963 resultados para Polarity Lexicon
autore Johanne Avenario Egrano ; [ad lectorem Paulus Eberus]
... ed. a Joanne Buxtorfio filio. Denuo ed. et annot. auxit Bernardus Fischerus
sprachl. u. sachl. bearb. von J. Steinberg
ed. a Johann Buxtorfio
Autore reuerendo patre Sancte Pagnino Lucensi ... antistite
authore Sancte Pagnino Lucensi. - Nunc demum cum doctißimis quibusque Hebraeorum scriptis quam accuratißime collatum, & ex ijsdem auctum ac recognitum, Opera Ioannis Merceri, ...
R. P. Francisci Haselbauer ...
auctore Petro Guarin
The absolute sign of local polarity in relation to the biological growth direction has been investigated for teeth cementum using phase sensitive second harmonic generation microscopy (PS-SHGM) and a crystal of 2-cyclooctylamino-5-nitropyridine (COANP) as a nonlinear optic (NLO) reference material. A second harmonic generation (SHG) response was found in two directions of cementum: radial (acellular extrinsic fibers that are oriented more or less perpendicular to the root surface) and circumferential (cellular intrinsic fibers that are oriented more or less parallel to the surface). A mono-polar state was demonstrated for acellular extrinsic cementum. However, along the different parts of cementum in circumferential direction, two corresponding domains were observed featuring an opposite sign of polarity indicative for a bi-polar microscopic state of cellular intrinsic cementum. The phase information showed that the orientation of radial collagen fibrils of cementum is regularly organized with the donor (D) groups pointing to the surface. Circumferential collagen molecules feature orientational disorder and are oriented up and down in random manner showing acceptor or donor groups at the surface of cementum. Considering that the cementum continues to grow in thickness throughout life, we can conclude that the cementum is growing circumferentially in two opposite directions and radially in one direction. A Markov chain type model for polarity formation in the direction of growth predicts D-groups preferably appearing at the fiber front.
Joseph Perles
Joseph Perles
R. W.
Operâ atque studiô Johannis Henrici Maji ...
edidit Ernestus Fridericus Leopold