944 resultados para Plug filling
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a regeneração óssea de alvéolos dentais de gatos após enxertia. MÉTODOS: Dezoito gatos adultos, distribuídos em três grupos de 6 animais cada, foram submetidos a extração do canino mandibular direito ou esquerdo. No grupo 1, controle, o alvéolo foi deixado vazio. No grupo 2, o alvéolo foi preenchido com osso esponjoso autógeno do osso ilíaco e no grupo 3, com raspa de osso cortical do osso ilíaco. Os animais foram submetidos à eutanásia 6 semanas após a cirurgia. RESULTADOS: Nas radiografias realizadas no pós-operatório imediato na projeção ventrodorsal observou-se uma área de radiolucência correspondente ao local da alveolectomia e extração dentária. Diminuição da radiolucência foi verificada nas radiografias realizadas seis semanas após a cirurgia. Nos cortes histológicos verificou-se a presença de trabéculas ósseas. A porcentagem de tecido ósseo esponjoso presente nos alvéolos dentais foi quantificada por exames histométricos. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos (Teste de Kruskal-Wallis p > 0.05) (grupo 1: 52,54 ± 15,4; grupo 2: 50,51 ± 5,01; grupo 3: 51,85 ± 9,52). CONCLUSÃO: Os alvéolos dentais de gatos preenchidos com osso esponjoso autógeno ou raspa de osso cortical autógeno apresentaram regeneração óssea similar àquela observada no grupo controle, após um período de observação de seis semanas.
Um dos resíduos gerados no processamento da mandioca (Manihot esculenta) é a manipueira, passível de tratamento por biodigestão anaeróbia. Este trabalho objetivou estudar o processo de partida de um biodigestor tipo plug-flow, tratando manipueira de duas maneiras: diminuindo-se gradativamente o tempo de retenção hidráulica (TRH) até se chegar ao tempo pré-estabelecido, quatro dias; ou mantendo-se o TRH fixo em quatro dias e aumentando-se gradativamente a concentração do afluente. O biodigestor, com capacidade 1980 mL, foi mantido a temperatura de 32ºC ± 1. Empregou-se como substrato manipueira e ajustou-se o pH entre 5,5 e 6,0. A primeira etapa foi caracterizada empregando-se TRH de 16,6; 13,6; 11,6 e 9,6 dias e 3,1; 2,0; 2,3 e 2,9 g DQO L-1 d-1 de carga orgânica, respectivamente. Na segunda etapa manteve-se TRH fixo, 4 dias, porém cargas orgânicas de 0,48, 0,86, 1,65 e 2,46 g DQO L-1 d-1. Determinaram-se no afluente e efluente, sólidos totais (ST) e sólidos voláteis (SV), demanda química de oxigênio (DQO), alcalinidade e acidez volátil. Na primeira etapa, melhores resultados foram observados trabalhando com TRH 9,6 dias e carga orgânica 2,9 g DQO L-1 d-1, quando houve redução de DQO, ST e SV de 60%, 44% e 60%, respectivamente. Na segunda etapa o TRH de 4 dias apresentou melhores resultados empregando-se carga orgânica de 0,86 g DQO L-1 d-1, houve redução de 71%, 58% e 79% de DQO, ST e SV, respectivamente. A partida do biodigestor plug-flow tratando manipueira, pode ser realizada tanto diminuindo-se o TRH, quanto mantendo-o fixo e aumentado-se a concentração do afluente.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate in vivo the response of the periradicular tissues after endodontic treatment and root filling with Epiphany/Resilon (Penntron Clinical Technologies, LLC, Wallingford, CT) or gutta percha and new Sealapex (SybronEndo, Glendora, CA) in dogs' teeth with or without coronal restoration. Teeth without coronal restorations were used to assess the influence of continuous exposure to the oral environment on the periradicular tissues. Sixty root canals with vital pulps in three dogs were instrumented and obturated in a single session and randomly assigned to one of four groups as follows. group 1: root canal filling with Epiphany/Resilon with coronal restoration, group 2: root canal filling with Sealapex sealer and gutta percha with restoration, group 3: root canal filling with Epiphany/Resilon without restoration, and group 4: root canal filling with Sealapex sealer and gutta percha without coronal restoration. After 90 days, the animals were euthanized, and the maxillas and mandibles were removed and submitted for histologic processing. Longitudinal sections were obtained and stained with hematoxylin and eosin, Mallory's trichrome, and Brown and Brenn stains and examined under light microscopy. There were significant differences found between the four groups (p < 0.05). The results showed that roots canals filled with Epiphany/Resilon, with coronal restoration, had significantly less periradicular inflammation than roots canals filled with gutta percha and Sealapex, with coronal restoration (p = 0.021). No significant difference was observed in the intensity of inflammation between roots canals filled with Epiphany/ Resilon with no restoration and roots filled with gutta percha and Sealapex with restoration (p = 0.269). Roots canals filled with gutta percha and Sealapex sealer without coronal restoration showed the greatest degree of periradicular inflammation.
