratio of 3:1 m/m (chitosan: lanthanide) and 6:1 m/m (chitosan: lanthanide). There were no formations of films in a ratio of 1:1 m/m (chitosan: lanthanides). The films of chitosan with the Tb3+ ion have the same transparent appearance than the pure chitosan films. The film of chitosan with Eu3+ ion has a muddy appearance. These films present good resistance to tear. The appearance of the compounds prepared in ratio 1:1m/m is a white powder. The films and compounds of chitosan were characterized by Elementary Analysis (CHN), Thermal Analysis (TG/DTG) and Spectroscopy of Luminescence. The CHN analysis was made only for compounds prepared in ratio 1:1m/m, suggesting that these compounds possess the formula QUILn.6H2O, where QUI = Chitosan and Ln = Lanthanide. The results of the curves TG/DTG indicated that there are strong interactions between Eu3+ or Tb3+ and chitosan, causing a lesser lost of mass in the films. The luminescence analysis showed that the films of chitosan with the ions Eu3+ and Tb3+ present emissions in the region of the visible one, with bands of the chitosan and of the Eu3+ ion. The luminescence analysis of the compounds of chitosan with the Eu3+ and Tb3+ ions suggest that the chitosan does not transfer into energy to the ions lanthanides, however the chemical neighborhood around of the ion lanthanides breaks the selection rules and, conseqüently the 4f-4f transitions of the lanthanide ions are observed
Latexes based on acrylic acid, acrylamide, ethyl methacrylate, and ethyl acrylate were synthesized via emulsion polymerization with different monomer compositions. The resultant latices were thickened with different molar ratios of NaOH to acrylic acid and were analyzed in terms of acid‐basis titrimetry, turbidimetry, rheology, and tensiometry. Titrimetry, turbidimetry, and rheometry were used to analyze factors such as carboxyl group availability and particle solubilization, tensiometry monitoring the influence of carboxyl neutralization on polymer‐surfactant interactions. For the acrylic acid content used in this work (20 wt%), the results indicated that as carboxyl groups distribution became more homogeneous, the process of latex thickening became more effective
Two methodologies were proposed to obtain micro and macroporous chitosan membranes, using two different porogenic agents. The methodologies proved to be effective in control the porosity as well as the pore size. Thus, microporous membranes were obtained through the physical blend of chitosan and polyethylene oxide (PEO) on an 80:20 (m/m) ratio, respectively, followed by the partial PEO solubilization in water at 80 ◦C. Macroporous chitosan membranes with asymmetric morphology were obtained using SiO2 as the porogenic agent. In this case, chiotsan-silica ratios used were 1:1, 1:3 and 1:5 (m/m). Membranes characterization were carried out by SEM (scanning electronic microscopy), X-ray diffraction, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Thermal analysis (TG, DTG , DSC and DMTA). Permeability studies were performed using two model drugs: sodium sulfamerazine and sulfametoxipyridazine. By transmission FTIR it was possible to confirm the complete removal of SiO2. The SEM images confirmed the porous formation for both micro and macroporous membranes and also determined their respective sizes. By thermal analysis it was possible to show differences related with water sorption capacity as well as thermal stability for both membranes. DTG and DSC allowed evidencing the PEO presence on microporous membranes. The absorbance x time curves obtained on permeability tests for micro and macroporous membranes showed a linear behavior for both drugs in all range of concentration used. It was also observed, through P versus C curves, an increase in permeability of macroporous membranes according to the increase in porosity and also a decrease on P with increase in drug concentration. The influences of the drug molecular structure, as well as test temperatures were also evaluated
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo o reaproveitamento de resíduos sólidos na preparação de painéis para uso na arquitetura. Para atingir as metas propostas, painéis foram preparados a partir de resíduos provenientes de embalagens cartonadas e plásticas, utilizando-se como elemento de reforço, resíduos lignocelulósicos (casca de amendoim e de arroz). A concentração e a natureza dos resíduos utilizados como matriz e como carga foram variadas gerando doze condições experimentais diferentes. As propriedades avaliadas dos painéis foram o módulo de ruptura, módulo de elasticidade, tração perpendicular à superfície, inchamento em espessura, absorção de água e densidade. Todos os ensaios foram realizados segundo as normas ASTM D1037 e EN 317, referente à chapa de partículas. Os resultados foram analisados segundo a norma ANSI A208.1 que especifica as propriedades de desempenho requeridas para as chapas de partículas. Os painéis foram classificados como de baixa densidade, podendo ser utilizados como forros, divisórias, revestimento decorativos e demais aplicações que requerem as mesmas propriedades físicas e mecânicas. Os painéis a base de embalagem plástica reforçados com casca de arroz apresentaram propriedades superiores do que os demais painéis produzidos. O elemento arquitetônico desenvolvido neste estudo representa um novo mercado potencial, podendo ser empregado no ambiente urbano e rural, atendendo ao conceito de produto ecoeficiente.
Optically transparent membranes from bacterial cellulose (BC)/polycaprolactone (PCL) have been prepared by impregnation of PCL acetone solution into dried BC membranes. UV-Vis measurements showed an increase on transparency in BC/PCL membrane when compared with pristine BC. The good transparency of the BC/PCL can be related to the presence of BC nanofibers associated with deposit of PCL nano-sized spherulites which are smaller than the wavelength of visible light and practically free of light scattering. XRD results show that cellulose type I structure is preserved inside the BC/PCL membrane, while the mechanical properties suggested indicated that PCL acts as a plasticizer for the BC membrane. The novel BC/PCL membrane could be used for preparation of fully biocompatible flexible display and biodegradable food packaging.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)