Objective: To evaluate the linear polymerization shrinkage (LPS) and the effect of polymerization shrinkage of a resin composite and resin-dentin bond strength under different boundary conditions and filling techniques.Methods: Two cavities (4 x 4 x 2 MM) were prepared in bovine incisors (n = 30). The teeth were divided into three groups, according to boundary conditions: In group TE, the total-etch technique was used. In group EE, only enamel was conditioned, and in group NE, none of the watts of the cavities were conditioned. A two-step adhesive system was applied to all cavities. The resin composite was inserted in one (B) or three increments (1), and tight-cured with 600 mW/cm(2) (80 s). The LPS (%) was measured in the top-bottom direction, by placing a probe in contact with resin composite during curing. Enamel and total mean gap widths were measured (400 x) in three slices obtained after sectioning the restorations. Then, the slices were sectioned again, either to obtain sticks from the adhesive interface from the bottom of the cavity or to obtain resin composite sticks (0.8 mm(2)) to be tested for tensile strength (Kratos machine, 0.5 mm/min). The data was subjected to a two-way repeated measures ANOVA and Tukey's test for comparison of the means (alpha = 0.05).Results: the highest percentage of LPS was found for the TE when bulk fitted, and the lowest percentage of LPS was found in the Hand NE when incrementally fitted. The resin dentin bond strength was higher and the total mean gap width was tower for TE group; no significant effect was detected for the main factor fitting techniques. No difference was detected for the tensile strength of resin composite among the experimental groups.Conclusions: the filling technique is not able to minimize effects of the polymerization shrinkage, and bonding to the cavity watts is necessary to assure reduced mean gap width and high bond strength values. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective. The objective of this study was to evaluate periapical repair following retrograde filling using different root-end filling materials.Study design. After induction of periapical lesions, 48 root canals from do teeth were partially filled. Endodontic surgery was performed and 3 different materials were used for root-end filling: Sealer 26, Sealapex plus zinc oxide, or mineral trioxide aggregate (NITA). No additional procedures were performed in the control group after partial filling of the root canal. After 180 days, the animals were killed, the rnaxillas and mandibles were removed, and specimens were submitted for histologic processing.Results. Histopathologic analysis revealed similar periapical repair for the groups in which Sealer 26, Sealapex plus zinc oxide, and MTA were used (P >.05). The control group showed unsatisfactory periapical repair W <.05).Conclusion. There was no difference in periapical tissue healing alter retrograde filling with the tested materials, which indicates that these 3 root-end filling materials are equally useful.
Aim To assess the histological response associated with grey mineral trioxide aggregate (GMTA) and zinc oxide eugenol (ZOE) as root-end filling materials in teeth where the root canals were not filled and the coronal access cavities were not restored.Methodology Periapical lesions were developed in 24 premolar teeth in three dogs. The root canals were prepared and half of them were dried, filled and the coronal access restored (closed). The remaining teeth were not root filled and no coronal restoration was placed (open). Apical root-end resections were performed 3 mm from the apex, and root-end cavities were prepared with ultrasonic tips. These were randomly filled with either ZOE or GMTA in the same number of specimens using MAPSYSTEM device. After 180 days the animals were killed and blocks of tissues removed and processed for histological examination. Periradicular tissue reaction was evaluated, including severity of inflammation and cementum formation. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA analysis and Tukey's test.Results A significant difference was found between the levels of inflammation in the periradicular tissues of the GMTA/closed group, compared with the ZOE/open and ZOE/closed groups (P < 0.05) but not between GMTA/closed and GMTA/open groups. Cementum formation was not found over any ZOE specimens but over MTA in all specimens. No microorganisms were found in the interface between the material and the dentinal walls.Conclusions GMTA was associated with less periapical inflammation and tissue response when used as a root-end filling material, even when no root filling or coronal restoration was present.
Some divergencies in the literature about periodontal healing after surgical injury stimulated the development of this experiment. The root canals of dogs' teeth were negotiated and filled by the lateral condensation technique with two kinds of sealers: Sealapex and zinc oxide-eugenol cement. In the second session, the bone tissue was exposed and one cavity was made at the apical third of the root and another at the border between the coronal and middle thirds, both penetrating into the root canal. Six months later the animals were sacrificed and the specimens prepared for histopathologic analysis. The results showed that the kind of filling material and the level of the periodontal wound exposing the root canal can influence the healing process (P<0.01).
This study analyzed mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) as a root canal filling material for the immediate reimplantation of monkey teeth. Four adult capuchin monkeys Cebus apella were used, which had their maxillary and mandibular lateral incisors on both sides extracted and reimplanted after 15 min. During the extra-alveolar period, the teeth were kept in saline solution and after reimplantation retention was performed with a stainless steel wire and composite resin for 14 days. After 7 days, the reimplanted teeth were submitted to endodontic treatment with biomechanics up to file n. 30 and irrigation with a saturated solution of calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)(2)], and then divided into two study groups: group I - root canal filled with a Ca(OH)(2) paste, and group II - root canal filled with MTA. Radiographic follow up was performed at 30, 60 and 90 days postoperatively, and after 180 days the animals were killed and specimens were processed for histomorphological analysis. The results revealed that most specimens of both groups presented organized periodontal ligament with no inflammation. The resorptions observed were surface resorptions and were repaired by cementum. Both MTA and Ca(OH)(2) were good root canal filling materials for immediately reimplanted teeth, providing good repair and also allowing biological sealing of some lateral canals. There was no significant difference between the study groups (alpha = 29.60%).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)